
I Am Afraid And I Need To Tell You


11-13-2014, 11:42 AM
Change. This newest change had her so worried. Arietta had fallen out of the way of the pack for the short time, developing a cough that kept her isolated. Perhaps that was for the best, giving her just a bit of time to gather her courage to speak with the new ruler of their pack. Regium it was now called. Would she be welcome to stay? How she feared being cast out... forced to separate from her daughter when she found they were both finally making some sort of progress in this world. Damn the world... damn circumstance. She would take several breaths as she neared the Queen's den.

It was early in the morning, though hopefully she wouldn't wake Roman from her slumber. She doubted that would earn her any points. Quietly she would come to a stop, simply looking at the den with her faded blue eyes. Her breath caught in her throat, and Arietta would feel her body shiver. She hadn't ever been so good at speaking with those in power... and she hardly had any real blood ties to this place as the majority of them did. She would swallow hard, finally calling out in a soft voice. "Lady Roman? Might I have a bit of your time, please?"


11-19-2014, 06:37 PM

It was very early, but she was awake. She'd groaned, as she rejoined the conscious world and let out a grumble. It was too damned cold. She didn't want to leave her den just yet, rather she chose to remain nestled in its warmth. She lay, curled over her paws- her fluffy tail wrapped tightly around her body. Greek laid in his own scoop of leaves further away from her and towards the back of the dug out set, snoring softly. She let out a happy sigh- all seemed to be well. Lightly she dozed, her head dipping softly. It was a pleasant state to relax in.

A quiet and soft voice roused her from her doze. She lifted her head, before slowly rising. Stretching, she squeezed from her den- feeling her back pop and her muscles twinge. As she emerged, she gave a soft smile to Arietta, the quiet she-wolf who had called for her. She bowed slightly, stretching out her back, before straightening and greeting her. "Of course, Arietta. What can I do for you?" She inquired warmly, giving the other lady a soft smile. She didn't know much about Arietta, except that she was Vesta's mother, at least she presumed as much based on her closeness with the young wolf. If that presumption was correct, she'd bred with Sin. Didn't that make her some sort of family?

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak


12-30-2014, 12:02 PM
The female would dip her head as Roman emerged. Cold and early... Not exactly the best conditions but still her leader would come out and ask what might be troubling her. The female would lift her gaze back to the other woman. “I wanted to speak with you about what you had said at the meeting... That Regium would become more a militant pack. I will... Be honest with you, Roman. I can’t fight. For the most part I taught myself to hunt as well. I don’t know if you have the patience to teach a wolf of my age proper fighting skills that should have been with them since birth but...” The female would let out a soft sigh.

“I don’t want to leave Regium if it can be avoided. My daughter is happy here... She has found her place... And I want to find my own as well.” The woman would give a small flick the tip of her tail. Maybe she hadn’t done so well when she was first brought to the pack by Isardis’ will... But she wanted to change all that. She actually wanted to be here now... She wanted to be useful. To shine in a way that she had not been able to when Sin was around. Her life back then was to live to serve him and nothing more... But wasn’t life more?