


01-16-2015, 07:01 PM


She'd woken up early the day prior and taken her time to depart from her children and mate.  In whispered words, she'd told Drashiel where she was going, and why. She didn't want to risk her children following her. They weren't big enough for the journey- nor the dangers the unclaimed lands could bring. The visit had been long over-due and when she was satisfied that she wouldn't be followed she'd left the empire she ruled- and headed South West. As she journeyed south, she noted that spring was evident. The snow soon was as scarce as the wolves it was home too, as she moved further and further into the warmer environments of the land. She'd taken the time to rest in the South that night, before waking this morning to travel West. 

It was about midday when she approached the borders of Arcanum, the borders she'd deduced from the strong smell of a former ally and somewhat friend- Cataleya. She approached with confidence befitting of a Queen, and halted a respectful distance from her borders. She took a breath, letting the warmer air fill her lungs before she tilted her head back into the air and let out a summons for the Queen. As her tones faded into the day, she studied the land with interest around her. It wasn't that long ago that she'd come here and met Erani Adravendi. My, how times had changed- the land was no longer the Valhallan strong-hold, now it seemed that those wolves opposites claimed power here. It was almost humorous. Almost. If only it didn't remind her how fickle the empires could be. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak  


01-16-2015, 08:42 PM

Silver crown would lift from her paws as a vaguely familiar voice rang out across her home. She would rise, departing from her quiet place away from her rugrats. Silver limbs would carry her across the plains until she found herself at the border. Coral gaze would seek out a familiar face, a faint smile lifting the corners of her dark lips. Roman. She had not seen the woman in sometime. Approaching, she would stop a few feet from the woman, a look of interest settling on her features. "Roman. Its been awhile." She would greet with what could be considered friendly tones of the monarch. Enough time had passed that she was not entirely certain of where their packs stood with each other. "What brings you so far from home?" Her crown would tip slightly to the left with mild curiosity.

Nostrils quivered, inhaling the scent of a pack that still clung to her pelt. She was still a Queen without a doubt. Though she also smelled of puppies. She said nothing on the matter, known full well that soon enough the subject would be brought up with the scent of her own pups clinging to her, or if Dahlia decided to come bursting in.



01-17-2015, 07:43 AM


It isn't long until Cataleya makes her appearance, and Roman responds in kind- a small half smile, as friendly really she could be- to the other Queen. "Aye it has. I've been busy. Haven't seen you skulking in the North lately?" At the end her tones light, almost teasing, and most importantly friendly. Cataleya asks what brings her so far from home, and Roman chuckles slightly before diving into her story. "I believe in our last encounter- I was without my throne? That is no more. My sister wished to pass her own throne on and down, to spend time with her children- and I took it from her. I've reestablished Regium- with of course more.. militant means, as you and I both know- we don't live in a kind world." She added, her tones light. "So I'm finally making it around to see who is in power- and where they're in power and I'm beginning to establish my standings with these other packs. The ones worth my attention that is." Another careful pause. "I came to see if you were looking for capable allies." She added. 

Of course she didn't go into huge detail about all of her current plans and issues. Arcanum had little to do with those. She had no issues with Cataleya- No Roman sought to drive out some of weak links in Alacritis. She mentally laughed at some of her earlier words with other leaders- trouble had found Roman Armada- and she planned to eradicate it. However she also wanted to stabilize some of the relations with other packs- for her children sake, should anything happen. 

She could smell youth  but she didn't call it out. Rather she politely inquired. "How have you been, Cataleya? It's been over a season after all." A lot can happen and change in a season. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak