
you lint licker



5 Years
Extra large
12-01-2014, 01:03 PM
Rated M for Language and possible sexual themes.

"Fuck!" The word would be expelled with great force as Scorpion jumped away from the snake that had just sunk its fangs into his back left leg. His form would whip around, having been completely unaware of its presence. The oddly shaped head, cat-like gaze, and diamonds running down it back would clue him in to the creature that had just envenomated him. He hadn't seen it there because its rattle was missing, it's tail bitten off by something. "Damn it!" He'd yell again as rage overcame the searing pain that would start to travel up his leg. He'd growl deeply as he found himself hobbling away from the nasty creature, he would not even swear vengeance on the thing, for surely he would not be on the earth for much longer. 

He'd hobble back to the den that he and Othello had once shared with their growing children, now it was empty most of the time with he and her off in different directions many days. It hurt him to know that he'd grown so apart from her, the only wolf aside form his brother that was loyal to him to the end. How could he say goodbye so quickly? How was it a snake would bring about his end? As the adrenaline faded he would find himself curled in the den, the bite's pain coming through rather well. He'd grit his teeth as he felt the effects of it start to break down the flesh and bone of his paw. If this was it he needed to say good bye, to hope that Othello would hera him and come to his aide. 

He'd wriggle himself to the entrance of the den, his head tipping back to call for the lovely she wolf he called his own. Hopefully Soliloquy would find his way here eventually too. They deserved better than he'd given them. The sound that left his throat was urgent, and held a tinge of pain as he continued to endure the painful wound. 

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"



8 Years
12-02-2014, 11:18 PM

She had run from Crucifix's land, pushing against the snow banks to rush to their old home. Tears still fell down her face, freezing to her black marked muzzle. She didn't know what to think, nor what to feel. A shaky breath left her frame as she ducked and dived, paws growing weary from the run. It was hard, the ground had grown solid with the cold and it was a shock to her aging joints. Othello just wanted to slip into a hot spring right now, or to curl up and cry. But no, Scorpion was calling for her and she would not abandon him. His call was urgent, a tone that he had never really used with her. This made her feel more and more guilty about what had just transpired. Could she face him while she stunk of another man? She knew how she felt when he came home smelling of others.

All thoughts left her as she came to a skidding halt outside of their once shared den. She flinched at how stale her own smell had become, but poked her head in regardless. She saw him there, and her eyes were directed to the already festering wound on his leg. Purple eyes flew wide as she gasped, falling to his side as a cry slipped from her maw. "What happened?" She whispered, digging her nose into his scruff. Her tears that had been falling before did not stop, she saw how much pain he was in. This was her fault, all her fault. She should have just stayed with him, should have never left his side. If she had only been here she could have fought off whatever had happened to him, to make all the bad things go away. But she couldn't lose him. Oh gods this wasn't going to kill him, was it? She couldn't bare to lose him, not after having lose everything else. The woman began to go into hysterics, her breathing shallow and rugged as she tried to keep calm. No, she couldn't lose him. The fates couldn't be that cruel, could they?



5 Years
Extra large
12-02-2014, 11:32 PM

His breathing was heavy, he'd never really stopped to calm down before coming back to this place. As he heard Othello enter the adrenaline would begin to fade away. His foot was on fire, teeth would clench in pain but he'd feel the comforting touch of her worried nuzzle. "Rattler.. He'd squeeze out as he clung to her. Little did he realize that the ancient snake had not filled him with enough venom to be deadly. Though to Scorpion it sure felt like he was going to die. "Where is Orchid?!" He'd growl, knowing that were she still with them he wouldn't be in so much pain. Not knowing that he'd lost both her and Othello to the same wolf. He wouldn't notice the strong smell of Crucifix on Othello's pelt, he wouldn't notice much of anything but the searing in his paw. Knowing anger wouldn't help him he'd try and quiet himself, he'd try to focus on Othello, but much of the world was blurry to his senses. "Othello, He'd sigh, eyes closing tight as he fought against the snake's bite. Obvious pain visible in his features.

baby you're all I need



8 Years
12-03-2014, 05:03 PM

The woman wept into his fur, cried for all she had lost and could possibly still lose today. To say goodbye to another would surely break her and drive her mad. Refusing to watch the light die from his eyes she kept her face hidden, elongated tail wrapping around Scorpion. She was careful not to touch the paw as her tears continued to stain his fur. He asked where Orchid had gone, and her shoulders lifted into a shrug. She had once been close to her, but after Mercy and Revenge left she pushed everyone away. She had no idea that Orchid had joined ranks with Crucifix, it had never been the center of their conversation. Thinking about their encounter had her ears pulling back flat against her head, the pain real and fresh. Her body still burned with desire for him, and here she was crying into Scorpion's neck. What as wrong with her? She had chosen to once again leave his side to return to the man before her, and here she was debating it. She needed to forget to feel and be reminded why she came time and time again to Scorp's side.

He whispered her name is such delicate tones, even though she could feel the stiffness in his body. The sound of it dragging from his lips stirring that feeling within her belly once more, her unrated desire. It had been cut short with Cru, and while she was trying to forget that she wanted to forget herself as well. Othello craved the animistic and primal need of sex, of thoughts that were of nothing but pleasure upon pleasure. "Let's take your mind off of it, my love." She whispered, trying to calm her fragile state. Sniffling she stopped the tears, eyes pulling towards his golden gaze. She smiled softly, stretching forward and running her teeth along the tenderness of his ear. The nibbles started right along his neck, trailing down his spine and arching over his belly. She nosed along his member, tongue snaking out to caress it with a wet embrace. Rumbling low in her belly she lingered there, giving it a few more kisses before she resumed nibbling along his form. She didn't know what else to do, and the activity of their coupling always seemed to be a good distraction.



5 Years
Extra large
12-03-2014, 05:28 PM

He knew that Othello would not know where Orchid went, she would have as much of an idea as he did and he had none. So he would suffer through with out any medication that might lower his pain levels, he would have to grin and bear it as he found himself preparing for death. It was fitting that Othello would be the last wolf there in his last moments. He knew that he loved her before, but especially in that moment with her closeness and his need for her. Of his need to have her there as he breathed his last. He'd no longer be able to provide and protect her like he once had, not that he'd been providing recently. He'd allowed their children to leave and he let her fall asleep alone. Why had she come back again? She deserved so much more than he could give her.

Her words would cause his pain fogged eyes to open, his gaze searching her purple stare confused. He'd find her smile irresistible, and with hope beyond hope he wished that he would make it through this just so he could continue to hold her until the end of time. Death would take away her delicate smile from him, and he could hardly bare that thought. He'd find himself sighing as she would come to gently nibble at his ear, the feeling sending a shiver down his body as he focused on her movements rather than the venom within his paw. He'd get lost in her gentle touch as she became more bold in her movements. He'd moan softly as she paid special attention to his sensitive parts, life would slowly return to his eyes as he would lean back to let her work. He might have been dying, but if he was going to lose his life this was how he wanted to go out. "Othello," He'd whisper again as soon as he could catch his breath, she knew very well how to make his body shudder. "Othello, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for how i've treated you.." He'd lose his words as she ran over a particularly good spot, "I don't think I can ever make it up to you.." Would she even accept what he thought about proposing to her? He'd refrain from asking her just a little bit longer..

"Scorpion's Speech"
"Othello's Speech"



8 Years
12-05-2014, 11:47 PM

His moans were like music to her ears, something that made him sound more alive. She wouldn't think about him possibly dying, she couldn't if she wanted to function. He was fighting to keep his breath as she worked hard to please his body, to give him something else to focus on through the pain. He rolled onto his back to give her better access, and she rose a brow at him. Ah, so was she taking the lead on this one? She smiled, sniffling as she tried to clear the traces of her tears as she rolled over him, careful to avoid touching his paw. She gently rubbed their bellies together, purple eyes looking up at him. It was then that he spoke, and tears threatened to fall once more. "Shh, shh my love. We can talk about that later." She insisted, the promise of him being here tomorrow clear in her voice. She was not going to let him go, not tonight. Stretching her muzzle up to his gin she nuzzled him softly, biting her lip to keep the tears at bay. "My sweet Scorpion..." She whispered, repeating his name over and over in her head to make Cru's name vanish. That was unfair to the man that lay beneath her, and it was possibly the last time that she would get to see him again. No, tonight was about him. About them.

Lowering herself so that she lingered above him, Othello covered his chest with sot little bites. Her breath hitched, his words still floating around in her mind. Sure he could have treated her better, but she wouldn't have given it up. Her ears pinned, but she shook her had before thoughts of the silver man would enter her mind. He had a family, and she had a broken one. She wanted to work on picking up the pieces, even more so after this. So she focused on the heat of Scorpion below her -- possibly too warm. She would make both of them forget this. Wiggling herself so that she was in control of everything, she gazed up at him before slowly lowering herself down, a moan whispering off her lips. It was awkward, but she would make it work.



Image by Argent Neff @ DA