
Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire


01-14-2015, 12:12 AM
Ooc:: Marking mature because of Akemi's lovely potty-mouth. Knowing other Hroovy's might come to the thread more distasteful words are bound to be said. Cheers.

Also, Tiny is not with her.

The young mother was troubled, gods above was she troubled. Einarr was all the more antisocial now that he had seen how his uncles behaved firsthand, and there was a part of her that truly resented Thor and Hati for her. Her heart burned with anger, crying for the pain of her child. Freyr, Zisa... she wasn't even sure where they were anymore. Akemi could break the two of them for what they did. All she had wanted, all she had ever wanted for her children was to have a halfway decent childhood. To give them what she hadn't had, instead of learning so young that the world was full of shit and you had to deal with it.

...and what did her son know?

He was a bastard child. His mother had been mutilated. His uncles weren't right in the head. Hell, he witnessed Hati go after Freyr, whom he had suspected all along to not even be related to him. Now he wanted nothing to do with the pack, asking her constantly if they could leave. If it could just be him, her, and Tiny. Damn them both... damn them for doing that in front of him!

Her single orb flashed with fire, a snarl rumbling from her throat. Time and time again she returned here. The place where she faltered, where she became more damaged than before. Her scream would ring out into the night.

"I hope you're all fucking satisfied! I hope you're fucking satisfied for ruining another child! And you, you damn sack of shit, for creating him so he could suffer! Fuck all of you! I hope you all rot in hell, you assholes!" The small female would come to a stop, her fur bristling.

"He's suffering... he's suffering and there isn't a damn thing I can do to protect him anymore. The female's words had calmed down to an angry mutter to herself. Her poor baby... her poor Einarr. Her little warrior... The female closed her single eye, letting out a huff as she flopped her rear end oh so gracefully on the ground.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



4 Years
01-17-2015, 03:04 PM

Oh, he was pleased with himself!  Crimson stained the males formerly snow white pelt, particularly around his mouth where he carried the head of Kau in his jaws.  The mangled head that was missing eyes and ears, with it's tongue lolling listlessly in the air as Baldur trotted along with his prize.  Another villain thwarted!  To make the matter even more perfect he'd had a rather spectacular bowel movement that morning of the chunks he'd devoured from Kau's neck.  Now the deceitful rapist was what he was meant to be…. shit.  

Grinning, with his tail wagging in the air the ice eyed male paused for a moment to check the scent.  Yup, this was Akemi's for sure!  Boy, wouldn't she be pleased!  For a moment Baldur thought he heard yelling but when it fell silenced he let it go.  There wasn't anything that could thwart him on his quest. Maneuvering over rocks  and boulders he soon found the fae he'd wanted to see… and nearly dropped the head.  Baldur had heard of Akemi's mutilation but this was the first he'd seen of it.  Anger stirred within him again but there was no good outlet for it.  The Hroovy's had dismantled and desecrated Kau's corpse in spectacular fashion. There really wasn't that much left.

Baldur dropped the head, letting the thudding sound of flesh on earth echo in the air between them.  Wagging tail slowed as he gazed at her.  "This fucker will never harm you or anyone again."  Grinning he kicked the head toward Akemi.  "Want to play?" Tail wagging again he lowered his front legs in the familiar gesture for play, urging her to kick the head back to him.



01-20-2015, 12:15 AM

Akemi would jump at the sound of the flesh, spinning towards Balder with a snarl. But, seeing the white and black brute, her face would soften. At least, until she saw what was at his paws. Oh... What was this? A smirk appeared on her face, her single orb lighting up like a child who just opened up a Christmas present. Oh, ho ho! He had been found, and justice served. She felt a bit of a shame that she had not been with her siblings to do it, but she knew exactly whom she had to thank for this wonderful present. If her tail had still been attached she would have surely been wagging it.

“Gods above Balder, you sure know how to give your sister a present.” The remains of the head was a disgusting mess, but heck, she didn’t even care. Her anger melted away, and she would send the head right back to him, giving a good knock with her front leg. Oh did that feel good! Small body would bow to the ground after that, what remained of her ears twitching with excitement. “What do you call this game, eh?” There was a grin on her face. She couldn’t be happier right now.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



4 Years
01-23-2015, 07:50 PM

Baldur waited with baited breath as she turned in a whirl of flesh and fangs but all to soon her face would soften and he would grin shyly at her, ice blue eyes dipping to the prize he'd brought her. He supposed in hindsight it had been rather odd. How the violent, sadistic beast could emerge from the sweet, lovable idiot. She kicked the ball back to him and with a playful bark he dove to catch it and laughed. "I don't know…. idiot ball?" Jet back paws battled the head between themselves for a moment before he kicked it back to Akemi's right.

And then the tone changed. "Hey… Akemi?" Voice soft he almost wished he could never say the words that were about to pass his lips. He knew they'd hurt her and it was proof of the cruelty in his bloodline, to bring her up only to drop her down again. Taking a deep breath he continued. "Loki's gone missing. I know you're not fond of him, hell I'm not either but…. Thor and I have decided to go looking for the idiot and the missing pups. We… we feel it's time to move on from Alaritis. If you want, you and your family are welcome to join us however… we don't really plan to come back."



01-28-2015, 02:30 AM

Idiot ball. Akemi resisted the urge to snort at the name, but hey, it was fun, so who really cared what the name was? Grotesque as it was the girl was enjoying herself. It was a shame though, how the world, how horrible it truly was, could warp such innocent beings into monsters. In the end, the world was nothing but a place of chaos, and if you didn't adapt to it you wouldn't survive. The small female would dive to catch the 'ball', eyes shining some. But as her forepaw landed on it Baldur's tone changed. The female would straight up, frowning. The remains of her ears would shift and her single remaining orb focused on him. The news would hit her and she would falter, lowering her paw back to the earth. Mind would start to spin, and a sigh passed her lips.

Her family was leaving... probably to never come back. Her heart said two different things, and the female would let her gaze falter to the ground. No, she had never been close to Loki. Not like she had to Baldur, Hati, or Freyr. But he was her blood. Yet... she could not leave. Damned as all had been here, she found a place for herself. Swallowing her emotions down, Akemi would lift her head.

"I'm sorry Baldur... but I won't be going with you. Those words hurt leaving her maw. She would give a soft whine, shaking her head. "It's not that I don't want to but... there are duties here that I have now. I have a home here too, a man I owe not only my life but the lives of my children too. Hell, even Freyr is indebted to him. The alpha of Secretua has done so much for us... and... apart from that... I don't even know where Freyr and my daughter are right now. Hati and Thor showed up and..." Akemi closed her eye, shaking some.

" even if I wanted to go... I couldn't leave without my daughter. I know their sire was a bastard, but they are my children, not his. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me Baldur... so... I'm sorry... I'm staying here in Alacrtia."

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno