
it's only a crime if I get caught



5 Years
12-30-2014, 04:27 PM

Massive paws struck the terra, snow trembling under the thunderous proceedings of the nordmann. Her cerulean gaze swept over the barren landscape, drinking it all in. There was a geyser here, she'd been told. It intrigued her, the idea of divine wrath spilling up from Hel to assault the lands above. The behemoth plodded along, impervious to the cold that surrounded her. She'd endured far worse, and the air here was warmed by the spout. She growled something under her breath as the spout released a boiling payload into the air, and she could feel the sting of the heat even from where she stood so far from where it actually lay. Watching it curiously, she paced to and fro for a  few minutes. Her great head remained between her powerful shoulders, tail tip twitching back and forth absently.  It was a queer thing, and when the water reached it's peak, it simply fell back to earth.The dirt all around it had been scorched, burned by the superheated water. What might once have been dirt was now stone, or at least something just about the same density. The water ricocheted from the surface of the ground, spreading out around it. The princess had no doubt that it was dangerous, and there was no intentions in her mind to go anywhere closer. Though a warrior at heart, she was no idiot. 

Licking her lips, the caramel beast lifted her cranium and cast her attentions elsewhere. Mocha nostrils flared to take in the scents around her. A meal might be nice. Her golden plume swept across her tall heels, and she took a few heavy steps forward. There was no need to be silent here, the absence of life in this land was reason enough for her to give away her position with noisy footfalls. Besides, anything that might survive here would be too small or scrawny to have any hope against her. Shaking out her thick pelt, the marked gladiator began to seek out something more entertaining than the waterspout. She could put off eating, but she would like a plaything, or an interesting lupine. Maybe a nap would suffice right now, in this oddly warm area of the north. Condensation trumpeted from her nostrils as she sneezed, before continuing on. Something was off, but she wasn't all that bothered by it. Nothing could really threaten her here, save for the geyser. Or a bear, by chance. But the odds of that were too small to worry with.


Thanks to Chrono for making this sexier than Captain America art for me!