
She's a giggle at a funeral


12-17-2014, 08:58 PM


The sun was high in the sky and it burned down on Niketas's broad shoulders his hulking form moving slowly across the mostly barren landscape. The last time he had been here he had bumped into one of his sisters, but of course he hadn't seen her since. That seemed to be a common theme with his family. Find each other every few months or so, catch up, say hello, promise to see each other more, and then go their separate ways for another few months. Well, he had his mother and Freya near him at an almost constant basis now since he had joined up with Arcanum. The pack's scent was still fresh and barely present on his pelt, but there was no denying it. He was a pack wolf now. He wasn't quite sure how he felt about it since the last pack he had been a part of had been his father's and really he had barely even been born then so who knew if that even counted. He was so used to wandering wherever he pleased, it was strange to think that he was now chained, more or less, to one place. That didn't keep his paws from straying from the pack lands, however.

The winter chill was present even here where the landscape was made up of rocks and sand, the ground carved out by the wind. The sun kept him warm enough though, along with his thick coat of gold and slate-blue fur. The light glittered gently off of each strand of hair, bringing out the stripes that wove their way along his sides, invading the stripe of blue-tainted fur that covered his shoulders and back. Acidic green eyes searched for anything or anyone of interest in this otherwise boring place. His dark-colored ears flicked indecisively. Maybe he should head back? If there wasn't anything to see here he might as well... 



5 Years
12-17-2014, 09:45 PM

Being tied down, if you wanted to put it that way, wasn't a part of her everyday thoughts anymore. With such a distant memory of those she shared the idea of family with now gone for so long, the doe had become something of an avid wanderer. Now used to the fact that loneliness now consumed her daily life, she realized staying positive over the situation, as well as somewhat hopeful seemed to make the days pass. She liked to control her daily life, having say in what she was doing everyday, not to mention experiencing the small thrills that accompanied the threats that encompassed the shadows on dark days. Handling them better than she ever thought possible, she felt a sense of pride rising within herself, though it didn't last long for that wasn't who she really was inside.

The thought faded, and with it so did the perked appearance she had mentally prepped herself to carry. Dial would lower now, and although she wasn't sad by any means, she felt a bit relaxed, merely allowing her mind to race down another pathway, one of reality and survival. Lavender gaze would dim ever so slightly, hidden upon a perch of lowered brows. Slender, gentle figure, small in stature and lean in appearance delicately floated across the earth's surface, like an angel she vibrated along the ground as if stepping upon water she sailed across the terrain. The silence of these cascading boulders and rocks floated about her like a sea of obsidian and red stained sands. Gaze would momentarily close and the calm doe found herself humming a quiet lullaby, feeling the delicate sounds lift from her throat like a sirens song. Angelic as they were, beautiful and soft in sound they floated along sound waves, though for all she knew it wasn't able to carry very far. Minding her own footsteps she moved slowly, the french in the lullaby floated through her mind and exited with each verse passing, repeating it softly. Dial would once in a while hit the terrain with her nostrils hovering barely above, sensing her surroundings, yet pulling down her securities like curtains to a stage.

"Speech" Thoughts