
Who Turned Out The Lights?


12-05-2014, 11:42 PM
[Tags:: Apollo, Chryseis]

In his adventure away from Yfir the pack was, well, gone. He hadn't meant to linger away for so long and now worry gripped at him. Where was his mother? Apollo? The boy would step carefully on his leg through the snow, moving a bit slower in the cold, powdery nonsense. Ears would tilted back, a worried whine leaving him. Surely they hadn't abandoned him? Or... or maybe they thought he was ungrateful and had abandoned them? Sea green eyes would lower to the snow at his paws, tail lowered close to his hind legs. 

"...I..." Hypnos felt his heart aching. What if something had happened? The woman who claimed Yfir... what if she hurt them? Killed them? Impossible. His mind snorted at him. Hypnos would let a sigh pass his lips, lifting his gaze to the landscape. All he had wanted was to find a friend closer to his own age to hang out with. A pup... and he had. She was nice, though a bit too hyper. Still it had been so refreshing he had been hesitant to come home. But now...

Swallowing back his worries the boy would tilt his head to the gray skies, mouth forming a circle as he let out a howl for the ones he considered his true family, should they still linger. If they had he only hoped that they could forgive his absence, and that they would not be sore with him.


12-23-2014, 07:37 PM

So much had happened in such a short amount of time. They had been living happily in Yfir, Apollo had rejoined them, abandoning his own family to be with her. And then Virgil had returned, as promised, and snatched the throne of Katja. They had all been imprisoned, but Virgil had failed to stay, thus allowing them all to leave freely. But somewhere in the chaos she had gotten separated from Hypnos, had been unable to locate him. So when his voice rang around, she did not hesitate to rush to his side. She aimed to come at him from his left, pressing her shoulder to his and showering him in kisses. "Thank the gods you are safe." She would murmur, more to herself than to him. She would pull back only to inspect him, to ensure that he had come to no harm, else there would be hell to pay. But he was fine. Shoulders sagged with relief. "Where have you been? I've been so worried." There were no accusations in her voice, only genuine concern. He was finally old enough to venture as he pleased, and his leg was strong enough to support him, most of the time.

"Burn Baby Burn"


01-04-2015, 05:55 PM
Hypnos would not end up waiting too terribly long, and thank the gods for that. Hypnos had been unaware of Virgil’s return... Of her holding those who were in Yfir. He just knew the pack was gone... He didn’t care about them... Well... Mostly. He was grateful to Katja for her assistance to his mother and himself. Grateful to Kapra for teaching him, even if it was only a little. He would give a happy whine, though also mixed with protest. So many kisses! Wasn’t he too big for that?

When Chryseis pulled back to inspect him he would do the same to her, just out of instinct. The young male would lower his ears some, so glad to know she was alright. He also felt guilty for having worried her. “I went wandering out of the lands. I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to go for so long. I... I met a friend. She’s really nice and I... I guess I lost track of just how long I was away.” Hypnos would explain. He would shake his head, a smile coming onto his features.

“I’m glad to see you. I was worried too.. I...” The frown faded, his gaze lowering. “I’m sorry... That sort of thought shouldn’t have crossed my mind.” The thought she might abandon him as his biological mother had. He’d lift his gaze again. “Is Apollo okay too?” His voice was softer now. It was a bit strange his older brother was the lover of the fae he saw as his mother. But it made sense now why Apollo kept his distance when he was a pup. He just hoped that at some point he and the albino male could get closer to one another. Outcasted Olympians... One thrown away for his choices, the other for that which he couldn’t even control. Fate was... Sickening.


01-16-2015, 09:27 PM

His whine was of happiness and protest, as though he was too old to be showered in her love. She would do nothing but smile, happy to know that her son was alright. He would explain where he had been, out wandering on his own, meeting other wolves. She couldn't explain him for exploring, he was old enough now that he was able to leave the nest so to speak and do as he pleased. But now that he was once again in her presence, she was relieved, she won't have to worry about him. He would apologize, and for a moment she was confused. Sorry for what? But then it would occur to her that he had thought she had abandoned him, just as his biological mother had. She would touch her nose to his cheek, there was no need to apologize. He would inquire about Apollo and she would not. "He is well too, he was fortunate to not have been part of Yfir when Virgil forced everyone to stay after her victory over Katja." She would shrug, the two have never been close, though they still cared for ecahother. She imagined that it was probably weird for the both of them, being that she had adopted Hypnos, loved Apollo and yet they were both brothers. "What are your plans now?" She would ask with a tip of her dark crown. She wouldn't force him to stay if he didn't want, but she still hoped that he would check in every so often, come and visit her.

"Burn Baby Burn"


01-20-2015, 12:35 AM
Hypnos would breathe a small sigh of relief as his mother said that Apollo was alright. He knew how much the black and gold femme cared for his brother, even if their relationship was strained. He wanted to be closer to the other male, but he wasn’t sure if they ever would be. He let out a soft sigh as her question turned to him now, his gaze lifting to meet hers. “I... I want to train... To become stronger than I am now. To take back the life that my... Biological parents tried to end. To give you their pack... To give you the life you deserve.” The words were bold and straight forward, but would she approve? Did she think that he had the strength to take them? Hypnos would wait with baited breath, ears lowered some. He didn’t even know where he was going to begin with any of this... But... He would figure it out.