
Trouble, Just Like My Mother


11-21-2014, 01:20 PM
 Please be aware some of the wolves in this thread are prone to cursing, violence, and other natures that may upset certain people. Thanks. ~Keno

Freyr was nice, a good... dad-thing. Zisa and Tiny were nice enough. But seeing his mother day in and day out, seeing how she looked, how she was different and shredded unlike the other wolves in the pack made him angry. His blood boiled with anger, even P the pup couldn't truly place the exact reasoning. He knew his mother suffered, in some way, even if she didn't say that her missing parts bothered her. Seeing her that way made him want to hurt something. To push it over and over again and hold it down with so much force it could never get back up.

Einarr had wandered a good bit away for the den this time. Akemi had been busy with Zisa so sneaking away hadn't been hard. He didn't even realize how much it was going to make her worry. Ignorant of pack borders as well the boy didn't even realize he had wandered outside of the safety of Secretua lands. He just felt angry, letting out little huffs with each step he took. He wanted his mom to be better. To not be hurting or look different from the others. To have them look at her with pity.

But with such a long journey for a pup Einarr found himself worn out not far into the area before Time's Cavern. The boy would slump to the ground next to a tree and setting his head upon his paws. He didn't know where he was, but he wasn't worried at all. His tail curled around his body, shivering some as he watched a bird flying in the sky.


11-21-2014, 03:18 PM
{Freyr's totally gonna help Einarr stop being wary of other wolves. XD.}

Freyr had been sitting outside, his eyes closed, when he scented Einarr. Opening his eyes, he watched as Einarr walked away, and worry gnawed at him until he rose to his paws, following his "son". If the man who had tore his ear off came after Einarr, the gold and black male wouldn't let him lay his filthy paws on the young pup. His tail brushing against his paws as he followed Einarr, staying a safe distance away, hoping the pup wouldn't go past the borders. When he did though, Freyr picked up the pace, following his scent, his ear twitching as his blue eyes searched for any signs of danger towards his son. When he found nothing, he relaxed a little, and followed Einarr's scent a little slower. Hoping that nothing bad happened to his son before he got there, the gold and black male picked up the pace.

He saw his son settle down and shiver, and walked closer to him, finally relaxing as he smelt of the boy. He had no scars and didn't seem to be in pain, so the gold and black male relaxed, sitting down. His tail was bent around him, and he stared into Einarr's eyes, wondering how to start explaining why he shouldn't leave the border at such a young age. "Einarr, I know that you probably want to explore and look around, but there's places you shouldn't go past as such a young pup. The pack borders are home, and you can trust anyone in there, if you know them. But out here, you can't trust anyone except your mother, your sister, or me. There are very bad wolves out here, and they would take you away from us if they got the chance. If you want to explore outside of the border, tell me or your mother first. You know she'll be worried."

Nuzzling his son, Freyr spoke again. "We should better get back to your mother before she starts to worry."

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-21-2014, 04:22 PM
Hati's heavy build and thick bones weren't really conducive to long, fast running but after Skadi's surprise revelation white-hot fury blinded him and drove him. He didn't know this wolf's name or his face, but he knew someone who now knew at least one of those two things and she hadn't even come to him. He buried the hurt, the guilt under molten rage, immersed himself in the darkness lurking at the corners of his vision as the demon raced on. So single-minded was he in his path that he nearly passed right past the pair outside the cave he'd once claimed as a temporary home. It was as the sight of the adult male clicked in his mind with his admittedly foggy memory that he hit the breaks, coming to a heavy, bristling halt in front of them. "Freyr," he gritted under his breath. His half-brother - Freyja's littermate. Wouldn't Freyr like to know that he'd literally just left her? Well too fucking bad. Hati was in no mood to listen to his half brother fangirling over their sisters. His face wrinkled beneath his mask and he might have simply turned and continued on if his attention hadn't slipped to the pup, if the wind hadn't changed to draw the scents of the two males toward him. Instantly his head came up and a snarl came from his muzzle. Akemi! They'd been with Akemi! The pup was soaked in her scent and Hati wasn't a rocket scientist but even he could put two and two together... this was one of her rapist's little bastards. His chest tightened and rage leaked from him in a bellow.

"YOU," he roared, whether directed toward the pup or to Freyr it didn't matter, it was infused with all the wrath that had been building to explode from him in that one word. "WHERE IS AKEMI?"

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


12-05-2014, 11:04 AM
Einarr would blink open his eyes as Freyr, his “father” settled next to him, lifting his red-violet gaze to the man before him. He respected Freyr at least, because he treated his mother well. He would give a small smile, rare for anyone outside his sister, “brother”, mother, or “father” to see. But what came next were words that he didn’t completely get. Pack... Borders? Home? The boy frowned once more, tilting his head to the side. He figured there were bad wolves... Like those who made it so Freyr didn’t have one of his ears, and made her mother as she was. He would let out a low puppy growl, ears flicking back some.

“I’m not scared of them, da’. If they tried anything to me I’d bite their noses, and if they went near you guys they’d really get it.” His fur puffed up big, determination in his eyes. He was young, yet still full of a bitterness he couldn’t explain. He’d push that away though, slipping to another question as he got to his paws. “Da’... Don’t all these lands belong to Rune?” He’d look around him as a sound almost like thunder across the land came closer.

Then the cause of it was seen.

He thought it was a wolf... But it had something upon it’s head. It looked cool and, admittedly, a bit scary. Maybe it was because he was big and bulky. The other addressed his father first and then... He snarled, a roar leaving him in a demand. He pinned his ears to his skull as he let out another growl, his body slunk down slightly, yet still trying to hold his ground. Much like a younger version of his mother indeed.

“Why do you want to know!? Are you going to do something to her!?” His voice though slightly betraying his fear, also had a slight edge of a puppy growl to it.


12-05-2014, 04:47 PM

It hadn't been long before his half brother raced by. Freyr hadn't really minded until he halted, the gold and black male's fur already bristling. When her roared, the smaller male got to his paws, walking in front of Einarr. His voice was deadly quiet, his blue eyes narrowed.  
"Don't you ever yell at him like that again." When Hati demanded where Akemi was, Freyr shook his head. "Why do you want to know? So you can try to kill Zisa? She hasn't done anything wrong, Hati." With that, he attempted to pick up his 'son'. Muttering something under his breath, twitching his only ear, he would try and nudge Einarr along with him if he didn't manage to pick up the small wolf. With a glare at Hati, he spoke again. "Don't follow us."

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-05-2014, 10:49 PM
The little bastard put up a tough front, but Hati's lip just curled contemptuously. "Damn right I'm going to do something to her," he barked out, eyes blazing beneath the mask. "I'm going to kick her ass from here to the Bifrost and back is what I'm going to do, and then I'm going to track down the whoreson who fathered you and rip out his fucking throat."

Freyr's reaction at first shocked Hati into silence. Did he... seriously just... "Who the fuck is Zisa?" he heard himself demand, incredulous, in the seconds before his fury exploded from its bounds. With a snarl he whipped his head to the side, sending the mask bouncing along the ground to free his face of the encumbrance. "You," he roared again, this time very clearly aiming the tirade at Freyr. "You knew all along about this and what the fuck did you do about it? Huh? Is the bastard dead or did you just let him rape you too?" He spat at Freyr's feet in disgust. "You knew and you didn't put a stop to it. You useless little bastard. Even your sister has more balls than you." He was drowning in anger, consumed by it, he was the rage and Freyr had picked the wrong time and the wrong wolf to get snippy. The fury he'd been choking on since Skadi had told them of Akemi's rape boiled over.

With the red-black clouding the very edges of his vision he squared his stance, all four feet a little over shoulder- and hip-distance apart and his weight held evenly. His heavy paws spread and flexed, claws clinging to the earth, his joints slightly bent. His head lowered to the level of his spine, chin tucking in slightly like a bull ready to charge. His shoulders rolled forward to bunch up the skin of his scruff and his bristly hackles raised, adding to his already bulky appearance. His tail lashed level with his back. Already-battered ears pinned against his thick skull, eyes narrowed to protect them.

And he charged.

He attempted to close the distance directly like a runaway freight train, uncaring of the pup Freyr was herding, but before he'd gone a handful of steps he aimed to shift his weight and his path to his left in the hopes of coming up alongside Freyr's right shoulder. Rearing up slightly to pivot slightly to his right, hindpaws digging into the dirt for traction he attempted to throw his greater weight rightward and down in a sharp thrust, the point of his right shoulder aiming to strike behind Freyr's right elbow where the ribcage began, aimed very specifically for the first rib behind the elbow in the hopes of his superior weight cracking the rib.

As he did, Hati turned his head to his right and attempted to bury his teeth into Freyr's lower scruff just above his shoulders, his lower jaw to Freyr's right side and his nose to Freyr's left with the intention of jerking backwards. This soft-headed son of Hroovitnir had apparently never learned his place despite the years of abuse - Hati would have to show him a little of what their father had experienced in his last few moments of life... and shut him up.

Hati vs Freyr for Maim (Broken Lower Jaw)
Round 1/?
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



4 Years
12-06-2014, 12:20 AM

Following hot on the heels of Hati (who honestly seemed to be dragging him by some kind of invisible tether), Thor exploded onto the scene. When Hati began his aggressive interrogation of the child, the brute sidled closer just in case he decided to maul the boy. He wasn't particularly fond of the boy knowing his parentage, but he refused to let him come to harm over something he had no control over.

"Easy, kid," he cautioned, just as Freyr opened his mouth and let a torrent of stupid fall out. The brute rolled his eyes heavenward in exasperation, half tempted to throw his paws into the air. "Freyr, you idiot-" he managed before Hati did what Hati did best...and exploded. Thor's eyes closed briefly and for a second he contemplated beating his head against the nearest rock. It was almost as if Freyr had never met Hati. Don't poke the bear, you moron! Their younger brother lacked foresight so thoroughly it was embarrassing. He almost deserved the beating he was about to get.

Stepping away from the unfolding drama, Thor sank to his haunches and scowled at the brothers. The Hróðvitnisson way was to settle disputes in blood. Unless it looked like they were about to kill one anther, he was just going to sit back and watch the show. Maybe watch the kid, if he made himself into a nuisance. Actually, he had half a mind to try the skull on....

"Speaking" Thinking

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



2 Years
12-11-2014, 04:17 PM
Zisa was sneaking away to see why her father had left in such a hurry, along with her brother. Violet eyes scanned the land, as she followed Freyr's scent. After a few minutes, she struggled for breath, wondering how long it would take. "Come ooooooon. Do I really have to walk fooorevever?" She whined to herself, dragging out her words. And yet she never considered turning back. The child was a tough one, walking on, even though it hurt her legs and paws. Even though her breath was in ragged puffs when she finally made it, collapsing down next to a skull. It took a moment for her to notice the strange wolf. She heard him before she really noticed him. "Who the fuck is Zisa?"  The strange wolf demanded, and Zisa got to her paws, fur bristling. "I'm Zisa. Got a problem with me or something?" So that probably wasn't the smartest thing she had done. But nobody said her name like that. When the strange male lunged at her father, Zisa growled.

"Who do you think you are, attacking my father? Why don't you just leave, you.......Big fatty!" She yelped at him, happy with her insult. "You're nothing but a big fatty fat wolf." She added, wagging her tail. 


12-11-2014, 07:17 PM
Okay, so she turned her head for one moment and then one kid was gone. Then in trying to find him {and losing Freyr} she lost the second one! Akemi would curse under her breath, following the scent of her children to the edge of pack territory. Borders were something she had yet to discuss with them, not that they usually wandered this far alone. The mother would flick what little remained of her ears, more of a pathetic twitch, and made her way onward. Freyr had come this way too, and, well, what she was going to find was hell.

Zisa was yelling at... Hati!? The woman barely took that in, seeing her older brother lunging for Freyr in a frenzy. The woman ignored both of their brothers for the moment, seeing only her son behind Freyr. The woman shot forward like a bullet. 

Seizing Einarr none to gently by the scruff mid-run the female half dragged, half lifted him to safety from behind the golden male. She would set him down, licking the blood form his scruff from her forceful grab before her own temper exploded. She swung towards the males, nevermind if Hati was trying to break anything on Freyr or not. She hadn't even realized that Thor was present either. All she knew was that her brothers were fighting before her children and she be damned if she allowed it to continue.

"KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF RIGHT NOW!" Her voice was a loud shriek, good eye narrowed and blazing with an angry light as she stood over Einarr. Yes, wasn't this one happy family reunion. 


12-11-2014, 07:38 PM
Einarr though that by trying to stand up to this wolf he would turn, leave, just... go away. But he didn't. He threatened his mom, the boy's ears pinned back, fear welling up in him. Though he was one who put on a brave face he was still just a child. He couldn't actually fight and he knew it. The man's words were hurtful too. He mentioned words the boy didn't understand, but he got the gist of it. Freyr really wasn't his dad, and the man who was his father was apparently one that the man before him wanted dead. The pup would take a step back, breath caught in his throat from the insults. He didn't think that the other man would actually... hurt them... but...

Everything seemed to spiral quickly out of control. 

Freyr was yelling at the wolf with the skull, trying to get them to leave. His father bent to pick him up by Einarr backed away, his gaze fixed on the larger male. Uncertainty mingled for just a moment before the fight began. The large black male was lunging at Freyr and he couldn't find himself the will to move. He stood frozen, until something forcefully pulled him away. Not far, but far enough to be away from the two bodies.

There was pain as he was grabbed, his mother's fangs piercing the soft skin of his neck as she got him to safety. He barely even noticed Zisa arrive, his heart pounding some as he looked to his mother. She gave a lick to his hurt before turning her attention on the fight males, the boy pressed to her leg. She was furious... more-so then he ever saw her. She bore a look... he respected... something he wanted to be.



4 Years
12-11-2014, 08:47 PM

Another pup raced up, this one spewing equally inflammatory words. At least this one had an excuse--she was young and dumb. What was Freyr's? Thor sighed and was about to turn away from the runt and back to the fight when her next words slammed the breath from his lungs. Immediately his gaze returned to her, locking on her little form with predatory intensity. "Your...what?" he ground out, fury and disgust lacing his query. Her father? So the rapist wasn't the father of Akemi's brats. Freyr, her own brother was.

In an instant he was on his paws and ready to join the fight against the sick little fuck who'd fathered children with his own sister when the bitch in question showed up. He spun on her, fury spiking his fur and pinning his ears to his skull. He glowered at her in a silent snarl, his lips curling in disgust. The brute charged forward, intent on closing the distance between himself and Akemi until he loomed over her. He bellowed, "Butt the fuck out, Akemi!" Her name left his lips in a contemptuous hiss. He was so fed up with this fucking family and their stupid, twisted shit. "And you..." Thor couldn't even find the words to address the mess he'd just stumbled into. He was so disgusted and more than anything else disappointed in her that no words would come. The brute was ready to disown her right then and there. "Is it true?" He had to ask, had to know for sure. "Did you fuck your own brother?"

"Speaking" Thinking
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]

The Judge


12-28-2014, 12:26 PM
Do to Freyr failing to post in the allotted time the fight has defaulted in favor of Hati.  Freyr must either flee, pass out or submit.  Hati's maim is successful.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-18-2015, 04:40 PM

Freyr didn't respond - whether too surprised or too stupid to fight back Hati didn't know, but he was contemptuous as his attacks landed upon his brother's too-pretty frame. His fury spiked... red clouded his vision. Freyr wanted to take the high road and run his fucking mouth like he was better than the rest of them then refuse to fight back? Well, he wasn't better than them. He'd been with Akemi this whole time and never told them she'd been raped, or mauled, and he hadn't protected her. What the FUCK good was he? Akemi's voice distantly rang in his ears, and hati's lip curled in a snarl at Freyr. He wouldn't need the little bastard to tell him where she was, so he might as well silence his wagging jaws.

His teeth took a crushing grip on his brother's lower jaw, and jerking his head as he clamped down he smashed the bone and dropped Freyr back into the dirt.

It was then that Thor's shouted words penetrated, and Hati's pupils dilated to almost nothing as he turned burning gold eyes onto the form of his sister. "Is that true, Akemi?" His voice was a hot, bitter snarl, blood dripping from his fangs with his saliva. If Freyr had touched her, Freyr would not be writhing on the ground with a broken jaw. He would be fucking dead.

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


01-19-2015, 03:23 PM

Freyr was too surprised to fight back, his blue gaze wide until a piercing pain went through his bottom jaw. He landed on the ground, trying not to move. Maybe the pain wouldn't be as bad if he laid still. But at Thor and Hati's words, he got to his paws. He shook his head no, at both of them. It wasn't true. The blood stained male stared at Akemi for a moment, then lowered his head. If his adopted pups hated him.......He'd feel like it was his fault. Maybe he needed to leave for a while. His gold and black tail drug the ground, and he turned back, his jaw closed tight so that he didn't add to the pounding pain. Closing his light blue eyes, the wolf didn't notice the liquid that landed on his paw, and on the ground. He sent a mental goodbye to his family. 'I'm sorry. If you ever forgive me, pups, come find me.' He glanced at Akemi, trying to meet her gaze. Even if he didn't manage to, Freyr would turn around and walk by the three, leaving for the time being. 


"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'


01-20-2015, 12:13 AM

Butt... The fuck out? Akemi would stare at Thor, appaled. Did he... Did he really dare to go there? The female would fluff up her fur, a snarl ripping from her body as Hati, after not so gracefully breaking Freyr’s jaw, would turn his attention on her too. The small female was shaking with rage. She saw red and, in that moment, she could have hurt them. Both of them.

“Of course it’s not fucking true!” Her words were a snap, short of a scream. “I wanted them to have a normal fucking childhood, was that so wrong? To at least believe the world wasn’t so screwed up from the start? To have a chance at being children, unlike we did? I would have told them when they were old enough to understand, but no, uncle fucking Hati and Thor run in, huffing and puffing and throwing around accusations, rather than asking fucking questions. Do either of you even have any brains left?!” Akemi was pratically frothing at the mouth.

“...Are you proud of yourself? How you’ve ruined two more children by your actions? Get the hell out of my sight, and stay away from my son and daughter, or so help me I will make you regret it.”

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno


01-20-2015, 12:23 AM
Blood. Madness. Einarr was silent, horrified. The boy was still just that, a boy. He might have been bold for the moment, but now... He was scared. The not so small child would step away. His mother had gotten truly angry once before... But not like this. She looked ready to attack either male, her gaze shining with anger. She looked so angry... Like a god ready to strike down a sinner. Einarr was in awe, caught where he stood, gaze fixed on her and if she would explode or implode. The wolves that remained hadn’t finished the show yet it seemed. He never even noticed his “father” slinking away.



2 Years
01-21-2015, 06:18 AM
When she saw her adopted father get his jaw broken, Zisa stared in shock as they turned their attention to her mother. Asking if it was true, if Freyr really was their father; the gold and black male had gotten up with a strange shake of his head, and left. When Akemi snapped, saying that it wasn't true, Zisa's heart broke. She couldn't trust her mother's and adopted father's family not to ruin her life. The tiny female's violet eyes narrowed, and she glared at Thor and Hati, two wolves she would never claim as family, now. She stepped forwards, her lips twitching in a snarl, her fur bristling as she growled at the two wolves. The small pup had never felt such anger towards another creature, until now. She wanted to rip their tongues out so they couldn't ruin any other pups' lives. When she spoke, her voice was a low puppyish growl, brimming with hatred towards the two. "You dare? You dare break my da-uncle's jaw, and then ruin our lives?" Her rage grew, and she spoke the next statement with a snap of her small jaws. "I will never call you family. You are nothing to me!"

When that was said, Zisa turned her head and followed her father, fur still bristling in anger.