
Strongest Allies (HERA)


01-13-2015, 12:16 PM
You might be my friend but no one knows me better than my sister...
As I grew up, one of my strongest allies has been my sister.

The young girl had been active as of late. Constantly she had been running around to chase one thing or another, her eyes filled with the determination to succeed in a catch each time that she followed something. One time it was a butterfly, the next was a rabbit, perhaps even a vole or two if she got lucky and found a trail. She had been happy and carefree which was the personality that had started to emerge within her as she tried to figure out who she was and what her place amongst the pack would be. There was one thing missing though... She had been neglecting to talk to her sister and spend time with her. Desp felt guilty because she loved her sister more than any other wolf in the world, even her mother but only by a nose hair. It was simple, Desp would have to remedy the situation with some playing.

Desp would slowly creep up on the den that housed herself and Hera and their mother each night, a slightly devious look on her face. "Hera?" The girl called out for her sister in a gentle and sweet manner as she poked her head inside the den. "Hera, are you here? We should go s'ploring!" The young Olympi was eager to spell some desperately needed time with her sister.


01-14-2015, 11:28 PM

Hera had been resting easy these days with her little family now around a bit more. She didn't see much of Daddy still, but she knew he was around. She smelled his scent from time to time and she saw him at the last meeting although he didn't sit with them for some reason. Even still, no matter how content she was, she couldn't help but think about her adventures out of the pack lands. They had been exciting and fun, something that Pantheon had not been in a while. She wondered if she might be able to find Bacchus again... but the north was a big place.

Her sister's voice caught her attention and she lifted her head to see the dark girl peering into their den. Hera was laying under a tree nearby, close enough to easily hear her sister call for her, but still out of sight enough to have the advantage of surprise. Grinning, she quickly got to her paws and crawled down low to the ground like she was stalking a rabbit. Her paws moved quietly along the ground till she was close enough to leap up onto her sister's back so that her forelegs were draped over Desp's back. She gave a victorious bark and laughed giddily, reaching up to gently tug on Despoina's ear, her tail wagging happily. "Where you wanna go s'ploring, Desp?" she asked as she giggled and climbed down back onto all fours, her silver eyes peering at Desp curiously.

Speech Others Thinking


01-15-2015, 03:07 PM

The dark colored woman peered around, not seeing Hera anywhere while also hearing no response. The element of surprise was with her sister indeed. Suddenly she felt a weight upon her back that made her legs wobbled and instinct made her turn and try to see what it was. The familiar brown and orange face of her sister appeared with the white form of her body. Desp giggled as she shook her fur, trying to get her sister off of her. Hera tugged at her ear and Desp giggled. Her sister then posed a question which Desp could easily answer. Where were they going to go exploring? "The unknown Hera, le's go s'plore the unknown!" Dramatically phrased, the girl pretended to swoon at the idea.

Her beloved sister removed her front paws from Desp's back which gave the young Olympus spawn the space to swat her paw at Hera's ear. "'S'ploring the unknown would be fun and cool. Momma would love to hear our stories 'bout it." With that final line, she hoped to persuade her sister to follow her to the unknown.


01-16-2015, 06:48 AM

Another excited giggle would escape her muzzle as Desp proposed 'the unknown' as their exploring destination. She ducked her head to dodge her sister's pale paw as it came towards her ear, reaching out with her own paw to swat playfully at Desp's retreating paw, her brown and orange tipped tail wagging excitedly. Her white ears perked with intrest at Desponia's addition to her proposition. It never took much to convince her to go exploring anyway, but her sister made the deal all the sweeter. She knew their mother had been upset and stressed a lot recently so maybe telling her all about their adventures would make her feel better! Hera's tail wagged excitedly again and she puffed out her chest as she took on the stance of what she thought a noble, brave explorer would look like. "Yes! Let's go and s'plore the unknown! All the dark caves and thick jungles will be no match for us!" she declared proudly, her silver gaze shining with excitement.

And she knew just where to start! She gave a little gasp and hopped up and down in place at her idea. "I know where we can start! Come on!" She got in one last swipe with one of her front paws at her sister's dark ear before turning and hopping off in the direction of the pack's border. She knew how their mother felt about them leaving the pack lands so she would keep their exploring in the boundaries... or at least close by. It wouldn't take them long to get to the very edge of the teritory, the edge defined by a heavy scent of Uncle Helios and Aunt Natalya and even a little bit of their mother along with a mildly worn path where many patrols had been done. Where Hera's attention was, however, was a small cave that was located just a few feet from the border on their side of the line. "I saw it the other day when I was chasing a rabbit, but I didn't get to look in it cause I would have lost the rabbit if I did!" The entrance was barely visible since a tree limb had fallen across it and blocked half of the moderate sized entrance. However, Hera was sure that she and her sister were still small enough to slip inside.

Speech Others Thinking


01-16-2015, 02:36 PM

There was a certain war-like aspect to the swatting of ears as Desp giggled and continued trying to whack at her sister's ear. It did not take long for her sister to retaliate by trying to whack at her own ear. Desp ducked to avoid this shot and she giggled again. She was very much a giggly girl unless it was important to her mission. Hera declared that no challenge was too great for the powerful duo and Desp nodded, proclaiming her sister's words to be true. "We'll s'plore and find treasures to bring back to momma and we'll be the best 'venturers out there!" Hera gasped a bit and Desp thought something had made her feel uncomfortable or something felt off but quickly the Olympus child announced that she knew where to start.

With a tail wagging furiously, Despoina took off behind her sister who had just managed to get a good whack into the woman's ear. Long limbs carried her off after her sister, allowing her to keep up with the other girl with ease. A wide grin split her face as the two of them arrive at the entrance to the den. "This is cool, Hera!" She called out as she looked at the fallen tree and the cave behind it. "Ohh, ohh! We can use this as a base! We can be super secret agents!" It was brilliant! Eagerly, Despoina looked back at her sister before turning and trying to crawl through the gap. Narrowly she fit as she looked at her sister once more.