
My chick bad

Skaði I


3 Years
Extra large
12-28-2014, 10:16 PM

Home sweet home. She snorted at the quaint thought. Standing on a high point, Skadi looked out over the plains. This was Arcanum, the best Alacritia had to offer when it came to ambition. She had yet to assess the worth of the member base, but the alphess, the commander in chief, she found worthy of some amount of praise. The exact amount was yet to be determined, but learning everything about someone from a distance was a feat few could claim possession of. Regardless, she was pleased with her choice.

A flickering of color in her peripheral brought the huntress' head around. For a second her eyes roved the blinding white snow before fixing on the tiny spark of pink. The color was a dead giveaway. For a creature who relied heavily on camouflage the hairless inner ear that pulsed with vein work was the bane of its winter existence. Creeping from her position atop the high point, Skadi inched closer to the hiding rabbit. It remained still, its beady black eyed gaze fixing on her from its peripheral. It watched and it waited, hoping, praying that the wolf didn't know what it was looking at.

It waited too long to flee. In seconds the chase was on - a chase that lasted no more than a fistful of heartbeats. She had it by the back before it knew the game was up and it was gone from the world without so much as a squeal.

Her still kicking prize in tow, Skadi slunk back to her hill to eat.

"Speaking" -- Thinking


12-28-2014, 10:28 PM

She had heard of new members flooding her home. It seemed they had decided to bombard her mother all at once, just before her pregnancy. But now that things had settled, the heiress was ready to meet this newcomers, to assess them herself. Winter was dwindling to an end, and within the coming year she would be 2, fully matured and ready to take on whatever the world decided to throw at her. And one day, she would rule this place, taking her place on the throne. A grin would curl her dark lips, ears perking at the unmistakeable sounds of a fearful rabbit dying. Her crown would lift, her course immediately altering to find the source. Surely whoever had killed the thing wouldn't mind some company, besides, it was time she start forcing her presence on everyone. Paws pressed into the snow, the dark figure of a stranger coming into view. Nostrils quivered, taking note of the womans still rogue scent, but she was Arcanum, if only newly so. She would approach from the womans left, eyeing her curiously as the woman enjoyed her fresh kill. "You're new here. My mother spoke briefly of you. Basanti, Dauphine of Arcanum." Words left her lips with ease, spilling like velvet as she took in the womans slightly larger build.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Skaði I


3 Years
Extra large
12-28-2014, 11:34 PM

A youthful voice drew her from her dissection. Head lifting, Skadi cleansed her lips of blood while looking the young fae over. So this was a child of the commander. Her height was impressive, as was her build. The huntress ran an appreciate eye over the youth's being. Ah, if she wasn't already taken Skadi would have been tempted to claim her for her collection.

"Indeed I am," she confirmed. Not knowing what exactly had been said about her, she introduced herself, "My name is Skadi Hrodvitnisdottir." Tail flicking, the huntress settled into a sweet guise. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dauphine Basanti."

She sat up and turned to face the young heir. "Tell me, do you plan on leading as your mother does?" Why not examine the future now, while it was still young and distant? If Basanti planned to soften the empire her mother was building then there really was no point in sticking around, was there?

"Speaking" -- Thinking


01-03-2015, 09:13 PM

The woman would introduce herself, a peculiar name rolling off her tongue, it was quite a mouthful. Her dark crown would dip, a polite smile lifting her lips. Dark ears tipped forward, catching word that filled the air between them. A question about her future reign would hang from the womans lips, curling her own lips into a smirk. "Arcanum will forever remain the way my mother has built it. I have no intentions of changing things, rest assured." Eyes gleamed with the future, words falling easily from her lips. Her mother would kill her if she did anything to soften this pack. But that not her intention. She would rule this pack with an iron paw, just as her mother had. Arcanum would continue to strike fear into the hearts of the their enemies. When it came her time, she would see empires falls and her pack thrive under her command. It is what she has been raised to do, and what she wanted to do. Nothing would ever change that. And now that she had siblings to care for, she would ensure that they always had a home to return to, a place to call their own, so that together, they may rule this world.

"Burn Baby Burn"