
I'm Coming After You


01-11-2015, 06:20 AM

"♪ Oh no, here we go again."

The man would walk around a cluster of dens of Pantheon. He was coming to find his sister hiding inside one of them, hopefully she was even in one because he was making a complete fool out of himself.

"♪ We both know you'll never turn yourself in."

His voice was in a tiny voice, but he would poke his head into each den he came across, his voice  making itself a little louder and then dropping to see that she wasn't inside each one.

"Searching for your hideout..."

He started to move to his own little beat making his way around the area, continuing his act.

"Pick up the pace as I chase you around..."

He would jump inside an empty den, thank the gods. But he decided to call it quits after trespassing in everyone's personal space...

"Oh, Natalya!"

He shouted, still with a kind of melody, his nose picking up and pointing to the sky as he called for her. It was about time that caught up, sheesh. He insisted not having that "big welcome" when he showed up unexpectedly at their meeting. Well, everyone should know who he was now. The guy who just popped into their dens singing a ridiculous song. But really, who cared? He didn't. He would look around the area waiting for his sister to show up, he hadn't seen her in forever! It was time for them to get together and talk about what all he missed! There wasn't much that she missed.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
01-11-2015, 08:27 PM
Her brother was as playful as ever. She heard him singsonging just before he called to her as she was making her way back from the borders. Natalya had clearly been avoiding her family lately, trying to hide the weakness that plagued her. Between illness and now carrying another litter, the Matriarch was falling to pieces. It took every ounce of strength and the encouragement of Poe at her side to actually show her face to her brother, to show him how she suffered.

Nat stepped slowly into the open and barked to alert Timaeus to her presence. "Brother," she greeted, her voice strained. "Have you been settling in well? I haven't seen you since the last meeting and I am sorry for that. I've been... busy."


01-13-2015, 06:40 PM

Extremely unaware of her current condition, Timaeus assumed she was just coming back from a patrol or wrangling her kids. He turned to her instantly as she barked and dropped his paw beside him to offer her a seat if she desired. This was no one's "claimed" area of the den site, so no one should mind. Of course if Natalya wanted to drive him away from the publicity, he would follow her gladly.

"Natalya, please." He spoke with a joking tone, "I'm sure many others could speak for me to say I'm fitting nicely."

He looked around at the dens to describe his disturbance with his eyes. But he would look back at his sister with the continuous grin he almost always held. She apologized for not spending so much time with him, but really he couldn't imagine running a pack and constantly hoping that someone wasn't intruding or terrorizing so of the pack mates.

"You must be more busy than I have ever been; especially with the little heathens you call children." Again all with a joking tone, he wasn't trying to upset her, but he didn't have any children of his own. Two of her kids were sick anyway, they must have been all sorts of work. And of course he knew  nothing of the other one's behavior, it was more than he could have ever handled.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
02-03-2015, 08:15 PM
Her brother welcomed her warmly, still unaware of her condition despite having seen her. Should she say anything to him? She had planned on keeping her secret from the family until the meeting, but this was her brother. They had been separated for years and now they were together, how would he feel to find out his time would be cut short yet again with everyone else around?

His mention of children had her eyes widening and her head tilting toward Poe. She exhaled, knowing what she needed to do in that moment, then turned back toward Timaeus. "I have a lot to tell you, Timmy," she said quietly, using her childhood nickname for him as she moved to sit at his side. She grimaced at the ground. "I worry for Herc and Alec. I already lost Hermes to sickness and neither of them seems to be recovering. I may need to send them to our parents if nothing changes... And Chione... She and I are not speaking now."

"Helios and I are expecting another litter," she blurted out after a pause. Then she took a deep breath. "But I am dying, Timmy. I'm dying. I told Helios that I would need to go home for treatment, but I know... I know I won't make it there. There's nothing they could do for me anyway. The gods have made their choice..." She trailed off, not noticing the tears spilling down her face. She was more honest in this moment than she had been before.


02-08-2015, 09:26 PM

As Natalya would declare there was something she needed to tell him and came to site beside him, his eyes narrowed with concentration as he would listen to her. But everything that came from her mouth was of pure horror. Her life was literally falling apart and there was nothing to fix it. Seeing as tear were falling from her face he would move to embrace her as the moment felt more than real. Tears would mold his eyes to his Natalya so upset knowing that she was dying and that she feared her children would to.

"Herc and Alec will be just fine, you'll see." As for Chione, he would say nothing as he knew nothing of the situation. He would try to get his harsh feelings out first before trying to turn the emotions up, he didn't want a roller coaster of bad and good feels. "I will... I will go with you back to our parents in case Helios cannot handle it." The thought of her dying along the way was over the top. Timaeus didn't want Helios to have to drag her all the way home, back here or to their parents. At least the two could work it out together. What if Helios couldn't go on after it was over? "And you will not tell me no." He chuckled jokingly though completely serious. A tear or two may have come down his face as he chuckled the fate of his sister came to reality.

He cleared his throat, giving her time to move from him if she wanted but didn't mind if she needed more time. "So, more children?" He laughed again trying to get himself back up in spirits, "That sounds like a lot of work."

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
02-08-2015, 09:38 PM
Timaeus was her twin, born of the same litter. They had grown doing everything together - playing, training, sleeping. Natalya may have seemed the more mature of the pair, but regardless she still saw Timaeus as her big brother. She couldn't deny that she was protective of him, but he seemed even more so of her, and he always knew how to brighten her day. He handled her news well, consoling her with a hug and assuring her that he would be joining her on the journey to her parents. Little did he know, Natalya doubted she'd make it that far. But that was a piece of information she kept entirely to herself.

She sniffed heavily and did her best to stop the tears from flowing as she moved back slightly, breaking contact with her brother. A tiny smile played on her lips. Talking of her children was guaranteed to make her happier no matter what the topic. It wasn't death she feared, after all, but it was leaving her family behind. "Yes, it certainly will be. But I look forward to it more than anything. I want to get it right this time while I'm still around. I don't want any more of my children to resent me when I go." She said this with her failures in mind. The loss of Hermes, the absence of Chione and Apollo, and the abandonment of the child known as Hypnos. She wanted to feel as though she'd succeeded as a mother when her time did come.


02-08-2015, 09:56 PM

She spoke as if she were a horrible mother, Timaeus didn't know much of what happened to Apollo or Heremes either but if she truly felt that way there was really no way he could actually help her.

"The children you have when you go will love more than you know. I'm sure the one's that wont be here will do the same." A smile played on his features but his voice was what really sold him, at least to her. "If nothing else, you have proven to be a good wife." Probably should have saved that line for Helios... "And the best sister I could ask for."

He seriously felt like he was saying his goodbye now, he would be there when it was time but it would probably be too late to say anything then. His happy welcome was now turning into a sad one, but he would make the most of every moment.

Walk "Talk" Think