
You're gunna have to kill me first



7 Years
01-05-2015, 06:51 PM

As the large male came up to her, she could tell that he was irritated that he got stuck with her. Pulling herself to her shaky legs she stalked away, moving as far away from the rest of the wolves as she could. Once she was pleased with her distance she sat with her back to the yellow and gray man. "I won't fight," she stated, her body freezing with the fear that even the thought of fighting. "Go find yourself a real partner. I will take whatever beating that bitch wants to deal out, but I will not fight," even though her vocals were shaky, she was set in her way of thinking. She didn't even really care about the baby within her, she didn't want this anyways. It was about herself, about her won damn morals. To draw blood for the sake of getting stronger? That is how killers were made. It was going to take a lot of convincing to get her to fight.
[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]


01-05-2015, 11:56 PM

As Ekko finally stood at his prompting and turned to walk away from the group, he sighed with relief. At least she wasn't putting up too much of a fight about it. Or so he thought anyway. He glanced back over his shoulder briefly at the rest of the pack before looking back to the small russet and white woman and follow after her. He didn't know how in the world this was going to work. Literally he could just knock her over with his paw, but he also didn't want to risk hurting her too much for her kid's sake. It was certainly a weird and tangled situation. All the sudden she sat down with her back to him and he stopped in his tracks, one brow raising as she once again refused to fight, insisting that she would take her punishment from 'that bitch'.

He rolled his eyes and sighed before coming around to face her again, his acidic gaze finding hers and not looking away. He had to get through to her somehow. His voice wasn't mean, but it was insistent. "Look, I'm all for your pacifism. It's cool, I'm not trying to break that. I am, however, very against you bringing whatever hell that woman is going to bring upon you if you don't go along with it. So just... play along, okay? Besides you should learn to defend yourself. This isn't about being violent it's about learning." He paused and stared her down, wondering if she would budge or if he would be forced to start the fight himself. He could be just as stubborn as she was being and he refused to let Catalya have the satisfaction of punishing her for not wanting to fight.



7 Years
01-09-2015, 12:52 AM

The old woman eyed him, huffing softly. Oh boo-hoo he cared. No one cared about her, not ever. Perhaps Colten did, but that was a whole other topic. Ekko was old and tired, and very heavily pregnant. Maybe it was the hormones that made her so bold, but she stood up and went over to the colourful boy, stretching her tiny neck up to growl as close to his face as she could. "Do whatever the fuck you want, boy. I will. Not. Fight," she spat. Even if the stupid bitch killed her, she wouldn't care. For hells sake she didn't even mind if Cataleya killed her. She was not going to fight if she didn't want to, she was not going to even defend herself. Well maybe at this point she wouldn't actually mind fighting, it would be nice to sink her teeth into a nice piece of meat. Oh gods. The woman shook her head and blew out a sharp breath, listening as it whistled between her clenched teeth. What in the world was happening to her?

[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]


01-10-2015, 07:01 PM

One of Niketas' blue-gray tipped ears flicked with irritation when the tiny russet woman leaned up toward his face and growled, spitting words at him in response. For someone who refused to fight she sure was feisty. A low growl rumbled in his chest and his leaf green gaze narrowed. "Damn it, why won't you just let me help you? You think I want to fight a pregnant woman? A tiny one at that? It's not a fair fight for either of us." He knew Freya had told him to use nice, calm tones when he spoke to Ekko, but he couldn't help himself. She was being so infuriating! All she had to do was bite his leg or something, dodge his paw when he went to smack her with it, and maybe duck down out of the way of his teeth if he went to bite her scruff and they would be through with it! All of this drama was completely unnecessary. He sighed and lifted his head and turned his gaze away from her, his hackles bristled with anger. "I'm not angry at you, okay? I'm angry at the bitch that assigned us this spar. I'm just trying to help," he grumbled with his gaze turned toward the other wolves that were dotted around the moor completing their spars. 

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