
The Mafia



5 Years
Extra large
11-15-2014, 05:37 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2014, 02:37 PM by Taurig.)
The Family:
The Savianos

Family Background:
The Don and his brother are the founders/creators of the Mafia. The don is the eldest of the two brothers, so he's the one giving all the orders. The Don has four children. His daughter Nezerra, and his three sons. His wife was murdered by a rival family shortly after she'd given birth to their youngest daughter, leaving him to raise the pups alongside his brother.

Mafia oath:
The Savianos live by 4 strict codes that are upheld no matter what.

1.A code of silence - Never to "rat out" any mafia member.  Never to divulge any mafia secrets.  Even if they were threatened by torture or death.

2.Complete obedience to the boss - Obey the boss's orders, no matter what.

3.Assistance - To provide any necessary assistance to any other respected or befriended mafia faction.

4. Vengeance - Any attacks on family members must be avenged. "An attack on one is an attack on all."

Family Structure:

           Capo Crimini - Boss or "don".  Head of a particular family.

           Consigliere - advisor or family counselor.

           Capo Bastone or Sotto Capo - the "underboss", second in command.

           Contabile - financial advisor.

           Caporegime - heads a faction of about 10 foot soldiers.

           Sgarrista - foot soldier {carries out the usual "business" of the mafia}.

           Giovane d'honore - mafia associate, mostly non-italian, non-sicilian.

Indoctrination: Children(boys mostly) would be introduced to the life of the mafia from the time that they could walk. Obviously they don't start learning how to kill and hustle until about one year of age, but as they grow up they're instilled with the strict values of the mafia and learn that family (the mafia) comes before anything else. Once they are of age, they are taken under a "godfather" (sometimes an elder family member or a higher ranking wolf) and are shown the ropes. At two years of age, most boys (if they've proven that they can handle the life of the mafia) will be accepted into the ranks through a special ritual that usually only involves the Don and a few other high rankings where they swear their life to the mafia and spill their blood.

Inner workings: Very family oriented, the mafia doesn't look to well upon outsiders, unless of course said outsiders are beneficial to the mafia of course. The mafia isn't necessarily a "bad family" but most of the activities that they do are considered to be "bad", some of which will be kidnapping and killing. They're a family that offers protection to the weak, but of course it comes at a cost. Most who wish to come under the protection of the mafia have to pay a tribute of sorts in order to keep the mafia on their side. This tribute often times comes in the forms of goods: food offerings and medicinal offerings are used to guarantee a certain period of protection, at which point the period ends it must be renewed, almost like a contract. For lifetime protection, the mafia will ask for the first born child of the family they are protecting (from all the litters that they ever have). The child will be taken in by the mafia and raised within the ranks.

Mafia life: The life of the mafia will be centered around the Don and his orders. Whatever the Don wants is what is going to happen and if anyone doesn't like it, then they can expect to attend the family barbecue. Of course, the Mafia isn't always going to be hanging around the Don, but he expects them to be close enough to come if he calls, which might be quite often or few and far between, depending on the Don's mood. Once one becomes part of the Mafia, there is no getting out. It's for life. The only real way to leave is by death, and since most don't want to suffer a premature death, they tend to stick with the Mafia for the rest of their days. The wolves joining the Mafia will be expected to be of the most loyal because loyalty is what keeps the Mafia going strong. Betrayal or ratting out of the Mafia is punishable by death and it's here that the Mafia really separates themselves from other families. Instead of killing traitors, they burn them. And the whole family is expected to be present at each and every burning of traitors and rats.

Roles: For the most part, males are the ones who handle all the dirty work, since a majority of the mafia will consist of males. They'll be the soldiers and advisors who carry out the dirty work for the Don if the Don isn't already handling it himself. I'm not entirely sure about how many females there will be, but surely there will be some because duh, how else will the Saviano name be carried on. The females that are part of the mafia will usually be wives or sisters but if the time arises, they too will be asked to go out and do some dirty work, so be prepared for that if you wish to bring a female in.

ADOPTING A SAVIANO                              

As of right now I only have 5 wolves in mind to start off the Saviano family. The eldest brother which would be the Don. The Don's brother and the Don's three adult sons who have just been accepted as full mafia members. I might be considering bringing in the Brother's three sons as well, but I want to see how many people would be interested in these boys first. The eldest brother will be for me, so the the other four boys are up for adoption. These are the 5 I have to start off but I can always add more, bot female and male, at request.

Eldest Brother - Enzo aka The Don (will be played by me)
Age: 4

(Don's children)

Daughter 1 - Caporegime (Reserved for Kayi) 
Age: 3 >twin

Daughter 2- Caporegime (Reserved for Azzy)
Age: 3 >twin

Son 1 - Caporegime (Available)
Age: 2

Son 2 - Caporegime (Available)
Age: 2

Son 3 - Caporegime (Available)
Age: 2

Nerezza - (Reserved for Snakes)
Age: 1

Second Brother - Capo Bastone (Available)
Age: 4

Design: Now as far as these boys go, their designs are really up to you. I've provided some designs below from which you can choose or if it fancies you, you may come up with your own design. There is one must though on the design. Saviano's are known for the 3 teardrop like markings on their chest; the middle one is the biggest while the two on either side of it are smaller . It's their signature birthmark and what distinguishes them as  Saviano. In respect to colors, they tend to learn towards darker pelts, but as you can see in my designs, lighter pelts are completely fine as well. Any eye color goes, including dual-colored eyes, but keep in mind that purple is a prominent color in this blood-line. Size can really be anything you'd like, but probably should have big wolves.

Name/Personality: Since this is an Italian mafia, I would prefer that they have Italian names to go with the whole mafia theme I'm going for. I don't really care what name it is, as long as it's Italian and they have to carry the surname Saviano. As far as personality goes, they should be a more darkly aligned wolf, ones who aren't afraid to get their paws dirty with blood but above all are loyal to the Don and the mafia.

Player Requirements: I would love love love if these boys could be kept active if this idea does happen to take off. I want to make the Saviano's a power family on Ala, much like the other power families we all know of. I don't have any crazy post requirements or anything, just that you stay active with them. If you can't, then just let me know and I'd be happy to take them back and readopt them out. I do reserve the right to take these characters back if I see that they're being neglected.

Now if you'd like to apply for one just fill this out :3
Which wolf would you like to apply for?:
Rp Sample: Doesn't have to be too big, but I'd just like to get a general idea of how you'd play your character

Here are some designs I've come up with :3 (just a heads up I might be taking either design 1 or 3)

The markings will obviously not be blue but just so you know what it looks like

1. user posted image

2. user posted image

3. user posted image

4. user posted image

5. user posted image

6. user posted image

Sage I


3 Years
11-15-2014, 07:19 PM
Name: Bernardo Savianos
Which wolf would you like to apply for?: The brother
Personality: Bernardo is the silent type. Not in the way that you don't notice him, but the very opposite. Enough so that his mere prescense can make a wolf choke on his words. He doesn't stand for any crap, but has a good sense of humour, if he finds it funny. He has a sharp eye and takes offense easily. Anything said against him or his family will be the biggest mistake of your life. When he's not on business, Bernardo is a bit more easy going, but still alert. He's never truly off duty, always having one eye alert.
His imposing presence isn't always good. His towering form makes people put their guard up, so he isn't close to many. Emotionally, he's quite awkward, merely lacking experience. Around others when 'off-duty', Benardo is a bit self-conscious and quiet. The man is more of an observer rather than one to take part in conversation.
Appearance: (Design 1) Bernado is a massive man, standing at 38'' inches, he towers over most. His bulk is nothing but pure muscle, his claws razor sharp and teeth like daggers. The majority of his fur is a deep, silky black. The underside of his muzzle is a pure white, continuing down to his front legs, where it abruptly ends. His ears are also snow white, along with his entire tail. Around his front right legs, to lines of the pure hue bleached his black coat. Upon his handsome face, two purple glittering eyes shine, the colour showing him to be a part of his family.

Rp Sample:


12-03-2014, 12:42 AM
Your heart was a curious obsession
I can't feel it, I can't feel it

Notes: Wipness


» 36'.
» 185 lbs.

NAME: Enrichetta Savianos
Which wolf would you like to apply for?: The Don's Daughter.
GENDER: Female.
AGE: II Ys, Winter.
SIZE: Large.
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Calculating || Cold || Bitter || Possessive || Short Fuse || Stoic || Merciless || Achiever
Rp Sample:

Your heart, it was never my possession
I can't steal it, I can't steal it