
Can Someone Be My Guardian Angel?


12-07-2014, 06:24 PM
Félicien had gotten sick. His sickness grew worse rapidly, causing the brute to shift away from making any sort of attempt at making himself useful in pack life. His head throbbed, his chest hurt, and it was hard to breathe. He had thought to see his mother or Sorrel for herbs but... by the time he had acknowledged how sick that he was Féli found it too much of a struggle to leave his den, especially with the snow on the ground, and left himself holed up, miserable, and getting weaker with each bit of passing time. 

When was the last time he had gotten water? Food? The young male didn't know. If his body wasn't burning with fever it was cold, even if to the touch it burned. When he coughed he'd hack up all manner of grossness from his mouth, sometimes flecked with blood. It was the sickness he contracted when he was younger all over again, though surely this wasn't the epidemic returned? No blood came from his eyes but... he was miserable... and the onset was so sudden... would... would he die?

Bi-colored eyes would close, a weak whine leaving his muzzle.

He didn't want to die.



3 Years
12-07-2014, 06:49 PM
If one of the twins was going to be sickly, anyone probably would have placed their bets upon Sorrel. He was physically certainly the weaker of the pair though for whatever reason it seemed he was often the healthier of the boys. It was Féli that had been struck by the horrid epidemic and Féli again now who had caught this other sickness trailing around the pack. Sorrel had been fine both times, perhaps it was the manner in which he isolated himself that saved him on both occasions.

The biggest problem this time was perhaps the fact that their herb stocks were still far lower than either Symphony or Sorrel liked. Sorrel himself had only really gathered them and sorted them though, never had he actually administered any of the herbs before. For that reason as he came across his brother clearly unwell, his immediate thought was for his mother to come and see how poorly Féli was and find a way to help him. "Féli!" He would call out to him as he pushed inside the sickly smelling den. "Oh dear, shall I go and fetch some herbs for him?" Ellingham was close by of course, and it would be he that might help encourage Sorrel to try something for himself. For now though the boy had his attention fixed upon his brother.


12-29-2014, 05:33 PM
Sometimes the young male couldn't help but wonder if death would have been a better option than... this. Félicien would shift as he heard the cry, his ears twitching and head adjusting so he could look to his mirror image as he stood there in the den. The larger of the twins truly felt horrible that Sorrel had to see him this way. To see him so ill for the second time. This was not the epidemic, heck, he certainly hoped not, but was just some sickness that was passing around due to the winter. Féli truly hated to worry his family, to worry Sorrel especially. He would try to put on a brave face, despite feeling like shit, and tried to offer his brother a smile.

"Been... a while." Sorrel would know he wasn't completely fine, but maybe it would make his brother worry just a tad less if he saw Félicien was still well enough to try and joke, to smile. "What's the special... occasion?" A racking cough would leave Félicien's muzzle, head laying back on his legs. His head throbbed, his throat so dry. That was the cause for the blood that sometimes flecked the mucus he coughed up. Féli would suppress a whine, making a request instead.

"Can I... get some water?" His voice was low. Though Félicien had been the one of the twins to get badly sick twice now in his life he had a strong will to live. He wouldn't leave his family, no matter how many times he had to fight sickness back. The world wouldn't be rid of him that easy... especially when his family was his strength.



3 Years
12-29-2014, 06:21 PM
Félicien of course should have realised that Sorrel was hardly the type for jokes, especially not at a time like this. The boy's sense of humour was nearly non existent, such a serious fellow and now though they may have been spoken for his benefit he wasn't about to laugh. The concerned look upon his features told the story that not one ounce of worry had faded away as he looked carefully at his twin. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly, evidently a horrid cough for starters as was swiftly demonstrated but what were the other symptoms, what could he be given to help him along with a swift recovery? Where on earth was their mother, she would probably know what to do right away!

A request for water would be the first response however. Sorrel gave a small nod of his head "I'll be as quick as I can." He promised and swiftly left the den. "See if we've got any watercress, marshmallow or valerian root." He asked the owl once outside. They'd been able to gather quite a bit of the plants, the damp ground from the summer floods certainly helping their growth. Hopefully there was still some left within the stores. Féli would probably need other herbs too, though something for the cough at least was a start. Ellingham obediently flew off without another word.

Sorrel would be the first to return, depositing the water close to his brother. "Here you go." He spoke softly, mismatched eyes studying his sickly twin for any other symptoms he could pick up. It probably would have been far more efficient to work out all of them first before giving Féli any herbs but he was apparently too worried to think completely straight at the moment.


01-20-2015, 12:32 AM

Well, of course Félicien realized that Sorrel wasn’t really the joking kind but... He could hardly help it. In a way, trying to joke helped him feel a little better too. Not really “better” but... The golden twin would shift some, trying to pick what he wanted to say carefully. Sorrel wasn’t buying into his jokes, clearly. If anything that might have made him even more concerned.

But first would be the issue of water. Féli would wait, not like he had much of a choice, and waited for his brother’s return. He would lap up the water, swallowing it down before giving the answer his brother needed. “Got a cough... Of some sort. Got a bit... Bad... Just been in here... Since then.” It wasn’t the most helpful information, but it was something. He would set his head back on his paws, giving a few hacks that shook his body, followed by a groan.

“...Has anyone else... Been ill?”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
01-23-2015, 11:55 AM
Jokes or not he would have been worried about his brother. These days Féli was certainly the person Sorrel was closest to, that position wasn't even awarded to Ellingham despite how much the owl was around him. Honestly with half of his family currently off wondering god only knew where, the boy had no idea what he would do if he was to lose his twin as well. The idea of him dying wasn't one he would stand for, not even for a moment. Félicien would get better, Sorrel just had to figure out how to get him better that was all.

The cough was the main problem then it seemed, though it was likely he'd need some sort of mixture of herbs to help Féli feel completely better, Sorrel certainly hoped that whatever Ellingham returned with would at least help him in some way. He'd have a think and a discussion later with the owl but for now he would remained fixated upon his brother as the other demonstrated that he certainly did have a rather nasty cough at the moment.

"Our grandparents and Frith." Sorrel responded. Novel and Dutiron had obviously been ill for quite some time there was a chance that Féli already knew about them though Frith would likely be news. He wouldn't dare say it just yet though so far his twin seemed to be coping the best, how much of that though was early stages of illness and Sorrel's own hopes?

Ellingham would choose that moment to return, with watercress clutched within his talons he would drop the little pile outside the den as he landed, peering inside though not entering to interrupt the twins. Sorrel would retreat then to grab the plant, placing half close to his brother and pushing the rest to one side. "Eat this now." He informed him. "Save the rest till this evening. I'll be back before then anyway but you should rest for now." Sorrel informed him. He'd figure out if there was anything else he had in the stores of herbs to help but for now the rest would surely help as the watercress got into his system.


02-03-2015, 02:57 PM

Three others. Their grandparents and even Frith. A whine, mixed with a half choke, half cough, would escape him. He worried for the older two wolves. Getting sick at their age was surely dangerous. Moments after the news was delivered Ellingham, his brother’s owl companion {whom Féli thought was neat, even if his brother didn’t always care for the additional company} would return with the herbs. They were helpful creatures, and the one who chose to accompany his brother was wonderfully caring, even if he seemed clingy. After a small, weak nod to the feathered one he would focus again on Sorrel and his instructions.

Joyous of joys, eating the herbs. It was a task that the boy didn’t care for, but it was necessary. Besides, Félicien knew well enough by now that consuming them could only help. His brother wouldn’t give him anything that would harm him. With a small nod, he began to lap up the gross stuff. This stuff was definitely more for rabbits and critters of that nature. But at least it was something to make him feel better. After consuming the instructed pile he set his head on his paws, giving a small, although weak smile at his brother. “You’re... the boss... Sorrel. I’ll see... You... Then.” Eyes would slide closed, and despite the sickness he felt a weight off his shoulders.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen