
Taking In The Sights

Rune I


5 Years
01-12-2015, 10:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
After his first visit in what felt like months to a neighboring territory that bordered upon his own, Rune had made a mental note to himself to do further explorations of that sort. While staying inside of Secretua was good, and gave him much to do in the ways of watching his pack and ensuring they were following their duties well until he could appoint those few who would help his Alamea run things without his interference, it left him feeling incredibly out of the loop with what was going on around him. At some point - a burdensome, unavoidable eventuality - he was going to need to take a keener interest in those packs who lived around him, even those from farther off, but for right now just checking the lands that rested next to his was a good start. 

Although, as his black colored feet padded through this barren, disheveled place he wondered if there would be anything worth finding. There was no sense of reason to the way the hills rose, or the dips created between them. Trees that had lost their leaves during the winter and held only bare branches now, even in the season of spring, lay carelessly tossed against their sides, only the thickest of its roots still holding their shape and sticking to the downed trees. Rune's frosty blue eyes assessed it all through a narrowed stare, searching the unbalanced nature for something - or rather someone - that might capture his interest. As much as he was here to gain a better understanding of the territory that shared a border with his, he was curious to see if there were any rogues, possibly even those who had skirted the border of his pack as he preferred, that might show potential as Secretuans to bring home. 

Trying not to get his hopes up, which, with the luck he had been having as of late, was not all that hard, the grey Guardian continued to roam about the Barren Hills, taking in the sights and looking for anything else to catch his eye.