
love me like a love song baby


01-08-2015, 03:50 PM
#1; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

The coming of spring had brought even more energy to the pups. Even Finch...well, slightly. She had been able to go outside more, instead of staying in the shelter of the den. It made her happy! Today, all of them were out, probably playing in the warmth of the sun. But she was a little worried. She kept reminding herself, as long as they were in Abaven...she had nothing to worry about. Even though she had wanted to get up and check them numerous times, repeatedly convincing herself they were perfectly fine. Ah, being a mother was hard. It was so...stressful. She wondered how Bass was handling this. It seemed like he was constantly taking breaks, slipping from the den and doing his boy things. Hanging around with his own buddies, discussing pack stuff, etc. She was sure it was important. But even despite his escapes, he seems to have a blast with his pups. Always smiling, acting so hyper. What a natural father.

Speaking of him...wasn't he still in the den? Sleeping, maybe, or eating in there? Or did he slip out without her knowing? Currently, she was sitting outside the den, worrying over her children. She didn't even think about him probably being behind her or very near her. Wren blinked quickly and sat up, twisting around and sticking her head into the den. She looked around, light minty eyes searching for the large man who she called her husband. "Sei qui, amore mio?"




7 Years

01-08-2015, 05:38 PM

He had made his way up towards the back of the den, a wide grin across his maw as he stalked up behind the den. He could smell his wife within it, and he had a little erm... surprise for her. The lumbering beast came up from behind, leaping silently to the roof of the den. He had jumped up here so many times before that he knew how to land without his claws scraping too loudly against the stone. He was a ninja! He chuckled softly when his wife called out for him, her voice sounding like it was coming from inside the den. Laying on his belly, he peeked over the edge of the rock, seeing her rump waving in the air. Snickering, he reached down and swatted her booty, letting out a sharp whistle. Ducking away, he flattened himself against the stone, ears pressing towards his skull as his tail swept slowly behind him. Would she know where it came from? Maybe it wasn't the best way to say hello, but he was full of energy. He had just patrolled the borders, and his paws were a bit muddy from the damp walk. Oops... did that mean that Wren had a perfect paw print mark on her butt? Bass bit his tongue to stop himself from laughing, not wanting to give up his position.


01-08-2015, 08:59 PM
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After a few more minutes of searching the dark, warm den, he was no where to be found. It was weird...she hadn't seen him leave, so where was he? Did he really slip off without her knowing? Wren huffed and prepared herself to back up, when suddenly, something smacked down against her butt. A yelp instantly left her lips, as she stumbled forward into the den and attempted to regain her balance. A slow, smooth whistle filled her ears. Could that have been...a bird?! A bird who had every so rudely hit her rear!? How dare such an elegant creature do that to her! She'll eat it, and share it with her children! Wren growled furiously and propelled herself out of the den, standing defensively at the entrance and staring into the sky. Her minty green eyes scanned the trees, brows furrowed. Where was that pesky bird...? Without a second to think, Wren parted her jaws and yelled out, "Maledetta uccelli!" Totally oblivious to the perfectly shaped paw mark on her butt, she growled once more, snapped her jaws shut, and turned around. There, the fresh scent of her husband drifted in the air. She reared up and glanced at the lowered male, who sat there casually, with muddy paws. Wren snarled instantly. It wasn't those poor birds, it was him! "What the hell do you think you're doing, cool guy?" The woman continued to growl softly. "Poor birds, I blamed them for something you did! How dare you smack my butt!?"




7 Years

01-08-2015, 09:11 PM

When Wren called out a curse to the birds, he couldn't handle not laughing anymore, a small burst of it leaving his mouth. The woman reared up, angered that he had forced her to get mad at them. Blinking his golden eyes innocently, he beamed a large smile at her. "Perché il tuo culo è così bello, il mio fiore. Non ho potuto resistere," he said, batting his lashes at the woman. He raised up from his crouched down position, reaching over and placing a soft kiss on her cheek. He was going to ignore her anger, cause she was actually pretty cute when she was mad. Hopping off the rock den, and over his wife, he landed on the earth behind her. Oh look, a little paw print on her rump. Bass chuckled again, bending down to place another kiss on that little paw print he left. "Oh look, I even left you with a little souvenir," Bass said, raising his head to grin at her. Ah, the joys of being married. He would probably have to do a little damage control after this...

"Burn Baby Burn"


01-09-2015, 07:55 PM
#5; background-repeat: no-repeat;   border:2px solid #671f03;">

Acting so innocent, like a naughty pup! Did he think these things were romantic?! It scared her to death...and plus, she yelled at the innocent birds! They didn't need to hear her curses, they didn't do anything wrong! It was all himmm! Wren still continued to growl, even when he used his deep, loveable voice in Italian. Telling her that her butt was so nice. It was rare for her to ever turn away from his voice! Maybe she was just in a bad mood? No, that wasn't it! Any woman would get mad for getting smacked in the butt! "Oh look, I even left you with a little souvenir." He planted a gentle kiss on the exact place he assaulted her, and her eyes widened.

He did have muddy paws. Did that mean there was a big ol' paw mark on her butt?! Wren whirled around immediately, trying to get a good view of the mark. "Baaaaaassss!" She wailed, eventually stopping and falling back on her rump. She began to drag her butt across the grass, attempting to remove the ugly 'souvenir' Bass had given her. She probably looked really stupid...but she would look even stupider walking around with a paw print on her butt.




7 Years

01-09-2015, 08:14 PM

She continued to growl, until she turned and saw the little mark on her butt. Bass bit his lip to keep from laughing, but nearly exploded when she started scooting her butt on the grass. Falling over to his back the man literally started to roll on the ground laughing, feeling like he was going to bust a damn gut. Just as he thought he got a hold of himself he sat up, and saw her again. Snorting, he righted himself and walked over to her, a wicked gleam in his eyes. His paws were still muddy, and flashing a grin he reared up and tried to press both muddy front paws right on her right flank. Bass then danced away, pale tail held high as he trotted away from his wife. Perhaps he was acting like a naughty puppy, but hey! It was fun to have a little bit of play between the two of them. Being a father seemed to have brought out that pup-like state from Bass, and he wasn;t going to waste it on running around in circles. Instead he danced over to Wren's left side, trying to press his paws on her left flank now. Stepping back to admire his work, his gaze roamed up to her face. "Sembri cara impeccabile," he said with a small chuckle, eying her pretty face. "Ora vengo qui e vorrei fissare un diamante sul muso," Bass said in a teasing voice, lifting his front right paw and hopping over to Wren on three legs. His muddy paw hung in the air, headed right towards her face to draw a matching diamond shape on her face to match his own. Then they could have the same markings!


02-05-2015, 08:52 PM
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She hasn't seen this part of him since...well, since a long time ago. When the pups were born he went into this excited, yet calm and mature attitude. It was a bit depressing, as she always loved his playful, pup-like personality. Bouncing around and yapping random things...she always acted annoyed when they were first friends, but she really loved it all. Now, she was seeing it again. But he had mud...and he was wiping it on her! She was his wife, not his canvas! He painted the nasty brown mud across her right and left flank, forcing a surprised yap to leave her lips each time. Then, he came toward her on three legs, hopping like a weirdo and threatening to draw a diamond on her nose. To match his!

Eyes wide, she sat up and leaped backward quickly, tail high in the air and eyes glued onto him. She growled playfully.

"Mi piace la mia faccia come è, amore." She began, smiling weakly as she backed up slowly. Right until her mud-covered rear touched the cold surface of a rock, blocking her path. She grunted and allowed her eyes to drift to the ground. Her minty eyes searched for a muddy spot...maybe to grab and smear all over him? But not many large ones were close by. Just a small, tiny pond of mud. It was the only one closest to her. It could work!

Wren smirked and bounded toward the mud, filling her toes and paw pads with it's cold, uncomfortable texture. Then, she bounced back at him, attempting to wipe the brown earth all over his chest and around his face. He'd look like Sparrow by the time they were done! Except, with those pretty orange eyes. Wren smirked at the thought and continued to gently aim for his chest.




7 Years

02-11-2015, 02:34 AM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2015, 02:34 AM by Bass.)

He watched with adoration as his wife eyed him, leaping backwards to escape his outstretched paw. But his golden eyes could see exactly where she was backing up -- right into their den. So he kept hopping forward on three legs, knowing that she would soon be stuck. She commented that she liked her face just the way it was, and a joyful laugh sounded from the pale man. "Oh cara, il tuo viso è piuttosto perfetto. Non avete mai sentito parlare di una maschera di fango, però, sono la nuova mania!" He said in flawless Italian, wiggling his brows at her as her rump connected with the side of the den. Bass tried to leap forward then, aiming to smear the mud from her forehead down to her nose, giving her a nice little marking. Or a mud mask, however you looked at it?

Wren surprised him by leaping forward herself, although more towards his left as her dainty paws splashed down in a small mud puddle. She then bounded towards him, paws aiming for his chest. Letting out a gruff bark he scrambled backwards, but she was too fast for him. The whole front half of his chest was coated in the loose earth, trailing down his left leg. Hey, he was starting to look like Sparrow! Bass tried to rush forward then, aiming to gently collide his muddy chest with Wren's, his right leg shooting out as he attempted to swipe her legs from under her, trying to very gently knock her over on to her back. He let out another laugh, flashing his wife a large grin as he tried to stand over her. And then, whether she was on her back or not, he leaned to nuzzle into her cheek. He hoped to place a nip there, followed by a tender kiss. "Ti amo con tutto il cuore il mio fiore."


02-11-2015, 06:26 PM

Unfortunately, he had successfully painted a perfect muddy brown mask down her face to match his before she bounded toward him. But to her relief, her need to get him muddy was finally satisfied. Even though it wasn't on his butt, or on his face. Just on his chest. Eh, she was still happy with her masterpiece. Although...they were both covered in mud. Their fur went in all directions, shifted and twisted all over the place. The mud that covered her wasn't the nicest feeling either...but this fun, silly play time between them was heartwarming. With the pups attached to them, they weren't able to do much of this. It was nearly impossible, being so busy!

Wren smirked as he closed the distance between them, as she had thought it was a way of him 'giving in.' But it was moreorless the complete opposite. She felt her balance snap as he swiped at her ankles, causing her to collapse to the ground in a muddy heap. But she was on her back, eyes glued to his, a disappointed frown playing upon her face. Evidently enough she had lost this mud war. How...humiliating. And it had all started with his impolite smack across her rear. He laughed, and climbed over her fallen, muddy body, reaching his head down and nuzzling her cheek.

At first, she had anticipated a surprise attack of more mud. But he just...offered her a sweet kiss. A weak smile pulled it's way across her lips, and she returned the loving gesture, giggling softly as he nipped at the same place he planted a kiss. "Ti amo con tutto il cuore il mio fiore." His flawless Italian made her cheeks burn, her tail swaying calmly from behind her. "Ti voglio bene anch'io." She hummed in reply, extending her head up and placing kisses down his neck, trying her best to avoid the muddy areas. The dame even added a few loving nips, laughing gently as she moved her head away from the mud. Even though the moment was sweet and romantic...she didn't need to be kissing mud. She wanted to kiss her husband.

Now that she was sitting in this felt a bit cold. And the heat radiating off her husband was quite teasing. Wren leaned forward just slightly and pressed her body against him, sharing her warmth with him and pressing her head to his chest. Where...the mud was. Even though it was cold and uncomfortable, she left it there, heart quickening. She longed for his returning touch...that wasn't related to the heaps of mud around them and in their fur.

"Burn Baby Burn"