
♚ A Royal Affair [OPEN]



7 Years
12-09-2014, 07:49 PM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2014, 06:10 PM by Goliath1.)

With one last earth-shattering shake, numerous patches of dead fur and old wounded pieces seemed to float to the terrain with a heavy sigh soon to follow, matching that of a grieving god, the behemoth male would slowly exhale his silver breath, watching the plumes of thick mist curl towards the heavens, satiated though still lustful look upon his stoic visage.  Black hair and patches of old dirt-ridden fur fluttered toward the snow dusted terrain.  Where fur once resided, small, cold snowflakes would take residence, stinging against the warmth of the old scars upon his withers and back, thick and large they bore into the frozen air though it was still and silent where he stood, staring aimlessly at the wall before him.

Breaths would continue to curl before his thick, heavy maw, moist ringlets beginning to allow small icicles to form and hang from the thick ice layered bull ring in his frigid nostrils.  The obscure trinket seemed frozen in place though the breath continuing to feed the ice allowed his nose enough warmth as the walked to keep frostbite at bay.  Though his paws? One could say this beast was walking on absolutely nothing the way he black paws fell absent to the touch, he'd driven himself mad trying to keep his mind off of the blistering feeling eating away at his large feet, snow trapped between the creases of his old toes, leaving behind prints in the light layer of snow that would challenge the size of a bears own print. As he watched the wall he felt an aching distraction in his hips, the cold eating away this winter at his joints, but, as far as this brute could figure, he still had a few years left before debilitation was even an option.

Auds would pull behind his large dial, resting their ratchet fur pattern against his uneven thick mane of a neck. With his last exhale exhaustion overtook him.  He felt his eyelids grow heavy and his golden gaze grew dim to the early morning sunrise.  A few more snowflakes slowly fluttered down from above, matching the silence around him as he looked on at the massive blockade before him, though he knew he could continue alongside it, it was the shear size of the wall that seemed to capture his attention, not to mention the knowledge that it soon would taper into nothing, such a momentary thought would cause a small smirk to appear upon his sturdy maw and then it would fade as the realization of the metaphor came over him.  Shoving the thought away he pushed forward, turning his heavy figure upon his haunches he continued his journey to nowhere, keeping close to the wall, moving with silence into a land of absolute nothing.

"Speech" Thoughts



4 Years
12-29-2014, 05:59 PM

Following the curve of the Wall, Warja pushed through the snow with little thought to her destination. She was traveling to travel - nothing more. In the dead of winter and so far north there no herbs to collect. There was, however, plenty of sights to see. Already she'd walked several marvels of upper Alacritia, covering everything from magnificent geysers to awe-inspiring forests. This place, with its rocky structure that reminded her of the Range, was fascinating, but didn't compare to the frozen forest she'd walked over top of. That didn't mean it wasn't worth investigating, it just meant it have a high ranking in her book.

Pausing as she rounded a bend, Warja stopped to stare at a raggedy looking behemoth not far away. So grotesque was he that she didn't immediately recognize him as a wolf, instead, her mind conjured up the idea of a misshapen bear. The young medic blinked. Wow...he was...something else, wasn't he? His skin was so marred and blemished that she couldn't tell what was new and what was aged, but being a medic, the possibility of wounds couldn't be ignored. "Are you alright?"




7 Years
01-09-2015, 05:58 PM

The frigid temperatures were eating at his core rather slowly, though without much of a chance to rest and relax out of the weather, it was managing to take it's toll on him with vigor. Icicles began to form from the snot dripping down against the gold ring dangling coldly in his tarnished obsidian nostrils. Scarred skin feeling sore and dry against the sub-zero wind chill. Golden optics starred blankly at the frozen wall before him mindlessly.

A touch of forest green in his peripheral caused the mammoth of a brute to pause his absent thoughts and turn his auds back and in the direction of a young wolf. Not far from him, though still far enough to not make out her every feature, the brute said nothing as his silver breath rolled from his lungs with slow, easy curls. His gaze and expression spoke of secrets and scars of his past, reflecting themselves in his mangled appearance. The strange gold trinkets in his decrepit ear, the bracelet upon his thick fore-stock, and thick bull ring in his nose merely flexing as his nostrils attempted to capture this doe's scent. She was young, forest optics watching him for a while as he cared to notice. Blinking slowly his blank expression took the fae in as she approached, her words sailing towards his auds with profound curiosity. He took a while before shifting his heavy weight upon all four of his stocks, turning carefully to face her, his thick figure heavily black against the bright white contrast of their snowy surroundings. At first he didn't speak, only looked at the girl with curiosity in his own eyes, as well as heavy apathy, waiting to see what the doe might do with his silent reply.

"Speech" Thoughts



4 Years
01-24-2015, 12:58 AM

Following her words, a staring contest ensued. It went on so long that Warja had half a mind to make faces at him. She was fairly certain he understood her; if he hadn't he would have made some other attempt to communicate. No, the kind of guy who remained perfectly silent was the type to do it for kicks.

He had an assortment of metal bits stuck to him, which was weird, but what was truly weird (or maybe just...gross) was how messy his overall appearance was. Did he have rabies or something? What kind of sickness kept one from, you know, bathing at the very least? He had flaky dead skin stuck to him in nasty patches and frozen snot hanging from his nose thing. Really, just the sight of him made her want to drag him to a river and scrub all the yuck off of him...and then bathe herself in case he was contagious.

She quirked an eyebrow at him, the gesture silently asking the question 'Well?' in the hopes of earning a response. "I know you're not deaf." He'd turned to look at her before she'd asked her question. "And I'm guessing you don't need help." A lie. Clearly he needed help bathing. "'d like assistance taking those metal bits out?" And then, while she was at it, she may as well give him a bath...or at the very least point him in the direction of the nearest river.
