
Brace for Bad Luck [Ebony's Storm]



3 Years
09-12-2014, 08:54 AM

The clouds advanced from the east, dark purple and roiling atop one another. As they stretched for her Queendom they seemed to rise and mount upon all the fury the gods had to offer. Val could feel it in the pit of her stomach... This was going to be a bad one. Fear clenched her for only a moment, as it was wont to do, but she swallowed it back. They still had some time. Not much perhaps, but they would not be caught unawares.

The Queen tipped her head back and let out a howl of warning, and of summons. The wind was picking up so she did not expect many except the nearest to heed her. They needed to find the youngest, she knew, and the newest to her lands and make sure they were safe. It would look as if the Steppe would be hit the hardest, if what she knew of weather patterns was anything to go by, but she was doubtful. Regardless, the sturdy ruins might prove adequate as shelter. Her mind was in overdrive, trying to think of all she would need to do. Would there be injuries? She would need to find Maximous, and Adelaide too if she could be tracked down. She would have Fendar organize a search party to bring together the most wayward of their band. She would not have her kin face this alone, be they of Old Ebony blood or those bound to her by New Ebony alone. All were family, and she feared for them equally. She loped forwards a few more paces, mounting the rise at it's highest point and scrambling up a crumbling wall too. She stood above all else in that landscape, and it revealed a seething purple mass rolling in as sure as the sunrise. She would lift her lip in a snarl as the first bolt of lightning cracked downwards, and began counting the seconds until the thunder came.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
09-12-2014, 09:30 AM

Kassander had been sleeping fitfully as the storm built, but his sister's nearby voice dragged him into awareness. He blinked his eyes open and dragged himself to his feet, brain fogged yet and he wondered what had prompted the urgent summons. The mist cleared very suddenly as a bolt of lightning struck the ground a good distance away, but close enough for the ionization to frizz every hair on the auburn boy's body. A clap of thunder followed shortly to deafen him, and Kassander bolted away.

He arrived at his sister's location with ringing ears and fur fuzzed out in a halo around his form. "Val!" he gasped. "Are you all right?" Now that he was well awake and far from the scene of his near-zapping, his brain kicked on and began ticking over the things they'd need to do. The pack didn't have any pups - the next-youngest to him and Val was Callisto and she was almost two - but there were a lot of new people who might not have gotten secure dens yet, and if it was a bad enough storm some of those dens that were made could flood out. Wolves could get hurt... his own near miss was proof enough of that... plus if it lasted long enough the wet weather could lower the immune system and then they'd have respiratory illnesses... any flooding could contaminate their water supply and cause stomach ills... he'd need to make sure he had as much of his stockpile of herbs as he could get. Maybe they'd need to bring everyone to a central location to shelter together... But undoubtedly Val as the alpha would already have a plan and it would be better to see what she wanted done before running off like a panicked idiot."What do you want to do, Val?" he shouted over the rising wind.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
09-12-2014, 11:58 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

The call that had gone up had been heard, and for a fraction of a second Callisto had almost decided not to answer. She was still irked by the change in leadership of Ebony, of being forced to take orders from someone who was so young and, in her biased opinion, inexperienced. Katja was gone, though, and with her departure had taken all her expertise, all her structure and cold organization that Callisto had grown to like so well. How was she to fit into this place, with its young leader with new ideals? Was it right for her even to stay when she questioned it all?

Whatever the case, there seemed little point in arguing with herself while she still remained a part of Ebony and lived within its borders. For now she was a subject of their little queen and would need to play the part. No matter how irritating it might have been. Maybe Max would be there to help keep her mood in check.

The bolt of lighting that lit up the doorway of her den was the last confirmation that she needed. The grey and black girl turned her head to peer over one angular shoulder into the world beyond her den, certain that she had just witnessed lightning. A storm? That did not bode well in the least, though it explained the rogue breeze that had managed to sweep in and disorganize a small portion of her plants that she kept safely inside her sleeping quarters. She had been in the process of reorganizing them when Valeriya called, had stopped at the lightning, and now knew that she would need to answer the howl no matter what. Storms were dangerous things, and considering basically she and Max were their only healers - she rarely if ever saw Adelaide anymore - she figured her presence would be required.

Despite her delay in setting out, the closeness of her den's location to the place where Valeriya called from enabled her to be the second to arrive. So far it was only their little queen and her brother, both looking rather concerned about the darkening skies that threatened rain. Callisto's own silvery blue gaze was fixed skyward as she approached, narrowed into a frown that added a seriousness to her sharp features. "How does it look from up there?" she asked in flat tones to Valeriya where she stood upon her perch. If it was anything like what Callisto could see herself down here on ground level she was sure they were in for some trouble.



5 Years
09-12-2014, 05:33 PM

His insides twisted in knots at the low, threatening growl of thunder. Dark clouds were oozy across the sky and in the distances, punctuated periodically by lightning. The young male gingerly stepped out from under a tree he'd been taking shelter under but something told him it wasn't going to be near enough to protect him from the monstrosity that was building on the horizon. Ullr watched it twist above him, refracting the evening light in ruddy bands across the sky. This was bad?. this was bad, bad, bad! This was the work OF THE RATH!

A wimper slipped from the male's maw as he shuffled back, his body pressing desperately against a tree. He'd been separated from his sister Dyani for a couple months now and while in that time he'd grown stronger and more confident, he'd still had that itch in the back of his mind, that paranoia growing in his belly. Ullr swallowed sharply then jumped as a violent burst of thunder ripped across the sky.

He bolted.

Ullr had no idea where he was running and he didn't particularly care. The wind picked up violently, tossing dust in to the air. The thunder was hurting his ears. "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He wailed as a particularly strong gust flopped him onto his side?. and then promptly over a ledge.

Ullr shrieked as he bounced and slid down a rocky incline before finally landing in an undignified, spread eagle heap near a strange group of wolves. Tail flipped up to cover his dignity as he rolled onto his belly. "Oh dear? oh uh oh? I uh?. there's a.."


Ullr yelped and attempted to dive underneath the nearest wolf. He wasn't overly found of storms? unless they had snow. Snow was the only thing that made a storm ok. It was then he realized that the legs of this wolf looked oddly familiar and he looked up to find himself staring at Val. Heat rushed to his face and he could do nothing but stare like a cornered deer.




3 Years
09-13-2014, 08:18 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2014, 07:06 AM by Valeriya.)

She would not stand alone before the storm for very long. Her howl would bring forth, before any other, her remaining sibling. Valeriya would look down on Kass with a relieved grin, all of her youth showing for an instant only as she looked over his frame. It had been too long since they'd spent time together, and while the circumstances were less than ideal, she was happy to see him. But before the next breath, she was the Queen once more. "Kass! I'm fine, don't worry. Only-" The appearance of another would halt her words, and the auburn fae would turn to find Callisto waiting below her as well. "How does it look from up there?" The question was pointed, and Val turned her gaze back to the advancing front. "Bad," Val admitted. "Really bad. Come up and see for yourself if you like," she offered and scooted down a pace on the wall in case Callisto was inclined to take up her offer. Another peal of thunder crashed down around them, and the first gusts of wind swept up the flatland below, rushing up to meet them. She pinned her ears, the howling sound of it sharp and unpleasant. Kassander pressed her, asking, "What do you want to do, Val?"

Over the wind she would raise her voice, straining her vocals to make sure both he and Callisto could hear her. "We need to try and find the newest wolves, make sure they're safe. These walls here are sturdy, it wouldn't-" The wind was too loud. With a frustrated sigh, Val lept down from her perch and ducked behind the nearest wall where the wind was no so severe. "It wouldn't be a terrible place to shelter for those who don't have a secure den. Also, both of you are healers, what of our stores? Is there anything we should be spending our last peaceful moments on the look out for?" The thunder was growing in frequency, and the wind was picking up rapidly. Val could feel the charge in the air, feel the coolness that proceeded the worst of what nature could provide. Then, all at once, it would seem as if the storm threw something new into their midst.

With a graceless flop a pale brute could come careening down the hill and land amongst them. Val's eyebrows lifted in shock, momentarily forgetting about the storm. What on earth was he doing here? Not that she really cared that he'd gone through her borders, but the timing seemed a little odd. "Ullr?" she asked, interrupting his stuttering. Lightning lit up the sky and the crack of thunder was immensely powerful, and seemed powerful enough to drive the young male from his cast-about position to the underside of Val's underside. She would dip her head down and gaze between her own front legs to where he now cowered. "Hey Ullr! Uh, good to see you again?" Her voice held more humor than confusion, and she couldn't restrain a wolfish grin despite the situation. She looked up at Kass and offered with a smile, "I suppose he'll be with us too then. Kass, Callisto, this is Ullr." The storm was moving ever closer and with a sigh she looked back up at the cloud. The first raindrop fell and landed square in her eye.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
09-14-2014, 09:52 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2014, 11:56 AM by Maximous.)

The large black man would arrive late, the strong winds making it difficult for him to walk normally. His bulky frame caught a lot of the wind and his long thick fur didn't help matters any. It took everything he had to stay on his paws when a large gust knocked him off balance.

The only wolves to arrive before himself were Kassander, Callisto a new boy and the Queen herself. Immediately his worry for the rest of the pack set in. Max would place himself next to both of the apprentice healers and listened to Valeriya's orders and questions.

Though he had only just arrived he knew the answer to the question on their herb supply. "Both my stores and Adelaide's are basically full. I've been making sure both our stores were filled for a while now." he would shout over the whistling wind

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-14-2014, 01:41 PM

The storm had rolled right in as soon as Fendar had left pack lands, of course. He was fighting against the wind to get towards Ebony, even his large towering frame no match for the gusts that attempted to shove him over. Grumbling he dug his claws into the mud, propelling himself forward to bring him home. He needed to make sure that everyone was safe, and that they could find shelter somewhere from the on coming storm. Thunder boomed over head as lightening streaked the sky, lighting the way for Fendar as he carefully picked his way to the Stone Steppe's. He ventured in just in time to see a pale brute dive among them, and he let out a growl. It seemed that his cousin knew him though, greeting him by name. It looked like he was afraid of the storm, making the auburn male snort. However, at least it seemed that they were all safe. He made his way towards Valeriya, metallic eyes raking across her form to check for injuries. "Is everyone okay?" He asked, his low baritone struggling to be heard from the gusting winds. "We need to find shelter, somewhere where we don't have to yell and dodge flying objects in the wind." His vocals were full of his grumpy manner, there was no way in hell that he was getting any sleep with storms like this. Looking over the number of wolves here, he noticed that a lot of them were missing. Letting out a growl he rose his head high, trying to see if he could squint through the rain and pick anyone out. But of course his silver eye could hardly allow him to see two feet in front of him. Turning back to his Queen he perked his ears all the way forward, trying to pick out anything she might say over the storm. "Shall I look for the others while you lead the rest away?"



2 Years
09-14-2014, 04:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2014, 04:23 PM by Dyani.)

OOC: Sorry it's invasion of the slightly crazy siblings, but Dyani goes where Ullr goes xD frantic sister post go!
Ullr. She had to find him, and quickly. The mounting presence of the storm was sure to force her beloved brother into a fit. Steel cords of muscle rippled beneath scarred flesh as she fought against the powerful headwinds. She'd lost him, only a few months back, after fighting so hard for him, to care for him, and now she'd gone and lost him. There was not a better time to get the young boy back. Ice blue pools narrowed against the bite of grit upon her face, dirt and pebbles stirred up by the violent winds. She could hear thunder rumbling, a threat to all those below that this was far from over. This horrible storm was only the beginning, and it could mean death for those who couldn't fight against it. She needed shelter, and somewhere to hunker down before the worst struck, but first, she needed Ullr. He was in her charge, and even though he'd managed to disappear, she was sure he'd returned here. This was a land that was home to a she wolf who her brother had taken a liking to, which meant that he would most likely return here to seek comfort and shelter from the brewing tempest.
A yelp, familiar in tone and distinctly afraid, stirred her to fight harder against the wind. He was close enough to hear, which meant she could get to him in time and take him somewhere safe. With a growl rumbling in her throat, drowned out by the wind and the thunder, she finally came upon a sight she hadn't been expecting. A small group of wolves, probably the beginnings of a pack, heading for shelter. The rain was just now starting, and she spotted her brother amid the growing droplets. He cowered beneath a strange femme, most likely the one he'd come looking for. Onyx lips would curl back defensively, her first glimpse of her brother not one she was exactly keen on. The masked guardian slid down the hill with less grace than usual, moving on silent paws toward her brother. As she wove herself amid the ruins, it was obvious she would have to make her presence known to everyone. Cyan orbs would rest upon the features of the larger female, who held her brother between auburn forelimbs. No demands were made, the mute female simply staring down the stranger. She wanted her brother, but she wasn't stupid enough to start making demands.
Obsidian audits would flatten against her skull, as the rain began to invade her lobes. Lip would lower ever so slightly, ebony banner flicking anxiously at her heels. Gaze would fall to the fearful form of her brother, the paranoid schizophrenic she was trying so hard to keep safe. Without a word leaving her lips, she tried to draw him to her. She needed his presence, possibly more than he needed hers. He wasn't dead, so obviously he'd done just fine... without... her.. That fact was something that upset the ghost, but it was something to fret about at a later time. He was the reason for her scars, and for that she wore them with pride. In their time away from the main part of the lands, she'd kept him safe, until he'd run off.
The fae who now stood over Ullr was the colour of autumn leaves, and if she'd actually paid more attention to her appearance, one would say Valeriya was pretty. However, the tri shaded female wasn't exactly paying attention to that, as the rain started to soak into her thick fur. Cranium would cock to the side in the slightest, examining the fae a little more closely. She looked strong, that was evident, so maybe Ullr wasn't wrong in seeking her out. However, Dyani still wanted to take her brother some place safe, and for that she would have to wait for a reaction from the pack, to deem whether or not taking him was even an option now. Dominant position would falter, tail remaining low, but her tense muscles would not relax in the slightest.




3 Years
09-16-2014, 02:23 PM

It would seem as though wolves were pouring out from the stone itself. From all directions they had come, and even as she waited for Ullr to respond more arrived. Maximous would answer her original question and notify the auburn queen that the stores were well stocked. That was good. Not a moment later her russet cousin would move in as well. He seemed worn by the storm, just as the rest of them were. He had a natural sense of leadership, that much was obvious, but for now she needed his strength. The brute was large enough to offer some protection to the others, should anyone lose their way or become injured. "There should be dry space farther in," Valeriya called to him. "Once we get there I'll take volunteers to search for the others." She remembered a place she'd found when very young, where a jumble of ruins had come together to form a shelter of sorts. She turned into the wind, knowing the short fight to the haven she had in mind would be well worth it. Just as she was about to start of a flash of gray caught her eye. The girl turned and found a bright blue gaze, more intense in saturation than even her own, locked onto the wolf which still cowered below her. They had a certain kinship of features, and Val wondered if they were acquainted. There was no time to offer introductions. "If you're looking for shelter," she cried over the howling winds, "we're headed there. Come on if you're coming." The auburn woman stepped gingerly over Ullr's form, exposing him to the rain once more.

Thunder cracked all around them, a constant cacophony that did not seem as if it would stop any time soon. Valeriya turned her course towards the inner regions of the ruins. The ground grew more even, and occasionally she would turn down the overgrown paths and be out of the wind for a few moments. It was a well-needed respite, as fighting the winds drained her strength, making each step harder than the last. Rain lashed down upon her, cold and persistent, eventually soaking past the outer shell of her fur and down into her thin summer undercoat, chilling the skin yet below that. Shaking did no good, and eventually she just pinned her ears against the deluge. She could not count the time that passed before the ruins in front of her matched what her memory attested to be true. It was long enough that her jaw ached from clenching her teeth, and that the muscles of her shoulders burned from the effort... but at long last there it was. One large, sturdy wall support another which had cast upon it at an angle. What was better were the two walls at either end which had also fallen inwards, making a lean-to which was blocked off from the elements on every side, except for a small gap which was just large enough for a wolf to pass through. It would be a squeeze for the larger among them, but it would serve.

It was dark within, and smelled strong of moisture and earth... but also something else. As she pushed her way inside a growling filled her ears, growing stronger with each step she took. Her cerulean eyes took a moment to adjust, but finally she picked out a hunched over form in the darkness. At first she assumed it must be a wolf seeking shelter, but it took only a breath before she realized its shape was too different, and it's smell was all wrong. It wasn't until it's beady eyes locked onto her that she saw it for what it was. Wolverine... They could be fierce in battle and she had heard stories of them taking down prey usually reserved for larger hunters, never mind that they were half a wolf's size. Still, she would be having no transgressions today, not when so much was at stake. She lifted her own lip and growled savagely, letting her head drop and her hackles rise so as to add further to her apparent size. The wolverine's breath caught in it's throat, and it seemed to still for a moment before sighing. It too was exhausted from the battle it had taken to reach this place. It crouched farther into it's corner, silent but watchful, half waiting for the auburn bitch to turn her head so that it might latch onto a leg while her guard was down.

Valeriya took the silence as acquiescence. She had no time nor energy to spare for one cranky weasel, but would hardly throw any creature out into the wrath of the storm. She kept and uneasy eye on the animal, before turning back to the wolves she had led. "Is everyone okay?" she asked in a much quieter tone. Her voice was raspy, strained from fighting to be heard over the wind and rain. It still crashed down around them, but with a roof over their heads it was somewhat easier to ignore. "I won't force anyone back into that storm if they'd rather not, but we need to make sure the others are alright. I doubt they'd be able to find us without a strong bit of luck guiding their paws." To think of ordering anyone back out there, out to risk their lives and fight the elements to bring in wolves they might not even be able to locate made her stomach clench. Still worse was the thought of burying corpses after it all passed. She spared the wolverine another uneasy glance and found it watching her. She sighed and glared. "Do you speak this tongue? I'll chase you out of here if you make trouble, I swear it." She barked out something that might have been a laugh and muttered in a language Val didn't understand before saying, "You stay on your side, I stay on mine." Val narrowed her eyes at the small, bear-like creature. Well, whatever to her. She turned back to her wolves and asked, "Is there anyone who will join me in searching for the others?" If she got enough volunteers they might be able to go out in groups, but she wouldn't allow anyone to go on their own, the risk was just too great. Still the thought of finding the others too late was one she could not bear.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
09-20-2014, 03:16 PM

Ullr cowered in a shaking, furry ball beneath the wolf. He wasn't overly fond of thunderstorms and this one sounded particularly nasty. The wolf said his name and Ullr turned in confusion to see himself face to face with Valkyrie. Heat blossomed over his cheeks and his jaws parted in a squeak as he shuffled out from under her, tail between his legs. "V-valkyrie! Oh jeez? I'm so sorry I just-" Another boom of thunder made him gulp nervously. "I don't like storms." He glanced to the wolves, Kass and Callisto and dipped his head in nervous greeting before wincing suddenly and lifting his back left leg. Awww?.. hel. Had he sprained it in the fall?

Rain began to fall and Ullr's eyes turned upward for a moment as he shivered. He did not like this at all. It was then another wolf descended down into the group and he grinned. "DYANI!" He chirped as he skittered over to lick his sisters muzzle. He pulled back a little bit suddenly embarassed. Was she mad at him for running off like that? He hadn't meant to! The Ganucks made him do it!

Thunder crackled overhead as the rain began to fall harder. He quickly shuffled after the odd group of wolves, trying to mask his limp. The young man hated showing physical weakness, it made him a target. Pausing just a second to beckon his sister to come with him, Ullr returned his gaze and continue. He knew Valkyrie and she was very brave and kind. He trusted her. They moved along into a series of strange runes that made his skin crawl. This? these?. weren't natural. Once they reached the shelter Ullr quickly shook out his coat, little pink tongue glossing over his swollen ankle. The pain was starting to beat violently in his head.

"What the heck is that!" Ullr's fur bristled as he shuffled to hide behind Valeriya from the strange creature inhabiting their shelter. Cautiously he took a few steps out from behind her, nose sniffing madly. Val stated she was leaving and Ullr's stomach flipped in knots. Noooooo?. he didn't want to be left with all these strangers and he didn't think Dyani would either.

"Ummm?. I can go?"




5 Years
09-27-2014, 07:09 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The answer she received was nothing less than what she had already expected, but it hardly made it any easier to take. Callisto's frown deepened, her head turning to set her stare toward the part of the skies that she could see with her fur rustling about wildly under the intensity of the winds. This was no good at all. She hardly needed to jump beside Valeriya to know that they were in for some trouble with this one, and she sighed quietly to herself, the noise lost beneath the roll of the wind. The temptation to leave them all here at the peak of the Steppe to seek out the shelter of her own den was strong - her comfort with the lands themselves was still stronger than her loyalty to this new Ebony - but she knew she would need to stay. It would be expected of her.

A new arrival came tumbling - quite literally - into their midst, and though Valeriya seemed quite alright with the new appearance Callisto could not say she felt the same. It just meant another wolf that would need protection, another life to keep a close eye on during this storm, and her patience was already thin as it was. She had made no answer regarding the question of their healer's stores - she mostly kept up her own personal store more than she worked on supplying for the pack as a whole - but a familiar voice at her side caused her head to swing around rather quickly, taking in the sight of Maximous with a mixture of surprise and relief. If Max was here, then she need not worry about anything healer-related. He would take charge.

Feeling more at ease with the dark male there, she relinquished whatever authority she might have had in his absence and fell into her preferred role of listening and observing the goings on around her. Of course, both were difficult by this point. The winds continued to howl about, distorting voices and making conversation difficult, and the rains had finally begun in earnest, not even beginning with a trickle but pouring down almost from the instant they first fell. Callisto blinked her blue eyes into a squint and tucked her ears slightly, protecting herself from the rainfall, but it was still hard to make out what everyone was saying. Rather than listen, she simply reacted, following the young leader of Ebony as she led them toward a more protected section of the Steppe.

It might only have been moments but it felt as if they had wandered through the wind and rain for hours, and by the time Valeriya found them their shelter she felt cold and chilled and soaked all the way through. She had only paused long enough to give herself a quick shake before she stepped through the opening into their shelter but it hardly did enough. Water continued to pool and drip off of her fur, and to make room for the rest the black and grey youth moved aside before beginning to groom herself, hoping to rid her pelt of as much water as she could. Valeriya's hopeful tone requesting others to go off in search of those absent was ignored as Callisto continued to clean her fur, letting her other, more honorable pack mates offer themselves up instead. Heading back outside in that weather was the last thing she wanted to do.



8 Years
10-02-2014, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2014, 11:54 AM by Maximous.)

The man would follow the young queen quietly though he did not leave Callisto's side until the paths they were led down had forced him to give the younger wolf some space. He would wait for her to go before following her, along with the others down the path.

When they arrived at Valeriya's sheltered place, he couldn't help but wonder how long they had actually been traveling. Mentally he knew it couldn't have been more than an hour but his muscles shook and ached. He wasn't a warrior, he wasn't use to making them work their hardest for anything.

As the queen would ask a question, he would know that a trip to the stores would be needed. The queen was losing her voice and others could be in far more pain than anyone here. He would look over the others and from what he could see everyone was ok except for one of the two wolves he didn't know, tired wet and cold but ok. He would silently nod a yes for himself as an answer.

Max would continue to listen to the she wolf and when she spotted the wolverine he would simply perk his ears up at the smaller creatures response. When the white male would ask to go and Callisto did not seem to want to leave the rocky shelter he would offer up his thoughts. "Some one will have to stop at one of the stores to get herbs incase someone is injured when we find them. Ill make the trip if you will allow it."

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



2 Years
10-04-2014, 04:51 PM

Her brother spotted her quickly enough, scampering through the rain to lick her muzzle happily. Despite the presence of all these strangers, so many a danger to she and her beloved brother, a smile began to twist those ebony lips of hers. Ah, it had been so long, and she missed him greatly. She returned the affection, tongue escaping her maw to caress her brother's soggy forehead. Ullr was back with her now, all was well. She nibbled gently on the sodden fur of his cheek, nuzzling her leathery nose against it. "Never run away again, Ullr." Whisper soft lyrics would demand, only meant for him. A stern expression was worn upon her scarred face, though she would never stay mad at him for long. With a small sigh, she looked to the burnt auburn femme who seemed to be leading this little band. What was so special about her, that Ullr would seek her out before his own sister?
It wasn't long before the group was on the move, and Ullr followed them. Which meant Dyani would join in the trek as well, albeit begrudgingly and silent. She fought the heavy winds, squinted against the driving rain. Steel chords of muscle rippled beneath a waterlogged pelt, working to fight against the storm that was building. The ghost remained close to her brother, at his side in case he might need her. Surely he would, for she was the only wolf in the world he could not fool with his acting. His ankle had been injured in his travel here, which she would make sure to tend to if she had the chance soon. The purple hued storm clouds over their heads were angry, crackling with electricity and booming with thunder that the femme felt in her very bones. Everything was against them, the winds did not move in their favour, and that only made the victory of reaching shelter all the more impressive.

Nothing special, though Ullr seemed frightened by the runes that covered the standing stones. She nudged his shoulder with her own, a painstakingly slow movement, before leading him into the cavernous space. It was dry, and it was sheltered. That was what counted. Glacial optics spotted her brother, tongue lathing over the swollen appendage. Yes, she would definitely have to check that out. Hopefully it wasn't too bad. She wasn't paying much attention to the words of the groups leader- call it authority problems and a lack of care. However, when her brother began to bristle at the strange creature inhabiting the cave they had chosen as shelter, the scarred woman narrowed her eyes. The leader, princess, what have you, spoke to the creature, and it responded in their tongue. Well, that served as an answer. Ullr would be safe, as long as he didn't antagonize the beastie. However, that was always a risk with her brother. Had something against leaving things alone. Which was why she had to protect him. Cerulean pools remained locked on the odd creature, built like a bear but barely the size of a pup. It was not to be trusted. Her brother offered to leave the shelter, to go out into the storm and help the search. This, the triple shaded guardian would not allow. She moved to sit beside her brother, urging his silently not to do so. He was injured, in no state to be going out. She bumped his shoulder again, gaze flicking between his injured ankle to his moonstone and sapphire optics. He should not leave, she would stay with him here. At least until it was safe to leave.




7 Years
10-14-2014, 01:03 PM

More of the pack trickled in, a soggy group standing buffeted about by the winds, but by no means all of Ebony. Kass' mismatched eyes swept the group before anxiously surveying the increasingly stormy terrain around them in the hopes of spotting someone else, but no - this was all that had come. His attention returned to Val with a start when she began to lead them away, and he followed with difficulty.

When they finally reached shelter, Kassander slipped in after Val without hesitation but as everyone began to crowd in his respiration began to increase, his pulse to quicken. Too many people, most of them strangers, packed into much too small of quarters for his comfort. His anxiety increased exponentially the longer he was trapped there. Dilated pupils darted around the dark shelter, and his ears began to tremble, but suddenly Val was speaking and his gaze snapped to hers. "I'll go!" he yelped, his words coming out a bit too loud and he clamped his mouth shut and forced a smile, twitchily making himself wait for her to lead them out. He needed out - facing the storm was far preferable to embarrassing his sister with a full blown social-anxiety-induced panic attack.

"Talk" "You" Think