
All This and Heaven Too



2 Years
11-11-2014, 10:35 PM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2014, 10:36 PM by Mirajane.)

YEAR 4 | AUTUMN | LATE MORNING | 32?F - Partially Cloudy

Mirajane lay prone, underbelly displayed to the sky and two-toned eyes glazed over. Distraction had taken her over yet again. She watched lazy blips of light float across the sky, beneath the barren branches. Most were green, intermixed with blue and purple. One, which had caught her interest in particualr, was a swirl of red and yellow and white. Was it a dead creature? "What are you? Or, what were you, rather?" ...No answer. That was not unusual of course and she only sighed. A small smile adorned her dark lips, pleasant and peaceful. Much like watching fish in a pond, their swirling flight paths relaxed the dainty creature.

She was chilled to the bone, but she had secured a shelter not far away where she could warm herself, get out of the breeze if it really came down to it. But being out in the open with the lights, the spirits, filled her with a buoyant joy that she was utterly addicted to. She was never alone. She was never without companion, even if they were unlike her and rarely uttered any sort of sounds. Chirps were comparatively commonplace along with buzzes and hums. Words had only trickled into her consciousness a select few times yet she yearned to hear their sweet voices again. "Say something..." she pleaded.

"Talk" "You" Think


11-11-2014, 10:52 PM

Legend was glad to be back home, but he still had that itch to go out and wander. He had done that for so long, it was almost a daily thing to go out on a walk. He normally made his way to the orchid and back, sometimes farther and sometimes not as. But it always made him feel at peace either way.

He started his way through the center of the orchid, realizing the chill of the air and deciding he would head home once he hit the other side. But his view was blocked by another. He became fascinated be her markings as he slowed his step and came closer. He heard her speak the last words, barely audible as he didn't want to startle her by coming to close.


He spoke a little loudly in response to her plea. He noticed her eyes to the tree and only gave it a glance before coming back to her not seeing what she was. A friendly grin set his face, there shouldn't have been much to set her off, at least he hoped.




2 Years
11-11-2014, 11:06 PM

The voice that came was so clear, so resonating and presence, the girl's eyes would widen in shock for a moment only before she rolled over and up into a sphinx-like position. She found a wolf, corporeal and very much standing before her, looking both amused and pleasant. "Clever," she said in a mirthful tone. She sat up, knowing it was a bit more formal, not thinking about the grit and leaf litter caught in her otherwise pristine fur. "I'm Mirajane, nice to meet you... Wiseguy?" It was a joke, and she hoped he'd take it in good humor. He seemed pleasant enough but some wolves were touchy about names and titles and whatnot. She could have called him Smartass instead (almost did, in fact) but she was not without restraint.

Her gaze was pulled away from his own, to the multi-colored orb that now hovered feet up and behind the male's left shoulder. The orb, brightest in the center and bearing a fuzzy corona, was dancing in tiny figure eights. It hummed lightly, gently, in a sweet ethereal voice. It was nothing wolfish, nothing she'd ever heard in her life except from the lights. Her ears tickled, and she twitched them. Realizing at once that she was in fact standing there like a doofus she gasped and shook her head. "Sorry! Sorry. I, er... Space out sometimes. Bad habit, ya know?" A nervous laugh escaped her, and she attempted to calm herself by drawing in a deep breath. A change of topic was clearly in order. "So what brings you here?" Was it a pack area? Spirits, she hoped not. Technically speaking, she was not well known for observing border lines. They tended to escape her notice on most occasions...

"Talk" "You" Think


11-12-2014, 12:01 PM

A small rumble would vibrate in his chest, eyes pointing down as he almost giggles to her reaction. But he would look back up to the woman as she stated her name, Mirajane. He thought it as an odd name, but a beautiful one at that. He wouldn't leave her without a name, it would be so unsavory of him.


A nod of his head, but as he examined her he noticed she was eyeing something else, something behind him. He would only pull his eyes in the direction, but did not turn his head to see what it was. She would soon come back, realizing her absence and apologizing. "A bad habit," was her excuse. But it wasn't so much a bad habit to Legend; he enjoyed daydreaming and relaxing even if it were when he was speaking to someone. It was really no big deal to him.


He insisted with a grin. She asked why he was here. He didn't get the hint that she was wondering if this were packlands but his response should have put her at ease anyway.

"I'm just out on a stroll. I come here almost every day."

He wondered why the girl was here, it didn't seem like she had claimed a den here and she certainly didn't hold a pack scent on herself. So he would ask in return.

"And why are you? I haven't seen you here before."




2 Years
11-12-2014, 07:57 PM

Well mannered indeed, Mirajane thought with an easy smile. A near by orange spirit drifted in spirals, up and down and over again. She would almost miss it when he introduced himself as Legend, but it somehow made it past her ears and into her mind. "Legend, eh? Nice to meet you!" The fact that Legend claimed to frequent this land did not entirely put her at ease as far as trespassing went, but he didn't seem hostile so she pushed the notion from her mind. Good thing too, because he was quite a bit larger than her, and a bit older too if she had to guess. Another orb drew her attention away from his features (oh gods, had she been staring?) and back to the landscape around them.

It was pretty enough now, and Mira could only wonder what it might look like in spring, with the branches burdened under heaps of blossoms. The lovely smells, all the creatures. She let loose a wistful sigh. "I wish we could just skip over winter entirely. I already miss the warmth." It was frosting pretty frequently now, almost every single night in fact. Mirajane had spent last winter with her family, her siblings and cousins. Her first year alone wasn't going quite as well as she'd hoped, but such was life, right? That just meant she had room for improvement.

"Talk" "You" Think


11-13-2014, 10:20 PM

Legend would take a seat where he stood, tilting his head to her beings so distracted. He may have even squinted his eyes but he turned his chin right, just after she stopped her statement. Personally, Legend didn't think winter was too bad. Though, he did hate those night when the ground was frozen and the blizzards had caught him empty handed. But maybe that made him used to cold.

His thoughts wandered to her previous gazing, seeing that it was recurring though he didn't smell prey or another around them. But first he would answer her in return, though there wasn't question.

"Yes, I would have to agree."

He did enjoy spring, probably more than any other seasons. Though maybe it was because he was born then. Nah, it was perfect weather in every way. His head tilted though at the end of his last words, and before the girl could speak again he would ask her with a flick of his eyes.

"May I ask what you are looking at?"




2 Years
11-14-2014, 12:58 AM

Mirajane sighed wistfully, a hint of humor coloring the tone of the release. It wasn't like she could actually do anything about it anyways, and that was of course obvious. She rolled her eyes. At least Legend agreed with her though, that was something! Alas, the conversation would take a turn for the uncomfortable. She cursed herself for being so obvious in her complete and utter inability to focus on one thing for any length of time. So the earthen male had noticed her staring... Great. She felt her fur flush, and wheedled out a, "Well..." followed by a small cough. "It's kind of crazy." And a nervous laugh too. She waved a noncommittal paw and debated brushing the comment off or just up and telling the male. But really, what's the worst that could happen, he would run off?

It had happened before, and it was nothing she couldn't deal with one more time. "I just... see things, sometimes. Things that apparently other people can't see, or at least I haven't met anyone. Of course I don't typically talk about it so maybe others just don't talk about it so I guess I can't really say. Though honestly I can't remember ever not seeing them so- " She cut off her rambling with an audible click of clenching jaws, maw snapping shut around her word vomit. The flush under her fur burned even hotter, and her shoulders slumped. The awkward ache in her chest was oppressive and her ears drooped, nearly flattening, a silent apology for being completely inept. "Er, yeah," she finished off, putting the final nail in her awkward little coffin, not realizing she had done almost nothing to actually answer the question he'd posed.

"Talk" "You" Think


11-17-2014, 11:59 PM

The man would lean a little in to listen to what she had to say. Pulling back a little when she laughed and tilting his head. This was pretty odd, seeing things that other's can't see. But she would also say how she wasn't sure if others couldn't see them, since she and everyone else hadn't spoken up about them.

But Legend would turn his interested glare into a warming grin to try and ease her. "Well, that's not too crazy." Though he really did think it was crazy, not really her. She seemed pretty okay after all, not psycho.

"What is it you see? Maybe I can help."

Maybe it was something obvious, like the clouds or dandelion seeds. Surely he wasn't expecting what she really was seeing, but he wouldn't shy from her if he knew. There was nothing that threatened him about the girl.




2 Years
11-19-2014, 08:53 AM

She let out a long breath. Insistent, wasn't he? Scuffing a toe across the terra she let her shoulders sag a bit. If he was really that interested... I mean, what was the harm? She'd been up front with him after all so if he got wigged out it was his own fault. "Don't say I didn't warn you," she mumbled, allowing her gaze to rest on a green orb which was drifting in little loops, occupying the space between them. "They're... little balls of light. Different colors, and sometimes they hum or buzz or... I don't know." She broke her staring match with the strange creature and looked out beyond the neat little rows of trees. Talking about it was strange, and in a rather uncomfortable way.

In a way she felt like she was betraying the spirits confidentiality, letting strangers into a world that was theirs alone. She let out a deep breath. Even so, the thought that someone might sympathize, might also see the creatures, who might be able to explain to her just what the hell was going on in her mind... It was tantalizing. "You probably don't believe me, it's okay. My family didn't either." No, they'd just chalked her up as broken and thrown her out like so much refuse, like the broken bones when they were done feasting. The thought of it brought a mist to her eyes, which welled up and threatened to spill over. Okay no, you are not going to cry in front of a total stranger! She sucked in a cheek and gnashed it between her molars, seeking a distraction.

"Talk" "You" Think


12-24-2014, 06:37 AM

His head would lean to the side, eyes not really wide but definitely interested. Maybe not so much in a good way. Though he didn't see the girl to be crazy; everyone had their problems or differences. Legend knew it could be beyond everyday problems.

When Mira declared that he probably didn't believe her, his head would raise with a curled brow and a welcoming grin. Especially the talk of her family catching his ear but he would be sure to make her as comfortable as possible. 

"No, I do believe you." He continued, "But I can't say I've seen these "balls of light" myself."

He would look around, trying to remember where she was looking before, but it didn't matter to much to find them.

"It must be what makes you special. Makes you, you."

Legend must be crammed up with all sorts of cliche things, but maybe that was just what made him.

Walk "Talk" Think