
We Rowdy [recruiting]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-05-2014, 10:34 PM

Up until this point Valentine had simply let potential members come to him. Now that Imperium was established it was time for him to go to them. Where better to find a fighter than the battlefield? With that thought in mind, the brute lazily made his way to the tainted terra. Once there he paused to look it over, noting the scuffs and blood in the snow. Yes, this is where he wanted to be. Lucky for him, the battliefield was conveniently located right next door to the Knolls. Perhaps he should make visiting it a routine.

Throwing back his head, the brute let out a powerful summons, a challenge for the skells that roamed the battlefield. He howled for the lost, for the abandoned, to the young ones who had nothing to lose. Days prior, the titan had been struck with an idea to put together a gang of young rogue combatants. He'd give them training and shelter, and in return, he would ask only for their undying loyalty. He would mold them into fine, fierce warriors.

Sinking to his haunches, Valentine waited to see if there was any who would take him up on his challenge.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


12-10-2014, 08:18 PM
A discontented sigh shuddered through the silence.  How long had the lone she-wolf been wandering?  It felt like years.  Her long ebony ears were pinned back against her head and gray eyes were clouded with frustration as soft paws padded steadily and aimlessly forward.  Hadn’t this been what she had longed for her whole life?  Wasn’t this freedom that she had dreamed about ever since she had been old enough to get up onto her own four legs and wander about?  Wasn’t this isolation what she had yearned for, back when she was cooped up among her unruly brothers and her stern, no-nonsense father?  Then why did everything out here seem so . . . boring?

The pungent smell of blood was the only thing that finally snapped the young wolf out of her reverie.  Immediately, her ears perked forward, her head snapped up, her body froze in place, and her pale gray eyes flashed with sudden attention.  Memories of sparring sessions with her father and brothers sprang to Allie’s mind and a sudden jolt of excitement rushed through her veins.  What is this place? she wondered quietly to herself.

Suddenly there was a howl not too very far off and Allie’s head snapped to the side.  It wasn’t that she hadn’t run into other lifeforms in her aimless wanderings through these new lands, but there was something about this call that commanded one’s attention.  Again, the image of Allie’s father flashed in her mind’s eye and she remembered the proud way he had held his head above all other wolves in the pack.  The way he commanded attention, obedience, and loyalty.  This time, the surge of excitement that rushed through the lone wanderer was mixed with a tinge of anxiety.  One had to be careful, out here wandering alone.  Allie had never been on her own without a pack before and, though she had relished the freedom at first, she was now beginning to feel slightly exposed and weak.  She hadn’t been the strongest fighter in her father’s pack by a long shot, though she always did her best.  How could she expect to defend herself out here all alone, and against an alpha, no less?

Allie’s small, dark head lowered to the ground once more as she padded softly towards the sound, her muscles tensed and ready to fight or flight at a moment’s notice.  At last, she set her clouded gray eyes on the owner of the voice – an astonishingly large male, with a coat that reminded her of a clouded, moonless night sky.  His bright blue eyes were staring out at the forbidding terrain around him, challenging anyone to approach him.  Allie watched him in silent caution for a few moments.  Her first instinct was to immediately return his call, but she tried to imagine what her father might do in a situation like this.  Use caution, Allegro, he would say.  You always trust too easily.

Still, Allie couldn’t help padding quietly closer, though she kept a hesitant distance between herself and the forbidding male.  Ears lay back on her head and she lay somewhat low to the ground, making her small form even smaller in a show of humble greeting.  However, no words left her lips.  She would not be the first to speak in this situation.  What would she even begin to say?

Text - Speech

Mercy I


5 Years

12-10-2014, 09:27 PM
She had followed him here, curious as to why her alpha was heading to the battlefield. It was winter, a perfect time for the growing girl to blend in with the snow covered lands. She grinned, seeming small compared to her titan bear-wolf alpha. As he lifted his head to howl, she crept up and took a seat to his side, using the stalking skills that Cascade had taught her to creep up on the man. As his powerful call ended, she grinned up at the mighty man. "What we doing today, boss?" she asked, the tip of her tongue slipping out to poke at him. It was then that a smaller creature came up, most likely baffled by Valentine's side. Flopping her elongated tail on the earth, her head tilted to the side. "Don't worry, we don't bite that hard." She said, winking at the darker female. She didn't quite know what Valen was planning, but as always she would follow him.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-12-2014, 11:12 PM

Suddenly Mercy was at his side. She drew his attention away from the horizon for a second, the brute glancing at her as she voiced a question. Just as quickly as it had fallen on her, his gaze darted away to search the distance. "'We'?" Valen shot her a look once more, his brow quirked in a question. He didn't remember inviting her. Regardless, she was here now. Again his gaze flitted away. "We are recruiting rogue soldiers."

A slight fae heeded his call. As she studied him, he studied her. Her posture modest, she approached him slowly and with what appeared to him to be a fair amount of trepidation. All the while the young ruler made no move, simply watching with slight amusement. She said nothing and neither did he. Mercy was the first to break the silence and in response to her teasing statement, Valentine shot her yet another look. Being content to merely observe her in her interactions with others, he remained silent. Having her at his side would be a learning experience, he was sure.

Turning his attention back to the rogue, he said, "Those who take up my challenge will have to prove their loyalty to me in blood. They'll receive all the training they desire, the protection of a pack, and all the freedom of a rogue. But they'll live in the shadows and receive no recognition for their efforts. Does this appeal to you?"

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.