
These are some good times (ATHENA)



1 Year
01-05-2015, 08:45 PM
You and I, we were born to die

Even in the cusp of spring, snow coated the ground of the sea of evergreens that she now wandered. The moon was high in the sky, showing itself to no one with the exception of a tiny sliver of light. The girl's silver tiger striped tail slowly swayed from side to side as the darkness consumed her. Her jet black frame moved gracefully and agilely through the woods and snow. Her larger size did not appear to affect her as much as it might take over others. Her mostly pure emerald green eyes focused on the land in front of her.

Raas had a mission on her mind as she scoured the cold, spring night for an ounce or two of food to shove into her stomach. She needed to eat something; her stomach was rumbling fiercely. The woman probably looked odd in some respects, not including the strange tiger marks that identified the majority of her body. She spoke of the awkward gait that looked off to the normal walk. This awkward gait allowed her to moved across the lands, in most conditions, silently. Would others notice her presence? She hoped not, she preferred to do her hunting in peace and quiet.

Athena I


9 Years
01-15-2015, 08:47 AM

In the last week or two Athena had forced herself to remain within the Regium lands or if she did leave she wouldn't go very far and often took her wife, Amalia, with her. The reason for this was that when she was out here alone, even without meaning to, she would begin to search for Vereux, or, worse, his body, and his continuing absence only drove her into depression. He had been her brother, husband, father to her children, and first love. Loosing him had been hard enough, but the fact that he had literally disappeared without a trace one day made it harder. It was the not knowing that drove her mad really.

However, today Amalia had been busy with some healer duty and her boys were out exploring again or whatever it was that young boys did during the day. Bored and lonely, Athena had wandered out of the borders of her pack, venturing a little father than she had recently. The sun began to sink below the horizon and she realized that she had yet again wasted the day away looking for her lost husband. She sighed and looked around at the snow-blanketed land around her, her breath forming clouds around her muzzle. Her stomach rumbled unhappily, making her remember that she also hadn't eaten today. Even better. Dark ears perking, Athena listened carefully for any sound that might give some form of prey away. While she didn't hear any prey right away, she did catch the sound of paws lightly crushing through the snow. Her split-tone gaze searched the night till she spotted a gray and white marked woman.

Part of her wanted to just turn and head back to Regium and leave this woman to whatever it was she was doing, but she was awfully hungry and two wolves tracking were often better than one. Athena turned toward her and trotted in her direction, keeping her stance relaxed and non-threatening so she hopefully wouldn't spook this stranger. "Hello there, " she greeted kindly, a small smile forming on her muzzle as she came to a halt several feet away.

"Talk" "You" Think