
Daddy, do you love me?


09-25-2014, 10:32 PM

The storm raged on. She would growing tired of all the rain and wind and thunder. She wanted the sun. She was going stir crazy in her den, so she had plunged into the rain, soaked to the bone within minutes. The moor was flooded, there was no going there. So she would prowl the plains, finding a lone tree that seemed to survive. She would seat herself under it, finding shelter from the rain. Shaking herself, water droplets would fly in all directions and she was still soaked. Her verdant gaze would sweep the lands, irritation edging her gaze. She was bored. Her mother had set up training and she had gotten to spar, but she could only spend so much time with her mom. Where was her father? He had been presence 100% of the time when she was younger and when she was sick. But now, he was gone. He and practically vanished from her life. Was she no longer good enough now that she wasn't a helpless pup? Eyes would glare at the distance, shooting daggers at nothing. She needed to find something to do. Perhaps there was some place in this god forsaken land that wasn't soaked in rain. She could go on an adventure, travel to the distant lands and explore, meet new wolves. How angry would her mother be if she just took off? She weighed the pros and cons, pondering leaving in that moment.



09-25-2014, 11:02 PM

Why couldn't he care? All he wanted to do was burn this whole place down and all he could do was stalk around and plot the demise of those who had hurt his son. His son was dead because of that fucking family and he wanted them all to pay for that until he found the one who had killed his son. He was angry, all the time and even though he had been the one who had insisted, no, demanded that they stay in the plains he hated this place. He kept hoping that lighting might strike a tree and burn it all to the ground. He would stop there, pausing everything including his thoughts and his walk. He allowed the rain to ground him, focus him as he tried to push the anger aside. It had been eating at him for so long, ruining mental health, his family life, everything and he had no one to blame but himself. He had to fix it...

He drew in another shuddering breath before opening his eyes and giving his head a shake to try and clear it. He would start today, he would make a change. He missed his daughter. Long legs started churning and after a time he would catch her scent. Following it, despite the rain, he would move up a hill to find her, seated beneath a lone but massive hill. Slowly he would move towards her, tentative and almost hesitant. "Hey Bas, done with the rain?" He asked, trying to be as light hearted as possible. He would move up towards the tree and come underneath it, remaining wet so he didn't have to shake and soak her.



09-26-2014, 07:11 PM

A figure would approach, his dark frame only a shadow against the blackened sky. Ears would perk, his voice familiar. It was a surprise to see her father. He would attempt to make light hearted conversation, something felt off. She wouldn't push. "Hey dad. I hope it ends soon." Her gaze would shift from him to the sky, scowling at it. He stood beneath the trees shelter, dripping water. She would scoot over to make room for him beneath the tree. Her tail would curl around her hips, expression lightening as she waited for him to join her. The girl was blissfully unaware of her fathers emotional stability or instability rather. She didnt have the slightest clue of the inner turmoil he felt. So she would merely gaze up at him innocently. "Mom misses you, ya know." She would give him a sidelong glance, mumbling her words with mild irritation. They both missed him, had he even stopped by to see mom? Or had he come straight here? Was it even his intention to find her? A sigh would roll off her tongue as lightning cracked across the sky.



09-26-2014, 11:28 PM

She was so perceptive and yet she didn't push as he moved to seat himself with her and she shuffled over to make room for his massive frame under the tree with her and out of the rain. He chuckled at her words, he had always loved the rain, especially thunder storms. "Have you seen any lightning yet?" He asked conversationally, though he was honestly interested. He hadn't yet seen any and he was curious as to where it was, where the eye of the storm was and where it was trying to burn the world down. Rhandir Valley had caught on fire in the middle of a storm very similar to this, so he knew it was possible. She would speak again and he would flash her a grin. "What and you didn't?" he mused, teasing her slightly though a heaviness clung to his heart. He had missed Bas, had missed Cat but had been unable to drag himself away from boarder portals lately. He heated this place, hated everything it represented and he knew that hatred wouldn't go away until he finally settled his debt with that fucking family. "I had a litter before you? With an older woman whom was nothing more then a friend. 3 children? One of the boys was killed here, murdered in cold blood in a war led by a selfish king against an evil pack?" She needed to know, he needed to tell her. He wanted her to understand more then anything else, wanted her to understand this anger. "The family that ruled this pack before my sister snatched it from them was the ones that killed him? I don't plan to ever let them have this land again, i don't plan to let them every have a pack again. And for that i am sorry? I don't feel I can rest until some sort of justice has been served? Family is everything and I was caught up in my old on. I don't plan to rest yet but I do promise to be there for my current family more?" He didn't really look at her as he spoke, staring out at the rain as it came down in sheets around them. Every so often a few droplets would snake through the canopy above them and drop down onto the ground around them. All he could do was stare. This was more then he had even told Cat but he wanted his only daughter to know.



09-30-2014, 09:53 PM

Her fathers question was an odd one but she would nod. "Yea, I like it." She loved watching the lightning, the way it lit up the sky and it cracked with deafening force. It was definitely a force that couldn't be ignored. When he father spoke again, his words were light and teasing. She would smile, looking at him from the corner of her eye. Maybe. She would muse, an easy chuckle rolling off her tongue.

What he father said next was not something she ever expected here. He had another family. She had siblings. More siblings than just Valentine and Senka. Why had he never spoken of them before? He went on to explain that one of his kids, one of her brothers, had been killed in war. Her gaze would shift fully to him as she peered up at him with wide eyes. He had lost a child. The family response held a pack, the pack that her aunt Vi had won. This used to be their home. This is why he so desperately clung to this place. He didn't want that family to have their home.

When he spoke of revenge, she couldn't blame him. But he made a promise. He would be around more. A smile would lift her lips as she leaned against him. She didn't say anything, she wasn't sure what to say. He had unloaded so much on her, her mind was still processing. "Will I ever get to meet them?" She was genuinely curious. If she had other family out there, then she wanted to meet them.



09-30-2014, 11:27 PM

He had always loves thunderstorms, he could still remember sneaking out with Vi when they were kids and water would start leaking into their cave to watch the thunder and lightning show. It had always mad whim feel like he was part of something bigger, made him feel more connected. She would speak again, replying to his question with a tone equally as light, jovial even and a light laugh would roll up his throat. And then he would unload everything on her, at least everything about his most current past and his children. Luckily, it seems, the gods would smile on him and she would smile as he promised to be there more for her. She would lean into him as she considered his words, then asked if she would ever meet them. He dropped his heavy head on top of her's, chin resting on the top of her head as he 'hmm'd' softly and considered her question. "I have not been a father to them in quite some time, my son being a father himself actually so I hear. His name is Rune, her's is Maia. Maybe one day we can all be a family again?" He mused softly, a soft smile touching his lips as he considered this before lifting his head and looking out to the rain. "I grew up with eleven siblings you know? I think a great many of them are still lingering in these lands. We all seemed to gather here after our home flooded. Maybe its time for you to get to know your family after all?" He said with a smile. Somehow meeting his long lost siblings and convincing them that he was their brother and that their mother had locked him and Vi in a cave for the first bit of their life was far less daunting then maybe reuniting with his children.



10-03-2014, 10:57 PM

He would embrace her, his chin rest on her crown. She would listen to him as he spoke, stating that he had not been a good father to them. Maia and Rune. They were also her father. A small smile would lift her dark lips as he mused about them all being a family. Idly she wondered what her mother would think of such an idea. Quickly brushing away the thought, she would return her attention to her father. Eyes would widen and she would pull away to look up at him. "Eleven?" Her jaw all but dropped to the ground in shock. That meant that she had a huge family. Especially if they stilled lingered here like he thought. From the sounds of it, she would be meeting the rest of her family soon. Her tail would thump against the ground, excitement filling her. "I would like that." She beamed up at him, eyes dancing with excitement.

The rain continued, wind whipping around her. The lightning would crack, lighting up the sky and pulling her gaze from her father to the sky. The raw power captivated her. Curiosity would have her gaze lingering on the dark sky. Soon she would be a year old. She was old enough to venture out into the world and explore on her own. She could begin to make a name for herself, to do more that sit idly by in her home.



10-08-2014, 04:33 PM

Basanti seemed keen on the idea of a large family, the idea of meetkng his blood relatives rather then just her half siblings on her mothers side. Her look of disbelief as she pulled away and gasped out the number of siblings he had was amusing and he would smile and laugh softly, eyes dancing with an amused light as his head tipped. Yes eleven. My mother had three litters in her lifetime and four pups to each litter. Her first litter had not been planned, an accidend I suppose. From it was born Friction, Luxuria, Joker and Zara. After that she met her mate and my father Maze and they had a litter. Cynrik, Stiletto, Riveria and Fenris were born there. Her last litter was not planned either, they had thought themselves too old to conceive. She gave birth to two children first, Aiden who is a hemophiliac and Io who is an albino. A few hours later your aunt Vi and I were born. Even more unexpectidly..." He explained everything, all of it that concerned her but he stopped after he was born. She didnt need to know of his upbringing. This his mother had raised him and Vi to believe she was a goddess... How silly.

She wanted it to happen, and with that smile he promised he would make it happen. If it would make her happy then he would do just that. Another smile would light up his eyes as he nodded before looking back out at the rain as it pummeled the ground in sheets. Yeah he was pretty damn done with this stupid rain too. "What are your plans Bas? What do you dream to do one day?" He asked, voice raised to try and compete with the varying volumes of nature around them. It was a question he had been dreading for quite some time, one he had not wanted to ask for so long but it was time. It would be her birthday all too soon after all and she wouldnt be his little girl.



10-28-2014, 10:38 PM

Her father would go into detail of his vast family and she would listen attentively. She had so many family members, she could barely keep track of all the names and where they fit into the family. Soon, hopefully, she would get to meet some of them. She knew very little of her mothers family. Did she even have any family on her mothers side? Or was it simply her mother left? Perhaps she should ask, maybe there was some family for her to meet besides her half siblings.

He would change the subject, asking what she wanted from life, what her dreams where. She would answer without hesitation. She knew exactly what she wanted. 'Im going to take over this pack, and build it into something even bigger and better." Her gaze would sweep across the plains that she called home and would one call her own before she finally peered up at her father. There was no doubt in her mind that this is what she wanted, what she was built for. The urge to command raced through her veins with every beat of her heart.



11-02-2014, 01:28 AM

She would speak her dreams and for a moment he would pause, brow raising as he looked at her but slowly a smirk would slither across his lips. He would allow his gaze to travel over the plains and then he would chuckle as he nudged her shoulder. "Don't go dethroning your mother anytime soon?" He would frown, his voice trailing off as he looked around and tipped his head. Would she want to one day leave him, leave this place? What happened if she left and got hurt? He felt like his chest was constricting. He had already lost one son, he couldn't handle to loss of another child. Especially not his daughter. "You'll make a great queen one day though. Once you learn to fight and protect your throne that is?" He would say, trying to force himself to not panic as he lifted a paw to try and push it playfully against her cheek. He would defiantly have to teach her how to fight before sending her off on her own. Heaven forbid there was a bigger asshole around then him that would once day want to fuck with her.



11-04-2014, 12:49 AM

He would bump against her shoulder, his words pulling a chuckle from her lips. "You know mom would have my ass if I did." She had no intentions of dethroning her mother, unless her mother began to run the pack into the ground. No, she would wait patiently for the day that her mother passed the crown onto her. She would turn to look at him, brows furrowing at the frown that tugged at his lips. Had she done something wrong? She didn't think so.

Wahtever it was, he snapped out of it. His paw would lift pressing into her neck, since she was looking at him, and giving her a playful shove. He had faith in her, he knew that she would be a great queen one day, just as her mother. But first he wanted her to learn to fight and protect herself so she could defend her crown. Of course, mom wouldn't dream of handing over the pack if I was capable of defending it or myself. She had never seen him so concerned before, it something entirely new and unknown to her, to see this side of her father, who was normally so cool and collected.



11-18-2014, 08:40 PM

He would chuckle as she commented that her mother would have her ass if she tried to dethrone her. Well that much was true, at least Basanti knew that about her mother. Though Kylar also doubted that Cataleya would willingly give her throne to anyone else, even her own daughter after what had happened last time. She would assure him that she would be safe, that she would train and he would sigh, chuckling lightly as he tried to ease his own anxieties. "We'll have to spar one day. But I think I'll go find your mom before I give myself a heart attack thinking about you having to defend yourself" He would say, lifting himself as he looked out at the rain that was still trickling down around him. "You make me feel old sometimes?" He would say it with a half hearted smirk, looking back at her before once reaching forward to touch his cheek to her neck in farewell. He would plunge into the rain after that, off to find his silver queen. Would they fight? Some part of him hoped that they would, that they would get it all out in the open right off the bat.

-exit ky-