
Native Song



7 Years
09-12-2014, 12:01 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal padded lightly along the grassy expanse, eyes alert, movements stealthy. A few days ago, she had explored the Orchard, to the south and a little west of this place. She had smelled the bison from this direction, and she had come back to investigate. Now, crouched at the top of one of the many strange hummocks that made this lush place into a rolling prairie, she cast her eyes around, catching sight of many, many humped brown and black backs; smelled the scents of many bison. Her mouth watered. A smile pulled across her muzzle. Oddly enough, she could imagine living here. Oh maybe not forever, of course, but for a time, until the plains could be won back, it could be a place to live for them all.

She straightened, turning away from the herd of massive beasts of prey, and descended the rise she?s been crouched upon, pausing as she spotted a dark space in the side of the hill. She approached it cautiously, dipping her head in and sniffing. She sneezed, stepping back. It smelled of ancient, ancient death. Far older than her mind could fathom. Yet it also smelled faintly of other wolves. Stale scents, the owners long since moved on to other adventures. She did recall that this land had once been under the rule of Seracia, before it had fallen. She turned away from the dark hole in the hill, taking off at a quick trot, coming to the edge of the Orchard before slowing and stopping to look over her shoulder at the knolls. ?It?s a possibility? She mused absently aloud to herself.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.

Lyric I


4 Years
09-12-2014, 12:00 PM
[Image: mXGPoCT.png]
Her family was here, they had returned - it was the only reason that she had come back. Being in Valhalla with him there had been absolutely impossible. His scent, mingled with hers, how easily she was discarded? it was just too hard to live there anymore. So she had left - knowing how selfish, how irresponsible it was of her - but her heart was broken and even though the rejection itself was easy to understand (he was bright, while she was nothing without him) she hadn?t expected it to be so hard to accept and move on from.

After the months spent alone, hunting small animals in lands less often inhabited by Alacritia?s many wolves, she would return on the hunch that Erani and the rest of her family were here. She had heard about Valhalla being claimed and replaced, and although she loved her home, she loved it because of the wolves in it - Valhalla itself meant little to nothing to her. There would have been nothing that she could do for them if she had been around, but maybe this time around, she would manage to be of some use to her family.

Clearly she was of no value to anyone else.

Wandering the south during mid summer should have been more dry, but today was oddly humid. The smell of rain that clung to the air wouldn?t stop her from sniffing out her sister?s trail - and Lyric would gently plod after her sister until she had her within her sights. The ivory woman was glad to see the gray femme, it was the closest thing to happiness she had felt since leaving. She approached her sibling from behind - because she had been following her for a little while. The soft ground beneath her wouldn?t easily give the rather small girl?s footsteps away, but with how wild the winds had been today, Surreal had surely taken notice of her presence.

Wide eyes would linger on the other?s gray and black pelt, oh she should have said something first, anything would have done? but she could only stare. A testimony to her cowardice, she couldn?t face Alpine and his new family, and now even with her own sister she was afraid. Would she be upset with her, for leaving again? Would she have bad news about what had happened to their mother after the challenge? Erani was quite old, she could have?

Lyric would slowly release a sigh, shuffling to face Surreal if she hadn?t already. The dainty little femme would watch her, wait for her to speak - because she just didn?t have it in her to say something first. Although she was glad to see the other, she was nervous, felt awkward after being on her own a while.



7 Years
09-12-2014, 07:24 PM

She froze as a light paw tread sounded on her other read, then whipped around to face the? Lyric? She stood frozen for a moment, taking in her little sisters woeful face, bruised eyes, and timid posture. It was as though Lyric expected anger. Well, best dash those expectations clear out of the water! She charged with a loud bark, swarming her sister and attempting to lay kisses over her face, while simultaneously trying to hug her half to death. ?Lyric! Thanks all the gods and Luna that you?re safe!? She leaned back, studying her sisters face, relieved to see no signs that the plague might have struck her sister. The only sister she had left out of her own litter. She still had to track down Epiphron, and Chrysanthe. All the family she could.

At that thought, her rump began wiggling. ?Lyriiic, guess what?? Oh but she just could not hold it back. ?Lyric, our big brother is back! Castiel is back!? The begging to know just where Lyric had vanished off to could wait. ?Oh there is so much to?? And then her face fell slightly. Should she tell her yet? About their uncle? Maybe not quite yet? And maybe the part about herself having a mate and expecting a litter should wait as well. Considering that she could guess why Lyric vanished, hearing about Surreal?s own happiness might throw even more sadness on her sisters shoulders. So she shook off the sudden sadness that threatened her own heart, and stretched. ?Come on, Lyric. I have so much to tell you about. We were all so worried, but right after you.. Eh, left, a plague struck. We were too busy trying to save lives, including my own, no one could go to find you.? So much apology in her tones as she spoke those words, and she glanced at her sister, hoping Lyric would be understanding.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.

Lyric I


4 Years
09-16-2014, 06:39 PM
[Image: mXGPoCT.png]
She expected to at least be scolded for running off the way she had, but Surreal surprised her instead. The ivory fae nearly jumped as she realized she was being tackled by the bigger lupine, but there was never a moment of fear from the sudden movement - her family would never hurt her, even when she was nervous as hell she knew that. Hearing the other's voice would bring a smile to Lyric's face, and she could quite literally feel the tension flow out of her through her feet. Was she really nervous for nothing? Looking over her sister, the answer to that couldn't be any clearer. "It'a good to see you too Surreal." She nearly laughed, seeing her wiggle about the way she was, and really did laugh as she playfully baited her into a guessing game.

The ivory fae was terrible with these games.

But she didn't have to participate for long, because her mind didn't get the chance to wander before her sister burst the news. News that didn't quite register the first time around. Castiel? The girl had spent a good portion of her life looking for her brothers - and one of them had simple found their way back? This news was... it was great! Lyric couldn't wait to see him! "Do you know where he is now?" She was a little anxious, she had no idea how the other had grown, but she wanted very badly to speak to him for the first time in nearly two years. But she wouldn't jump the gun and ask the million questions that she had in mind because Surreal's visage dropped into something a bit more somber. "Surreal?" She questioned her sister, her voice taking a concerned tone.

But the other stretched and explained why no one had looked for her. To that the ivory fae only nodded, completely understanding. She hadn't left particularly wanting to be looked for. "I'm just glad that you're alright." Her sister had survived much, and done it all alongside her family. Lyric genuinly admired her strength. "I'm sorry for leaving I just... couldn't stay." It was hard to explain past that - not because it was complicated, but because she was ashamed of it. She had failed to please the brute she had loved so much, failed to support her family - and run away from it all. "I hope things have been well with you." Lyric's gaze would linger on her sister's eyes - taking a moment to note that they were quite similar to her own. "I missed you." She always did, when they were too far apart.



7 Years
09-24-2014, 09:31 PM

It was always wonderful to see her youngest born sister smile and laugh. It had been part of the reason she had tackled the smaller female. Lyric?s question as to where their brother was, was something Surreal was proud to note that she could finally say yes to. ?Yes. He?s back at the Whistling Willows, with the family. Imena and Cael have pups now.? Her wagging tail slowed as she thought of how much Cormalin would have loved them, his grandchildren. Lyric, ever the mood reader, just like their mother, picked up on her sadness. Surreal nodded toward the willows, though she couldn?t see them from this far away, with hills and miles between herself and them. ?Come on, lets start toward base.?

As she began walking, she arranged her thoughts, trying to think of the best way to tell her about their uncles death. Finally, she took a deep breath. ?Uncle Cormalin is? He?s dead. He died while we were on the Island. It was old age. He knew it was coming, and he was ready to go.? She had been able to bear it, knowing he hadn?t been murdered, or defiled as a course to his death. That he?d been able to go peacefully made it much easier to bear.

She glanced aside at her sister as her story about the plague finished, wondering how her sister would take the news. ?I?m glad I?m alright, too. I intend to rebuild the pack, and I need to be as strong as I can be. As for why you couldn?t stay? Lyric, if Alpine could drop you that easily, then he was never right for you in the first place. He doesn?t deserve to have even known you, and if he comes near you again, I will rip out his balls so he can?t have any kids, ever. You deserve better. Chin up, sis. Don?t let that dick-tail drag you down. You are stronger than that, and I know it, even if you don?t yet.? Her words were bracing, love for her sister warming her voice as she leaned her head toward her sister?s shoulder, wanting to bump it as a form of physical comfort.

?You?ll find him, Lyric. It just means letting go and moving on enough to look for him. Or he?ll walk into your life when you least expect him. But a better male is out there somewhere.? She paused long enough to nuzzle her sisters shoulder. ?Love ya, sis.? She started walking again, as she mulled over her sisters hope that they?d been well. Well, after a rocky patch of life after the challenge, where she?d been worried about their mother, things were hunky dory now. Falk was by her side again, she was going to have his children in just a few short months. Her sister was back, her brother was back, she?s found her family, at least some of them, and even some of the old Valhallans. ?Things have been lovely since I got back. And I have someone I want you to meet. And an announcement to make.? She glanced at her sisters face, hoping her news wouldn?t upset her sister? After all, hadn?t Lyric possibly been hoping to have children?

?You?re going to be an Aunt. Falk and I are expecting.? Had Lyric even met Falk?

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.