
We grew up [Kyarst]



2 Years
12-06-2014, 03:13 PM

It had been a while, but she had returned to the North. Temporarily of course, but there was a small comfort in revisiting the places  she had often grown up in. She had missed the older days, with the security of Glaciem and having the pick of who she chose to play with. And now? Well, she had to grow up, she had just turned two and the babe was rather cautious about Adulthood. Now, she actually had to have responsibility, she could no longer play or slouch about. Her skills would always have to be sharp and she had to be loyal to Jupiter. It was strange living under a new rule though there was no doubt that S'alkrie would adjust well. She would disregard all of her thoughts for the time being. Picking herself up and strolling towards the frozen lake. She would stare at it for a few moments, before reaching out with  a single fore paw, pressing against the ice. She had no desire to go across it, though once she saw the faint glow beneath the ice it would not fail to catch her attention, and she would continue to tap the ice in the hopes to see more of the faint glow, what were the creatures below?

image by Luisiana



2 Years
12-16-2014, 04:17 PM
ooc; I am soooo sorry I forgot this! I promise to be quicker now <3

He had been haunting the north since his return only a few weeks ago. Though he had dipped his toes into the east and south on occasion, it seemed as if the north would always draw him back. Lysis was here, and that was a good part of his reasoning for returning, but he also had a history here - a history he longed to hold onto. He stared blankly toward the ice pillars that rose defiantly up from the frozen lake. There was an eerie glow hovering around the confines of the lake, and he intended to investigate it further. However, as he neared the lake he noted a familiar figure looming nearby, and it brought memories back.  “S'alkyrie,” he breathed, in a much deeper voice than she was probably used to. They had both grown so much since their last encounter.  “It seems Armadas are falling from the sky lately,” he jested in a tone that held a note of seriousness. Had some siren call brought them all back to where they belonged? Would his father and mother come too? Hope filled his very soul as he neared her, pausing a few yards away. His tail would flag outward and bat lazily behind him, it was good to see her again.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
01-03-2015, 10:55 AM
No worries! I forgot about this toXD

She would take in the little details around her,  the breeze which swarmed around her was much chillier then where Ludicael resided, and how the simplicity of the area had always seemed to draw her in. She would skim a paw once again across the frozen lake, before a deep, soft call would catch her attention. She would freeze in her activity, the voice somewhat familiar but different all the same. She would slowly twist her petite body in order to look upon the masculine form. Her ruby eyes would lock upon his own jade green, and wow, hasn't he changed? Her tail would tap against her heels, a smile touching her thin rosy lips. " Kyarst! It's nice to see you again, where have you been?" Her steps would remain light and calculated, making her way over to inspect him more closely. "Falling from the skies in the hope for power." Whether it be for leadership or the opportunity to intimidate others with the fear of their reputation that Isardis had proudly made. She had always been somewhat intimidated by the boy's father, but she had always respected him. "It would seem when their ultimate leader leaves the lands of Alactria they all follow. You know, it was rather quiet in Isardis's absence, The Armadas where fairly quiet until Recently." S'alkrie was still surprised by the return of Kyarst, they had known very little of eachother, though it was always welcoming to see a familiar face. " Do you plan on sticking around?"

image by Luisiana



2 Years
01-04-2015, 10:13 PM

Where had he been, where had he been. It seemed that was the first and only question his relatives could think to ask him. He offered a somewhat stifled chuckle and gave a quick response,  “Around.” There was no simpler answer than that, and he didn't care to elaborate. He watched her approach, admiring the svelte way her body moved. She had grown quite beautiful in his absence, and reminded him ever so much of his sire.  “Armadas always hope,” he noted idly. There was always a hunger for power, a constant hope that it would be, could be, attained. Tail switched behind him as she mentioned his father's absence.  “What do you know of his departure, if anything? I have heard so little.” There was little he knew of his father's leaving, though he had surmised that the man had not died, but rather left Alacritia for an unknown amount of time. Would he return? Was he alive even now? Had Sendoa gone with him? Questions swam in his cranium, but he set them aside - waiting for her answer.  “I do,” he would offer in response to the question she posed. He would then fix his hips upon the earth, intending to see what she knew of his father's departure. 


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.