
Ya Never Know


09-13-2014, 04:30 PM

Everyday Hercules was straying farther and farther from his family's den, wanting to learn and get to know his home and what it had to offer. Animals, plants, hiding spots, anything hat could possibly be interesting to the child. Last time however, when he had found Thanatos and his sister Hemera following behind him, the boy had remained in the general area and within view of his family's den. This time however, the boy was heading towards the east of Olympus territory, making his way into the Emerald valley that was just as beautiful as the Dancefloor of the Gods.

He tried to stand as tall as possible, wanting his head to peek out and above the sea of lush, green grass. Orange orbs scanned over the land, the view nothing like he had ever seen, even in the pack's other territory. It was magnificent, felt so refreshing and full of life. It was the type of place Hercules felt like he could run and run without stopping, feel so free without a care in the world. He wouldn't do that though, no, today he was just exploring this area and seeing what it had to offer him and possibly figure out why his mother and father choose this place to claim for the pack.

Awesome image by Shelby <3


09-24-2014, 02:05 AM

ooc: sorry this is so late wow ;;;;

The brown boy had found himself wandering yet again. He didn't dare get too far from his mother and sister, but Cador was feeling the itch of wanderlust all the same. With his father gone, he was the one tasked with looking out for his family - unofficially, of course. No one had explicitly told him that he needed to do this, but Cador had simply assumed that it was his responsibility. He adored his mother, but she was often nervous and his sister wasn't the boldest out there either. Which meant they needed someone to be strong for them when they couldn't be - that was Cador's job. A large task for someone so young, perhaps, but Cador was determined.

Cador nearly stumbled over the strange pup, his clumsily large paws carrying him right up to the other before Cador was distracted enough from his thoughts to realize that there was another there. He started a little, amethyst gaze locking on the other. "Oh, uh, hello." Cador managed, twitching his ears as he examined the russet and black pup. He didn't think he'd seen the other around before - but Cador and his family were outsiders within Olympus and they had not interacted with as many wolves as they might have otherwise.
