
Tainted Love


01-05-2015, 04:13 PM

She was to battle Caeto. She had seen the boy in passing at several meetings, and she honestly wasnt sure why he was even still part of the pack. He did not, barely showed his face to anyone. But her mother had allowed him to stay. She wouldn't question it, he must have a purpose if her mother allowed him. An outburst would hold her attention only for a moment. Part of her pitied the tiny woman, forced to fight while pregnant, but her mother had not built this pack by allowing to weak to drag them down. Turning away, she would find Caeto, a polite smile lifting her lips. She towered over the boy, as she did many. Her goal was to place him directly before her, with only a few feet parting them. "You may have the first move if you wish." Her defenses settled into place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistance and bent at the joint, weight evenly distributed, tail straight and aligned with her spine, toes splayed while her claws dug into the earth. It had been so long since she had last found herself in the heat of battle. Perhaps later she would travel to the battlefield and engage in some new competition.

"BASANTI vs CAETO for SPAR: round0/2"

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
01-05-2015, 04:46 PM
(OOC: Skype/PM me questions?)
Caeto had also left after the outburst. It was funny how he could hate such a young, innocent boy... The boy who he had officially believed was his half brother for his... Kindness? Well, he wasn't evil... and that was enough for Caeto to believe in it. That and his spots of course.

The cream colored man had left earlier than his opponent, that who found him not long after. He didn't want to get caught up in any trouble when the time came. Who knew what was going to happen to the boy... But Caeto would turn to face this woman, Basanti, her stopping only a few feet away from him. There was a strange familiarity about her. He hadn't known that she was Cataleya's other daughter... well there was another but he hadn't known about any of her other children. frankly he didn't care anymore. 

(Fight starts here)

She would offer him the first move, and he would turn to circle around her as she had her defenses ready. Keeping it silent as usual. He kept his eyes on her as she readied, and when he came in front of her in his traveling circle, about ten to fifteen feet away, he would start his move.

His ears laid back as he lunged at her, tail straight out and weaving to keep his balance as he moved. He was trying to hit her right side, more of her chest and the front of her shoulder with his own shoulder, leaning most of his weight into his right side. He also tried to aim a gently bite to her scruff about half down her neck also on her right side, causing him to switch his balance now to his left side. He would try to pull her weight down, but his grip was not very strong in an effort to not harm her or even draw blood. Just enough to get her off balance would work for him.

If they had collided, he would shuffle his back paws to gain more of a grip on the ground, and making his hind legs farther apart for better balance as well.


Caeto VS _______
Round: - One Two

Attacks: Pushing right shoulder into Basanti's  front right shoulder/chest; Gentle bite/grab halfway down neck to try and pull her off balance

Defenses: Pulled ears; Tail straight and moving to keep balance; Shuffling back paws after colliding to get good grip and part hind legs

Injuries: None.


01-06-2015, 02:06 PM

She was met with silence, though he immediately began to move. He would begin to circle before moving away, a vast distance separating them. He would charge, coming at her right side, and she would allow it, remaining unmoving as his legs ate up the distance. His shoulder would meet its target, striking the front right portion of her chest/shoulder, immediately causing a heavy bruise to form. She would move with his momentum, allowing it to absorb into her larger body. His jaws would part, seeking to strike her scruff, teeth gently gaining purchase, not even breaking the skin. He was weak. She would strike without remorse. Seeking to use her height, her right shoulder would jut forward with as much force as she could muster, aiming to strike the hard bone against his throat, wanting to inflict damage to the tender windpipe that lie beneath his flesh. She would not be so kind. She would feel him pull at her scruff, though because his grip was so soft, it did little upset her balance.

Her own dark jaws would then part, her neck arching, crown tipping to her left along with her jaws as she aimed to grab a hold of his upper scruff, just as the base of his skull. She sought a grip that she could hopefully force him to the ground with. Simultaneously her right forepaw would lift, her weight redistributing across three limbs, as she aimed to slam the appendage down on his own right forepaw, her goal to heavily bruise his toes. He may have no intentions to hurt her, but she did not hold the same intentions. No one played nice in battle, if any of them were to survive this life, then they all needed to learn how to fight to spill blood. It was survival of the fittest.

"BASANTI vs CAETO for SPAR: round 1/2"

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
01-06-2015, 03:40 PM
(OOC: Skype/PM me questions)
Damn! He thought as she came out a whole lot more rough than he was. He should have expected such, this pack was living off of evil intentions. He shouldn't have looked so weak and acted it either.

She stood her ground as they collided. As he was clinging to nothing on her neck, She jutted her shoulder upward and hit exactly where she planned: his windpipe. He let go of her then, cringing to the pain which gave her plenty of opportunity to grab right onto his scruff a try and push him down. Maybe it was adrenaline, maybe it was just to get this shit over with, but the pain in his throat would slide through as he was being pushed to the ground. 

He flung his jaws opened and tried to push his neck forward to get at least his top teeth to slide down her leg. This time was not his child's play that he was trying to be all friendly about. If he made contact, he was going for damage. He was aiming to her right forearm as he went down, just trying to get a few scratches onto her.

His knees were all bent, the woman being taller than him and able to overcome his space. He tried to shuffle his feet some more to find the grip he needed to push towards her. His jaw remained opened and it was possible that she put her knee right into his mouth that could have caused some damage. He was able to see her move her right leg and push his out of the way enough so she only hit his very end toe. He had pushed his left paw outward so she could only hit 1-2 of his toes on the inside of his body.

He was really getting beat up.


Caeto VS Basanti
Round: - One Two

Attacks: Dragging teeth down Basanti's right foreleg; possibly puncturing around her  right knee when she picks up her right leg

Defenses: Using his weight to push hers; Shuffling feet again to find more grip; spotting her movement and moving his paw out of the way as much as possible

Injuries: Bruising to right shoulder; Possible slight windpipe injury (can let judges decide this); puncture wounds at the top of his scruff at the base of his skull; small injury to innermost toe (left paw)


01-06-2015, 09:56 PM

She had long begun to crave the adrenaline that flooded her system each time she engaged herself in battle. There was no feeling like it. Her right shoulder would meet its mark, jabbing at his windpipe, forcing him to relinquish his grip on her scruff. This allowed her to successfully grab a hold of his scruff, and immediately her jaws aimed to snap shut so that she could hopefully keep her hold. Again relying on her height, her weight would shift forward minutely as she aimed to shove his head to the ground so that she may pin him. But it seemed that she had struck a nerve as he was not going to go down without a fight. His fangs would scrap against the flesh of her right foreleg, just below her elbow. Light lacerations would lay in the wake of his fangs, though she had expected him to take a hold. But she was still able to lift her right leg, though this again caused his fangs to lightly laceration her right knee, and successfully slam it down on his right forepaw, though she only caught two of his toes, it was a victory nonetheless. With her right paw successfully on the ground once more, weight evenly distributed, she aimed to this time lift her left foreleg, her weight distributing accordingly, as she then attempted to lift it up over his shoulders, just at the base of his neck, before his shoulder blades. She sought a position so that she could force her weight forward and hopefully onto his lower neck to aid in shoving him to the ground.

All the while he defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed on her remaining three grounded limbs, tail straight and aligned with her spine.

"BASANTI vs CAETO for SPAR: round 2/2"

"Burn Baby Burn"

The Judge


01-07-2015, 09:05 PM

CAETO vs Basanti for SPAR

Round 1

7 for clarity: “with his own shoulder” Which shoulder? -1, “He would try to pull her weight down, but his grip was not very strong in an effort to not harm her or even draw blood.” How is he trying to push her down? -2
4 for powerplaying. “he would turn to circle around her” Needs to be attempted, this is a lot of movement around her and she could intercept it at any point in time. -2, “he came in front of her in his traveling circle, about ten to fifteen feet away, he would start his move.” Needs to be attempted, saying you stopped in front of her is assuming that you were able to fully circle her without being stopped. Also distance should be agreed on. -2, “as he lunged at her,” needs to be attempted -1, “If they had collided, he would shuffle his back paws to gain more of a grip on the ground, and making his hind legs farther apart for better balance as well.” Minor conditional (if that then this) Try to avoid this as much as possible! Once your opponent attacks or moves, it can change this totally. -1
2 for defences. Ears pinned, tail aligned with spine,
4 for attack. Shoulder slam +1, bite to neck +3
10 for injuries.First round

Round one CAETO Total: 27/50


9 for clarity: “She would move with his momentum, allowing it to absorb into her larger body.” How did she move with it? Did she lean, step back, jump back? -1
10 for powerplaying. None seen
1 for defences. Weight balanced for tri-pod state,
7 for attack. Shoulder to throat, more points for severity +2 bite to scruff + hold +4, paw slam +1
10 for injuries. First round. Severe bruise to right neck/shoulder

Round one BASANTI Total: 37/50

Round 2

3 for clarity: “...and hit exactly where she planned: his windpipe.” How much damage did this do? From Bas' intentions, it would have caused severe bruising as well as knocking the breath out of him. -1 “at least his top teeth to slide down her leg.” Where on her leg? There should be a clear mark when you hit. -2 “and push his out of the way enough so she only hit his very end toe.” How did he move it out of the way? Did he step? Lift it? How much damage did he take from that? -3 “to grab right onto his scruff a try and push him down.” How much damage did this do? -1
10 for powerplaying. None seen
1 for defences. Legs bent,
2 for attack. Bite to leg, lost points for clarity +2

5 for injuries. Sprained toes on left paw -3, moderate bite to scruff -2

Round two CAETO Total: 21/50

10 for clarity: All clear
10 for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defences. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled, legs spread, legs bent, toes splayed
3 for attack. Maintaining grip on scruff +2, Shove to ground +1,
9 for injuries. Minor lacerations on front right leg -1,

Round two BASANTI Total: 42/50


CAETO: 48/100
BASANTI: 79/100

And the winner is...

Basanti! Caeto must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


CAETO: Sprained toes will take 2 OOC weeks to heal, moderate bite to scruff will take 1 OOC week to heal and may scar.

BASANTI: Severe bruise to neck/shoulder will take 1 OOC week to heal, minor lacerations will take 3 OOC days to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)



You would have had MUCH higher scores if you put in defences! Those are the easiest 10 points you can get in a spar, basically the backbone of any fight. If you need a list, I can PM it to you if you want. Remember that you have to specify how much damage you take, and that all movement that your opponent may be able to stop/try to stop must be attempted. Remember to be specific when you are attacking as well. You might want to attack more as well, usually people will put in three attacks, a shove, bite, and paw swipe is what is usually seen.


Good fight, but you forgot your defences in your first round. No good! Try for more original/solid attacks to get your attack points up. Otherwise good job.

- By [Evelyn]