
Warrior Drums



7 Years
09-11-2014, 11:45 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She stretched out in the sunlight, eyes closed, breathing slow and deep. She had no reason to have her guard up; Falk was nearby, as ever, and would warn her if trouble came near. So she was taking a well needed nap. Pregnancy was a taxing process, even with the enjoyable parts. She just hoped she wouldn?t become the type of pregnant mother that snapped at anyone and everything at the slightest reasons. She stretched peacefully, toes spreading as her spine curved, before her frame went limp again and a sigh hissed through her nostrils. One ear flicked at a fly that had decided to buzz around her head, and soon enough, she surfaced from her nap and rolled up onto her belly, eyes still shut, head settling between her paws.

Drowsily, her mind returned to her plans, discarding possible rank names. Her mother had opted for something similar to what Chrysanthe had used. Alpha, Beta, Digamma, Gamma, and so on. She wanted to try something new. Perhaps terms from times long past. She wouldn?t have the pack become too large. With a pack as large as Valhalla had been? It was easy to lose track of members. With smaller numbers, it would be a closer knit unit. Family, and friends. But they would be more than that. They would be warriors. And she hoped to make them formidable. A pack other packs would think first before attacking.

She snapped to her paws and stretched. If she was going to make a pack into strong warriors, first, she would need to focus on herself especially, and those around her. She finished stretching, rising to her paws and giving herself a shake, before her eyes swept the surroundings. She issued a short bark for her brother. She and Castiel had a lot of catching up to do, and a spar wouldn?t be unwelcome at all. In fact, she was itching for one.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



11 Years
09-16-2014, 11:54 PM

It was lucky that Castiel and Amia had remained in the area, near Surreal and his family. She had been reunited with Irena and her mate, Cael, and he had rediscovered his family. Well, most of it, at any rate. Nova was auspiciously missing, as were Gabriel and Lyric. It made him ache to wonder where they might be - and so, largely, he had tried not to. After all, he couldn't bring them back when he didn't know where they were, and he had family right in front of his face to look out for. Surreal had grown impressively, of course, and she was a warrior in her own right, but he still wanted to look out for his baby sister, even if she wasn't much of a baby anymore.

Even as his mind came to settle upon Surreal, her voice rose up in the air, near enough that the man stirred, stretching lazily. She was calling for him, but he didn't need to be in a rush, did he? He took his time answering, working out the kinks in his spine and his legs before he set off at last, a lazy smile flickering across his features as he approached her. "Surreal!" Though he did his best to look nonchalant, Castiel still could not entirely get over the fact that he had found them again.

For so long he had been lost - and then there had only been Amia. And now he was surrounded by those he loved, by his family and his travelling companion and everything seemed right in the world. He could not imagine how it would have felt if Amia had not been overjoyed by them being reunited - but she had been, and that had made it all simpler.

Shaking his head slightly, Castiel turned his attention towards his sister. "How are you? I missed you." In those two sentences, he conveyed a wealth of emotion that he wasn't sure how to broach. Now that he had been given time to let this sink in, he wasn't sure how to react. There was more confusion in his life than he would like to admit - it was going to be strange transitioning from living with one other to having his entire family back again.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.



7 Years
09-19-2014, 07:12 PM
Surreal Adravendi

He arrived, finally, and her jowls twitched as she tried to keep her face stern. ?About time, you!? The grin broke through her stern expression. ?I missed you too, brother. I still have a lot to tell you about. And I have some extra special news.? Her tail flicked into a happy wag as her mismatched eyes peered up into his golden stare. Then her rump plopped gracelessly to the ground. ?First off; I plan to rebuild the pack.? All playfulness fell away and the Queen fell into place in her eyes and demeanor. She sat straighter, and her gaze was more direct, her ears pulling forward to gauge his reaction. ?It will be like Valhalla, but different, just the same. I want members to prove themselves on a daily basis as worthy members of the pack. I want warriors to train daily, spar often. I don?t want wolves who can run off without a word to their Alpha.? Her voice had changed to, gone from teasing to powerfully, firm.

She studied his face as she spoke. What would he think? He?d missed out on being in the pack while their mother was Queen. ?I won?t be handing out high ranks to anyone but mother. She?s proven herself over and again as a healer and teacher. I think a lead healer rank would suit her in her waning years. It?s where she?s happiest.? This much was true. Erani had been a good, kind leader, but although her energy never seemed to waver while she?d been Queen, that never meant that her mother hadn?t been exhausted by the end of the day. As the Lead Healer, with fellow healers to take the slack, she could rest in her old age, and focus on teaching the next generation.

Surreal gazed at her brother. ?Will you be with us, Castiel? Be a wolf in the pack I rebuild? Or? Would you rather explore Alacritia more, learn more about the packs in the land? There are several, now, not just six. Battlesong says at least twelve packs reside here and there in the lands now-- Oh. Battlesong is my companion, by the way. She?s a Hawk.? She added the last bit with a grin, before her eyes turned serious again, piercing her brothers gaze as she waited to see what he would say.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



11 Years
09-24-2014, 01:47 AM

Castiel flicked his tail, joy evident in his golden gaze as he looked at his sister. "You would be an excellent Alpha." Castiel spoke simply enough, but he was endlessly confident in Surreal. She would rule with strength but she would not be a harsh ruler; Surrel would be the kind of queen that wolves would die for. He would die for her, of course, but that one was kind of a given. Castiel would do anything for his family. They were what he lived and breathed for.

A solemn nod was all the movement Castiel made for a moment as he listened to his sister describe his plans for their mother. "She will be happy with that, I should think." Castiel twitched his ears, nodding absently to himself. His mother as a lead healer seemed to be something that he ought to expect by now. It was the only rank that he had ever seen her in. She belonged there, teaching the next generation. Perhaps Amia could further her training under Erani's tutelage - though he couldn't imagine that Erani would continue the tradition of the Nomads and complete the scar on the brown woman's forehead.

It took Castiel a moment to respond, his eyes blinking slowly as she spoke of her pack. "I will follow you to the ends of the earth, Surreal, and I am sure that Amia shares the same sentiment. I will follow you, and hopefully she will too." Absently the man twitched his tail at the thought of the healer woman that had stayed with him since his return to these lands. Even in the presence of his sister he found himself smiling at the thought of her - somehow he had grown fonder of Amia than he would have thought possible for anyone outside of his family.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.



7 Years
09-24-2014, 06:55 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Her brothers belief that she would be an excellent alpha brought a smile to her face, a chuckle leaving her parted jaws. ?Well, we won?t know that for sure until I?ve led a pack for a while. But I hope you?re right. Mother was a great Alpha, but I feel that maybe some took advantage of her great kindness. I won?t tolerate wolves who don?t stick around and attend to their duty to the pack.? And perhaps her own brother would be the one who would make sure these rules would never be forgotten. She would, she decided, announce these rules that she had rolling through her head, at the time of her taking control completely. All those there who wished to stay with her pack and family would not be able to say they hadn?t been warned. She made a mental note to be sure her higher ranking wolves; those with the ability to accept new wolves, would list these rules to any new wolf on the borders; wherever those borders would be.

Castiel agreed with her assumption that Erani would be happy with A lead Healer rank. Erani had already made it known that she would be glad to stay in that rank, to train the next generation. She noted her brothers momentarily distant expression, as though his thoughts had wandered slightly, and it took him a moment before he answered. IT was everything she had hoped for, but his mention of Amia, the Nomad who had been a part of Valhalla, made Surreal grin wickedly, all little sister mischief. ?Somebody has a crush.? It was almost sing song, the way she said it, and she raised a teasing paw and poked for her brothers broad chest with the toes, a laugh panting from her jaws. She didn?t mind at all. It meant more little family members running around. Speaking of?

Pride glowed in her eyes as her head lifted high. ?Secondly! You, are going to be an uncle.? In her typical fashion, her rear began wiggling, tail sweeping dust into the air. ?I have a mate. His name is Falk, and I do think he and you will get along very nicely.? Her jaw cracking grin showed just how happy she was with this male that she had claimed as a mate.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



11 Years
10-08-2014, 01:05 PM
when they knock you down you're going to get back on your feet,

Castiel pricked his ears towards his dearest sister, a smile spreading across his typically stony features. "I am certain of it, Surreal." Castiel said simply, tail wagging easily as he nudged her lightly. "You'll lead the kind of pack that any wolf would consider themselves lucky to be a part of and I know that you will lead them well." Castiel had never really wanted to be a leader, but he knew that his sister had great potential. He could be her loyal knight and defender, if she would take him on. And Castiel would prove himself to her now that he had returned. Nova was dead and their family was now smaller than ever and that meant that he was deeply loyal to the remaining wolves that he loved. His heart had always been closed off and now it was even more than before with his shrinking family. Surreal would not be hurt on his watch.

A soft laugh escaped Castiel, an almost nervous noise that the man seemed faintly embarrassed of. His ears pinned back for a second and then he relaxed, a smile crossing his features. "Amia is lovely," He admitted slowly, turning his thoughts inwards for a moment. Was a crush what he would call his feelings for the brown girl? He wasn't sure that that was the exact wording that he would use; he wasn't exactly a giggling youngster anymore, and crushes seemed to be reserved for that agegroup. Still, he wasn't sure what else to call it. The man remained hesitant, but at last another smile crossed his features as he eyed his sister. "And I suppose you would know best, huh?" He was convincing himself slowly - maybe it wasn't love just yet, which he hoped for internally, but it could become that in time. And maybe that's what a crush was. Heck, he didn't know. But he could figure it out with Amia.

At any rate, the topic of conversation had changed and Castiel found his golden eyes widening for a moment as Surreal spoke. "I guess I've missed some stuff," The wolf chuckled to himself, "Congratulations, Surreal! And if he's not good to you, send him my way and I'll tear his ears off." That promise was a solemn one, ruining the laughter in his voice as he eyed his sister seriously. "But I trust your taste. I'm sure he's amazing." This was also true; he knew full well that Surreal could take care of herself. But he still found himself the big brother, and the fierce protective urge that rose in him was not going to go away any time soon. He was his family's guardian and he was not about to let Surreal get hurt, regardless of how much she cared about the wolf doing the injuring.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.