
yellow flicker beat


01-12-2015, 05:12 PM
The young pup had worked hard to sneak out of the den. Okay, it wasn't that hard. Momma and Daddy were out doing some pack things and 'cle Greek was watching them. He wasn't a great babysitter, though- cause he dozed off and fell asleep when he thought the pups were all asleep. He told great stories though! Sure enough, when she heard the snoring of her siblings, she extracted herself slowly, and quickly and softly ran towards the mouth of the den. Her little rump wiggling behind her in excitement, she pushed out into the dusk. The forest seemed scarier now that it was darker, but she just wanted to see things! Maybe she'd find a bear- like momma fought! Nosily, she nosed the ground- pushing through the sparse undergrowth and she went whereever her paws led her. 

She wasn't sure how long she'd been exploring, but she sort of felt cold and tired. She stopped and looked around- and felt a flicker of fear as she realized that she didn't know where she was. She pushed it down and tried to summon some courage, as she swallowed nervously. Momma and Daddy wouldn't be scared! She kept moving forward, rooting around until she came up on a big old rock. She scrambled up on it, and looked around. She howled slightly, a squeaky sound but it made her feel like a grown-up! She stood up there, her little coat fluffed out against the North wind as she looked around world. 



3 Years
01-14-2015, 07:05 AM
It was certainly safe to say that Talvi knew more of Athena's children than she did of Roman's. Of course though the latter were younger, only just starting to venture outside and they weren't actually her family, not as far as anyone here was concerned anyway. The idea of going to Roman's den to say hello to the pups just seemed a little strange in the woman's mind. Though she had gotten on well with Bacchus in the end, to be completely honest Talvi still wasn't completely sure around children anyway.

That being said as she spotted one young girl alone it wasn't difficult at all for her to guess that this was one of the King and Queen's children. For starters it certainly wasn't Athena's, too young to pass as a littermate to the boys and secondly Talvi hadn't seen her before. It was very unlikely that a pup would have wandered this far into the lands alone, therefore the logical explanation was that she belonged to Roman.

Talvi watched it for a little while, she seemed content enough wandering and exploring though soon the child would pause, looking around with the briefest moment of worry seeming to cross over her. Talvi smiled softly to herself as the child soon straightened herself to continue, it seemed the recent pups to be born in the North were rather tough little things. All the same, Talvi still wouldn't leave her entirely unsupervised.

On they would continue until eagerly the child clambered a rock and let out a howl or rather an attempt at one. One day a voice would be found, though she would humour the child all the same now, venturing out into view and approaching. "Hello there" Talvi greeted as she came to a stop. "I heard your howl, did you want somebody?"
by lunarcat7



2 Years
01-17-2015, 01:29 PM

Deer leg in mouth the wolf king slowly made his way back to the den site.  His prize would last them a little while.  Drashiel hated to be to far from the dens for too long though he knew they'd likely be alright.  Or at least that was what he thought anyway.  Burying the leg for later consumption, Drashiel shook out his coat and peered in to the den to check on the kids, what he found was GREEK ASLEEP AND BELLONA GONE.  Visciously chewing out that damnable creature Drashiel was out of the den and hunting for his daughter.  This was so much easier when they couldn't move very far.  Nose the ground he followed her scent but it was a little howl that alerted him to her location.

Drashiel sprinted rapidly to the location but soon slowed as he realized she was with Talvi.  Oh thank goodness… Talvi was one of the most respectable and trustworthy wolves in the pack in his humble opinion.  "Talvi, thank you for looking out for my daughter." Stern, verdant gaze turned to the pup.  "Bellona!  What were you thinking?  You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
