
I Am Never The First To Know



5 Years
09-13-2014, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2014, 09:09 PM by Dægmar.)

She had lingered like a phantom on the outskirts of Alacrits allowing her uncertainty to consume her. Weakness. That was all Alacritis seemed to hold any more, the weak and the uncertain and it was quickly becoming clear to the wraith that she would not see the great kingdoms like those of Rhesia again. Not unless she wanted to make her own but that was out of the question. She was no queen.

Lightning flashed in heated violet across the sky, piercing through the blanket of a moonless night. She growled lightly to herself as the wind began to pick up. The air stirred in viscious electricity that caressed her body with a light shiver. This was going to be a bad storm, she could tell. Dammit? and she was nowhere near shelter. With a curse the femme began to race back toward the woods. There was solace in this at least. Solace that in the end any wolf, no matter how weak or how strong could easily be felled by the wrath of fate. All it took was one wrong step.



09-20-2014, 03:20 PM
Rentaro had been in a bad mood already, but with the coming storm he knew he could be a blubbering idiot. In his position he would have loved it if his so called mate would have been here. If he saw her she definitely would demand an examination. Maybe he would even screw a girl or two before moving back to her, if she wanted him to be loyal she had to show it that she deserved it. He had won their dominance match, so she could not argue. As the rain started to pick up, he spotted a girl. Black and gray, with acidic pools. Interesting, it was the he had run into when he met the whelp, the girl who was not longer in the pack that he was in run by catalayea.

Pushing himself along he would stand a few feet away from her. "Do you need some assistance?" He asked. There was not a single point in being a dick in this storm, he hoped she realized this to. He was willing to help her as long as she helped him. Whatever squabble they had after he didn't care about, after all, he was a monster for pain. Not only sid he enjoy giving it, but receiving it was even better. He was strange like that.



5 Years
09-26-2014, 08:18 PM


Lightning split across the sky sending an immediate blast of thunder down over the terra. The very lake seemed to shiver with the intensity of it. D?gmar's fur sizzled with the electricity of the growing storm. Well this was just fecking perfect? she growled lightly to herself as she picked through the underbrush to try and get back to her den though? slowly she came to a stop. That might not be a good idea. Her den was in the ground and she could feel it in her bones that the lake would overflow. Joy.

Movement out of the corner of her eye alerted her already tense mind to the prescence of an approaching male. He called out if she need assistance and as she turned to answer she was surprised to find herself face to face with the male that had been hanging around Acadia those few months past. She let out a chuckle. "I can take care of myself, thanks. But fancy meeting you here of all the wolves?"

Another crack of thunder drew her gaze skyward for a moment before her emerald gaze fell once more on the male. "You wouldn't happen to know of a good place to take shelter would you?"



3 Years
09-26-2014, 09:01 PM

Storms were seven thousand different kinds of bullshit. This was apparent to the young lass who was far from pleased to have been caught up in the middle of this black sky, as rain began to drizzle and then fall in earnest. Oh come ON! She snapped internally, letting out an exasperated sigh as she started to pick up the pace. At the first rumble of distant thunder, her heart raced and she started to let the curses and oaths flood her brain. No, nope, nuh uh, not happening, definitely not happeni- CRACK. Well hot friggin' damn. This was just wonderful. Lighting streaked across the sky, a blinding flash of white light that turned the world around her into a scape of shadows and intensely bright light. Well, with her surroundings burned into her retinas, there was no way she could possibly run into anything in the rain, right? Wrong. Sliding in a sudden slick pool of mud, the girl ended up flopping over into a bush. Great. Pouring rain was far from her favourite thing, her thin coat adding another ten pounds for her slender limbs to carry as soon as it became waterlogged. And waterlogged it would soon become. Slipping like an idiot in yet another stupid fucking puddle of mud, she went straight into the lake she was skirting around. A startled caterwaul escaped her onyx lips, and the girl was underwater. Frigid aqua burying it's icy fingers through her patchwork coat and meager muscles, it drove into her very bones. The shock left her to inhale half the lake. More shocking bursts of black spots crawled over her vision, and the petite lass clawed her way onto the bank. There, she proceeded to cough up unbelievable amounts of murky water into the mud all around her, creating a really nasty smelling dirt soup.
With a groan, she picked herself up and started into the forest on shaking, slender limbs. Mismatched audits caught a pair of voices a little ways away, but it was a little late for the acid eyed girl to bring herself to care at all. A hidey hole made itself known, nothing but a mud covered hole in what might once have been the rocks left behind by a mud slide, which had conveniently toppled a tree. Clambering over the rain slicked trunk, she all but fell into the surprisingly spacious den site. A whole pack could probably fit in here, if they didn't mind stepping over the pile of sprawled limbs and soaking wet fur. Acadia wasn't moving from her spot in the middle of the sandy floor, with her limbs thrown out in every direction. Nope. If someone wanted to stay here, they were going to have to put on their big wolf panties and deal with it.




5 Years
10-04-2014, 01:25 PM

Rain began to fall in large wet drops and D?gmar's ears fastened tightly against her head. Oh perfect?. she wasn't going to wait long for the male and quickly set her sights once again on the forest, he could stay in the rain or follow she really didn't care. The wind picked up violently nearly knocking D?gmar over on her side. "BLOODY HELL!" she yelled, muscles rippling, claws digging into the earth as she broke the tree line. This was ridiculous! It seemed summer intended to go out in full fury. One last hurrah before it succumbed to autumn.

D?gmar paused long enough to shake out her coat before continuing her search but it was a futile gesture. The rain was coming down hard now. Cursing lightly under her breath she slipped suddenly in the mud nearly face planting on the way down. Growling she stumbled back to her feet before realizing her little stumble had been a blessing in disguise. A den! D?gmar set her defenses, ears pinned, hackles raised as she dove in with a snarl intent on dislodging any one in the den that did not immediately accept her as the superior creature only to find herself face to face with Acadia.

A sudden laugh fell from the womans lips. "Well, well fancy meeting you here. Isn't this nice. The three of us together again?. what the fuck is your father doing?"



3 Years
10-04-2014, 02:32 PM

A vaguely familiar voice interrupted her sulking in the middle of the cavern. She tried to pin down the face that went with it in her mind, but instead was forced to laboriously lift her crown to fix an acidic gaze upon the storm cloud of a woman. Oh. She offered a tired smile to the woman, and worked to heave herself to her feet. Finally, the patchwork girl found herself taller than the femme she'd met earlier in her life. Narrow shoulders were slumped with exhaustion and she was not really feeling a conversation right now. After vomiting half the water in the lake back there, to say that her throat was sore would be an understatement. However, the lady had asked her a question, and it was only polite to answer it. A shrug accompanied her words. "I dunno, he's off doing something. Causing trouble, having sex, damned if I know." Croaking lyrics replied, and her ebony haunches dropped ungracefully onto the terra under her feet. The sand didn't do much to cushion the fall of her petite rump onto the floor, but it didn't really bother her right now.

Toxic gaze looked over the waterlogged frame of the gladatrix, noting the aggressive stance and not really giving a shit. What was she gonna do about it, anyway? Fighting wasn't her thing, never had been. "What about you, enjoying life?" She asked, raising a soggy brow in question. Part of her wanted to get a drink and ease the grating pain in her throat, but the rest of her knew that was not the solution at all. A haphazard shake of her thin coat warranted a spray of water all over, but she couldn't help it. She had to have ten extra pounds on her shoulders with all that water, and it wasn't fun.




5 Years
10-11-2014, 12:56 PM

D?gmar's eyes carefully watched her daughter struggle to move. Tail twitched and then slowly she relaxed. The kid looked like a drowned rat! Though? D?gmar supposed she didn't look much better and she moved to glean the excess water from her fur and hopefully fluff out the points that were sticking up like spines all over her body. Acadia's voice was raspy and she quickly concluded that the youth had probably nearly drowned in the lack. She rolled her eyes. For being so desperate to take the whelps Loki sure let them run around unsupervised. But then? by her reckoning Acadia was probably a yearling now and ready to be out on her own. The wraith smirked. D?gmar glanced toward the opening and mused about the male she'd run into. Had they been separated in the storm? Oh well, she was in shelter now and didn't have the least bit of motivation to go out in the freakish storm.

A crack of thunder burst through the air, so loud it felt as though it was shaking the den. Eyes narrowed into emerald slits as she glared skyward. Curse this weather, hopefully it would pass soon but something told her they might not be so lucky. The woman shrugged at her daughters question. "Me? Oh? I suppose so. Though there's a distinct lack of quality in the leaders of Alacritis. Thrice I've joined a pack here and thrice the leader has simply vanished or left. At least Artemis had the courtesy to let us know she was no longer going to rule though she put a stupid little whelp in charge." A light growl slipped from D?gmar's maw. "I've joined a pack to the south. Called Yfir. The leader seems capable though there is a lot of politics involved. What about you Acadia? Do you have any plans for your life?" D?gmar bit back her words slightly as she almost asked about the other pups. No, it was bad enough she had to endure one. Best she pretend the others simply didn't exist. That would prevent her from becoming attached, right?



3 Years
10-11-2014, 06:13 PM

She listened curiously to the woman's story, her recollection of her time in these lands since they had last parted. Interesting, and she felt bad that the thundercloud of a lady had been dealing with such bad luck with leaders. However, at least she'd found a pack in the south now. That was good, she had a home that she found to be suitable. From what the patchwork lass could understand, that was enough to merit a celebration. It took a whole lot to meet this wolfess' standards. At her query, the girl let out a small sigh, shrugging her narrow shoulders. "I dunno, probably just going to wander around, see the sights. Meet cool people, try new things; you know, the usual." She replied in a gravelly tone, tail tip flicking to and fro absently. There was not much planned for her future. She would remain on the island with her family, more or less, checking in on them whenever she could and spending some time with them, but she would wander and see the sights Alacritia had to offer. Because staying in one place was completely overrated.
Then something occurred to her, something that hadn't occurred to her at all since she'd met this woman. While the ashen woman knew her name, the ebony coated girl could not recall ever having been introduced to her by name. Her features suddenly lit up with an amused smirk. "You know, I still don't know your name, after all this time." She chuckled, a hoarse sound that wasn't anywhere it's usual harmonious lilt.




8 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-12-2014, 08:19 AM

The weather was disgusting.

The hellhound stalked grumpily through the drenching rain and wind, his spiky fur for once slicked down against his body. Not that the change did much to disguise the bulk of his body, it just made him look like he'd drowned. The skull pressed against his head didn't even help that much against the wet - the rain managed to trickle down beneath the pressing surface to make uncomfortable wet patches on his face. At least it kept the driving wind out of his eyes as long as he kept his chin tilted just so.

The opening to a shelter presented itself quite suddenly, and without pause the big black male gathered himself and shoved his way inside. He fully expected it to be occupied in this shitty weather, so when he burst in it was with teeth bared and a roar building in his chest, ready to clear the room for himself.

The roar checked itself before it left his throat, the familiarity of one of the occupants soothing his ire before it manifested in the shedding of blood. "Daegmar." The word left his muzzle without thought, just a verbal observation of her being there.

Aware that he was still soaking, Hati pawed off the heavy skull mask with its curled horns so he could shake vigorously, spraying water about until his pelt once more stuck up, the still-wet clumps of hair like the quills of a hedgehog. His gaze swept the enormous cavern before alighting suspiciously on the wolf he didn't know. "Who's the brat?" he grunted to Daegmar. There was something mildly familiar about her... though with the rain soaking all of them he couldn't pick up more than the aroma of wet fur.


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
10-17-2014, 06:05 PM

D?gmar found herself pleased and rather touched at Acadia's attention. She was being? polite. So polite to the woman who abandoned her who would've killed her if Loki had not been there. D?gmar's stomach twisted. What was this feeling? Surely it wasn't guilt? no, that wasn't it. She'd ultimately done the right thing. There were worse things than death and she was no mother, she'd have destroyed them. These lucky twerps got their lives as well as the freedom to travel their own paths. D?gmar woul've beaten them into hardened warriors by now.

The mottled wraith returned the favor and gave Acadia her utmost attention but it seemed there was little to her story. An aimless wanderer, hm? Well, well, she turned out quite a bit like her father. D?gmar mused quietly on memories of the scent and luxurious feel of that male. She dimmly wondered if she'd ever run into Loki again.

"You know, I still don't know your name, after all this time."

D?gmar froze for a moment at that question. Oh? that's right, she had never really introduced herself had she? There was something significant about giving the whelp her name. As if some how by giving the girl her name she was admitting the fear that she felt some sort of strange bond to her, to all her children. D?gmar's maw parted, the words about to slip from her maw when suddenly hackles rose and D?gmar spun violently, putting herself between Acadia and?

"HATI?" She stared at him for a moment then defenses fell as she let out a laugh. "You still have that thing on your head? What the hell is it for anyway?" She blinked for a moment then stepped aside. "Oh, her? Don't you recognize her? You were there when she was born. Her name is Acadia and she's my daughter." D?gmar shook her head and turned to the girl. "As I'm sure you can now guess my name is D?gmar, D?gmar Thyre and as for you?" She turned back to glare at Hati. "Where the fuck have you been anyway?"



3 Years
10-19-2014, 01:52 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

The answer to her query was quick to meet her ears, but not from the maw of the woman she'd asked. Instead, an aggressive, vaguely familiar looking male burst into their little cavern and was taken aback by the thunder cloud of a woman. A name escaped his lips. D?gmar. What a strange name, but it suited the unique lady quite well. The dark male asked about her, using the term brat without much thought. Excuse you, I'm only a brat to asshats like you, who completely deserve it. She thought grumpily to herself. However, it would be pointless to attempt to voice this thought, since D?gmar was already busily mocking the ram's skull the man wore upon his head. It was strange, she herself had never seen someone do anything like that. However, once again the attention fell upon herself. Then the bombs fell. The patchwork girl promptly choked on her own tongue, and her toxic green eyes flew wide open. This was her mother? She had a living mother?! A small squeak of surprise erupted from her parted jaws, which she hadn't noticed separating. As it was, her jaws were almost wide open. They opened and closed a few times, trying to make the words she was looking for. Nothing came to mind. She blinked a few times, and finally shut her mouth with a click. Sure, she'd had that little voice in the back of her mind poking suspicions ever since she'd first seen the woman, but she hadn't been prepared for such a sudden truth.
D?gmar turned to look at her, and all she could do was blink at her. No part of her mind registered the word mother with this woman's face, but one day it might be possible. Little did she know D?gmar had absolutely no interest in such a thing. A last name was all the thunder cloud of a woman offered, rather than something cliche or apologetic. That wasn't horrible, not really. "Ni- ice to meet you." She stuttered, voice rising an octave as she spoke. Then, without another word, the woman looked to the strange man. His name had been mentioned previously, was Hati. She knew that name... Was he one of her uncles? She felt like that was right, and if her current track record with assumptions was anything to go by, he probably was. She simply sat where she was, mind whirling and bouncing from place to place. Holy shit.

But the rest is forgotten



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-22-2014, 03:12 PM
As dried as he could get for the moment Hati's fur was still unpleasantly damp, including annoying rivulets down his face fur so he left the heavy skull off for now. He might not have the best standards for hygiene like Loki's pansy ass or the most - any, actually - knowledge of healing, but even he knew better than to invite moldy fur into his life via wet hair under a tight mask in a humid environment. He wasn't a complete idiot or anything.

Her reaction to his skull drew the faintest of sulks from the heavy-set male and he flopped down on top of it, curling his big scarred forelegs around it and dropping his chin over the horns. "I thought it could be a fight thing or something, I don't know... it looks cool." His gravelly growl of a voice trailed off in petulance. Whatever. It did look cool and he wouldn't stop wearing it even for Daegmar. She was smart and all but that didn't mean she knew cool when she saw it. "And not a fucking thing is what I've been doing. Bored as hell." And it was driving him crazy, too much time alone with the memories and the madness gnawing at him, sending him slavering to the edge of a breakdown, but packs here just seemed to be waiting for the chance to screw him over. He wasn't an idiot - he wasn't putting himself in that again. He could go batshit crazy and it would still be better.

Glaring yellow eyes flicked to the pup, who was practically pissing herself over in the corner. Come to think of it he did vaguely remember one of the runts he'd helped cart over to Valhalla for stupid Loki to raise looking something like that. Though one had looked a lot like their younger brother Baldur, too, so Hati couldn't help but privately snicker at the thought that Loki may have been raising Baldur's bastards for him without even knowing. "What's your problem, runt?" he snarled. "My idiot brother never bother to teach you manners?" Not that he wanted the brat to be hugging all over him or anything and he was the last guy to talk about manners, but he was irritable from the rain and still in a sulk, and was looking for things to pick at.

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
10-25-2014, 02:00 PM

D?gmar's attention was so focused on Hati's arrival that she almost missed the shift in Acadia's manner. What? Was she- D?gmar made a face as it hit her. She had just referred to the whelp as her kid? oh well. It occured to her that she could have some fun with this at Loki's expense but the storm had driven out a lot of her will for mischief. At this point she just wanted the storm to be over so she could get back to her life.

Ni- ice to meet you.

D?gmar stared at the girl for a moment and chuckled. "We've met before but yea, sure nice to meet you to. You know I won't blame you if you hate me? but trust me I am not mother material." Her attention shifted back Hati as he deposited the skull on the ground and she couldn't help but grin as he pouted. He was cute in his own curmudgeonly way. A thought trickled into her head though and she nodded. "Ahh? I think I see now. You're wearing it to strengthen your neck, right? Not a bad idea." She shrugged lightly still uncertain how to feel about his new accessory. It bordered somewhere between ominous and silly but certainly better than the gems and gold she often saw other wolves wearing.

D?gmar sighed. "I feel you. I've joined another pack but I doubt we'll keep it together long. This alphess, Katja, she is a bold one! She challenged a pack full of self-righteous idiots and won and she had the balls to keep the defeated leaders children! Naturally I expect there will be some sort of backlash but you must admit that was a fearless move."

She didn't make a move as Hati spoke gruffly to Acadia instead she sought to observe the situation to see what material the girl was made of or if she even had the energy to pursue an argument. Outside the rain was still falling heavily but the wind had at least died down.




3 Years
10-25-2014, 04:18 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2014, 04:18 PM by Acadia.)

D?gmar seemed just as startled by the words that came out of her mouth as Acadia herself had been, though this Hati guy wasn't quite as phased by it. He was being a real asshat, if it actually was her focus at the moment. The thunder cloud woman seemed rather good humored about her lack of a good response to the bomb that had been so recently dropped. D?gmar was quite chill about the possibility that the patchwork girl might hate her, but Acadia didn't really know enough of life with a mother to understand that it might have better than the one she'd lived with a surrogate mother and then her father and uncles. It had been pretty good, to her, so she wasn't really mad that D?gmar had abandoned her and her siblings. Didn't really matter, in her head. She simply raised her shoulders in the beginnings of a shrug, regaining a little bit of her usual mannerisms after that little freak out. "No point hating you, not like it'll fix anything." She replied nonchalantly, shoulders falling back down heavily as her gaze wandered from her mother's face. Mother. Still weird.
Now, she settled for listening to the conversation that went on between the two other wolves in the cave. D?gmar seemed to take pity on her pouty uncle, and tried to help him regain his masculinity. The dark lass stifled a small peal of laughter at this, her big bad uncle was needing the approval of someone else. From what she understood, that wasn't even an issue with him. Clearly something was wrong here. She shook out her pelt thoughtlessly, ridding herself of yet more water. Packs, what a pointless thing. It was so much better to wander. You got to see so much, and no one ever really wanted shit from you. Packs wanted loyalty, and work, it was so much effort. She could get lost for days, and come back home, stay for a few days, then leave again. Wasn't that better? It was to her. Suddenly, the obsidian male directed a rather rude question to her. She wasn't a runt! She was the biggest of her siblings! His added comment made her lip curl in a sneer as she narrowed her eyes at him. "Of course he did, but I don't see the point on using them on an asshole who won't reciprocate the most basic rule of talking to other people." She snapped, melodies laden with sarcasm and mockery. She was her father's daughter all right.
OOC: Oh god Acadia why
