
imagine living like kings



5 Years
11-12-2014, 03:40 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2014, 12:25 PM by Jaeger.)


φ The possibility of there being a Queen is very low, as to become queen she must first have a premonition. After she is proven true, she becomes a priestess and after that (if she is proven to be of right mind) once the King has deceased, she is permitted to become Queen. Priestess' are not permitted to have husbands, but a Queen is required to. She will not be well respected until she acquires one.

φ Women are typically married between the ages of 1 and 2. Pre-marital sex is very strongly forbidden.

φ A pregnant woman is considered unclean. She must not give birth within the living quarters (wherever they are stationed at that time) because it would then become impure.

φ A woman is permitted to hunt and volunteer to become a militant soldier. They must all, however, gather herbs and care for the men when asked.

φ Marriage ceremony is usually simple; the bride and groom shed each other's blood and join it together in front of the tribe.

φ Men are not only allowed to have concubines, but having one shows off a man's wealth and status too. The concubine usually was not a secret affair either.

φ An even more outlandish practice is the arranged incestuous marriage between brother and sister (and sometimes father and daughter). This is mainly restricted to the elite and royal families, as a political maneuver to keep the power within the family.

φ However, non-incestuous arranged marriages are more widely practiced. Most of the time, marriages are between people of equal status and wealth, whether arranged or not. (Sometimes the children will fall in love on their own accord and ask permission to wed.)

φ There are as many reasons for divorce. Some common ones include infertility of one partner and adultery. Adultery is frowned upon and many times penalized by society. For a woman it can be dangerous as well; ending in violence or death for her mistakes. If they are just not getting along well, the couple will just divorce and move on. Once a marriage has ended, what would usually happen is the ex-wife will go back to live with her father. She is not to marry again (men can).

φ They typically have three names. The first is known only by the mother; it is given at the time of birth. Its purpose is to confuse evil spirits by keeping the real name of the child from them. The second name is conferred at the time of adolescence, and is the commonly used name within the tribe. A third, different name may be given when the child becomes an adult. It has little importance except when regarding non-relatives.

φ When someone dies, relatives and friends gather around and ask for forgiveness for any bad deeds that they have done to that person. They are concerned that if such grievances are not settled, then the dead person might come back as an evil spirit and cause trouble. The widow might commit suicide when her husband died so that she could accompany him during the afterlife. Sometimes, the deceased's nostrils are plugged with herbs so that evil spirits cannot enter and occupy the body.

φ When you are born into a social class, you usually stay in it till death. Wealth, social status and even careers are inherited. The individual's roles in life heavily depend on his/her family's class.


At the Battle of Yaminah, King Nasser III had over 2,000 men under his command to do battle against Yaminah?s 5,000 man army. The Kingdom Aelianus (us) won the battle, capturing over two hundred prisoners (now slaves) from the defeated Yaminah.

Another famous battle took place in the territory of Dsjot. Taking the city was key to controlling Khavana. Aelianus was led by Raessei II, who commanded an army of 2,500 men divided into four divisions. Each division was named after a major deity: Amun, Ptah, Ra, and Sutekh (they do not hold religion so closely any longer). After being tricked by two spies employed by the Dsjot, Raessei took the Amun division forward to Dsjot on the misinformation that they had fled to the north. The other three divisions in the order of Ra, Ptah, and Sutekh hurried to break their camps and follow. Raessei? Amun division crossed a small river to reach the northwest side of Dsjot by noon and set up camp. The Ra division that was following to the south was attacked by a large group of soldiers. They broke ranks and fled. Those to the north hurried to the safety of the Amun division, while most of the others were scattered or destroyed by the Dsjots.

Raessei led several charges into the Dsjot ranks, killing the king?s brother and several other key leaders. Despite this terrific blow against them, the Kingdom was still at a great disadvantage due to their tremendous battlefield losses. The Dsjot soldiers turned from battling the army when they came upon the camp and began raiding it. They were saved when another regiment came from the east to the camp and destroyed the raiding Dsjots.

Meanwhile, the soldiers of the Amun division were still surrounded by Dsjots. Six times without success Raessei tried to break through the line to the south.. At last the Ptah division appeared in the distance. The Dsjots were forced to retreat to the safety of the city before they were surrounded on both sides by Aelianus troops. This was considered a great victory for the Kingdom, but it appears they never took the territory. They instead signed a peace treaty with the Dsjots.

Ioana, the first of the women to become a priestess. Her first premonition came to her as a dream when she was two years old. She obeyed the Brotherhood (the priest organization) for a solid five years before she could be recognized as a true priestess. Two years later and King Raessei took his last breath, throwing the Brotherhood into a trial to see who the Gods chose as the new King. To their surprise, Ioana surpassed them. She became the first Queen in Khavana history, with a quiet and peaceful ruling.

The second was a fearless woman named Zarine. She did not acquire her crown by training through the Brotherhood. Instead, she was simply born into the elite family (her father the King). He was an outsider, with no immediate relatives within Khavana and no sons. Just Zarine. Tavein, her husband (who she had wed when she was seven months), stayed beside her for a rocky six years. The Kingdom did not agree with her ruling, as she was too brash and eager for war. So before their seventh year, the Queen mysteriously gave up the crown and fled (so they say). Tavein ruled in her place for another four years.

Senevsen, the final and most famous. At just five months old she had a midday premonition, so strong it took three men to hold her down from seizing. They immediately escorted her to the Brotherhood where she excelled at trials. It was then that the praise and celebrated talk of "perhaps the most powerful member of the Brotherhood" began to corrupt her mind. She organized a coup, to rid Aelianus of their current King Tavein. And at just one year old, the trials ended with Senevsen on top. She was the youngest to be crowned, male or female. Her reign was short-lived, however, and a year later the conspirators arose from guilt and whole Kingdom erupted in a vengeful act of self cleansing. Half supported Queen Senevsen, half were outraged at the betrayal against the late King Tavein. It was a bloodbath. The Kingdom slaughtered itself. The territory was taken shortly by Dsjot. Aelianus members, at least some of them, fled the continent as the seas froze over. Some of them reached Alacritia by mere coincidence, a very lucky Senevsen included.




ELITE CHAHINE senevsen, ioana

ROYAL NASTASE tavein, zarine, nasser



So here's how this will work ( make sure you read everything on this page ): there will only be two elite spots, three royal, and unlimited lower. Elite will be related. The rest can be related but not required to be (they will have the same last name but not the same genes if not related). If they are related, simply state so and how. Appearance must be exotic-looking in some way, here [CLICK THIS LOVELY LINK] is an example. That is also Senevsen, who will be my character, so if yours is an Elite please make it similar in some way. Raessei is still alive, if anyone wishes to have an old man (7). I'd like for everyone who gets a character to have threads with each other frequently and make plots even, but I guess it's not required (though that's kind of the idea of adopting xD). However, I do require that everyone be active with their characters and I reserve the right to take them back if not active (I will pm you a week before I take it back). If you make a young character, they must have different names by the time they're adults (six months will have two more names, one year and two year will have one more [as stated above]). I think that's it :3

NAMES both first names (one for members of Aelianus and one for strangers) and last name (chahine, nastase, or petrescu)
PERSONALITY must be two hundred words
APPEARANCE one fifty words
HISTORY can be brief, just pretty much the side they're on (senevsen or tavein) and what happened between Khavana and Alacritia
!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



5 Years
11-18-2014, 12:25 AM
Adoptions are open, but will not be decided until after the move. c:
!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


11-18-2014, 12:56 PM
[Image: i_have_the_earth_and_sky_in_my_eyes_by_r...88hclz.png]

True Name: Bogdan

Names: Mircea [Aelianus] Dragomir [Strangers] Petrescu [Class]

Name Meanings:: Given By God [Bogdan] || Precious and Peaceful [Dragomir] || World [Mircea] || Son Of Petre [Petrescu]

Age: One Year {Birth Season Of Spring}

Gender: Male

Appearance: To come.


Nature:: Submissive || Favored Skill: Hunting

Good Traits:: Sharp, Patient, Caring, Cool Headed, Loyal, Faithful, Merciful

Bad Traits:: Passive, Dependent, Clingy, Hesitant Acting On His Own, Overly Trusting, Blindly Obedient

Written portion to come.

Additional Information: He is a mute.

History: To come.