
purge this poison from my veins


12-28-2014, 03:12 AM
She would lift herself from her spot nestled around her children, head lifting slowly as she looked out of the den with narrowed gaze. Maybe today would be the day, the day she purged the will from her most rambunctious child. The day she put the fear of god into his tiny soul... A slow smile would slither across her lips before neck would arch and she would attempt to nudge Toxin, her big blue monster child, looking to rouse him from the nest of his siblings. "Come my boy. It's time to hunt monsters..." Her voice was soft deapite narrowed eyes, aly smile slithering across inky lips. He wouldnt be much help, his milk teeth almost useless but it was time he be subject to her world and what his world would one day be. She would rouse herself, standing and slipping towards the mouth of their den. Her dear boy... So much like her father and yet so much like her, a mixture that could really only be trouble. Horned best would move from the confines of her den, moving into the slowly melting snow and warm breeze. Summer was coming. 



12-29-2014, 12:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2014, 12:18 PM by Toxin.)

Mother roused him gracelessly, a nudge and a few words. Toxin shook his head from side to side as if he could shake the sleepy haze out from between his ears. His mood was petulant, having been broken out of a dream, but he knew better than to lash out at Dione as he might have if it were Ganj or Necro in her place. He mumbled out a nonsensical, sleepy acquiescence. Monster hunting sounded fun, he supposed, even if his mother's expression gave him the creeps. A cold chill ran down his spine and his paws tingled as if he ought to run away, but this was Mother and what she says goes. He nodded, that small bit of fear bringing clarity to his senses. When he followed her into the world, the young boy found that there was no acerbic bite to the wind, and what remained of the snow was slushy and dense. He narrowed his brows at it and thought for a moment that he might ask Dione what that meant, but he was worried it might be a stupid question. He wasn't stupid, not like the others, he told himself fervently. "Mother, I'm excited to see the monsters," he said quietly, trying to sound calm and brave, when in truth her demeanor frightened him still.

"Talk" "You" Think


12-29-2014, 01:46 PM
She could practically feel the excitement bubbling within her chest as Toxin would slowly stir and then rouse himself. She would await him outside the den, reclining back into a cat like streatch as forepaws reach forward and tail arched over her back. Purple tongue would loll out over her jaws before standing and flashing a sly smile to Toxin, not realizing how uneasy that smile was making him. He would come out to stand in the slushy snow with her and she would quiver with excitement as head tipped back and she inhaled to scents surrounding them. He was excited to see the monsters? "Ah but my boy there is a trick to finding them." She would say before setting off towards the boarders that their pack land shadowed, motioning for him to come along. "You see, they wear disguises. To most they look just like us, even I can't always tell them apart from the normal wolves here... So we must find them. They smell different then us, they don't smell of a pack. There are some other signs once you speak to them..." She would explain languidly to him as they walked and she let him into the swirling mists of the Soulless Forest. "The monsters... They hold power within them and if you eat their flesh then you become more powerful. Do you understand?" She would ask as she paused within the forest and turned her gaze down to her eldest son. He would be the first to learn, the first to taste the flesh that they would be raised on.



12-29-2014, 06:21 PM

Toxin listened with avid interest, once he was of a mind to pay attention. His mother would say this and that about identification, and while Toxin understood it was important that he grasp this, he did not quite know what she meant. Perhaps she was being vague on purpose, only... he could not tell the different. Instead, he tried to force himself to get excited. Was that what Mother wanted? His tail wagged a bit, he shifted from side to side, trying to work up the itch to get a move on. But he was still a little scared. Don't be a coward, he told himself in an angry voice, like he used with his siblings. Cowards are weak and stupid and dumb. So he puffed out his chest like warriors did and he narrowed his eyes like he thought the monsters were stupid too and he nodded.

Then, Mother said they would make him powerful. Powerful like she was? Powerful like Father was? His jaw dropped a bit and he couldn't quite believe his ears. "Oh, Mother, I want that!" True exhilaration filled his little vocal chords now, no longer a farce. His amethyst eyes glittered with an intensity that stretched beyond his extreme youth. Even then fear filled him. "But what about Ganja and Necrosis? Mother they're weak, they're not like me, don't show them the monster thing. Please, I want to eat monsters and be strong like you and Father!" The thought that Dione might teach his useless siblings the secret, he couldn't stand it. It should be his, he was oldest! The boy quivered, true rage filling him for the first time in his life.

"Talk" "You" Think


12-29-2014, 06:57 PM
She would watch him from the corner of her eye as he tried to understand all that she was telling him, tried to comprehend what she was telling him. Really... There were no monsters, she just didn't want him killing any pack wolves so she would weave her tale and tell him what he wanted to hear. It seemed to be working as he shuffled and wagged his tail regarding her as she regarded him. And then it all seemed to hit him as he exclaimed that he wanted that. He wanted to be powerful, ah yes but who didn't? She would smile before starting off into the forest once more, motioning for him to follow. Nostrils would flare as she began sniffing, trying to catch the scent of a rouge and tactfully avoiding the 'queen' here. She was asking for trouble, she knew it but at the same time... Who really cared? Toxin would speak a moment later asking about his siblings and Dione would pause, blinking for a moment as if not understanding Toxin's question. "We are a family, we do everything as a family. But I will tell you a secret that I will not share them..." She would whisper, lowering her head so it would hang close to her son, lifting a paw to drape it over his shoulders before glancing around as if to make sure none were around them.

"The heart will make you most powerful. That can be for you..." She would say before lifting her head and setting off again. "In many cultures warriors would eat the hearts of their fallen enemies to gain their strength and prowess in battle. I will tell you. It will help but to become powerful you must train as well." She would say before halting, lifting a paw to motion for her son to halt. She would sniff languidly, ah yes... There was one now... A sickening grin would slither across her lips as she looked to her boy, eyebrows wiggling as she slithered forward. A female, she would appear before them looking utterly lost as Dione led her boy around a particularly large tree. White pelted she would turn towards the pair, baby blue flying wide at the sight of them. Dione was used to this, between her horns and pelt she was quite used to being openly gawked at but she would lean down to speak to her son though eyes would never leave her prey. "Most are not as colourful as us, white, black and brown is most common... I have not yet met any with horns or hair such as I either..." She would say before stepping in front of her son in a motion to move in front of him, leave him where he was and step towards the woman.

The woman didn't seem to know what to think, seemed lost and a bit confused especially as the green demon moved towards her but she did not shy away. Why would she have any reason to? Dione was tiny, probably no threat to most and with a child? Nothing bad ever happened in the presence of a child right? "Are you lost my dear? I don't think the queen here would be happy with your trespassing..." An easy purr, she didn't want to take long with this, the green demon moving to drift around the slightly larger woman as if appraising her. She tried to make an excuse, stammering something out about not knowing this place was claimed and not crossing any scent markers but Dione wasn't missing, arching her body around so she was wrapped around the woman's rear end. It was there that she would strike, head moving down and wrapping around her hind leg before yanking back violently. Immediately blood would spill, an artery hit and the green demon would hop back. Shock was evident but she didn't fight, instead she would turn and flee, running and leaving a trail of crimson behind her. Ruby gaze would sparkle at her son before motioning for him to follow. "She only has a few moments before she bleeds out. We shall follow her trail until we find her..." Dione would coo, a shiver running up her spine as she started off following the trail, motioning for Toxin to try out his tracking skills if he liked. Might as well start with baby steps... 



01-04-2015, 06:40 PM

Dione would profess to him that family was family and Toxin got that... But still. He tried to keep from pouting and nodded instead, in case Mother got scary again. He would heed her, but that did not mean he had to like it. Even as he resigned himself to this, Dione leaned in close. The heart, she told him, would be for him and him alone. Fire burned in the small creature's eyes.

Everything seemed to happen in a flurry from that moment on. Toxin could only watch in amazement as his mother challenged the white woman, how scared the stranger looked. This was a monster, but his Mother would not be afraid! She challenged her, dove in, that bite, the blood... Toxin shivered. He was rooted to the earth, too astounded to remember his most basic functions, until Dione's voice broke in upon him like a breath of fresh air: "We shall follow her trail until we find her..." Toxin plunged forward into the woods, crashing through the underbrush with little heed to what might lay ahead of him. He wanted to catch the monster, wanted to eat her heart, but most of all he wanted to see what it looked like when the life went out of a body.

"Talk" "You" Think


01-14-2015, 09:25 PM
She would look to her son and he would look to her as her words rushed over him and broke the trance he had seemed to have fallen under. Patiently her eyes would follow her son as he plugged forward, repeating her words as if he needed to confirm them for himself. A slow smile would slip over her features as she watched her son with a growing sense of pride. He would dive into the underbrush, following the very blatant trail and for a moment she would simply stand there smiling after him before bounding after him. Long limbs would catch him in no time but she would linger behind the boy, allowing him to track the blood for himself. The monster was panicked, stupid in it's fear. It didn't try and stop the bleeding, nor did it try and throw it's hunters off it's track. Typical prey. She would grin as she followed her son. It was only a few minutes before they arrived upon the blood soaked ground upon which their prey lay. She was breathing shallow, gasping and choking as her precious life blood drained from her hind leg. Dione must have only nicked the artery, usually they died quicker... "You may grant her mercy and end her life by ripping her throat. Or you may let her slowly bleed out and suffer for the sins she has committed to these lands..." Dione would murmur softly as she took a seat a short distance away from their prey, leaving the choice up to her son.