
What Needs To Be Said


11-17-2014, 01:07 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.'>
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A deep breath would be taken as the female padded away from the meeting. Whether or not Mercy would come Ellis didn't know. She was certain that the young girl was going to be furious with her, tear into her for leaving them. But... she didn't do it on purpose. Regret filled her because of those lost days. She was still trying to piece together her memory, get it all back together. Her teal-green eyes were upon the ground, trying to brace herself for what was said. She felt that Mercy was not going to be as light on her as her own daughter was.

Finally Ellis would slowly turn. Her ears were lowered, but she lifted her head. They needed to know each other's story... straight from their hearts. If they were not honest, did not try and work things out together, then that could lead to problems within their new home of Imperium. Teal-green eyes would lift, searching for the larger form of the girl. [i]'Great Winds... please give me courage... give me strength to endure this encounter... let us settle this... and move on... hopefully for the better."[/b]


"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.

Mercy I


5 Years

11-19-2014, 06:07 PM

She didn't want to follow the woman, nor hear what she had to say. The large girl held back, ears flat against her skull as she watched her try to lead Mercy away. The growing child let out a sigh, lowering her head as she soon followed the woman she used to consider a second mother. It wouldn't kill her to hear what she had to say, what kind of explanation she dared to offer. Coming to a pause, she looked down at Ellis, eyes half lidded as she tried to hide the emotions that were raging through her heart. Sadness, anger, and worst of all was disappointment. Her whole family had failed her -- Ellis included. "Mother searched for you for ages." She whispered, cutting her gaze towards Ellis' gaze. At such a young age she had watched her mother panic, the one thing that sent her on a downward spiral. It was after Ellis vanished, that is when Othello had begun to collect more and more children, something that at the time made her feel as if she were not enough. Othello had obviously been trying to fill the large hole that Ellis had left, but Mercy and her brother had not been enough to do that for her. She felt betrayed, she hadn't even seen Revenge in a long time. In some shred of hope she wondered if Ellis had seen him...

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


12-05-2014, 11:17 PM
The words ate at Ellis' heart. She could feel the accusation in the girl's look. Feel the hurt and bitterness. Ellis would expel a breath, her ears laying low as she looked at the young girl. "I can imagine, Mercy... and words alone will never be enough to tell her, nor any of you, how sorry I am." The small healer would not let her eyes leave the girl. She wanted Mercy to see the truth in her teal-green pools, to know she spoke from her heart. She would not hide. Would not lie. 

"I had no intentions of leaving you all. I was gathering herbs, some that could help your mother have richer milk for you and your brother... and there was an accident. So much of the time after it is a blur. I struck my head, a nasty blow. I couldn't hardly remember who I was... only that I was forgetting something so important. I wandered around Alacritia, I did, in hopes of finding what it was I couldn't remember. What I was forgetting. Slowly my memories have been returning, piece by piece, but... I never remembered where you all were located. I could never find you." Ellis let out a deep sigh.

"I've been trying, Mercy. I'm so sorry that I had gotten cut off from you all. I'm sorry Theisi and Ty were left with your mother... they were not her responsibility... and I'm sure they ate up her time. I'm... I'm really sorry." She dipped her head. "I don't know if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, Mercy... but I promise I would have never intentionally hurt any of you. I loved you all as my family... and that will never change."

Mercy I


5 Years

12-13-2014, 02:06 PM

She stood there and listened to what the woman had to say, allowing her to speak her mind. She blinked slightly at them, falling to her rump as the weight of the words sank in. She had... forgotten them? "I thought we would be more important to you to be simply expelled by a bump to the head," she hissed, knowing that she wasn't being fair. It wasn't her fault, its not like she chose to forget them. But in her anger and hurt, she didn't care. She wanted Ellis to feel just how badly this had effected her. When she spoke of her children taking up her mothers time, she barked out a bitter laugh. "She went on a spree after you left! She started collecting more and more puppies, I wasn't enough to fill the hole that you left in her heart. It was quite sick really, she didn't even care that Atka came from another woman who slept with our father," her voice was harsh, even as tears collected in her eyes. "She hardly paid any attention to me or my brother, so I left! I didn't want to stay in a place where I meant nothing to my own mother!" Mercy stood up, scrambling backwards in the snow. Her breathing was heavy as she fought to control her emotions, something she knew that her mother had fought with.

Mercy shook her head back and forth, tears following the black path down her muzzle. They scattered as she shook, fighting to take proper breaths. "I came to make my own life! I am not going to let others control me, to make me feel useless. I felt like filth, like a burden on that bitch!" she was basically foaming at the mouth, her anger getting the better of her. The large girl was actually shaking, her limbs hardly holding her up. "It would have never happened if you had stayed! This is all your fault!" Mercy screamed, her vocals bouncing off the knolls. She was seeing red, hardly able to focus. She looked at the smaller woman, lips pulling back to show her dagger teeth. She felt like hurting her, her muscles coiling. But she didn't. Instead she fell to the earth, the coldness of the snow helping her calm. She felt as if she was steaming as she curled into a ball, sobs breakng through everything else. She didn't mean to be so harsh...

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


12-30-2014, 02:55 PM
Ellis waited, trying to brace herself, her heart, for the explosion that was to come. Her ears would flick back, the words stinging. It wasn't as if she had forgotten the family on purpose. It wasn't as if she chose to. Of course they were important. The words weren't fair, yet, to Ellis, she felt the blame and guilt as if it was somehow her fault. The healer would lower her gaze, feeling her heart ache with each word. Heartache was something the female knew well, too well. She would swallow hard. She couldn't justify Othello taking in more children. She couldn't give Mercy a reason why her mother had done it. But she hurt the children. She hurt Othello. Ellis let out a whine, squeezing her eyes closed.

The small healer felt her breath catch in her throat. It felt like her chest was caving in. Even now there were only bits and pieces... her memory just fragments. She hated that... but it was her fault. It was her fault she had lost it. Her fault the families were so broken. Ellis swallowed hard, forcing her eyes to open. Tears filled them, but she could make out the figure of the girl on the ground. She was crying as well, no, sobbing as she lay curled in a ball. The female shuddered, a memory coming back. The reason she was even more determined to keep a stock of herbs. Ellis would tremble as she came to the girl's side. If she lashed out... Ellis would not stop her.

"Mercy... you know... your mother almost died giving birth to you... to your brother. It was hard on her. I was there... with your father's sister. Your mother was weak after that... still recovering. She needed herbs to keep up her strength. I wanted herbs for you children as well, to make sure you stayed strong... that no more innocent lives were lost." Her words were torn with emotion. "I never wanted to hurt any of you, Mercy... I loved all of you. You were the only family I had here... and there is nothing I regret more than losing it. I'm sorry... I really, really am." Ellis would gently press her nose to the girl's shoulder.