



6 Years

11-10-2014, 12:25 AM
can i sail through the changing ocean tides?

Her first experience away from home had ended fairly well, with Uncle Castiel keeping an eye on her the whole time, it seemed. Her giant uncle always seemed to be around, keeping Faite safe if her mother or father were not immediately around. It was like having a guardian angel - and she didn't understand how anything could threaten her with such a family looking after her. The very world must have cowered before her Uncle Castiel when he got angry, though Faite couldn't very well imagine him being angry. He had always been gentle with herself and her siblings, and the young girl's family had slowly been expanding lately. From strange uncles and aunts to wolves who did not seem to have a precise connection to Faite but seemed part of her family anyways - there always seemed to be more wolves than she could properly comprehend looking out for her.

And perhaps, then, it was understandable that the gal had found her paws itching more and more as she grew more curious about the world around her. She hadn't wandered too far from home, just stretched her paws a little at first, sneaking away when her mother wasn't watching. But that was how she'd ended up with Uncle Castiel meeting her new friend. He hadn't seemed too perturbed, though he had told her that she shouldn't sneak off like that again. And at first, Faite had resolved not to; she didn't want to make her family worry, after all. But there was so much to see and do that Faite simply couldn't stay put for too long.

Curiosity drew the girl outwards again, stretching her legs and pulling her along as she slipped silently from her den and set off on a proper adventure. She bounced as she walked along, tail wagging as she set off on what would surely be the path to the most fun that she had ever had in her life. There was an unfettered sense of joy and naivety to the girl's thoughts as she moved along. Her sheltered family life had left her secure in trusting the world, but perhaps this was not the best outlook that such a small, gentle girl could have.

She did not come to a stop until she was pleasantly tired and enamored by the world. There seemed to be a pack fairly close by, but Faite had no interest in that. She was content to simply bask in the silence and enjoy the world around her. There was no need to sully the lovely day with too many wolves, and Faite figured she'd be heading back before long. No need to worry her family about her absence.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


11-11-2014, 10:42 PM

Alvin managed to sneak from the borders and out into the world. But he knew not to go too far or be gone too long, because Bass was sure to notice the lack of his scent. The man acted like he owned the kid, and though Alvin didn't know why, it didn't matter to him. He just wanted the brute off his tail.

Alvin wasn't a shy fellow, he was great at talking and really good at lashing out things he shouldn't say. Sometimes he didn't mean it, it was just his nature. But sometimes it was completely intentional. He loved to see others squirm under his doing. Well under anyone's doing, but it was more fun when he did it.

He pranced around, head held high in the air like he owned the place, but when he came close to the other that had taken a seat here, he would slide to a stop and look for a moment. But not too long after waiting, he came up behind her, not too close, and would make himself known.

"What're you doing here?"

He was mentioning her age, though he was about the same. It almost sounded like he was speaking to an old enemy. Well, there was always room for another.
