
Background Noise

Finch I


4 Years

01-03-2015, 04:58 PM

The snow had started to melt, and the girl didn't quite know what that meant. She sat on the edge of the den, leaning against the rock wall as she looked out across the plains. The sun glinted off the lake in front of her, and a small smile spread across her lips. Her siblings were off probably exploring, but Finch felt rather safe near the den. She didn't care too much for wandering around with the others, and she would much rather stay here. She let a little whine out at the thought of being alone though, but with the cave to her back it was okay. Sort of. Shuffling on her little paws, her blue eyes tore away from the lake and looked to either side of her. Where was momma? She usually clung to the woman's side, not often letting her out of sight. But this morning when she had woken up, everyone else had already left. Finch was forgotten about sometimes, but with five pups it was no surprise that the most silent one got left behind. Not that she really minded... but she would have preferred if someone stayed behind to keep her company. Humming softly to herself, she tried to keep herself occupied. Perhaps someone would come and save her from being so utterly alone...


01-08-2015, 03:28 PM
#2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
Bass and her, mostly Bass, had tried to expand the den a bit since the pups had been growing so fast. From tiny wet bundles of fur, to hyper, energetic children who knew how to explore out on their own and everything. It made her almost sad to see her children growing so fast. But she could always see them, as she hopes to keep them in Abaven with her and daddy Bass. They were all willing to, right? After all...the world out there was cruel. Murderers, force claimers. In Abaven, her little babies would be safe and sound...she'd always be able to watch them and visit them when they got older...when they have mates and pups of their own. It'd all be lovely, as long as they agree to stay with her and Bass.

To her knowledge, everyone was outside exploring today. The sun was finally beginning to melt the cold snow, and bringing life to Abaven and all of the world. It was truly beautiful and something she always treasured on her own. The changing of seasons. There was still tiny little piles of snow here and there, but they'd melt soon enough. Flowers and tall grass would replace them, warmed by the lovely sun. Ah, she was so excited. Her children were most likely confused of this sudden change of weather...she'd explain it to them, eventually. But for now they can stay curious. As babies, it was good to be curious of things. Especially things like the changing of seasons...

But today, she was returning from collecting smelly flowers and herbs. Including pretty purple lavender, different types of roses, morning glories, etc. She planned to put them outside or inside the den. And she did this every spring. It was a little tradition her family used to go by, that she still treasured, even though her family fell apart when she became older. According to her mother, you were supposed to collect lots of beautiful flowers that smelt fresh and pretty. Then, you could place them in or outside the den. It was to drive out back luck, and to welcome good luck in. She's never explained the theory to Bass, but she's always went by it. After all, even if it wasn't smelt good.

"Finch," She called to her daughter, sending her a silly look. It was a little surprising to see her here, and not with her siblings...but...Finch was Finch. Shy, innocent, loves her mother to death. It was precious. Wren walked over to her and dropped the flowers in front of her, reaching out and nuzzling the young girl's face. "how are you, my sweet?" She sat down beside her and pushed the flowers aside, looking up at the trees that surrounded their den. They were embraced by the warm light of the sun, seeping through occasionally. "It's spring, aren't you happy? The snow will be all'll be able to see the pretty birds...the warm sun..."

"Burn Baby Burn"

Finch I


4 Years

01-08-2015, 05:08 PM

When the girl saw her mother she grinned, letting out a happy yip and diving towards her front legs. Finch weaved her way between them, her white and gray tail beating against her mothers legs. She followed her when she walked towards the mouth of the cave, sitting down between her legs. Looking directly upwards, her head now resting against Wren's chest, and smiled at her. Wren asked her if she was happy, and she shrugged her pale little shoulders. It wasn't that she wasn't happy, she just wasn't as hyper as her other siblings. Sniffling, the girl looked down at the pile of flowers that Wren had brought towards the den, ignoring most of what her mother had said. Stalking over towards them, she bent down and whiffed at them, her little tail wagging back and forth. "Pretty," she whispered, seemingly being her favorite word. It was probably the one she uttered most often, not like she had such a huge vocabulary to start with. Bending in closer, she inhaled even further. It smelled great! Until the pollen bust up his nose. Oh no! Blue eyes grew wide as she looked over her shoulder towards her mother. What was happening? Her nose tickled really bad, and then it happened. The biggest sneeze ever erupted from the small pup, sending her backwards right on to her rump. But it wasn't the only one, a few more blew out of her nostrils until she was suddenly flat on her back. Tears welled in her blue eyes, confusion and a bit of fear making her shake slightly. What in the world just happened? Finch turned her head towards Wren, her bottom lip pouting out as it quivered to and fro.


01-08-2015, 05:22 PM
#4" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
Watching her shrug her little shoulders, Wren giggled softly, allowing her to rest her tiny head against her fluffy chest. But as soon as she did, she sat up and crawled over to her bundle of smelly flowers, sniffing at it. And then whispering a single word which came as very familiar from the young pale girl. "Pretty."  The woman laughed softly and stood up as well, stepping aside and nodding gently. Finch has always shown curiosity, so of course, the young girl was a normal pup. Just quiet and very shy! But precious to her. Although, it still amazes her how different all her children are. Starling is so calm, yet friendly and almost a little shy like his sister. Sparrow is very assertive and bold, but loyal and friendly. Quiet, but still a good boy. Shrike is hyper and optimistic, always so happy. Kind of like his a way. Finch, precious, innocent. Shy but loveable. The woman loved all her pups, despite of how different they all were.

Suddenly, the young girl sneezed loudly, falling back onto her rump. Wren gasped and stared at her daughter, before beginning to whine as she continued to sneeze quietly though powerfully. Once it was all over, she bounded over to her, frowning as tears glazed over her eyes. "It's okay, little sweet. Just a little sneezing, that's all." She licked her face gently, before sitting beside her flipped body. The flowers might have been a little overpowering...but adults knew not too get their noses too close. The same thing will happen! Pollen in the nose, go into a coughing fit. Poor child...! "Evil flowers! They are pretty, but they can make you uncomfortable sometimes!" She moved them away a bit more, grinning childishly to her daughter.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Finch I


4 Years

01-19-2015, 05:22 PM

Her mother said that it was just sneezing, licks pressing against her face. The girl sniffled, eyes wide as she slowly nodded her head. Whatever sneezing was, she didn't like it one bit. Wren called the flowers evil and pushed them away, causing Finch too giggle softly. Shaking her head to get rid of the tears, she stood up and moved until she was able to sit down on Wren's paws. Looking upwards at her mother she smiled, relaxing into her creamy form. "Love," she whispered, eyes slipping closed as she started to hum softly. She loved to sing, and even more she loved to hear her parents sing. "Sing?" she asked simply, blinking open her eyes slowly to see if the woman would sing for her. That is when she felt more like herself, and felt that singing was a lot better than just talking. It carried so much emotion and passion, a lot more could be communicated through song than through simple speech.