


01-17-2015, 12:24 PM


Drashiel had gone off to hunt, and Greek hadn't been too far behind him. The sun was shining, and though it was cold- as it often was in the arctic, Roman stepped outside and called the pups out, with a soft bark. They needed to play and enjoy the sun while it lasted, before the inevitable spring storms came and disrupted their days. Once she was outside, she climbed up on a nearby boulder and lay down on it. The rock was tall enough that she could see around them, and the sun made it pretty warm. She could easily nap here while the kids played in the clearing. Drashiel wouldn't be long, she assumed, he'd left pretty early that morning. Surely he had chased something down. Life was pretty good. The pups were growing. Narcissa seemed better today- but Roman wasn't sure that she was out of the woods yet. She could easily still die and that worried the Queen. On top of that- the idiot neighbors, plagued her mind she was worried. Why had they moved so close?! What else could that mean but an insult to the empire that resided here. She lowered her head to her paws, watching as her pups tumbled out. She was troubled, but there was no reason that they couldn't enjoy their day. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak  




4 Years
01-17-2015, 12:49 PM
ooc:  had to show off the adult table I made, ridiculous hours painting fur man....  xD


Magenta eyes snapped wide open at the soft bark, startling her from darker dreams.  Integra shook her head and softly then with a grin she sprang out of the den, tripping once into a somersault before getting back on her feet and rushing out to greet her mother.  She bounded up to try and lick at her mothers face before declaring to the world that she, Integra Armada was, "FIRST OUT!".  Normally, Integra wouldn't care one way or the other but her mother's comforting form and the warm sunlight of the day glowed like sweet refuge from the nightmares that had been stirring her heart in the night.  "Mommy!  Mommy!  What are we going to do today?  Where's daddy?  Is he doing King stuff again?"

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



2 Years
01-18-2015, 12:58 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2015, 01:01 PM by Atreides.)

Integra kicked Atreides in the face on her mad scramble to be first out of the den and he growled a puppy growl of protest, but there was no heat behind it. It was a playful, good natured snarl and the young Armada was happy enough to tumble out behind his sister. She might be first this time but she was still just a sister so let her enjoy the victory while it lasted. "Mornin' Mama!" he caroled before throwing himself in the grass. He giggled softly to himself, wiggling and worming his way through the warm grass toward his older, bigger sister. "Integra," he wheedled in a whisper. "'Tegra-Teggy-Eggy. Come'ere I gotta secret to tell you. Quick b'fore Belly and Serious Sirius can hear."



6 Years
Extra large
01-18-2015, 02:51 PM

Ignoring the rest, Siri scampered away from the group and towards an outcropping of rocks. A curious sound was coming from behind it and she was determined to figure out what it was. Feeling brave, she frizzed up with the intention of doing battle. Her imagination conjured up all kinds of foes, from wolf intruders to shadow monsters, but in reality she was aware that it was probably one of her siblings or a bird. What it was exactly didn't matter. Her imagination would take what it was given and blow it up into a fantastic feat of strength, the kind of epic battle that became the stuff of legend.

Reaching the base of the rocks, the pup slowed and slipped into Stealth Mode. Her movements became exaggerated, each step excruciatingly slow as she slunk closer and closer to the corner that separated her from the baddie.

Finally she was at the corner. Crouching down, Siri's rump rose and began to wiggle as she counted down the seconds left before The Encounter. Three....two...

"Speaking" "Thinking"


01-20-2015, 06:41 PM
Bellona was busy digging when Momma went out, and then she called her siblings- but Bellona wasn't done! She scrambled in the dirt- trying to finish her little project and scurried off after her siblings- the last save for Narcissa.
Cissa never went outside- Momma said that was because she was sick. "Wait for me!" Bellona cried as she emerged from the whole and bounded over to her other siblings. "LETS PLAY TAG!" Bellona cried happily, as she dashed around the clearing with shrill and excited barks. She could seem Momma on the rock- Momma didn't often play rough with them- and when she did play- Daddy was here. Where was Daddy? She stared around the world, her eyes growing wide as she looked up at the tall red-woods, her face glowing with wonder. Why were they so big? Would she grow that big?


01-20-2015, 07:22 PM

So here I am, and I will not run.
She watched as the pups tumbled out into the warm day one by one, trying to shake the feeling that something was wrong. Frist it was Integra, and a soft smile pulled at her jaws at the happiness her eldest daughter showed. Then it was Atreides, the only male. Finally it was Sirius- and Bellona came out last, tumbling into the open area. Roman left them to their own devicies, confident that they would be safe. "Play m'dears. Your father is off hunting, I think. So it's time to play! Stay close to the den- and don't leave the clearing!" She commanded, giving Bellona a stern look.

She laid back on the rock, to let the pups play- and she closed her eyes, a small sigh leaving her. She could hear the chirping of birds.... and something crashing in the wood? Roman raised her head slowly. No wolf would make that kind of noise... She took in a deep breath, and her heart stopped and her blood ran cold.


Letting out a panicked bark, she leaped down from her rock- herding the kids with a panicked look. "Back into the den!" She cried, and growled at Bellona when she started to question it. "NOW!" She didn't wait to see if they obeyed, because there was a stirring right in the clearing- and she turned, her defenses automatically falling into place as she did. Her claws dug into the ground, her chin tucking slightly- eyes narrowing- then widening again as she processed what she saw. Holy. Shit.

There wasn't just one bear. There were two. "Gods alive." She breathed. These were Kodiak bears- and they were huge. "Integra! Take your siblings to the back of the den! Stay in there until you're called!" She barked, trying and failing to keep her voice calm. She prayed to the gods that they'd listen for once. She let out a short howl for help, but it was strangled and garbled. Shaking her head, she advanced on the bears, her teeth bared and a nasty snarl leaving her throat. She was an Armada and Armada's never backed down from a fight no matter what their opponent was.

"Get out!" She snapped, her teeth slamming shut with an audible click. Roman didn't know she could be this afraid. Her heart hammered in her chest- and she wondered if the bears could smell her fear-scent? She tried to call back all the training she knew, but it was complicated. Her mind kept going back to her neighbors and how they didn't belong here- why couldn't the bears have slaughtered them?! She let out a hissing breath, her violet eyes narrowing in determination, and she jumped forward, darting past the bears, she heard them rumble as they turned to follow her. At least she could lead them away from the kids. She'd done it before... but could she now? Could she lead the bears to her neighbors territory? A grim smile lit her jaws as she ran.

Guts over fear. The time is here.

She slowed down slightly, to see if the bears were still following and she let out a strangled yelp as a large brown paw slammed into her hips. Not again. The claws raked through her fur, and she tumbled- her body stopping when she hit a rock. She let out a shriek of pain and terror as she sank to the ground, her violet eyes widening as the bears approached- roaring.

She couldn't die here- her kids needed a mother! She couldn't leave them like her mother had left her! Her empire needed her! She had neighbors to kill- dammit all- this wasn't fair! She tried to stand in vain- a burning pain raced through her hips when she moved, and she swallowed a cry of pain. Were they broken? The bear reared up as it approached-- was that malice in it's black eyes? She bit back a cry, letting out a furious snarl as it took it's final steps on it's hind legs, and let out a roar as it brought it's fore-legs crashing down on her. Roman let out one last strangled cry, and fell into the blackness- as it welcomed her with open arms.

Can't feel anything- when will I learn?

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

OOC NOTE: There is nothing that Amalia can do for her. Roman will be dead (on Alacritis at least) in the next post.



2 Years
01-20-2015, 09:45 PM

“O you who know what we suffer here, do not forget us in your prayers.”

He should've known by the way the air hung thick and heavy and cold that the day would not be a kind one.  Morning broke with foul fog and tension humming through the air and vibrating through his bones and something in his spirit told him to stay in his den.  Oh foolish King, how small and insignificant you are to the greater cruelty of the world...

All the same he strode from the heart of his kingdom into the wilds of the north in search of prey.  Despite the unease he felt the hunt had been successful.  He'd also had the opportunity to get to know Baldur, one of the new recruits to Regium who had offered to join him on his hunt.  The pair of men were hauling back a young elk when Drashiel felt the stab of darkness in his gut.  An intense, pervasive wrongness so strong it about made him fall over.  Instinct and intuition prompted his jaws to let loose the elk leg as he barreled for home with his heart pounding in his throat.  Baldur shouted to him but he did not hear.  He could only run and pray that this sudden feeling was just a bit of paranoia.  It was all in his head surely.  He'd rush to the den and find Roman watching their children play.  Please... please

Each footstep closer only filled him with more dread, he caught the scent of bear… the scent grew stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger…. oh heaven.  Each step closer to home should've meant joy, love, warmth but now each step only brought fear, hate and agony.  Blood.  Blood.  He could smell the blood.  A howl broke free of his jaws but in his heart he knew it would be to late.  Bile began to rise hot in his throat but fury forced it back down, defenses flew into place for what might be his final battle and the male dove in with snarling jaws.

I must not fear...

Snarls of pain and anger both his own and the bear's, flesh ripping, blood spilling, both his own and bear's.  A flash of white let him know that Baldur had joined as well.  SLAM!  Drashiel yelped as he was tossed to the side as if he were nothing more than a pup, blood spilling out his sides from four long gashes along his ribcage.  He couldn't remember ever feeling this fragile, this much like a pup, a pup hoping his father would come in to chase the dark away...

Fear is the mind-killer

Dammit… dammit…. but he bit back the pain, he choked it back for all it was worth.  No, Drashiel had found his way out of the dark on his own.  He'd never needed anyone to rescue him and he would never never let down those he loved.  He would drive these bears away.  He would save Roman. He would save the pups.  He would not die…. surely… surely they'd live…. please, please, please, please…. how amusing the spirits must've found it to see how easily a mighty king was given to begging.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration

The bear turned, heading back for Roman or towards the den, Drashiel could not be sure.  He heard yowling to his left to see the bloodied form of his compatriot as the other struggled to keep his own adversary's attention.  This was useless, folly, What decision was this?  What true parent would not, at a moments notice, give their life to save that of their child?  To protect that bond of love?  Even if it meant they might grow to hate him for leaving them on their own so soon.  How could he for even one filthy second think of running away?  To destroy everything he stood for and everything he loved for so useless a need, a life that could not even be called a life.

I will face my fear

Shaking limbs stood as Drashiel rose to his feet.  Fire burned hot in his eyes as a snarl erupted from him so violently it was hard to believe that the beast it erupted from was a mere wolf.  The bears turned, next to him strode Baldur, the pair of wolves chewed and bloodied.  Ice blue gaze moved to glance at him and the King nodded.  Not even a second later he dove in again, into the furious mass of pain and rage, fur, claws, teeth, blood…. hope….

I will permit it to pass over me and through me

Drashiel fought past the fear and gave wholly in the nobelest violence.  To save the ones he loved he would move mountains, he would capture the sun, he would destroy an entire army of bears just so that they might be able to see one more sunrise.  

And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path

Drashiel seized the left ankle of one of the bears and gave a pull sending the already unbalanced creature toppling forward into the dirt.  Baldur dove in for the beasts muzzle and with a few more well timed maneuvers Baldur was racing out of Regium territory with two bears hot on his heals and even though Drashiel had only known him a short while he trusted the other to lead the enemy far from the territory of their home.  He whispered a silent prayer then turned….

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing

Roman was lying there, far to still, hope choked in his throat but still he could not let it go.  Surely the blood was not hers… surely she was only pretending to throw the bears off?  "R-r-roman?"  Drashiel leaned down to nuzzle her cheek as he struggled to find his voice.  "Love…. l-love…. please…. please…. please… "  he spoke the words over and over like a mantra, like a spell that would bring her back to him.  The King moved to rest his body around his fallen Queen.  Cradling her broken body next to his own battered frame.  

Only I will remain.




4 Years
01-21-2015, 08:41 PM

Do you wrestle with dreams?
Do you contend with shadows?
Do you move in a kind of sleep?
Time has slipped away.
Your life is stolen.
You tarried with trifles.
Victim of your folly.

Bouncing around her mother's feet in excitement Integra skittered off a short ways before suddenly turning and racing back in a fitful burst of energy.  She was awake!  She was ready to go do something.  Turning the girl looked at her brother, rolling her eyes as he started messing with her name.  "No….Treides…. reides…. RABIES!"  With a shrill giggle she bounded off to roll in a patch of grass, kicking mud and snow into the air as she did so. " I know you're just going to stick your tongue in my ear or something gross because boys are gross, right mama?"

Suddenly Bellona was there and with a cry of tag, Integra was on her feet. "I want to play, I want to play…. RABIES IS IT!" With a laugh she started to run but as she did she noticed that everything was suddenly quiet.  What happened to the birds… she turned to look at her mother and froze as she saw what the older woman was staring at.  Two massive animals with claws longer than her legs and teeth…. those teeth.  Roman yelled at them to get back to the den but Integra could only stand there frozen in fear.  Only when her mother spoke her name did she snap out of it.  "COME ON GUYS, Let's go, you heard mama!" Integra dove for the den, slowing her pace only to make sure her siblings were following.  Eyes widened as she saw her mother meet the beasts in combat.  No…. no…. they had to help, they had to do something!  Yet even as she thought it she knew she couldn't.  The only thing the girl could do now was try to keep her siblings safe. "It's alright, mom will teach those bears a lesson!"


Integra tried not to listen to the sounds of battle outside, all she could do was cry and pray.  How could she be expected to stay strong?  Suddenly she didn't want to be the oldest.  She didn't want to be the one doing the comforting.  Inty swallowed shakily then jumped up when she heard her father's howl.  Peering out of the den she saw Drashiel and Baldur collide with the bears. "Yea!  Get em!"  She cried but then…. then her eyes fell on her mother…. she wasn't moving.  Baldur took off with the bears behind him as her father moved to lie next to her mom.  Ears flicked back before she raced out of the den.  Promise be dammed!

"Mommy!  Daddy!  Are you ok?…. Mom….. She's just sleeping right?  Like Sissy right…. she'll…. dad…. is she dying?"

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



2 Years
01-21-2015, 10:31 PM

Atreides just flopped his head in the grass and made grotesque faces at his sister as she ran through various versions of his name to end in RABIES. Like that was supposed to be insulting! "I was not going to do that!" he protested with a giggle that completely negated what he was saying. The shrieking of the girls as they declared a game of tag and said he was IT caused him to groan goodnaturedly but he pushed himself back to his paws and bounced after them. Sirius was over by the forest, stalking something, and Trei altered his course to take a running leap around the rocks Siri was stalking in an attempt to tackle her.

His mother's voice - the unmistakable command in it - froze him in his tracks. What did he do? Were they in trouble? He had a moment to process these questions before she was suddenly yelling for Integra to get them into the back of the den and stay there. Trei straightened indignantly. Why was EGGY in charge? Why did they have to go in the - what he saw flattened him back to the earth, his white ears flattened to the side as he peered over the grass with wide eyes. What were THOSE? Why were they fighting Mama? Were they HURTING HER?

"Siri?" he whined, unable to pull his eyes from the limp form of his mother to look for his older sister. There was... red. So much red and Mama wasn't moving from where the bears had thrown her. Why was there so much red?

Twin blurs of white and gray thundered past the hidden pup to merge into the massive brown forms of the bears in snarling, snapping combat. He and his sisters had fought, but nothing like this. Nothing so... desperate, so vicious and visceral. Atreides could not move, but he couldn't keep his eyes off it either. But then one struck Daddy, like it struck Mama.

"DADDYYY!!!" The bawling cry tore from the young pup, green eyes nearly swallowed by the black of his pupils dilated in fear. There was so much red... But Daddy bounced back to his feet, driving the bears away with a mighty bellow and slashing charge.

And then he was standing over Mama, and Trei quivered. Daddy looked so... different, standing there, staring at her, and then he was curling around her and something felt broken. Integra bounded out of the den, and the movement seemed to release Trei from some binding and he rushed forward to creep against his father's side, shaking and silent. Everything felt wrong and the fun of that morning so far away, all color drained but the red. Why wasn't Mama moving?




6 Years
Extra large
01-23-2015, 06:44 PM

One! Before she could tackle her foe, Atreides burst around the rock and Siri squealed. "'Teedees!" Before she could jump on him and chew on his ears for scaring her, a shout behind her drew her attention away from the boy. Like her brother, when she saw what was going on, Siri hunkered down. Fear froze her in place as she helplessly watched her mother fight. Her father appeared, jumping into the fray and fending off the attackers with a strange brute.

When it was all over she remained still, too scared to move. There was blood everywhere. On her parents, on the ground, everywhere. She didn't know what to do; was too scared to think. Quietly, so quietly it was unlikely that he heard her, Siri whispered, "Daddy?"

"Speaking" "Thinking"


01-23-2015, 10:34 PM

Oh, darkness- I feel like letting go...
The darkness was welcoming. It's mouth stretched wide and swallowed her whole. Was this what death felt like? She felt like she was floating- and she didn't feel any pain, or her body for that matter. It was paradise, and utter state of nothingness. She had no thoughts, no pain, no feelings. Was this heaven? Why was it so dark? Was it hell?

"R-r-roman?" .... "Love..... I love... please....please....please..."

The voice hit her like an icy blast, shattering the oblivion around her. She stirred slightly, and whined. It was a frail sound, and mentally she cursed it. She knew that scent and that voice though- Drashiel? Was he here too? "Dras-" She whispered hoarsely, as her eyes fluttered open. Her body was numb, and she was unaware of how broken her once beautiful body now was. Broken hips, and gouged lacerations let her life blood seep into the snow beneath her. But Drashiel was there. He'd make everything better, right? He'd make her feel again?

There was a slight stirring, she could hear faintly over the roaring in her ears and she then scented Greek. Greek was here. Could he see the dumb smile plastering on her face? She couldn't feel her face? Was she smiling? They were here! Her men. "ink i 'rewed up." She muttered, her voice garbled. "Roman... No..." Greek murmured bleakly, grief pooling in his green gaze as he approached. He'd heard the skirmish, but hadn't gotten there quick enough. A sinking feeling filled his gut, as he halted a mere foot away to give the wolves space. What would he do without her? Could he survive? She was his best friend... his confidant. Grief pooled in his eyes as he bowed his head.

She slipped back into an unconcious state, floating again, but this time she could hear the voices around her. Integra? Roman fought the darkness, wanting to get back to her children. She couldn't die on them! She couldn't! Atreides? She could smell him. Siri? Bellona? Her children needed her.

with all of the strength, all of the courage- come and lift me from this place....

It was like she was swimming in tar, she was being sucked down and down... and down.

Her eyes opened again, and she blinked furiously against the harsh light. She couldn't see her children, but she could smell them. "Do not grieve, my loves. I would rather die for you- than in meaningless battle." She murmurred. Her voice had gained some strength. "I'm okay. I can go like this." She said- this was directed to her mate, her King, her love. She knew that her death would destroy him, but Gods that wasn't what she wanted. There had been a moment of clarity in the darkness. She knew she was beyond the help of a healer- she knew she was going to die, she just wanted him... to be happy. "Promise me you'll take care of our children, best that you can...." She rasped, "and... try.. to be.. happy." She broke off with a spasm of coughing. The harsh hacking sound was mixed with a shrill whine as the movemeny jostled her broken hips, and blood spewed from her mouth, staining her muzzle. "If there is an afterlife I'll be there...waiting." She sighed, and lowered her head back onto the snow. "take care of him... Gree." And the Queen fell silent. There was so much more that she wanted to say. Would Drashiel teach them loyalty? Honor? She had to believe in him. Gods knew he was the perfect one.

Her heart beat slowly in her chest, and it seemed that her life rewinded. She remembered playing with her mother and siblings, and her mothers death. Seeing her mother's body flayed before her eyes before she'd fled to find her father. The journey to Alacritis- when she'd changed her name to Roman and chosen her destiny. Isardis- the ice king, and perhaps the only rightful ruler of the North. It seemed that the North expunged the other packs.... maybe she hadn't taken the right to rule from his genetics? From Fugue, to meeting Deteste, and taking Tortuga. Building the small pack up from the ground, to Faust and the romance they'd shared...- and then the posion, and the blatant trespassing that had sealed Viridiana not only as a posioner but a trespasser- and Roman's enemy. To the siege, where her allies came to her aid, Athena and Vereux, Isardis, Artemis and so many others. They were willing to die for her cause- to eradicate the evil that was their red ruler.

The siege had failed- not because of their own weakness, but the weakness of the pack who disbanded rather than facing those who sought to destroy them. That was how Regium was born- and how she'd lost her friends and wolves she thought to be her family. Qanik, Gossamir, Ritsuka, August... She could curse them now. She'd miscarried... would her children that were lost be in the after life? Faust had left- to search for.... she couldn't even remember now. Isardis had slaughtered Syrinx in battle, and vanished... And Roman had passed her crown to Azalea... to find a reason to live.

By some sick twist of fate, she'd ended up in these wretchedly boring land again and had taken her sisters crown. She'd rebuilt Regium from the ashes and fell in love with her King. They'd had beautiful children: Integra, Bellona, Atriedes, Sirius, and Narcissa... and they'd ruled together. Perhaps her life hadn't been a total waste? Perhaps she wasn't the mistake she always feared she was. She'd brought five perfect children into the world. Her heartbeat slowed, but mentally she was already slipping away into the darkness. She wanted to stay- and keep talking. Gods, she wanted to stay with her family but she couldn't. The Gods needed her more. As her breathing slowed, she smiled slightly and let out a sigh. Roman Armada had lived for her family- that was one thing anyone could say about her. She would have done anything for them- she was loyal to the Armada name. Yes, Roman lived for her family....

And she died for them.

-exit Roman via death-

Can't feel anything, when will I learn?

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

ooc note: I'm pping Bellona to be with her other siblings rather than posting her here too. This was post enough.