
Let us Dance


01-05-2015, 02:00 PM

Fresh annoyance blossomed in her chest. Insubordinate whore. Her gazed on Aerndis as defenses fell into place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, crown level with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed, tail straight and aligned with her spine. Adrenaline steadily began to flood her system. It wasnt everyday that she got to battle a formidable opponent, or so she hoped. 

She would attack without words, or warning. Springing forward in an attempt to come at the woman head, hoping to close the distance between them in a few strides. Her right shoulder would jut forward, seeking to collide with the center of the womans chest, what would be her sternum. Simultaneously, jaws parted, seeking to grab a hold of the womans upper right sided throat, just behind the curve of her jaw, her goal to put enough pressure of her jugular so that she would pass out. Following her attempted bite, her right foreleg would lift, weight immediately redistributing across all three limbs, so that she could attempt to wrap it around her opponents own right foreleg, just below the elbow, in hopes that she might be able to pull it out from under her (aern) with a quick attempted retraction of her limb back towards her own body, successful or not. 

CATALEYA vs AERNDIS for SPAR: round 1/2


Aerndís I


5 Years
01-11-2015, 03:13 PM

Aerndís followed suit as Cataleya set her defenses.  Oh, this was going to be fun.  Brow furrowed as her eyes narrowed, ears pinning tightly to her head which lowered to align with her spine.  Her chin tucked, shoulders rolling forward and head scrunching back.  Hackles raised as her tail also moved to align with her spine.  Aern spread her legs equidistant apart, legs bending to lower her center of gravity as she distributed her weight equally among the limbs.  Toes splayed as claws dug into the earth.  Breathing in a deep breath she exhaled and waiting.  Almost as soon as defenses were set Cataleya sprang into action.

Cataleya charges and Aerndís attempts to shift several steps to her own right, pivoting her hips to her right in an attempt to form a 30 degree angle facing in towards Cataleya's left shoulder.  As she moves Cataleya's right shoulder strike glances off the middle front of Aern's left shoulder, light bruising blossoming over it.  Cat's fangs tear moderate four inch lacerations into Aern's left cheek, spilling her blood and sending stings of pain through her head but failing to get a grip as Aerndís digs in with her legs to continue her movement.  A wound that will likely scar.  She feels Cat's paw glance along the outside of her left forearm by the elbow as the original target, Aern's right foreleg is out of reach due to her rightward movement.

Simultaneously as Aerndís attempts to pivot to her right she launches her own attacks, her weight shifts to her right forepaw and back legs, her left foreleg lifting as she attempts to slam her left forepaw down on Cataleya's left forepaw in an attempt to sprain the toes.  Jaw's part as Aern arcs her head to her left hoping to embed her fangs in Cataleya's upper left-sided neck near the underside.  Upper canines seeking to land a few inches behind the corner of Cat's left jaw, her bottom fangs seeking to land in the underside of Cat's throat a few inches down from her lower jaw.  Aern hopes to gain a hold and put pressure on Cat's windpipe to hopefully choke her out.  A third attack also launches from the gladiatrix's arsenal.  With her pivot she also attempts to throw her right shoulder forward and up into the lower underside of Cataleya's neck, just above her sternum in another attempt to knock the wind from her opponent's lungs and maybe bruise the windpipe.


Aern vs Cataleya for Spar
Rd. 1 of 2

ooc:  blargh!  Hope that was clear, I almost never go second so I reaaaallllllly need the practice.  *flails*




01-13-2015, 04:09 PM
ooc; i've received permission from saf to throw lia in here; she's just going to observe and learn c:
                     thrill encompasses the viper’s psyche as she lurks within spindly shadows, spectating upon her mother’s savage reprimanding of negligent subservients with a malevolent gleam to her luminous vermillion gaze -- wholly enraptured. and as the gathering dwindles and various battles commence, the sovari navigates languidly into her { exalted } mother’s proximities with a crooked grin, allowing for her dark and burnished flesh to entwine with her mother’s own silver as she slopes momentarily against the contours of the woman’s right forelimb in tender gesture. however, as the revered queen tenses in preparation for combat against a presumably formidable opponent, dahlia disengages from the silver’s appendage and saunters toward the outskirts of their makeshift arena, allowing for her diligent gaze to fixate upon her mother’s behemoth physique as she tacitly bades the woman to inevitable v i c t o r y.

and as her mother ruptures forth to collide with her temporary adversary { both murderous locomotives that the babe personally would not hope to intercede given her diminutive apex }, the viper examines their appropriate and adopted battle stances with a keen eye. her own ears pin against her dainty crown while velvet lips unfurl to expose her own set of jagged teeth as she partially mimics her mother’s defense mechanisms, rump soon ascending as her upper half bows closer to the misted earth with mischievous intent -- characteristically impish and childlike. and although the viper has not pinpointed a target to descend upon yet, she houses every intention to pounce at her mother’s ankles when a victor has been deciphered from the queen’s current battle.
before threading with Vio, please keep in mind that this character is prone to using mature and vulgar language!


01-17-2015, 03:30 PM

Her opponent would move to her (aern) right, earthen hips also moving to her (aern) right, causing her own left shoulder to glance off the front middle portion of her opponents left shoulder. A light bruise would form across her own left shoulder, nothing that would hinder her movements. Her fangs would tear into the flesh of her opponent, just at her (aern) left cheek, leaving behind only lacerations. She obtained no grip though, her opponent remaining light on her paws in her movement. Her own right foreleg met its failure, glancing off the outside of her opponents left foreleg, her original target now out of reach.

Her opponents weight would shift away from her, the earthen womans left foreleg lifting. The silver Queen would immediately seek to push off with her forelegs, haunches bending and her weight falling evenly across hind legs as she sought to rear up before the woman. Her own left foreleg would shoot forward, seeking to land across her opponents shoulders, so that she might keep the woman close. This would cause the womans attempt to sprain her silver toes to miss entirely. However, the Queen did not go unscathed. Earthen jaws would collide with the left side of her neck, nearly at the midway point between her skull and shoulders. Moderate puncture wounds would bleed into her pelt immediately, pain flaring across her neck. The wounds could potentially tear more with her attempt to rear up. Her attempt to rise up on hindlegs would cause her opponents left shoulder to collide with the lower left portion of her chest, leaving a minor bruise due to their proximity, and nothing more.

The Queen would splay her dark jaws, neck seeking to arch downward as she sought to obtain a grip just at the base of the other womans skull. She sought to position her jaws so that her upper jaw landed on right side of her opponents scruff, and lower jaws landed on the left side, while she aimed to strike so that the womans spine was between her jaws. In sync with her attempted bite, she would seek to push off with her hind legs, weighting shifting fractionally more to her left so that she may drive her full weight into the womans left shoulder and force her to hold her own hefty weight. The Queen would then seek to bring her right foreleg up, aiming to slap her paw down across the womans muzzle, hoping that it may serve as a distraction, though if she could force her opponents head down, it would be an added bonus.

All the while her defenses remained solidly in place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, crown level with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, hind legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint,, her left hind would also seek to slide back several inches farther than her right hind leg, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed across hind legs, tail straight and aligned with her spine.

CATALEYA vs AERNDIS for SPAR: round 2/2


Aerndís I


5 Years
01-18-2015, 04:36 PM

As Aerndís attacked Cataleya would rear, her left foreleg draping across Aern's shoulders and pulling the dueling pair that much closer together.  In one respect it was a relief in that it would make Aern's exposed throat harder to get to due to the proximity but on the other paw it meant that Cataleya now had leverage over her and that was never a good thing.  It also caused Aern's left forepaw to miss and instead land solidly on the ground.  Quickly she tightened her defenses, preparing for the retaliating assault knowing full well she was too close now to move away unscathed.  Eyes remained narrowed and ears pinned, hackles stayed laced down her back as her head and tail aligned with her spine as best she could, chin tucking just slightly.  Shoulders rolling forward and neck scrunching back.  Her legs shifted equidistant apart and her weight spread evenly across the limbs which coiled slightly to lower her center of gravity.  Toes splayed, claws dug sharply into the earth.  Aern's shoulder attack also fails to land as intended, instead causing only a light bruise to appear on her opponents lower chest.  The impact causes a light bruise to form as well on the top center of Aern's right shoulder.

Aern's efforts were at least rewarded as fangs pierced flesh and blood stained her tongue.  Her jaw attack did not land behind the the corner of Cat's jaw as she intended but instead it  collided with the center of Cat's left-sided neck equidistant between the skull and shoulders.  It wasn't the purchase she sought but it wasn't a terrible one either.  The carotid artery ran through the neck at this location, the largest artery in the neck that was also responsible for bringing blood to the brain and unlike the jugular it was closer to the surface.  As soon as her jaws seized flesh Aerndís attempted to shake her head violently back and forth, seeking to tear as much flesh as possible to increase the severity of the wound, sever muscle and ligaments and maybe get to the point where she could put enough pressure on the carotid artery to cause her opponent to pass out.

Fangs seize the center of Aern's scruff.  Cat's jaws landing as intended her upper jaw to the right of Aern's spine and her lower jaw to the left, sinking through fur, skin and fat but it does not halt Aern's ambitious attempt to increase the damage to her hold on Cataleya and will likely cause Aern's scruff to tear and cause moderate damage as Cat's fangs would almost certainly tear into muscle [damage kind of pending depending on if Aern is successful shaking her head].  Pain would fuel her lust for violence but Cataleya was not yet through with the gladiatrix.  Cat's left forearm would force more weight onto Aern's shoulders as the woman pushed forward, the front face of her chest slamming into the front face of Aern's chest.  The close proximity however only causes light bruising to blossom.  They were of nearly equal size and build.  Aern's core tightened, her toes and claws digging into the earth, legs tense as she holds her ground and prepares to return the favor.  Cat's right paw smacks into the top center of  Aern's muzzle, causing claws to rake across the bridge of her nose leaving welts and the bronze woman growls.  The Queen was relentless in her assault but now she was balanced on her hind legs and Aern saw the opportunity to return the favor.  

As claws rake her muzzle Aern immediately responds.  Four grounded, tensed legs uncoil in a burst of power as the gladiatrix attempts to push forward, to ram the front face of her chest back into the front face of cat's chest hoping to use the power of four legs pushing against the ground to topple Cataleya over backwards.  Balance is the prize her the proximity still unlikely to cause any significant damage to her opponents chest.


Aern vs Cataleya for Spar
Rd. 2 of 2

ooc:  Good Fight!  <3


The Judge


01-21-2015, 03:06 AM


Round 1

10 for clarity: All clear
10 for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defences. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head aligned with spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled, legs spread, legs bent, toes spread.
5 for attack. Shoulder slam to chest +1, bite to side of neck +3, paw swipe +1
10 for injuries.First round

Round one CATALEYA Total: 45/50


for clarity: All clear
for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defences. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, head aligned with spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, hackles raised, tail aligned with spine, legs spread, legs bent.
6 for attack. paw slam +1, bite to throat + grip attempt +4, shoulder slam +1
for injuries. First round. Minor bruise of front right left shoulder, moderate bite to left cheek,

Round one AERNDIS Total: 46/50

Round 2

7 for clarity: “seeking to land across her opponents shoulders,” Where on the shoulder? Is she trying to drape it across her shoulders and over her back, or is she simply resting her paw on her shoulder blade? -2 “The wounds could potentially tear more with her attempt to rear up.” She had attempted to rear upwards before this was stated, so it doesn't make sense to have it tear if she was already on her hind legs. -1
8 for powerplaying. “weighting shifting fractionally more to her left so that she may drive her full weight into the womans left shoulder and force her to hold her own hefty weight.” Must be attempted. It sounds like you are forcing Aern to accept holding all of Cat's weight. (ps I told you she was a fat ass) -2
10 for defences. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head aligned with spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled, toes spread, claws dug into earth, tail aligned with spine.
4 for attack. Bite to base of head +3, paw slap thingy +1, weight pushing +0 (no points due to pp issues.)

6 for injuries. Minor bruise on left shoulder -1, moderate bite -2, minor bruise to lower left of chest -1

Round two CAYALEYA Total: 35/50

10 for clarity: All clear
10 for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defences. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head aligned with spine, tail aligned with spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, legs spread, weight spread.
5 for attack. head shake + severity(maim points) +4, shove +1
7 for injuries. Minor bruise to top of right shoulder -1, minor wound to scruff (further damage pending) -1, minor bruise to front of chest -1

Round two AERNDIS Total: 42/50


CATALEYA: 80/100
AERNDIS: 88/100

And the winner is...

Aerndis! Cataleya must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


CATALEYA: Minor bruise on left shoulder will take 3 OOC days to heal, moderate bite to side of neck will take 1 OOC week to heal and may scar, minor bruise to lower left of chest will take 3 OOC days to heal, pending damage to chest.

AERNDIS: Minor bruise of front right left shoulder will take 3 OOC days to heal, moderate bite to left cheek will take 1 OOC week to heal and may scar, minor bruise to top of right shoulder will take 3 OOC days to heal, minor wound to scruff (further damage pending) will take 1 OOC week to heal, if made worse may take up to 2 OOC weeks to heal and may scar, minor bruise to front of chest (pending further damage on chest slam) will take 3 OOC days to heal, 1 OOC week if made worse.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For SAFFIEYour first post was really good, but your second post was a bit shaky. Just watch to make sure you are being clear in what order the attacks happen and fall on your character. Also, Cata will always be a fat ass. xD

For LUNAR Really good fight, solid attacks. Really good on your attack positions and all that jazz.

- By [Evelyn]