
how lost we are.



10 Years
12-22-2014, 08:37 AM
Ludicael was quiet, as it had been for most of the winter. Her parents had disappeared with Steel; she didn't know if they had escaped somehow or if Jupiter had let them go, but she wasn't surprised either way. They wouldn't want Steel to know life as a prisoner, just as she didn't want Psalm and Hymn to know such a life either. As badly as she wanted to follow after her parents and her baby brother, she had two children to look after -- and Novel, the love of her life, as well as Novel's family. They could not just leave.

A sigh left Ara's lips as she drew nearer to the hot springs. Imagining a life without her parents was painful, though she would rather them be free to do as they pleased in their last days. Slowly she let her limbs carry her close to the refreshingly hot water, nostrils flaring as she took inĀ  a whiff of steamy air. She longed for days when things had been easier; she craved the closeness she had once shared with Novel and she hoped that the taking of Ludicael had not torn them apart entirely. Eyes would close as she let her forepaws slip into the spring, slowly lowering herself to her belly on the cool earth, grateful to relax for a moment and let everything slip away.



10 Years
12-26-2014, 05:52 PM
Most of the family had went their own way, not very many wolves remained to stay under Jupiter's rule. Her mother and.. step father? She wasn't quite sure of his exact relation to her mother, but they had created a child together so it seemed close enough. They had found their way back to Ahlon shortly after she'd heard the haunting call, her brother had traveled after them. She and Ara had too much to worry about with Hymn and Psalm to really think about leaving yet. They were too established here, and even with the title of prisoner hanging over her head she had not been abused or mistreated. In fact she hadn't even seen the orange woman who now called these lands her own, not that she was eager to. She just lived here, she didn't want anything to do with the wolves who now called this place home.

The small girl would leave her two sons snoozing in the den as she left to go in search of her love. Ara was a constant in her life, and she wasn't sure what she would do with out the other wolf beside her. There were few who could boast their devotion as heartily as Ara did. Eagerly she would follow the scent trail to her beloved, and easily she would slide next to her. NUzzling her cheek tenderly Novel would scoot close, obviously in need of the other girl's affections.
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10 Years
01-03-2015, 07:45 AM
Though she understood why her parents had left, their sudden departure had left an ache in her heart. They were no longer young -- who knew how much longer they had left? What if she didn't get to say goodbye? Where would Steel go? Surely he was old enough to take care of himself now, but being alone when he was not yet a yearling wasn't the ideal scenario. The silence of the spring let her dwell on her thoughts for awhile. While much of Novel's family had abandoned the pack quickly, knowing they had a safe home in Ahlon, Novel and Ara had not. Their children were far too precious to them to worry about the threat of punishment if they did try to leave. They had not been mistreated her, that was true; though the general feeling of this place was off now.

The sudden arrival of Novel would soothe her worried mind. A sigh left her lips as her mate slid beside her, relaxing to her familiar touch. "My Novel," she would murmur softly. While Jupiter could destroy their pack, and uproot everything she had ever known -- she could never come between the love that the two women shared for each other, nor the love they had for their sons. This was what would keep her grounded and keep her sane. "How are you, today?" She would return the affection with little inhibition, happy to bury her snout in the fur of Novel's neck and to breathe in her scent deeply.

Jupiter I


7 Years
01-05-2015, 04:32 PM
(( I think the thing with alphas being able to enter any threads of their own land still stands. Let me know if that changed. She won't be interfering or anything, just hanging out ))

She lurks, quiet--but a ghost present in the mortal world. Behind one of the boulders that edge the hot springs she is tucked away, pelt pressed against the warm rock. They happen upon the space on the other side by coincidence, their scent drifting towards her, the soft breeze made warm by the springs carrying their words to her ears. There's something she recognizes in their tones--a heat, a passion, so tender and so fierce and when Ara speaks, she swears that if she shifts that tone just a little, she could hear Medusa saying her own name.

Jupiter is quiet. And she is passive--femme fatale with thirst quenched by the observation of love. She hardly breathes; the woman is curious as to what kind of relationship they share. Though she wishes eagerly to find the opportunity to match faces to those words, she bides her time. Patient. Waiting.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



10 Years
01-05-2015, 08:35 PM
Ara was obviously as relieved to be in her presence as Novel was of she, being apart now was difficult. Though their routine had been disturbed little their lives still felt so derailed. She could easily pretend that her world was the same, but really everything had changed. Her mate, her boys... they were the life raft she would cling to. Novel would purr at the sound of her name on Ara's sweet lips, settling in comfortable at her side. A shy smile would play at her features as she leaned into the touch that accompanied a simple question.

Sliding her nose down she'd aim to touch it against Ara's own that had been so buried within her fur. Still smiling softly she would answer, "I have you by my side, I wouldn't ever ask for more than that." Novel's voice answered back, offering a kiss with her pink tongue afterwards. "And you, my Ara?" she would whisper tenderly in return.
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10 Years
01-07-2015, 07:52 AM

She was utterly oblivious to Jupiter's distant presence, her body and soul focused on Novel alone. It was her and her sons that kept her afloat these days -- for so long she had been focused solely on caring for her parents, for the infinite quest of knowledge, but everything had changed now. The woman would sigh, content to rest against her for a long moment. The moment was personal and she felt as though it was shared by none other than the two of them. Although she was not the least bit ashamed of her relationship with Novel, she preferred to keep much of their affection behind closed doors. Ara had never been particularly showy about anything, and her relationship would be no exception.

Novel insisted she had all she ever wanted, but Ara would shake her head slowly. "You deserve more," she would insist gently, returning the kiss with a gentle one of her own, placed carefully on the side of her mouth. "You deserve the world. I wish I could give it to you..." Though they were not treated badly here, it felt lonely without much of Novel's family around. And while they had not tried to leave, she felt confined here within the borders. A soft whine would leave her lips as she enjoyed a moment of silence with her mate, happy to just feel her warmth and full the beating of her heart as she shifted to press against her chest. Gently she would nip at the girl's fur, the gesture loving and laced with the slightest bit of playfulness.



10 Years
01-08-2015, 10:07 PM
They might as well have been alone for all the attention Novel would pay to her surroundings. Ara held her focus, her heart, and her soul. There would never be another out there who she cared for more, or who she would want to be beside the rest of her life. She appreciated that her mate kept most affection to themselves, she wasn't sure how she would react if she were expected to show off such actions in front of her family, but really it didn't matter there were few wolves she saw anymore anyway.

Ara shook her head at the thought, insisting that something so simple was not all that she deserved. She would find herself smiling at the kiss, even though she wanted to protest. Really Ara and their boys was all she would ever want or need. She could have lived anywhere and would have been content with just them. She wouldn't offer any rebuttal, instead would lose herself in her mate's affection as the darker girl pushed against her chest. The playful nips that were added would surprise the pale girl, a soft giggle would leave her lips as she buried her features in Ara's soft fur her own tentative nips returned along the back of her neck.
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10 Years
01-09-2015, 11:44 PM
Ara had never had a particularly grand vision of her future as a child. For so long, she hadn't been able to imagine life without her parents, or without Faolan or Jendai; but Jendai had been scarce as she grew older, and even Faolan was not around now very often. And now her parents had even left -- all she had now was Novel and Psalm and Hymn, and truthfully she was okay with that. Her parents didn't have much time left in this world. She saw the strength draining from them with each week that passed. What she did need to live for was their young sons. Despite the feeling of being trapped here, despite feeling like everything was different now... they both had to try.

A soft purr of pleasure left Ara's lips as Novel giggled in response to her sudden affection. She was content to lose herself in her mate's chest for the moment, straining for the warmth and softness of her pelt. "Would you ever want more?" Ara would ask suddenly, eyes closing as she felt Novel's gentle touches to the back of her neck. "Children, I mean... While their first two hadn't been born in the best circumstances, they loved them regardless; and she had no doubt that Novel felt the same way. Two beautiful creatures, born of an awful situation. What might happen if it had been done consensually, a decision that they had both made? She couldn't help but wonder. A content sigh left her lips as she leaned closer into Novel, ecstasy flooding her as she found herself truly relaxing in her presence.



10 Years
01-10-2015, 12:17 AM
When she was young she certainly hadn't ever imagined this would be where her life was. She'd never had any doubts that Dhiren would have become alpha, but herself, all she'd ever seen was healing. Not children, not her perfect mate.. But she knew that she would never change anything, even if she could take back having her boys, there was n way she could. They were amazing, and she loved them no matter how they'd come to her. Novel was also aware of the small amount of time that Ara's parents had left in the world, though she would never ask how long they might have herself she wondered if she would ever see the pair again.

She wouldn't think on such sad thoughts though, she couldn't as the darker girl let a purr from her soft lips. Novel found herself lost in Ara with a practiced ease, losing the moments that slipped by as she appreciated the time alone. She hadn't expected the question as Ara asked her, what she meant by 'more' making her heart skip a beat before she continued to seek out her thoughts on more pups. Though she would have liked to deny the terrified shiver that run up her spine there was no way she would be able to hide it in their close proximity.

Though she couldn't be held in that state for long, even as thoughts of Lel tried to steal away her hard won confidence being next to Ara would help to keep her strong. Taking in a deep breath she would pushed herself closer to Ara, wanting nothing more than to lose herself forever in her. "I would love more children, more puppies.." She would say dreamily, a stark contrast to the thoughts that had gripped her only moments ago. Though she grew serious with her finish, "But I don't think I could ever let a man touch me like that again." The simple thought of performing such a deed again made her hair stand on end and her heart to race. "I couldn't do that to you either," she belonged to Ara, it didn't seem right that some man should have her just for a litter of pups. "If we had a chance to adopt though.." Novel would follow up slowly and a bit quietly, looking to Ara. Did she want more babies too?
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10 Years
01-13-2015, 08:52 AM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2015, 08:52 AM by Ara.)
Ara couldn't imagine ever not having someone to care for. As a healer, altruism ran deep in her veins; she wanted to help, she wanted to nurture, she wanted to love. She had been content to help Novel through her struggles after she had been hurt, and she had been beyond grateful when Novel had told her she wanted Ara to help raise her children. Their children. The thought of having more babies to care for had entered her mind. Though she had never considered herself the motherly type, she did love Psalm and Hymn more than she had ever expected, and the thought of more children was certainly a possibility.

"We don't have to," she would assure Novel quickly. It was painful to see that familiar look of fear in her eyes and she would murmur softly to her as she pulled Novel closer for yet another embrace. It was painful to admit it, but her parents were dying, wherever they were -- and the thought of Psalm and Hymn growing up and not needing their mothers to care for them left a feeling of sadness in her heart. "It was just a thought," she would say finally, not wanting to upset Novel with her train of thought, but she swore she heard a bit of excitement in her voice too.

She hadn't considered just how they might have more children. Novel had been through to much to even consider doing it again; Ara couldn't bear to see her in more pain. And she had never considered that she'd actually have to carry the children herself. A thoughtful smile painted her features then. "I just wanted to bring it up, in case the opportunity arose..." It might never, and she didn't want to get her hopes up. And more than that, she didn't want to put Novel through anything that might hurt her.



10 Years
01-17-2015, 02:01 AM
Ara was quick to make sure Novel knew this was not a set in stone plan, but she already knew that it was only a thought. Though one she might have enjoyed were it a real possibility. Hymn and Psalm could very well be the only children she ever had, and the thought didn't disturb her in the least. She didn't wish to go through pregnancy again, she did not want to birth another litter.. but she too felt the sadness that not having her boys there with them would bring.

The pale she wolf snuggled closer to Ara as she pulled her in for a tighter embrace, the reassurance of her affections easily relaxing the girl. She would let herself get lost in her love's eyes as she returned her smile, "I would take it in a heartbeat." her voice a soft whisper, knowing that Ara would do everything in her power to keep her from experiencing the pain she still found herself struggling with. She'd made incredible progress over the last season, in no small thanks to Ara. "I love you, so much." the small she wolf confessed quietly, her bright eyes looking up into Ara's gaze.
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10 Years
01-19-2015, 06:39 PM
It was not such a far off possibility, for someone in Ludicael to become pregnant without meaning to, and without wanting to keep her children. Even Ara remembered how different she had felt during her season of heat -- full of passion that was foreign to her, and though her feelings had strictly directed toward Novel, it wasn't hard to imagine that another female might be inclined to make a mistake and do something that she regretted. Perhaps such a thing might happen, and they had decided they would be more than willing to step up in such a situation; Ara couldn't imagine it happening any other way. Unless someone was willing to do it for them, though she couldn't imagine asking anyone for such a favor, let alone imagining that anyone might be selfless enough to do it for them. "Maybe we will be lucky, then," she commented softly, placing another kiss on the side of Novel's cheek.

She had never expected to love someone so fully, with no holding back... but somehow, Novel had stolen her heart and she couldn't imagine a life without her, and without their sons. "Where have Psalm and Hymn been hiding?" She would inquire softly, content to bask in her mate's presence and enjoy the silence that seemed happy to envelope them. "They must be enjoying their time away from us... they are growing up too fast."



10 Years
01-23-2015, 12:18 PM
She had a rather strong motherly instinct, the need to care for others ingrained into her. Especially pups. Even with the way her boys were forced on her she found it impossible to not love them with her whole heart and she was comforted knowing Ara felt the same way. Neither woman was willing to bring about pups the traditional way, so they would have to bide their time and wait for the right opportunity to arise. In a little more than a years time Hymn and Psalm would have the ability to procreate, the thought left her feeling a little dizzy. She didn't want to even think about Hymn and Psalm making their own families, but she knew the day would eventually come. A soft sigh would leave her lips as she leaned into Ara's kiss, her smile brightening a bit more in bliss.

Novel hadn't even known she would be able to love someone this much. She'd seen the love her mother and father shared for a time, but also knew the heartbreak of his disappearance. After the betrayal of so many men in her life the chance to love Ara had been easy. Mismatched ears would perk slightly at her words, her expression lifting from its relaxed state at the mention of their sons. "They're around. Psalm especially seems to be obsessed with tracking. I don't even want to think about where he follows some of these animals." She'd answer quietly, the boy seemed to enjoy stalking more than the actual hunt. He was much smaller than his brother though, and with the added strength of the other boy they made a rather deadly team.
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