
the only way out



2 Years
12-12-2014, 08:10 PM

Death was choking her; filling her lungs with his watery vengeance. She had murdered thousands for her greed, her pride. And did she show mercy? Not even the slightest utter of a halt command. Her Kingdom fell because her consorts betrayed her; preferred their former King. And now she was paying the price in the most gods forsaken place. Her nostrils dripped with excess moisture, her lungs aching from the unfamiliar humidity of this new place. She was used to dry air, heated directly by the sun. A disgusted sneer twisted her ivory and tawny mask as dull chartreuse pools bored blankly ahead. Lithe body, disfigured slightly by malnutrition, slipped gaudily through the vines and thick branches entwined above the ground. Dainty paws seeped into the ugly mud-ridden terrain, causing the occasional shiver of distaste down the queen's back. "And how am I supposed to see anything through this damned humid cloud storm?" Oh how she loathed all this new weather.

Cicero I


1 Year
Extra large
12-12-2014, 09:00 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2014, 09:02 PM by Cicero I.)

That little storm cloud he met all that time ago had been no fun. She seemed to have some wits about her as well as looks on her side, but that's really as far as it went. She hadn't been very useful to him in regards of providing information about the lands that he was still exploring, so he hadn't bothered trying to find her again. She hadn't seemed very interested in him either, so really there no point in trying to make something happen between them. Not that he wanted there to be, he simply wanted to use her for his own gain, but since she could provide him with nothing, she was useless to him. He was sure that she was only one of many useless wolves that he would run into during his time here.

Russet and gold paws would pull the growing young man along, silver eyes scanning the swampy landscape. This was certainly a different atmosphere. Winter had come to take it's hold on the lands, but these swamps didn't seem very affected by the touch of winter. As he walked along the outer edges of the swamp he could tell that some of the mud had solidified quite a bit, becoming a bit more stable, but as he abandoned the edge of the swamp to move in further, the solid mud would give away to a squelching mess. With each step he would shake off the mud that would encase his paws, but with the next step, they would be consumed with mud once again so Cicero gave up trying to keep himself clean, knowing that when he got bored of this place he could go jump in the nearest and return himself to his pristine condition. The sound of squelching up ahead caught his attention, silver eyes trying to see past the fog that hovered above the ground to see who else was in the swamp with him.

Dark nostrils would flare, tasting the scent of a rogue female on the breeze, followed by an annoyed voice. And how am I supposed to see anything through this damned humid cloud storm? A smirk would twist his bi-colored striped lips as a sarcastic remark would slip past them. [b]It's this revolutionary thing called using your eyes. You should really try it some time. I heard it does wonders.[/b] He had no idea who this female was, but from the fact that she was talking to no one in particular, since he was almost sure there was no one with her, she at least seemed like she was going to give him some entertainment for the moment.

"Burn Baby Burn"