
I don't know what I'm doing


01-05-2015, 02:16 PM
gonna be playing him as an inexperienced fighter so bear with me lol XD

He had been given the command to begin, so stepping away from the crowd he would face his partner. A smile would lift his lips, uncertainty evident on his face. He had never done with before. No one had taught him what to do. And now here he was, being thrown into a fight with a probably more experienced Arcanum warrior. Steadying himself with a deep breath, he would speak. You may have the first move. Ears pulled back against his skull, his head lowering to fall level with his spine while his chin tucked defensively, hackles would bristled, his tail straightening and falling even with his spine. Claws dug into the ground, his toes splaying wide while his legs bent at the joint. His weight fell evenly across his legs, while his eyes narrowed. He allowed instinct to take over, though it still left some weak stops in his defenses. He had no idea what he doing as he mentally prepared to get his ass beat.

COLTEN vs NOVOCAINE for SPAR: round 0/2?




4 Years
01-07-2015, 11:04 PM

Novocaine hadn’t started the meeting in a good mood, and it certainly wasn’t improving now. The red boy he had been paired with certainly wasn’t up to his lofty standards, too young to be any real threat to him and who had proven himself to be soft before they had all split off. What exactly was the woman thinking? He would pummel this kid into the ground and hardly get any scratches on himself, hardly the challenge he wanted! Was it his disability? He was only half blind, and even from where he had been keeping himself he could tell the kid was no real match.

So he had stalked off to wait impatiently for the boy to approach. The red pup would speak and Novocaine snorted. So be it! Without a word he shifted his position, tail swinging out flat behind him and his eyes narrowing. The fur along his spine rose as ears pinned flat against his skull and lips curled up to reveal yellowed fangs. A growl curled from his clenched jaw and he lowered his head over his throat. He rolled his shoulders forwards and bent his knees, toes splaying.

Then he charged, a roar exploding from within him as he veered ever so slightly to his left. He aimed to draw up right in front of the boy, hoping to slam his right shoulder into the red pup’s chest. His legs splayed and toes spreading again, knees readjusting into their bent position to try and keep his momentum in control. The one eyed boy suddenly pulled his head back and darted open jaws sharply to his right and attempted to grasp his opponent’s neck. He hoped to grip the left side near the base of the neck.

Colten vs. Novocaine

For Spar


Attacks: Trying to ram his right shoulder into Colten’s chest, and hoping to grasp the right side, near the base of Colten’s neck.

Defenses: Tail out, ears back, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, toes splayed, knees bent, shoulders rolled forwards, spread legs.

Injuries: N/A first round

OOC. Novo’s just a stupidly cocky child, this is his first fight sans right eye so I’m also kinda working through this.


talk, think


Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]


01-08-2015, 11:00 PM

It became evident that his opponent was not pleased with being partners. But oh well, Cataleya was apparently not in the mood to negotiate. With his defenses in place he would wait: eyes narrowed, ears pinned to his skull, hackles lifted, head level with his spine, chin tucked, legs bent at the joint and squared, claws digging into the ground. He wasnt perfect, trying to mimic his opponents stance as much as possible.

Surprise would cross his features as his opponent burst forth with a roar. Is this what everyone did? If so, it seemed rather dramatic. He would remain still even as his opponent came right up before, his grey shoulder striking with the center of his russet chest. A moderate bruise immediately flared across his chest, pain springing forth. His opponent would then sink his teeth into his neck, just before his shoulders, at the base of his russet neck, more so to his own left side. Moderate puncture woulds would ensure, drawing blood that blended into his pelt. A snarl of pain ripped free from his jaws as he begun to retaliate.

His crown would tip to his right, jaws following suite. His own jaws would splay, lips peeling back, as he sought to obtain a grip midway down his opponents own neck. He sought after the left portion of his opponent neck, about midway between his grey skull and shoulders. His only goal was to obtain a grip that might give him the upper hand. His left forepaw would then aim to lift, his weight shifting across his three remaining legs, before seeking to slam back down on his opponents own right forepaw. He didn't do anything out of malice, only the need to learn and to survive.

COLTEN vs NOVOCAINE for SPAR: round 1/2




4 Years
01-12-2015, 12:00 AM

Just as the boy had hoped his shoulder would connect with the red boy’s chest, and though Novocaine had sought to grip his opponent’s neck a part of him was surprised when his jaws connected with his intended target. The red child really wasn’t up to par was he? Pain exploded from his opponent’s lips and finally the other male began to fight back.

Novocaine felt fangs digging into his own neck on the left side, a hiss of pain slide from his jaw and he released his grip. Without much thought he readjusted his position, the red boy’s forepaw brushing dangerously close to Novocaine’s own right forepaw. His tail wavered briefly and then the grey boy shifted his weight back, seeking to rise up on his hind legs, hoping it would force the red boy to release his grip. Neck would twist, skull turning once more towards his opponent though much sharper this time. Gaping jaws seeking out the much more tender flesh near the base of the other male’s skull on the red boy’s right side. With a snarl he would seek to violently shift his weight forwards and to his left side, at best slamming his weight into the red boy as he once more sought to stand on all fours, at worst potentially driving in the grip he was aiming for. 

Colten vs. Novocaine

For Spar


Attacks: Seeking to rear up and slam his body weight into Colten, while also looking to grab hold of the right side of Colten's neck near the base of the skull.

Defenses: Tail out, ears back, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, toes splayed, knees bent, shoulders rolled forwards, spread legs.

Injuries: Moderate puncture wounds on the left side, middle portion of his neck. Light scrapes on the left side of his right forepaw. 


talk, think

Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]


01-16-2015, 11:19 PM

It became evident that his opponent was not pleased with being partners. But oh well, Cataleya was apparently not in the mood to negotiate. He would maintain all of his: eyes narrowed, ears pinned to his skull, hackles lifted, head level with his spine, chin tucked, legs bent at the joint and squared, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed. He wasnt perfect, trying to mimic his opponents stance as much as possible.

His fangs would meet their mark, landing on the left side of his opponents neck, at the midway point. However his left forepaw would fail to make contact. He would seek to replace his left foreleg on the ground, his weight once against falling even across all four legs. Novocaine would release his grip just before he rose up onto his hind legs. The russet boy would aim to do the same. Seeking to push off the ground with his forelegs and bring him chest to chest with his opponent. The movement would cause his opponents fangs to land lower across his right sided scruff, a little higher than the midway point. He would seek to maintain his hold on his opponent, aiming to thrash his head back and forth so as to worsen the damage he had already inflicted. Novocaine would then slam himself against Colten, a moderate bruise flaring across right portion of his chest. In order to keep himself balanced, he would try to wrap both his forelegs around his opponent, just behind his shoulders, toes splaying so as to try and score his sides, though he expected no damage to be done by his dull claws.

COLTEN vs NOVOCAINE for SPAR: round 2/2


The Judge


01-21-2015, 12:21 PM

Novocaine v Colten for training

Round 1

7 for clarity- [-2] It doesn't seem likely to go head on with Colten and then be able to slam a shoulder in his chest. Also it'd also cause Novo more damage then the attempted attack. [-1] What damage was he intending to do with his bite?
9 for powerplaying. [-1] Must attempt to go to the left [Coltens right]
8 for defenses. [+1] for each seen
5 for attack. [3] For bite [+2] For shove.
10 for injuries.First round

Round one Novocaine Total: 39/50

10 for clarity- Notes
10 for powerplaying. Notes
8 for defenses. [+1] for each seen
5 for attack. [+2] for paw slam, [+3] for bite.
10 for injuries.First round

Round one Colten Total: 43/50

Round 2

2 for clarity- [-1] Were abouts on the leftside did Colten grab? [-2] What damage was caused? [-2] How did he readjust his position, which led to Coltens attack not being successful? [-1] Which way did he twist his neck? [-2] where did he try to slam colten?
9 for powerplaying. [-1] Must attempt to shift forwards and to the left.
1 for defenses. [+1] for each seen. You must state defenses in each post.
5 for attack. [+2] For attempted slam to Colten [+3] for attempted bite
8 for injuries. [-2] For moderate bite.

Round two NovocaineTotal: 35/50

10 for clarity- Notes
9 for powerplaying. [-1] Must attempt to become chest to chest.
8 for defenses. [+1] for each seen
4 for attack. [+3] For thrashing head [+1] For trying to worsen injury.
5 for injuries. [-2] For bruise [-3] For bite

Round two Colten Total: 36/50


Novocaine: 74/100
Colten: 79/100

And the winner is...

Colten Novocaine must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Novocaine- Moderate bites should take 1ooc to heal

Colten- Moderate bites should tae 1ooc week to heal, the bruises a few ic days.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Lolaf

Watch your clarity, there where times when you weren't very specific. Also Do more defenses in each post to get the extra points! that's what got you.

For Saff

Not much to say, I appreciate you play him inexperenced.

- By [Luisiana]