



6 Years
Extra large
11-25-2014, 08:22 PM

Titanic paws would carry the mountain beast across the fragile path of earth left behind by the fall of the tide. The rise in the earth beneath the sea was not enough to cover the full distance from the island to the main land, but the massive brute never fell beneath the gentle waves, his paws never lost their traction against the earth as his phenomenal height easily bested the gentle dips from the rise that others might have to swim across. He was making the journey first, with Voltage at his side to ensure the safety of the journey as they lead their siblings behind them. Not all of their family was willing to leave, but it was clear from their parents actions that Voltage and Glacier would no longer be welcome in their home. With the warning that they would be next heeded by some of their second year siblings they would leave the only place they had ever known and journey on into a new one.

Glacier had a direction in mind, with the mountains that scooped the land near their island he had seen a gentler pass that went on into unknown territory. It would be here that the oldest and largest of their family would lead them. The journey to the Mountain pass was a long one and as they reached the half way point between the mountains the sun began to set. Raising his head, the beast surveyed his family before making his decision. His expression softened gently and he nodded to a small alchive against the rocks that would off shelter. “Lets rest the night” he said simply, seating his larger frame outside of the dip in the rocks, he would take up too much space, and besides, would be more comfortable standing sentry, keeping guard and blocking the wind for his family. As the day began tomorrow, they could enter Alacritis together, the Elementas family, that day was nigh.





5 Years
11-27-2014, 05:13 AM
As much as she liked to think that she could easily keep up with the older boys, Gale was finding her pace beginning to slow. The walking was not so much the issue as her swift gait and fit frame made easy work of the mountainous pass as they ascended, but the watery passage they had initially made had zapped the majority of her spent energy. While her elder brothers had their height and larger mass to assist them when the waters around their spindly land bridge got rough, the lavender-marked young lady had been completely at its mercy. Though none of her siblings had allowed her to step wrong and get washed away, it had still been an uncomfortable journey and she had been incredibly glad to be done with it once they were on solid, dry land again.

Which made her slightly disappointed that she should be feeling the effects of their journey before they had even truly started it. Her pale eyes lifted and glanced toward her towering monster of a brother, fixing her gaze on his blue-marked frame for a second before she let her attention wander around again. They were making progress, right? This was not the beach on which they had all but washed up on, this was higher, further inland, and safer as far as Gale was concerned. But where exactly was here?

An ear turned toward Glacier absently as he called off an order for rest, and dragging her gaze back toward him she followed where he directed them to take note of the little alcove he had chosen. Her lavender-tinted brows furrowed slightly; were they all going to fit in there? She was not even sure that Glacier could squeeze his way inside with as tall and bulky as he was. But as he took a seat outside, sticking to the guardian's stance that seemed to suit him best, Gale knew he had no plans of resting the same as them. He was going to push himself more than any of them to make sure they made it through their move okay.

She did not attempt to argue with him - how did you argue a stubborn mountain anyway? - and padded softly over to their family's temporary alcove before pausing beside him. "You sure you don't want to squeeze in here first, Tiny?" she questioned, feeling sincerely bad that he would be the one to sit away from them regardless of it being his choice. He always seemed to be the one willing to make the sacrifices; it bothered her more than she typically let on.



5 Years
11-27-2014, 05:20 AM
The girl trundled through the snow, shivering from head to toe. The snow which is merely knee height for others was shoulder height for her tiny frame. She was almost two and the girl doubted she'd get any taller. Locha wouldn't grumble though, in fact, she made it a goal to keep up with her massive older brother. Only ever a pace or two behind him, Locha carried on.

The girl held no bitterness towards her parents. She didn't understand why they had to leave, but she thought they had their reasons. In a way she was happy that she got to explore new lands with her brothers. She hadn't looked back when they left.

"Lets rest the night." Locha sighed happily. As Glacier seated himself at the opening in the shelter, the tiny girl snuggled up next to him, hurrying her nose into his mountain of fur before she fell into deep sleep.



5 Years
12-02-2014, 03:21 AM
His senses were alert the whole journey, his eyes scanning for any injuries that may befall his family. There was plenty of exhaustion to go around, but luckily nothing serious had occurred. As a healer, it was his duty to care and tend to his siblings. There had been little talk during the expedition, but no time had been wasted arriving here. In the beginning, leaving didn't sound like a pleasant idea to his mind. But here he was now, and he found it best not to complain around his family.

His older brothers would lead them through the unknown territories. Of course it would be Glacier and Voltage. His brothers always had a good heart, willing to make decisions and sacrifices from them. Unlike Terrae, they were strong and large, creatures built honorable fighting and protecting. Terrae was more of a peaceful and easy flowing man, one that opposed battle. His brother called out an order for rest, a decision he agreed with himself. His chocolate eyes examined the small alcove that had been announced as their den for the night. Glacier certainly would not fit in such a space, but his sister kindly offered room for him. Ah, just like always, Glacier probably wished to vigilantly keep watch as the others slept. The smaller man didn't feel like sleeping, unlike his other sister who had already fallen into a slumber. He seated himself on his haunches, giving a warm but silent smile towards Glacier. He was willing to help keep watch as it would more useful than pretending to sleep.



6 Years
Extra large
12-02-2014, 04:17 AM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2014, 05:27 AM by Glacier.)

The Titan turned to his purple eyed sister as she stopped beside him, her voice concerned yet friendly going as she offered for him to squeeze in with the rest of them. His eyes crinkled into a smile and he reached out to gently nuzzle his smallest sibling, the wolf that was near half his size, rubbing his massive head against her forehead before he spoke. “After you giant of a wolfess squeeze in, there just wont be room for me...” he teased her, gently pushing with his muzzle to ensure she would go on in. He would be met next with Locha, who simply curled up with her head tangled in his winter coat and promptly went to sleep. He chuckled gently to himself and eased himself into a position that allowed him to better cradle his sisters head. He shook his head, muttering something under his breath about unruly siblings as he looked about to see if the last of his family would also protest in some way to the small comfort of the Alcove he indicated.

Indeed, his youngest brother would end up beside him after a few moments, his posture indicating that he too would rather keep watch them sleep. An amused rumble started in Glacier's throat as he turned his attention to Terrae, careful not to jostle Locha with the slight movement. “Will you keep our Gale warm?” he asked of his brother, his voice coming out as quite as a breath, in an attempt to keep Gale from hearing the soft words. He didn't think it fair for their littlest sister to sleep alone, when it seemed that all the other siblings would rather mull about the entrance with Glacier. “I will wake you, brother, if anything happens” he promised him gently, understanding the need to ensure the others where ok.





5 Years
12-02-2014, 04:04 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She knew her brother well enough to catch the hint of a smile that danced about his eyes and felt a small one of her own add a slight curve to the edges of her lips. He hardly needed to move at all from his position upon the ground when he reached out to nuzzle her, their heads practically on an even level now that he was not standing, and closing her eyes Gale brushed her forehead against his with equal affection. His teasing response earned a bright grin and quiet chuckle from the petite wolf, and without a word she dropped her argument. He was not going to listen to her anyway.

His gentle nudge pushed her a step toward the alcove with ease, her smaller stature clearly at a disadvantage against his strength and size, and before he could give her another one Locha promptly curled up beside him and effectively pinned him in place. With a grin, Gale shook her head and padded quietly within the alcove, her grey-green eyes adjusting to the dim interior. Glacier had been right; it would have been a tight squeeze with all of them inside, but with him staying out, and now Locha having fallen asleep there beside him, there was going to be plenty of extra space.

The petite lavender-grey wolf curled up within the center of the confined space, setting her back to the back of the alcove so that she could keep her attention focused on the front of it until sleep claimed her. She could see Glacier there looking like a mass of blue and black fur, could see part of Locha there curled up at his side, and watched Terrae seated just beside them. With her brow furrowed, Gale lowered her head onto an outstretched foreleg, pondering. Were they all going to sleep outside and ignore Glacier's suggestion except her?