



3 Years
12-23-2014, 11:14 PM

You're wearing our vintage misery
dry weather congested, flaring his nose within the short time he came upon the land of which all was perished. not an daring soul to see, animal nor plant that wasn’t hiding within one of the ravines that had yet to be explored by the bare eye. Paws dared at the small visible cracks beneath, walking casually around and in-between while his tongue rang to be quenched within the first option. a shift of weight send the man over an foot wide crevice, the effort far less to walk yards around each side instead of just across. Traveling to be done, did he not like it although; deep within he wanted to get far from the rubbish lands that connected and did he do so.

a desperate tongue exposed to the dry yet daring a form of participation within the air, searching his tongue for whatever decided to linger within the chill the wind gave. such an inconvenience how the moisture of to be called winter gave this land didn’t experience, just a deep wind-chill that dared him to find himself a rodent hole in the ground to find for himself.


12-23-2014, 11:24 PM

She would leave her child, as young as they were, only for the afternoon in the capable paws of their father. She would cross the borders of her kingdom without a second thought, enjoying the peace and quiet that surrounded her. Her children were growing rapidly, Aster remaining far larger than his sister ever would be. Silver paws pressed into the frozen earth of this godforsaken waste land she was forced to call home. She still hated that Kylar had all by begged and pleaded to keep the plains. She would much rather have the solace of a forest. But no. And it seemed her travels would only bring her to more forsake lands. Her coral gaze swept across the empty land with boredom.

Ever since the dispersal of Solstice, she had nothing to do, no one to terrorize. She was completely and utterly bored. A sigh rolled off her tongue, silver audits careening forward to capture the white noise that enveloped her. The chilly wind would bring a strangers scent to her nostrils, spiking her interest and pulling her in his direction. It would not take long to pick out how dark figure against the bare expanse. A sneer would curl her lips as she attempted to close the distance between, though she would halt several feet away regardless. "Such a lonely place, is it not?" Her words were soft, deceptively so as she peered down at the smaller man with interest. It was rarity that she found a man smaller than herself, it seemed most of the men in her life towered over her. Surely this would be fun.




3 Years
12-23-2014, 11:37 PM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2014, 07:57 PM by Heathen.)

You're wearing our vintage misery
In no rush did he travel slowly beyond the soft hops that brought his thick frame to push upon the ground through wide paws with a thud he walked at a pace that proved. Fibers ruffled within the thickness of his hues that collected most of the gust winds within one side of him;occasionally bringing a sent of what was among the long stretch that he didn’t desire to venture up and down. though it did not bring him nothing but the smell of the fridge cold and occasional the very faint, close lizard that wasn’t succeeding so well in the chilled air. the scent that caught his nose within the next blast proved different, the indifferent smell of a woman slipped through the air like a soft melody that was meant to be played within his nose.

So his molten eyes examined the canvas before him, searching out until the pale flat land was of no surprise when they found her first asking.  Taking her in as if he was pondering about a museum of highly priced items did he look, up within the long legs that toward her over and upon the face that shortly inquired from a distance. ”It was” commenting with an unique attempt in a smile,or perhaps a mocking lip curl did he give the pale woman after he gave an perhaps inviting question to hers. Snake to drag across his onyx lip, as if he was searching for something that he had lip upon his lip. ”you must watch though, the higher you are the more likely the winds to get you” speaking with a soft tone of a duel laughter hidden within, though perhaps a compliment of the height she possessed could be pulled from it. He learned to enjoy taller woman, to embrace the legs that never seemed to give him a chance within the clan that held claim over him.



7 Years
12-27-2014, 01:06 PM
A raven's cry reached her ears, causing her to stir from her slumber. Natalya raised her head before her body followed and Poe landed gently on her shoulder the moment she was on her feet. "Trespasser," he told her. Natalya sighed. This hadn't been much of a problem for them since the move, but suddenly they seemed to be finding more and more uninvited guests on their lands. She wondered what this one wanted as she made her way swiftly to the strip. Of course, she would find the stranger accompanied when she arrived.

Pantheon's relationships with Arcanum was still undetermined, and Natalya wasn't sure that their "friendship" was enough for Cataleya to be on her lands unannounced. She followed the two scents until she found herself a few yards away from them and barked. Her voice was stern, and her tail and head were high. "Cataleya," she said with a nod, before turning her head in the direction of the unfamiliar scented wolf. "Do you realize you're on pack lands, wolf? State your reason for being here." She would question the other queen later, away from the eyes and ears of this one she did not know.

Helios I


9 Years
12-29-2014, 12:15 AM
(Due to where the strip is located Heathen could not have crossed into it without walking through the other Pantheon lands, so that’s what is happening here at the start.) 

The smell would come to him, rising from the emerald ground of his packlands and telling him of a stranger who had passed through… straight on to the strip. Anger boiled within him, had the scent markers not been clear? Had the smell of his pack not deterred the damn wolf? But no as he tracked the male he would follow it clear through the estuary and onwards to the dry portion of their lands.

He would bound after the male, rage making him pound across the packlands. Russet gaze landed hard upon his target, noting that he was not alone. But then neither was Helios. Natalya spoke, confronting the silver woman. The normally diplomatic Helios found himself unable to care what the man’s reasoning for standing here was, charging past his wife towards the trespasser. No real heed was paid to the silver woman, he knew her well enough by sight now but her scent was not upon the stranger’s coat so his next actions were done in confidence. He had been too lenient, had grown too soft and now both an alpha and a commoner stalked in confidence upon his lands… well no more. The trespasser would become his prisoner.

As Helios ran he began to shift, hackles rising, eyes narrowing to slits as ears pulled flat against his skull. Lips curled back to reveal barred fangs as his tail lowered from its dominant stance to flatten out behind him. Toes would spread as each paw hit the ground, head lowering over his throat

The Russet man veered to his right side slightly. Helios would pound towards the man, hoping to ram his left shoulder into the man’s chest, then would make an effort to brake, bending knees spreading his legs to better stabilize himself. Helios would push open jaws forwards and angled to his left to grip at the right side of the other man’s throat, aiming for the center.

Helios vs. Heathen

For force claim


Attacks: Attempting to ram his left shoulder into Heathen's chest, while also trying to bite onto the right side of his throat.

Defenses: Raised hackles, narrowed eyes, lowered head, tail out, ears back, toes splayed, knees bent, shoulders forwards.

Injuries: N/A

Notes: Sorry Apax, Helios is not in a great place right now and Heathen Blatantly tresspassing has kinda worked him up.


talk, think




12-29-2014, 12:52 AM
totally didn't realize cat was trespassing until Nat posted XD oops

The man would speak, catching on quickly and earning a chuckle from her ashy lips. "Ah but if you stand to low, you might get stepped on." She would purr back, her crown tipping to the side in a curious manner, though her eyes glittered with unspoken dangers. He was peculiar one, but one that she was quickly coming to fancy.

It had only halfway entered her mind that she was trespassing on Pantheons territory. She hadn't quited patched up their relationship enough to be here so when Natalya's voice filled her ears, she would put on a happy face for formalities. "Natalya, excuse me for my transgressions, but I was only fetching a new slave who has yet to learn his place." Her gaze didn't once flicker to the man, not really caring if she offended him or not, he could thank her later. Jaws parted to say a farewell and gather them both, but it seemed fate had other plans. The thundering of paws against the earth would have her age pulled from Natalya and to her husband, who ran at them like an enraged bull. Immediately her defenses would fall into place.

Her eyes narrowed, ears pinned to her skull, hackles raised, her crown fell even with her spine and her chin tucked. Broad shoulders rolled forward while her neck scrunched, legs spread equidistance, toes splayed while claws dug into the ground. Her tail would straighten, also aligning with her spine, her weight falling even across all four limbs as darkened lips pulled back to reveal ivory daggers. "My dear, I suggest you call your husband off, or there will be more bloodshed."

She wasnt entirely sure why she was so eager to fight for a complete stranger. Perhaps it had been the months of no action while she was pregnant. She had had plenty of time to stew over things and then it was only made worse by the fact that she had nearly died giving birth to the little bastards. But the ardenaline that flooded her system in this moment made it all worth it. The possibly of tasting blood gave her hope that all would be well. Of course, if Natalya spoke, she would happily part ways with the man in tow and never look back.




3 Years
12-30-2014, 08:04 PM

Wrote this on my phone,sorry for any typos! <3
You're wearing our vintage misery
Throat lined with ebony fibers cackled softly, admiring the woman for the response that was spoke with such an eager eye. Serpent to drag across his lower lip, searching for what he didn’t have. The leavings that hung from strands of spit every meal, the remains that packed away on his normally flited mouth.  Within an open jaw he caught something far more to fit his taste, a woman that demanded so very much with a bold tongue. It made onyx black fibers shift to upright position upon the scruff that gave a thickness to his neck, and a grin dare at his lips.

He only managed to get out a single vowel, one that could have possessed many letters and meanings before the soft beat of an oncoming charge demanded for his body to possess a lower sense of gravity within his shifted out, squared legs that coiled softly under tense tissue for the hope of balance to give. Toes to snag against the rough flat terrain, sinking into the hard material did his claws though it would nothing to give him a disadvantage. Curling his lip in the same way a smile leeched from his throat, though his jaw remained loose during the oncoming charge. a thick, hard impact that created a soft echo of meat on meat, daring to echo around them as paws softly shifted backwards; regaining the balance that rushed through his body. adrenaline to temporarily melt away the pain to come from the deep, small hairline fracture that would cause problems later. the Collison of muscle and bone to sting, then ache deep against his skin, snatching a thick growl from his throat that was now covered partially from his skull. Within the last seconds before impact, had he lowered his skull to his chest, to tuck firmly into the fibers that gave a soft lining that Helio’s did not seem to fear in a way of taking out. Narrowed eyes and an tucked head to refuse to lash out, to push against the oncoming teeth of Helios. Heathen, as rabid of a creature he could be he avoided the spill of something other than the blood of a rabbit on his tongue. He was a fool for not reaching out, to grab onto anything but it was a mistake on his part to not see

Helios vs. Heathen
For force claim

muscle reference
within the charge, Heathen is to lower his head, escaping the possibly of an possibly deadly bite within the sternomastodiues. With this, it is to be assumed with confirmation if Helios was to lock his jaw he would find his jowl to snag, or possibly grab upon heathens levator nasobialis INSTEAD of its initial placement along his throat. This just seems like a possible place to “bite” at after Heathens head went to his neck. Soft hairline fracture to his shoulder from the charge impact, nothing severe that would limit his mobility with pain through adrenaline?

Squared legs, coiled foreleg, splayed toes, curled lip, growl, second half of the charging head to the throat, narrowed eyes.

No attack



7 Years
12-30-2014, 08:17 PM
Natalya had hoped to avoid any conflict with her neighbor until later on. She had hoped, but hopes meant little it seemed. Helios entered just behind his wife and attacked immediately to take the stranger for their own. The Matriarch was glad for it. There were a couple reasons she hadn't lashed out herself, one reason only two other wolves alive knew and the other was a secret to she and her husband alone. She was far too weak. She couldn't hold her own hunting a rabbit now, let alone battling another wolf. She strove not to show it, but it seemed some part would have to come out.

Cataleya apologized for her trespassing, but it lacked any sincerity. Natalya would have excused it though, had it not been for the threat to her husband. She turned her stoic expression on the woman and spoke in a low voice. "Cataleya, you have no right to dictate any wolf's place on our lands. Do not threaten my husband while you are a trespasser. Find your slaves somewhere else." Odds were, she would be met with a challenge from the bitch, and she was in no mood for it. Here she was, back to hoping when she knew doing so was hopeless.


01-02-2015, 03:55 PM

A sneer would stretched across her dark lips as the woman turned harsh words towards herself. It crossed her mind briefly that this woman, this Queen, had not attacked the trespasser herself. It begged questions, though ones she didn't think to ask now. Her own stoic expression would clash with her neighbor, though eyes glinted with dangerous desires. Perhaps she would get a fight after all. "Oh my dear, I do not need to find what is already mine." But it appeared that the woman would not give into her desires. So she would simply take what she wanted.

Her defenses were solid: Her eyes narrowed, ears pinned to her skull, hackles raised, her crown fell even with her spine and her chin tucked. Broad shoulders rolled forward while her neck scrunched, legs spread equidistance, toes splayed while claws dug into the ground. Her tail would straighten, also aligning with her spine, her weight falling even across all four limbs as darkened lips pulled back to reveal ivory daggers.

She would strike immediately, aiming to come at the woman head on, seeking to close the few yards that hung between them. Her left shoulder would jut forward at the last moment, seeking to collide with the left portion of the womans chest, hoping to inflict bruising that she would later take advantage of. Jaws unhinged, splaying wide as fangs sought vicious purchase on the upper left side of the womans neck, desiring to put pressure on her jugular, after all it would be bad manners to kill your neighbor. Following her bite her left foreleg would aim to lift, weight redistributing to her three legs still grounded, before seeking to slam down on her opponents left forepaw, hoping to severely bruise toes. Their tentative neutrality was out the window, Pantheon would be deemed an enemy of Arcanum from here onward.


OOC- I havent seen Raii around recently, so if deadlines need to be discussed, Im fine with that




7 Years
01-02-2015, 11:03 PM
ooc;; To make this clear from the start, Nat is not going to be answering the challenge. She is going to openly forfeit, so if Cat decides to maim her or whatever, fine. I've already mentioned this to SAF. Also, sorry about skipping post order. I just wanted to get this out of the way because I'm busy for the next several days.

Gods above, did this female have a superiority complex. At least, that was what Natalya had to assume given all of her impulsive actions. There was no reason for her to attack as she did, there was no reason to be trespassing as she was, and she had no claim over the stranger whatsoever. She just wanted to cause trouble, the same way she and her husband had when they had taunted Crucifix and Solstice. The Matriarch wasn't having it. She wasn't willing to deal with childish games, especially now when she had so much on her plate. She only hoped that Helios wasn't paying too much attention, that he was focused on his fight and would ignore what was happening here.

She tried to respond to Cataleya's words immediately, in the hopes of catching her, but she was cut off at the strike. Fortunately she had widened her stance to keep her balance, but it did nothing to lessen the damage. She welcomed the bruises blossoming on her chest and toes for what they were, but the teeth that sunk into her neck angered her. "Release me," she growled as calmly as possible. "I am dying and I do not have the time, nor the strength, to deal with this. Just go home, Cataleya."

The Judge


01-02-2015, 11:11 PM
Default to Heathen

Due to Helios not posting in the allotted time, Heathen wins.

Helios must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.

The Judge


01-05-2015, 06:03 PM
Default to Cataleya

Due to Natalya not posting in the allotted time, Cataleya wins.

Natalya must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.

Helios I


9 Years
01-08-2015, 12:52 PM
((Totally didn't lose track of time with the fight. Since I defaulted, I'm leaving some of the fight aspect of this post vauge so that Apex may decide how or where things hit.)) 

His shoulder collided, and the trespasser shifted back, Helios himself ground his teeth together and felt the vibrations of the impact rolling through him. His teeth however did not meet their mark, and though he gripped flesh it was not his intended target. The man released his jaw and shifted backwards, ready to assault the back of the man’s neck with renewed vigor when the sounds of movement behind him grabbed his attention.

For the briefest of seconds Helios glanced over his shoulder. What he saw behind him was straight out of one of his nightmares. The silver woman who had so blatantly trespassed upon his territory was now taking her rage out upon his wife. Instantly he backed off, though lips remained curled and a growl still rumbled from within his chest. He turned furious gaze once more upon the unknown male and issued a single threat.

  “Get the hell off of my territory. And the next time you thing about trespassing I hope you consider your future offspring, because it won’t be just your freedom I take. It’ll be your manhood!” Then he round his attention upon the silver woman. Stalking towards her with as much self-control as he could muster. He wanted nothing more than to leap upon her now, get her to release his wife! “Take you’re pathetic pet and leave; now!” He commanded. If she refused he would be forced into action. 


talk, think



01-08-2015, 09:36 PM

The woman didn't even fight back. Disappointment and victory raced through her veins. She reigned supreme, her enemies not even bothering to fight back. Her crown would lift high above her shoulders, tail flipping dominantly above her hips. Lips curled into a vicious sneer, eyes glinting with malice. The angry voice of Helios would turn her attention briefly. Helios had abandoned his own fight to defend his wife. Interesting... Though all that really matter what they would both be going free. Dark laughter rolled off her tongue as she stepped away from the fallen Queen, brushing past Helios without a word. Her coral gaze flickered to the man, a toss of her crown gesturing for him to follow. She would depart from the scene without looking back. Pantheon was already labeled as an enemy, anything else they did would only make matters worse for them. Picking up an ease trot, she would cross the home of her newly sworn enemies until she found herself back on rogue lands.

