


12-05-2014, 08:25 PM


With a decomposing angel in her jaws the demented beauty would slink forward. Maggots oozed from her angels body, dripping onto her paws as she walked, and they would burrow in her fur. Her angel had been so beautiful in its prime- the child with hair as fair as the night sky. But she’d died- like they always did. Jezebel must have loved her too much.  She would place her angel gently on the ground, and whine pitifully as she nosed her. Her thin jaws would part, and she’d bite into her angel, using her paw to leverage the creature and she’d rip it’s limb from its body. As the decomposing fur slid away, giving way to the partially remaining muscle and tissue, the limb would detach- it’d been dead far too long to bleed. Woefully, she would chew on her angel’s leg, her teeth making morsels of the maggots that wiggled to escape being her dinner. Her teeth cracked and gnawed through the bones, filling the empty air around her with its desolate sounds.

In short time, she’d move on from its leg- her jaws pulling at some of the rotting flesh, as she slowly destroyed her angels remains. ”Jezzy new angel needs.” She would whine, plaintively pawing at the remains of her darling. She’d scented wolves near here- perhaps they’d have angels for her to save. ”Angels- Jezzy loves Angels. Loves cuddles. Loves taste. No waste. Jezzy no waste.” She’d sing as she worked through the corpse of her beloved. Jezebel knew better than to waste. 



12-05-2014, 10:26 PM
Was it irony that he, a child named after Death itself, would be drawn towards the scent? Decay and rot filled his nose, calling him on. Thanatos was strange. He didn't fear death. No, the idea of it was something he played with in his mind. In his dreams he saw good and bad, strange shadows and soft flowers that lit up a place that would otherwise be dark. Death, the boy told himself, was what one made of it. It was neither horror nor beauty, but a mix of what could be or perhaps even should be. The quiet boy would prick his ears as he drew near. Yes, quietness, a pace all his own, these were things that Thany had kept as he got older. But the youth, not even yet a year, was growing bolder. He might not be eager to jump into some fray, or to openly socialize in groups, but he knew that he was not just part of the background any longer.

What he saw was something unlike anything he'd ever witnessed or heard of. A female, over the corpse of some wolfen creature. Thany would watch, but not horrified. To him it was... fascinating. How she seemed to whine over the deceased... it was not being used as food. It seemed to be a way of... honoring the deceased. To protect their very corpse and keep them safe. The child known as death would come closer, his eyes bright as he looked to the female. "You love... and honor her... by not letting... her corpse... go." His words were spoken slowly, yet not unkindly. He would dip his head. 

"Lucky she was... to be... loved..."


12-08-2014, 03:09 PM

Her precise jaws made easy work of her angels bones. Pristine teeth would drive into the halo of the decedent spilling what is left of her brain matter. Her eyes narrowed in concentration as she minced the remains, grinding them into small bits and powder. Tattered pieces of fur, that had yet to fall from the frame of the child's body painting the frosted ground beneath them a dusty gray hue. Paw-steps would be ignored- until a voice spoke, and her head violently snapped upwards to face the.... angel? Hungry cerulean and coral eyes search the frame of this older angel, her nose twitching as she inhales his scent. His words are foreign- almost distorted, as they break into the haze of fury and grief she feels at the loss of the cherub she'd procured from the jaws of death itself. Her head tilts, ever so slightly to the right- a puzzled look in her eyes as he speaks. Abandoning the seraph at her feet, she'd stumble forward- towards the divine creature, a hungry look in her eyes. "Love... Jezzy loves Angel." She'd reach out with her paw towards the pup- in an attempt to paw at him. "Gift from gods?. She'd mutter, with a disappointed look at the remains of her last child. Dismissively she'd turn, staring at the mess of bones and fur that littered the ground. "Jez didn't waste. Never wasting. Always dying. Always leaving." She'd let out a mournful whine before turning to stare at the sky. "New angel- name you need." She'd turn her mix-matched gaze on the new child at her feet. She must do good- the angels just keep coming to her.


Helios I


9 Years
12-08-2014, 04:44 PM


Gods above he hated this place.  Still he would force himself to come back, new scents would lace over the old with each passing day and the possibility of bolstering Pantheon’s ranks was a driving force unlike any other. This time as he crossed the blood stained earth a scent he recognized assaulted his senses.

Thanatos? His adopted son’s name entered his head like a sudden hurricane. Emotions he had suppressed pushing to the forefront. He had not gone a single day without thinking about the children Katja had stolen from him. He had lost too many children in his life time and he felt the loss of his adopted ones just as he had Hermes’ or Apollo’s loss. He had resigned himself to being separated from them when Katja had taken them and though Virgil’s victory over the dappled woman had lifted a great weight from his shoulders he had known they were like to live with their mother now, though weather the golden woman deserved to be called that he was unsure.

He had not seen them though, Virgil had sent no one to free them and now she seemed to be gone again. Helios made a mental note to travel to ebony and retrieve his family. For now though… he’d follow the scent of his son. A stranger’s scent also hit his nose, and as it became clear that Thanatos and this unknown woman were both together he picked up his pace, the fur along his spine rising.

The woman that stood before his child set him on edge instantly and he flew forwards protective rage bubbling from within. "He has a name." He roared, stepping over the boy to block her advance towards him. "But you will leave him be."





12-11-2014, 06:46 PM
Thanatos would watch her, his eyes bright, curious. This woman was in his eyes unique, not strange at all. The look in her eyes should have scared him, should have sent him running away. But Thanatos found her interesting. Her eyes were of two different colors, pretty colors. She... she almost looked lonely too. How she pawed for him and all. Thany would move a little closer, head tilted to the side. Jezzy, he assumed her name was. The boy glanced at what sad remains of the other child there was before letting his gaze travel back to her. She seemed so sad... could she maybe use a friend? Something that... that wouldn't die... he didn't understand that the pup died because she was unable to properly care for it.

Thanatos wanted to help this woman, he decided. Be her angel... as she called him. He would open his mouth, getting ready to speak when there was a woosh of air. Thany would look up, finding Helios, his adopted father, standing over him. His own mother not around too much, and his sire dead, the boy looked to this man and his mate as his parents, though he knew the difference between them and his mother.  Ears would lower, confusion on his face. "Dad what's... wrong? She... wasn't... hurting me." Gaze would return to Jezzy. "She was... honoring... the lost... one. She needs... a friend..."The boy let out a soft whine.

"Don't... hurt her..." Thanatos would make the request, unsure of what Helios would do. The man had lost so much... had been separated from him and his siblings for some time. If he thought one of his children, adopted or not, were in trouble, would he act rashly?


12-11-2014, 07:30 PM

Hungrily, she watched her new found angel. As she approached him- it seemed that they weren’t alone any longer. A wall of wolf appeared, standing over the angel- and his voice was a roar. Jezebel’s ears flattened, as she eyed the creature keeping her away from her angel, raising her head to look up at him. ”Too big to be angel. Go away” She muttered, her expression confused and annoyed. Her head lowered, as her angel spoke and she smiled delightedly at the sound of his voice. ”Gods have brought angel! Jezzy has Gods favor.” She said with a happy wag of her tail. She folded herself down, resting on her front paws in a sort of bowing gesture. Her head tilted to the side. ”F-friend?” She echoed. ‘Don’t hurt her.’ The angels voice echoed- and Jezzy found herself zapped into her past. ”DON’T HURT HER PLEASE!” A voice shrieked, and suddenly she was moving rapidly- the landscape blurring as she was carried away. Her body slammed against the wolf how had her in his jaws. Jezebel let out a whine, trying to look behind them. ‘Go back!’ ‘Mom!’ She thought desperately. She tried to scream- but no sound would come…. Mom….

”Don’t hurt her.” She echoed- her voice faint. Her eyes hardened as she stared at the wolf standing over her angel. Who was he?! Her lips curled up slightly- as she stared up at him in her bowing positon. ”Don’t hurt angel!” She would snap, her jaws clicking shut audibly.



12-12-2014, 12:55 PM
She was in search of warriors. Her pack was growing, but not with anyone she had complete confidence in. And those that she did, were vastly outnumbered. Silver limbs pulled her across the snow to the battlefield, the stench of blood beckoning her closer. Perhaps she would find a willing, or unwilling, victim to come home with her today. Coral gaze slide cross the snowy landscape, senses kicking into high alert. A slow grin would pull at her lips as she encountered the scene before her. 3 wolves, all of which she did not know. She aimed to close the distance between them, position herself so that she came to stand at a T intersection between them. Her gaze would flicker back and forth. "What an interesting place for a family gathering." A smirk tugged at her lips, her gaze falling to the child. The last time she was here she had stolen a child and taken him home. Would she be doing the same today? She was no fool, the tension that radiated off the male did not suggest that this was a family meeting. And the crazed expression of the woman was far to hazardous to care for much of anything but herself.

Helios I


9 Years
01-01-2015, 01:18 PM


The boy would protest but Helios kept his gaze locked upon the woman before him she looked up and him and in her peculiar fashion told him to leave. A growl wrinkled his muzzle and flashed ivory fangs at the woman. "After you." He hissed. Though she seemed to pay him no more heed, turning her attention back to the boy and Helios shifted, gently trying to nudge his son back. He didn’t want the woman too look at him. "His birth was gift to me from the Gods." He growled softly, though in truth the boy was not his by birth.

The woman seemed to shift suddenly and despite himself he pushed back, trying to drag his son along with him. Another shape would move towards them. Gods above, can’t you just let me keep this one child? He pleaded, they had taken enough from him already. Rubies would narrow at the silver woman, scoffing at her words.  "Well why don’t you join us? Gods know we could use more entertainment." His tone was sarcastic, flicking gaze between the two woman, and lowering his bulk slightly, doing his best to shelter the boy from as much of their gazes as possible. 




01-04-2015, 05:52 PM
Thanatos’ gaze was fixed on Heilos, though he wouldn’t miss how the woman seemed to snap at him. She seemed not quite all there, yet Thany felt for her. She seemed so lonely and sad... Of course he could understand his father being protective of him. Heilos had been there when his own father could not be, when his mother had been gone. He cared deeply for the man. His ears would lift some, the tenseness of the situation causing Thany to slip into that more ‘dominant’ persona he held. The more serious side of ‘death’.

The young male’s gaze would shift as another woman came, moving back as his father did. He wanted to help the woman with the bi-colored eyes, yet he would not disobey Helios, or make his life more difficult if he could help it. He trusted his father’s judgment. If he felt that this woman was dangerous he would hang back. But this second woman.... There was something else about this one. The posture of an alpha. Thany would let out a quiet growl, staying behind Helios. “...Dad... Come on...” He would rather leave than cause more terrible. To possibly see his father fight for those he loved again... To bleed...

Thanatos had learned that not all things were done for the right reason. That all wolves did not do the just thing. He would not let himself be taken again. He was young, inexperienced... Hardly any fight training. But if his father were to be challenged Thany would fight beside him. He would not let his father be the only to fight. Family would stick together... That was what they were supposed to do. “Let’s leave. There’s no need to fight.” No need to shed more senseless blood.