
Alacritis is Open!


11-24-2014, 05:19 PM
Welcome, everyone, to the new and improved Alacritis! 

It has taken some time, but we are finally at a point where the staff feel comfortable sharing all that we’ve been working on this past weekend with you. As you go on exploring the site, please be mindful that it is still a work in progress! There are likely to be a few things that got overlooked in the rush of the move that we haven’t yet caught. Please don’t bring these up in the cbox where they are likely to go overlooked and ignored. If something isn’t working, report it in Maintenance and we will do our best to get it fixed as soon as possible. 

Also, we ask that everyone take another look at our Guidebook before you really go delving into the new site. There have been a few additions and changes made to it that we would like for everyone to be mindful of going into the future, and there will continue to be additions and changes being made to it as staff get a little more time once the move settles down (keep an eye out for an upcoming siege rule update!)

In regards to alphas, Alpha Activity is resuming this week, picking up right where we left off on the old site. This means that if your pack was in the green before the move, they are still in the green at the start of this week. As well, if your pack was in the yellow before, they are still in the yellow now. Be mindful of this as we move on and get back into the swing of things after our lovely weeklong vacation from alpha duties. 

We are currently awaiting the completion of a new site banner to go along with the newness of the site, but in the meantime please enjoy this cute Destruction boy courtesy of our very own Evelyn. 

The staff want to thank everyone for their patience and cooperation with us during the move and we hope that you all are as pleased with the present outcome and future promise of the new site as we are! 

The Alacritis Staff Team 

PS: Don’t ask about skillz (Work in progress site, remember? We've still got a few more secrets up our sleeves!)