
i don't do drugs. i am drugs


12-23-2014, 02:53 PM
Time to transfer dens. Girls vs. Boys. Thats what today was about. Nova was going to be a dad to their sons and Dione was going to try and connect with their daughter. The tiny green woman had plucked her tiny green mini me up in the early morning, glared at her husband and departed. Nova had never been a stoner, had never really understood how much weed and sometimes over drives helped her through her pregnancy and now her motherhood. The fact that she had not been able to sneak off and eat some buds made her a weird mixture of tired and grumpy all the time now. So she would carry Ganja through the snow and to the smaller second den nestled along the boarders of the knolls and the forest. It had been created in the roots of the tree and Dione would slip inside, plunking her daughter down on the ground before stepping over her and moving to the pile of weed she had collected over the summer season. "Stay put my little bud, mama has to eat her medicine..." Dione would murmur before plunking herself down behind her daughter and moving forward to scoop up some of the buds with her tongue. They weren't the best tasting thing but she had yet to figure out a better way to ingest them...



2 Years
12-23-2014, 03:58 PM

The morning had barely begun when her mother had easily grabbed her tiny daughter and took her from the boys of the family. Ganja had been confused, but at the same time an eager excitement would stir in her little green belly. Of course the tiny pup could not notice any ingestion of mind altering substances by her mother, not that she could ever thought to look. Still innocent to the world she would quietly contemplate where her mother might be taking her. Her little rump would occasionally touch the snow, she would shiver at the cold but would make no protest. Eventually they would come to another den, she would be placed back upon the earth. Melting into the ground she would watch as her mother stepped over her and went to a pile of moss on the floor. Ganja would tilt her head curiously as Dione explained herself. Ganja would obey, her form not even trying to move from where she was placed. Bright red gaze would be filled with interest though as she watched her horned mother licked up the sparkling plants. They were quite green, much like herself and her mother. Did that make them related in some way? "Ma.." She would ask mystified, "Are those why we are green?" Daddy and Tox were blue, kind of like the sky or some ice while nem was more of a mix between the colors.


12-28-2014, 01:45 AM
Such a precious little bud, staying exactly where Dione had plunked her down and regarding everything with an easy curiosity. Dione would lap up a few buds before leaning back into a seated position and then allowing forelimbs to streatch forward across the ground so she could lay down with her daughter at her side and toes touching the herbs. Ganja would speak, questioning and tentative. Curious... Were these why they were green? Dione did not know of herself, having been introduced to the drug later in life but then Dione had never asked her mother if she had eaten this as well. Dione knew her mother was a heavy eater of poppy seeds but that was all. "Maybe. It is what got me through my pregnancy. Here little bud try it." She would say reaching forward to touch her nose to a piece of a nug that must have gotten shaken loose in her gobbling before turning around to offer it to her daughter.



2 Years
12-28-2014, 03:38 PM

The green goddess would place herself easily beside her spawn, causing Ganja to lean into the warm green fur. She liked being close to mommy, she enjoyed the comfort she got from being so close and felt special that she was able to spend alone time with her mother. She wouldn't get a real answer to the question she'd asked, her mother only offering a quick maybe to the small girl. Those thoughts would be pushed away quite completely as her mother offer a piece up for her namesake. Not that she had any idea of the connection. She would take the offer as a commend, not that she was willing to deny anything her mother offered to her. With wide curious eyes she would behold the partial bud up close, finding herself admiring the colors before reaching up and plucking the sticky thing from her mother's nose. She would use her tongue to bring it to her mouth, the taste oddly bland... and so very plant-y. It would stick easily to her teeth and for a long moment would comically try to remove it. Eventually she would swallow the bite, not sure what to think of it from just consuming the thing. Blinking a couple times she would look up at her mother expectantly, wondering what was expected of her now. "Sticky." Would be the only observation she'd give.

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12-28-2014, 11:47 PM
For once Dione would lay languidly, flopped on her side with her daughter leaning into her chest as she regarded her mother curiously. Ganja would lean in lazily, regarding the piece of a bud that Dione had produced on her nose and offered to her daughter. She was curious, but she would not deny Dione's offering, lapping the sticky green from her nose. Dione would withdraw for a moment, ruby gaze regarding her daughter lazily as she attempted to chew on the substance with puppy teeth, it was enough to bring soft laughter from the woman's throat before her daughter would finally decide to simply swallow the bud whole. Dione would smile sweetly as she flopped onto her side, once more curling her tail around her daughter and arching herself so she was in a tight ball around her daughter. "It will take a moment. I will tell you a story in the meantime..." Dione would murmur softly, her vision already starting to teeter but it was not with her yet. "A story of the gods and the Titans perhaps? Of Tantalus, a Titan who ate his own son? Or perhaps of Icarus who flew too close to the sun... Maybe of Sisyphus? Or perhaps a story of one of your fathers and my adventures in the swamps..." She would murmur, giggling softly and rolling her head so she was staring up at the ceiling lazily.



2 Years
12-29-2014, 02:25 PM

She'd cause a laugh to emit from her mother's maw, such would cause a smile to start budding on her features as she took to swallowing the green herb given to her. She would remain still while her mother repositioned herself, the larger green she wolf wrapped around her tiny emerald pup. Ganja would snuggle in closer to her mother's soft fur, wondering what it was that would take a moment, but forgetting as Dione offered her a story. Of all the tales she offered Ganja was the most interested in the one about her own mother and father. "You an' Daddy." She would announce confidently as she hopped up to nuzzle at the woman who'd given birth to her. Trying to offer her own puppy kisses while she didn't have to worry about Tox or Nec stealing their mother away from her.

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12-30-2014, 01:59 AM
Such a sweet little bud, Ganja would allowed Dione to reposition them into a more comfortable position before nestling into her chest and asking for a story of herself and Nova. Ganja would offer kisses and Dione would accept them with a soft chuckle, reaching down to drag purple tongue along her daughters face, causing a tuff of fur to stick up atop her head. Dione would grin before dropping her head back down and thinking. "Once upon a time your father and I went to the swamps near here to hunt a particularly terrible monster. It had been terrorizing wolves of the land and had to be stopped. It took us a while to find it, on the way Nova was walking and he got stuck in a pit of mud!" She would speak, chuckling at the memory of Nova stuck shoulder deep in mud and Dione stepping on his head. It had been fun up until Nova had busted loose and tried to give her a heart attack. It was probably far funnier in her mind then in reality as the weed began to take effect. 

"As you know he is much bigger then I. He wanted me to help but I could not so instead I sat on him. Turns out he had not been stuck at all and he burst free and bucked me off! I then landed with a great SPLAT in the mud." She would exclaim, forepaws flying out as she made the sound effects for added drama. Giggling now before laws came in to cover her mouth as if trying to reign herself in. "Turns out in all the fuss the monster found us, hearing our fun and coming to stop it. Fun is always a good way to lure monsters in. They never want to have fun..." She would say as if it was a factual thing, giving her head a firm nod before transferring gaze back to the ceiling. "We killed him, your father and I. We stopped the monster from hurting anyone else, from ruining anyone else's fun, we ate his flesh so we could become more powerful and then laid him to rest in the swamp. And now everyone there can have fun once more..." Dione would speak, looking back down at her daughter with a soft smile, wondering if the weed was beginning to effect her, if the story had been long enough. 



2 Years
12-30-2014, 10:33 AM
Her mother would take and eagerly return her gentle kiss, the tiny girl would giggle lovingly as her mother's odd colored tongue messed up her fur playfully. "Ma, you messed up my fur!" she would giggle softly before settling back down to listen to the much anticipated story. Incredibly bright red eyes would widen in fascination as Dione began, telling her of their days monster hunting. Ganja would wonder absently if she would ever grow big enough to fight monsters like her ma and da.

A gasp would leave the tiny girl as her mother proclaimed her father's predicament, had he gotten out again?! For a moment she was rather worried for her father not quite making the connection that she'd only saw him that morning. She would almost release a sigh of relief as her mother explained how he'd made his escape, the result of it sending uncontrollably giggles from the babies throat as she threw herself back and rolled having a fit. However that was not even the end of the story.

Again Ganja's eyes would widen as her mother spoke of the monster that had found them there in the swamp. Those same bright gems were becoming quite glazed over as the thc found its way into her system. She would stare in awe as her mother finished the story, the hero of the tale killin the monster so that the world could have fun once more. She would giggle amusedly, her body feeling a bit lighter and everything became much more amusing as her namesake took effect on her tiny form. "You're so good momma.." another giggle would leave her lips as she snuggled once more into Dione's fur.
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01-04-2015, 08:35 PM
Ganja would wiggle and writhe beneath her licks, protesting that Dione was mussing her fur but all the girl would get in response was an impish smile. Inky lips twisted into a grin, white teeth flashing lazily as she settled into her story, launching easily into it as words spilled from her lips. Ganja's reaction to her stories were the best, looking absolutely mortified here and there before launching herself into a fit of giggles as she rolled onto her back and withered around. Was the thc beginning to take effect? Dione could feel it, slipping over her lips a blaneket and muffling the world around her. So precious her dear Ganja... Ganja would speak a moment after Dione finished her tale, wiggling her way into Dione's plush black chest. "Yes my dear sweet... Never forget this. In a world full of monsters such as this family is all we can count on. I am all you will ever need..." Dione would whisper, curling herself around her tiny little bud, flipping bushy tail up and draping it over her child as neck arched to press lips against her neon forehead. Would she one day grow bangs such as her mother? Dione would exhale heavily, sending a wash of hot air over her daughters features before ruby gaze would flutter closed. "One day your father and I will teach you and your siblings to hunt monsters like us. To keep the world safe so everyone else can have fun... Would you like that?" Her words were a soft whisper, lips brushing against her daughters forehead as she spoke. She felt warm, floating, her head was somewhere else but her body was here. Yes... This was perfect...



2 Years
01-04-2015, 09:09 PM

Her mother would whisper sweet nothings to her as Ganja snuggled into her mother's chest. She felt so light and carefree, her mother did sound like all she would ever need. She didn't have to worry about Necro or Tox.. just momma. The large green she wolf curled in closer to her little bud and ganja would sigh contentedly, her innocence still thoroughly attached. She would speak of one day hunting these monsters that threatened the world of its happiness and joy. She would sigh along with her mother, content with her current position, having her mother's affection and attention all to herself. Such occurrences were far and few between and she loved every second of it. Of course the weed would help with her state of mind, but she still would have loved it regardless. "Yes, momma." She would answer quietly, tiny paws reaching up to play with her mother's chin. "I don't think Tox wants me to." She'd say absently, Toxin was always trying to get her out of their activities or hog them, or ruin them before she could even try.

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01-14-2015, 09:43 PM
Ganja would nestled deeper into the plush fur that lined Dione's chest and the horned demon would continue to curl herself around her daughter, curling until nose touched tail and formed a complete circle around her only daughter. Ganja would murmur her compliance, would agree that Dione and their family was all that they needed as she lifted her paws to tap at Dione's chin. How long would things be like this? So sweet, innocent and care free... Her tiny bud wrapped in her warm embrace. Ganja would state that Toxin didn't want Ganja to hunt monsters and Dione would smile. "He just wants to be the biggest and the stingiest..." Dione would murmur with a soft chuckle. So far Toxin had been the only one of her children that Dione had taken hunting. Ganja would too sweet, Necrosis too lethargic. "I will deal with him, you just need to focus on yourself. On growing big like a plant..." Yes her little bud needed to grow up before she would be exposed to the dangers of the world.