
Thunderbolts and Lightning!



5 Years
01-19-2015, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 01:13 AM by Serefina.)


The girl screamed her older brother's name, flitting about the dens that the siblings had made themselves on the volcano. She looked for her electric brother, ember eyes burning as she searched for him.  He was one of the only one of her siblings to not lose patience with her. They were both bundles of energy, and fed off of each other. He didn't mind it when she got a little rough, he sometimes even started it! Serefina's fire coloured bodice nearly shook from all her pent up energy, her heat scent billowing around her like an aura. It made her not want to venture very far from her home or the protection of her family. She was a very passionate woman, so it was quite hard for her to keep her paws off of males. She didn't even really like other wolves, but anything to end this burning in her. That's why she was still here, trying to grab her brothers attention. He would keep her entertained for sure, she just knew it.

"Come out and play!" she hollered again, jumping up on top of a rather large rock. Pouting, her red dusted face turned to and fro as she looked for the bugger. If he didn't show up, she was going to find him and drag him up here, no matter where he was!



6 Years
01-20-2015, 02:04 AM
Voltage was, unsurprisingly, nowhere near the dens. Infact, he rarely, if ever, spent a single moment solid moment on the volcano. He was constantly moving, running about the lands to try and find a more suitable home, to see if there are packs out there that could hold all of his siblings, or rather, he merely just ran around the lands in his own exploration. He loved the adventure and the new lands, and yet he had not stopped long enough to meet a single wolf. Perhaps this wasn't helping his cause, but he really didn't care. Yet, it seemed luck would have it that at that exact moment Voltage decide it was a rather smart idea to make an appearance with his siblings. The second his paws touched the warmth of the volcanic stone he heard his name shouted from the heavens. And with a grin, he instantly knew exactly who the caller was. His lips spread wider as a toothy grin over took his boyish features. With an excited growl he bolted, racing up towards his sister. The scent around her was sharp, calling, but forbidden. He breathed in the volcanic air, the aura around her. It almost seemed like the entire earth was excuding her energy. With a gentle yip he bounded and leaped towards her, a grin on his lips. "You called, my dear firey princess?" He said with a playful grin, moving to shove and push his shoulder against hers, moving to nip at the scruff of fur along her neck. "You seem so restless, little sister. How may dear old volty entertain your mind?" He would circle around her, an expecting smile on his face. Perhaps she would want to run, to race, to fight, to train or even to explore this land a little further. Something, anything from being stuck on this mountain while the elder ones searched for homes for their tired little head. He hummed lightly, moving to step infront of his passionate sister once more and tilted his head just so to the side. "Being stuck on this rock must be such a drag. While I go running through this new world you're here with nothing but your element and glacier to ease your sorrows. Tell me, has dear brother, and the others, been helping keeping you from your pent up energy?"

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
01-20-2015, 02:27 AM

Her rump shifted on the warmed rock once she heard her brothers playful yip, a wicked grin splitting her lips. He called her his fiery princess, and she mockingly tossed her head, raising a paw to wave in his direction. "I have been awaiting entertainment but have received none at all! I should toss you in the volcano for your evil deeds!" she cried out, nose turning upwards to end her little show. His shoulder bumped into her own though, his nips sending her head back downwards with that grin still on her lips. Letting out a growl she tried to nip at his cheek, hoping to lick it right after as she jumped from the warm rock. Pacing back and forth her burning ears turned towards him as he spoke, laughing when he commented on her being restless. "It's this damned season brother! I am cursed by being a woman, something you don't have to deal with. It makes everything so much bigger... which you know is an issue for my already huge ego," she teased. Pausing to lock her ember eyes on him, she watched as he stepped before her, blocking her path. She let out another loud growl, leaning forward to try to lock her teeth into his right shoulder, the bite a little too hard to be considered playful. But this is how they were, how they always acted. With the heat of the rock beneath her paws she truly felt like she was in her own element, like it was heating everything into an overabundance of emotion. Gods knew that she didn't need any more of that...

Her eyes rolled when he mentioned this 'rock' and that it was a bore to be stuck up here. It was by her own doings, she could leave whenever she wanted. "Oh, brother Glacier might jut melt if he comes too close to my volcano," she teased, salmon tongue poking out of her soot coloured jaws. He listed things to do though, and her grin cracked into more of a sly one. Oh how she just loved her electric brother, and knew exactly what she wanted to do. Without saying another word, she crouched down and bunched her muscles, jumping over her taller brother and smoothy landing on the opposite side of him. Looking over her shoulder to wink at him, she took off. Serefina knew the mountain well, and quickly she found the best area to descend. It was more dangerous than the others, the rock loose here. Stepping sideways she allowed her body to smoothly flow down with the rocks, like lava pooling down she was able to follow without tripping. When it slowed she jumped to another loose pile, and continued on until she neared the bottom. The girl didn't even bother to look over her shoulder, she knew that Volt would follow.



6 Years
01-20-2015, 03:16 AM
A gasp pulled from him, storming eyes so wide with mock fear. "No, my liege, not the volcano!" He whined, bowing just slightly. He allowed her the nips along his cheek, his grin spreading even wider as she nipped and jumped around, and he spun just slightly to keep facing her. Stormy eyes shawn with excitement, knowing that when they got this way they would have the most fun together. He shuffled away from her biting maws, tilting his head to her. "Now now, Sere, is that any way for a lady to behave?" He chuckled, bowing down just so as she leapt over him, to keep her from hitting him accidentally, to ensure a safe landing. Volcanic rock was not so safe.

He swivelled around to face her again, laughing so boisterously at the joke. "Don't let Glace hear you say such a thing, Sere!" He laughed after her, bounding across the rock and stone with unrivaled swiftness, a forever grin upon his lips. He chased after his sister, pausing only momentarily to watch how she decended before letting out a booming, echoing laugh, and chasing her down the mountain side. Rock and dust puffed around him like smoke, darkening his bright yellow fur, laughing all the way. It seemed to scratch at her pads, cutting through skin and the rocks ached his worn feet, but he continued to move, the adrenaline pushing him as he left from path to path, following his litter sister's lead. "My sweet, what events do you have planned for us?" He called, panting and laughing as he chased after her "Shall I be worried, excited or a mix of the two?"

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
01-20-2015, 03:50 AM

She quickly made it to the earth, hearing her older brother traveling down the mountain with her. A squeal of delight left her lips, although his mocking words were not forgotten. When he asked if he should be worried or excited, her laugh boomed towards him, flaming tail twirling as her pads hit the landscape. "Depends on if you can catch me!" she called, not even pausing as she took off around the base of the volcano. Paws ate up the ground as her fiery limbs stretched, easily covering a lot of ground. The wind blew through her fire and brimstone coat, making her feel as if she was almost flying. And then with that sly grin of hers, Serefina spun on a dime and started to race back towards her brother. Letting out a battle cry she raced towards Voltage head on, zig-zagging her path as she made her way towards the electric male. What she was planning was... well she didn't really know right now. She better figure it out before she slammed right into his chest.

Thinking fast the girl picked up her front right leg, trying to trip Voltage in her pursuite towards him. This threw off her own balance, even though she tried to place her paw down in the right spot she tumbled at the shift of weight. Ember eyes went wide as she found that the earth was suddenly a lot closer that it had been just seconds ago. Sere ducked her head towards her chest, her shoulders hitting the earth instead. She rolled several times on the earth until she slowed down enough to know her grounds. Sticking out her feet, she did one last roll before gracefully landing on her paws. Ha! Looking at Voltage she sent him a grin, chest puffed out as if she had done it on purpose. How was he going to beat that, huh? Perhaps he should have been a bit worried...



6 Years
01-21-2015, 12:41 AM
He skidded to a stop at the base of the mountain only moments after she did, panting more in happiness and in excitment than in exhaustion. His stamina was great, and the adrenaline that pumped through him even greater. It was in these moments with his family that he felt the most free, when he was running with them or playing with them, or even just sitting still and discussing the facts of life, despite how little he liked to stay still. Voltage barely got the chance to even relax before Serefina was off, bolting around the mountain. Taking a deep breath he bolted after her, a smirk upon his lips as he ran around the base of the volcano, his gate long and quick, paws pounding against the ground after her, watching as the distance was eaten. He doubted if anyone could beat him at a dead sprint race, but it seemed Sere was the one to beat him in flexibility, in the ability to turn on a dime and race right back to him. Paws faultered just slightly as he attempted to swerve out of her way to avoid a full body collision, his breath caught in his lungs as he awaited impact. But then, she did it again, quickly swerving away from him and then...rolling! With wide eyes Voltage bolted after her, keeping pace with her rolling form as he reached out with paws to bat at her, a laugh on his lips as he nipped at her paws with each roll before she landed. "Twenty points for the landing but Voltage to win it all!" He shouted with a laugh, sharp storm eyes narrowing as he launched himself at her, for a controlled but deadly full body impact, to throw both of them to the ground with a laugh, paws scrambling to keep his bulk from fully falling on her and potentially hurting his sister. After he collected himself, he smirked down at his sister with a toothy grin, one brow raising just a little higher than the other. "So, my firemaiden, what do I win?"

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
01-21-2015, 01:06 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2015, 01:07 AM by Serefina.)

As she rolled across the earth, she felt his teeth nipping at her paws with every turn. She didn't think she was going to stick the landing, but it would seem that she was able to master it. So there! Voltage gave her points for landing, and she was about to argue his point for more when he slammed into her chest. With a whoosh of air leaving her lungs she tumbled to the earth again, her brother standing above her. Ember eyes narrowed dangerously, hind legs raising as her claws dug through his belly fur to tickle at the sensitive skin there. "Well, it would seem that you have bested me. And for that, my electric prince, you may decide what we do today," she said softly, that wicked grin of hers taking over her maw. Her paws pushed a bit more pressure on his gut, and she threatened him with a soft upwards kick. He may think he had won, but fire could do more than just burn. Stretching upwards she opened her jaws and aimed to place them on either side of his neck, a very gentle bite following in suite. Sure he may have been on top, but that gave her access to all the sweet spots.

Wiggling her way out from under him, she lifted one of her flame dusted paws and tried to swat at his ear. "Now, what you decide better be fun, otherwise I most certainly will drag your ass back up that volcano and give you a nice little lava bath," it was always her favorite threat when they were near the mountain. A toothy grin was flashed at him as she turned to lick the earth from her coat, soothing her fire and ash fur. Slowly her gaze worked its way back up to her electric form, tossing a wink his way. She loved her family dearly, but felt that she was closest with Voltage. He was her counterpart, full of endless energy like she was. They both had speed, although he bested her in that while she was better at agility. Pulling herself to all fours again she started to circle around his larger form, pulling closer and closer to him as her flaming tail batted at his flanks. Tic-toc, she didn't have endless patience.

Art by Sea



6 Years
01-21-2015, 02:32 AM
He smirked down at her as he deemed himself the winner. Oh yes, he had won it, he had crushed her! Dipping his head he moved to lick along her cheek, chuckling before he felt her teeth wrap around his throat. Stormy eyes grew wide before he sighed and smiled brightly. "Fine, fine, I yield." He laughed, stepping away from her as she moved to slip out from her spot on the ground. With a grin he glanced around, trying to figure out what they could do to bring a little excitement to their day. Running around was fun, but he wanted something more challenging. With a gentle hum he glanced back to Serefina, a bright grin on his lips as he allowed his mind to wander around various tasks. "Oh, fire princess, please, not the volcano!" He whined, bowing down on his front legs, stormy eyes so wide with mock terror. He circled around her then, humming lightly in his throat as he moved to bump his shoulder with her. "Why don't we have a scavanger hunt, a challenge. Or perhaps a hunt...What do you think, my fire goddess?"

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
01-21-2015, 03:20 AM

He bowed the front half of hi body, begging not to be tossed in the volcano. In the joy of the act she tossed up her head as her coloured tail picked and curled over her rump. She stopped circling around him and turned her nose up, raising a paw and placing it on her own chest. "You know I have no other choice! I have given you so many chances and you have..." she broke off, dropping into a play bow, "well you never never led me astray," she commented, winking at her taller brother. Yes, she often teased about the volcano, but she would never do anything to hurt her siblings -- well too much anyways. He started to hum, and she pulled herself close to him and ran her own flaming coat against his electric one. His shoulder bumped against her own and she looked at him and grinned, listening to his ideas. Mmm, a hunt. Food was good, and since Spring had started the need to eat something had grown a lot. But oh, a scavenger hunt sounded like so much more fun! "And how to you propose that we do this scavenger hunt, dearest brother?" she asked. There was generally a third party, but Voltage was one smart cookie. She knew that he would come up with some kind of brilliant idea. Her faith in him was never ending, and she eyed him as she awaited this brilliant idea. This would surly keep them busy for quite some time.

Art by Sea



6 Years
01-21-2015, 01:44 PM
Voltage thought in silence, his mind reeling. There must be something they could do that would just be hilarious, perhaps a prank in a form of a scavenger hunt. He felt her affection against his side, his eyes narrowing just slightly as he attempted to focus before a slow smirk spread across his lips. "We'd need a judge..." He said slowly, a toothy grin playing across his face as his eyes narrowed just slightly. He turned then to face his sister, chuckling a little. "Which of our siblings is the least sensitive to things, Glacier I think?" He said with a gentle smile. There wasn't much that moved the wall that was their brother, that made him really blink or show a lot of sentiment, Voltage knew this quite well. He nodded his head, more so to himself than anything before he seperated completly from his sister and spun to face her. "Let's see who can find something that can make Glacier react in the best way possible. Whoever gets the best reaction, wins." He said with a large smile, knowing that this would be good. Their brother was easy going, and didn't seem to mind what they did, at far as Voltage knew. He was sure they'd be forgiven for whatever prank they pulled on the eldest brother, and that just made it all the more fun. He didn't once think that perhaps the now four year old should be acting with a bit more maturity, Serefina somehow pulled the child out of him every time they did something together. And it's what he enjoyed the most, the fun they shared without the pressures of maturity and responsibilities was a blessing to the lightning boy.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
01-23-2015, 01:06 AM

Her ember eyes watched the man as he thought, she could see the gears turning in his mind. Plopping down on her rump she studied him, waiting for his crazy idea to come. Ears stood on full alert when his jaws moved, stating that they needed a judge. She couldn't help but smirk at that, it was quite true. When they didn't have a judge to tell them who won, then they would fight endlessly until a winner was decided. It wasn't that they didn't like each other, it was quite the opposite. They loves each other very much, and the competition was just... healthy. Well, for them anyways. Her ears twitched when he spoke again, drawing the fire woman away from her thoughts and back to giving him her full attention. She brought up Glacier, and she stood at full height as her tail thumped against the earth. They rather liked to bug him, because nothing really ever seemed to phase him very much. Ah... so it was a competition to see who could get him to squirm? "Are there any rules, my great thinking brother?" she asked, quite eager to get moving. She had an idea to get him to react, but she knew that she would get in trouble for it. No matter, there was hardly a time when she wasn't getting herself into trouble, Volt usually by her side. There always seemed to be a catch though, so before racing off she waited. "And what does the winner get?" always an important thing, the prize.


Art by Sea



6 Years
01-30-2015, 01:31 PM
Rules? Volty chuckle softly and shook his head. This...this was how they worked, and why they worked. Voltage was forever as structuralist, needing rules to fence in his boundless energy and Sere was the one that needed rewards. Prizes. Something that would pay for the expended energy. It wasn't that he was surprised by such a question, it was that it had taken so long to get them out. Stepping a single step towards his sister he hummed loud enough for her to hear. "Nothing that will bring harm to our beloved brother. No poison snakes, excetera. Use your common sense, its a contest to see who'd get Glacier to squirm more, not get angry." Did Glacier get angry? He was sure one day they would find out, especially if they continued to put him at the brunt end of their pranks. "Sundown is our time limit to find whatever we need so don't venture too far." He hummed again and tiled his head. "The prize would be for the winner. They would get to tell the loser to do seven things and they would have to do it. They can be split up and held for as long as the winner chooses. We'd need a codeword so the loser knows when it's a prize command or not." He smirked then. They could decide the codeword whenever they wanted. "Is my fair firemaiden okay with all that?"

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
02-13-2015, 02:46 PM

She eyed her brother carefully as he stepped towards her, humming at her as he started to list off rules. Nothing dangerous, damn... Well there went her first plan. She huffed to show him her distaste of that first one, but she would listen. None of them really had that much experience in healing, it would be a shame if he was actually hurt pretty badly. A little pain was okay... but dying was not. Nope. Ears twitched as he went on speaking, saying that they had until sundown. Eyes glanced skyward, and she let out a slight, barking laugh. That didn't leave that much time, which made her blood boil hotter as her excitement grew. A race against time as well as a contest, it couldn't get much better than that! Except... that prize. Ember eyes fell down towards his form once again, a smirk growing as her eyes danced. "Oh you are so on," she barked, already shifting her weight across her paws. "One, two, THREE GO!" Serefina turned and raced off then, her mind racing as she tried to thing of something to make her brother squirm. Oh boy, there was no way she was going to lose this fight.


Art by Sea



6 Years
02-15-2015, 05:30 AM
Voltage grinned brightly as she seemed to mull his rules and his prizes over. They always seemed to be on the same page, the stakes constantly going higher and higher with every contest they held. Serefina was the perfect girl, he decided. She knew how to play, and she certainly didn’t take things that shouldn’t be serious serious. When she seemed to grow excited at his prize, her eyes dancing with the flame she held deep inside her, he barked a laugh. But then she began to count down. With a jolt he spun on his heels, bolting forward the second she said go. His speed was instant, bursts of sheer energy rather than stamina. He knew his sister could go for miles, but his energy allowed him to get random bursts of speed that allowed him to eat distance quickly. He had to find something that would get a reaction out of his brother. Something...he just didn’t know what yet.

-Exit Voltage-

"Burn Baby Burn"