



7 Years
12-31-2014, 11:23 AM
For those of you who are unaware, Raii is leaving Ala soon (more info on this later).  Before I go, though, Natalya and Helios are going to conceive another litter.  The thread is currently in progress and should be completed soon.

There will more than likely be only one pup that lives in this litter (maybeeeee two if we are really interested in that).  That child is going to grow up without its mother, but it will have motherly figures in its life, so that should factor into your application.

I'm open to a free form application, but it must describe appearance and personality in enough detail that we can get a CLEAR picture of what this pup will be like.


Names will be Greek, from mythology (major and minor gods, demigods, titans, fancy humans like Odysseus, the like).  Here is a link to a chart full of potential names:

On the Olympus side, pelt colors are usually primarily lighter browns/russets with whites or darker colors here and there. Eye colors are usually warm colors (reds, oranges, etc., but also can be silver. Helios's lineart is here:

The Hesperides side of the family is a little different. Eye colors tend to be various shades of blues. Pups can inherit both light and dark brown pelt colors from Natalya's father (, and can inherit whites and grays and blacks from Natalya's mother ( 

Natalya and Helios are both medium sized wolves, so choose height and weight accordingly por favor!

Potential designs are here:
Images 4, 5, and 7 are taken.


01-02-2015, 01:21 AM
(You two HAD to know I'd be working on one of these, yes?) XD


OOC Name: Roamer

Character Name: Perseus Olympus 

Character Gender: Male 

Character Height: 32 inches- averaging about 120 lbs. 

Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral- to start with. I'd like any sway for him to come from IC related events, and to develop on its own. 


The first thing that one notices about Perseus is his shocking dark chocolate brown color, with highlights of golds and orange that are noticeable in the sunlight- and this dark chocolate brown is his predominant color. He takes after his mother in some ways as his muzzle, right ear, legs, and tail all fade to black. He stands with medium stature- his adult height will be a solid 32 inches, and his weight will average around 120 lbs. His coat will be pretty thick- but not fluffy. He will have a broad built, with wide shoulders and wide placed hips. His eyes are a sight to behold- and clearly come from his mothers genetics. They subtly change from a green to a blue- looking like the sea.  

images:   (yes i know, the tip of one ear is pink. THAT IS not supposed to be there- but I am a derp) 


Perseus will always have a quiet sense of confidence about him. He's not overtly arrogant or a bragger- and he has a steady sense of self esteem. He is charming, and will uphold the sense of royalty that the Olympus family seems to cherish. He's not a gossiper- and doesn't bother with that sort of mess, though he'll be terribly curious as a pup- but never careless or brash. He's a  thinker- quiet and steady. He generally isn't quick to over-react but when he does, he doesn't hold back. He's protective of his family.  He is generous to his family- quick to praise them when they do right, and just as quick to be critical if they do wrong. However this critical nature is far harsher when it comes to criticizing himself. He doesn't accept failure well and is incredibly hard on himself. He wants to succeed- and wants to make his family proud and desperately wants to be remembered- as he hears stories as a child- he hopes that he'll one day be the stars of those stories. He'll maintain this quiet sense as he grows into an adult- and will be both a warrior and a confidant. 

( I may add some to this- but I think this is the start I'd like him to have- with room to grow as he develops should he be chosen as tribute.) 

I can add a role-play sample if you'd like. c: 



3 Years
01-02-2015, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2015, 07:29 PM by Damon.)
Toothless is looking to play Aether Olympus.
33 INCHES - FULL BODY REFERENCE - 120 POUNDS - Voice Reference - Full Mythology

BEHIND THE NAME: Aether is pronounced as //'ey-there//.  In Greek mythology, Aether is one of the primordial deities. Aether is the personification of the upper air. He embodies the pure upper air that the gods breathe, as opposed to the normal air breathed by mortals. Like Tartarus and Erebus, Aether may have had shrines in ancient Greece, but he had no temples and it is unlikely that he had a cult.

BEHIND THE LOOKS: The one thing you might notice upon looking at the young prince is that Aether is simple yet elegant from birth. He holds a lot of the darker grey, almost black tones, that compare similarly to his mother Natalya within his coat. The young prince often holds himself to be prim and proper, keeping his head up and never being down. His front two legs identify him as his father's son. The boy holds a medium frame of 33 inches of dark grey color with the exception of his legs, ears, and below his eyes. A dark, rich chocolate brown hue runs up these two legs and fades off where the base of the leg meets the main body. Pure white flashes through his dark fur just below each of his eyes in a small line. The top half on his ears matches the two dashes below his eyes in a pure white escapade. As he grows, he will probably be more of a fighter which will cause him to have muscles built up all along his body. His eyes hold a light blue tint over the soft blue colors surrounding his pupils.

BEHIND THE VOICE: Aether's voice can be easily compared to the voice of Dmitri Krushnic (Misha Collins/Castiel). This voice is a mix between baritone and tenor sounds and can often be easily heard. Aether will most likely be very loud by nature which causes him to talk almost like he's yelling.

PERSONALITY: Willful and proud are two words that could accurately describe the young boy as he starts to grow. Being this way is not necessarily bad and it does not make him stubborn. He enjoys thinking that he is a decent and good wolf. With the passing of his mother when he was very young, he will do anything to gain acceptance from other wolves, especially family. He is very loud in nature, his voice often booming to almost be considered a yell as his usual volume, but he knows when to keep his trap shut.

Chivalry and kindness often seep their way into Aeth's heart. He will do whatever he needs to do in order to help out another, no matter the cost. He cannot be committed to anything unless he wants to be and he picks the wolves he wants to help or call friends very carefully.

Aether is a natural leader but very easy-going. He can take charge of a situation when it requires it but he prefers to follow the lead of others into things of importance like wars, hunts, or healing sessions. He is overall a fairly well-rounded kid.

Aether is very much a STAR PERSONALITY. This means he is constantly looking for acceptance and popularity while socially looking good. He is constantly searching for freedom and wants to be noticed by others. The wolves he would act respectfully around would be forgiving and open to suggestion but he won't hang around wolves that are depressed (unless he is trying to help them) or wolves that constantly ignore him.


NOTE: This sample is based off of Aether at the age of 2 seasons.

The boy had grown and he had thrived within the confines of his pack despite the lack of his mother. He had plenty of family to fill the void and since he had never really known his mother, it hadn’t seemed like a big deal to him. This particular day was of great importance to him. He was going to go hunting without any of his family members with him today and he was going to bring back so many rabbits that it broke a pack record or something. Perhaps he wouldn’t bring back rabbits but instead he brought back mice, voles, maybe even a pheasant or two. That was the thrill of it, he wouldn’t know.

Aether hoped bringing back plenty of prey would make his father proud. The ebony shaded paws that kept him on his path were light on the ground as he kept a watch out for tracks and his nose kept sniffing for scents. He caught faded trails of voles and he knew they would be long gone. He would not follow what was an obvious dead end track. He tried to keep a smile on his face as he looked elsewhere for his prey that he would bring back. This time, he caught the scent of bear surrounded by the scent of blood. This idea shocked the boy and he knew, despite what he might want to believe, that he could not take on a bear, especially as a pup. He turned the other way to try and high tail it out of there before the bear caught on.

This endeavor had been successful as he followed one final track, the sun high in the sky. He would have to get back soon for lunch if he could not catch his own. It was a learning curve for him and it was one he was not use to. Aether rushed towards the scent of rabbits but slowed his pace before reaching it. He needed a strategy so he would sit there to think one up. His eyes narrowed in determination as he figured it all out. He rushed the rabbits, frightening them so they scattered. He picked the slowest one and ran after it. His jaws were snapping, trying to get a grip on the pure white fur until he was successful. He would kill it with a swift bite and waltz home towards the pack den.

Aether Olympus had caught his first prey.



7 Years
01-11-2015, 03:35 PM
There are 3 free pups in this litter, so up to that number can be chosen!! Will continue to read apps and decide on players one week from today!



6 Years
01-12-2015, 05:58 AM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2015, 06:15 AM by Armai.)

mneme olympus


Nut brown/russet fur (olympus side), extending from the very top of head to cover entire back of neck then down her back in a stripe then covering entire tail is brownish-cream, from muzzle and down throat is same brownish-cream, front paws are socked with the brownish-cream (socks from mother's side, brownish-cream from mother's side, markings from both mother and father's sides), pink eyes (olympus side/warm color), black nose & paw pads, medium size (30 inches), lithe and spindly.


A radiance of pure exuberance and warmth is the child - from her every pore, in her every word, her every thought and every step gleams a character careless and free from the boundaries of law. Though quite the handful, noisy and reckless, she can make for a darling young lady, once one manages to overcome her less than mannerly greetings and questionings, her sometimes vulgar word choice and her tirelessly stubborn demeanor. She completely casts aside any sense of royalty or etiquette in favor of a more dynamic lifestyle - wild, giggly and hardly proper she defines a princess that belongs anywhere but her castle.

Initial observation reveals a curious, bubbly thing, almost friendly in her mannerisms and quickness to introduce herself to any and everyone she may come across. But any sense of security formed by the lass and her gregarious lapses dissipates as she begins to scour - a second nature to her, to look over and make (often wild) assumptions and accusations towards those she meets. While young these moments of intense scrutiny are followed by an onslaught of invasive questions - though always innocent and playfully put - asked so quickly that you aren't given time to even consider them. The strange process ends with a cheeky grin or a peal of giggling and then a scampering of paws as the girl flees the scene, her attentions enraptured by something new.

She's easily distracted and terribly forgetful, despite being, ironically, named for the Greek muse of memory - new faces and information she deems useless (almost everything) are first to be engulfed by the black hole that is her brain. Though many things are lost from her this way, she continues to hunger for knowledge - and though it may not seem so she is a naturally intelligent being. It is simply that the girl is fueled more by her emotion than she is by what may be in her head; she's unpredictable and never takes heed of the saying "think before you act". Her emotions are unconstrained, uncontrolled and stronger than she is herself - she becomes corrupted by them, the flames of her anger burn and consume her, the waves of her sadness crash and drown her. In this way, she is dangerously volatile but surprisingly weak - broken.

However, the girl isn't always so ... afflicted - her usual demeanor is eager and animated, far from dangerous or weak. She's a prankster who enjoys a good trick and she relishes in the frustration of others. Though she's usually the cause of them she'll help anyone out of a problem - she's true to her word, always happy to lend a paw wherever necessary as long as she deems it to be interesting enough - she wouldn't dare task herself with something boring. She avoids work and responsibility like the plague, and honestly it seems to avoid her too; even the world must realize she'd CRACK under the pressure.


• I honestly told myself I wasn't going to but I did anyway. T__T
• Click the little hearts under her name to see shaded & flat references & an avatar.
• Appearance is still a WIP.

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



7 Years
01-18-2015, 12:40 PM