
A meeting...of business



6 Years
01-20-2015, 04:12 AM
After his play, he had some business to attend too. After bidding fairwell to his sweet firemaiden, he ventured to the top of the tower where his real objective lay. His brother, the ice monster of the family, the largest of bodies and of hearts. He had missed his brother when his rather short attention span practically forced him to trek the entirety of the land for some entertainment. It had been him and Glacier that he lead their young siblings, that had fended for them and sought to find a suitable home for their tight knit family. It was them that had started this all and Voltage needed his brother in this moment. He climbed to the mountain top, feeling the rocks grow hotter as he ventured, a large spring hare in his grasp as he reached his brother's den. It was spring, and they had reached another year. If his siblings had wanted too, they could easily go off without him, without Glacier and start their own lives. It panged him to know how quickly time was slipping by, to see his siblings grow older and know how easily it would be to lose them all in one fell swoop. Spring also meant another year, and another litter, if their mother could continue to produce. Why they continued to endlessly have children Voltage may never know, but it meant another set to be abandoned when their year was up. They had to know the love of their family, the closeness the elemental siblings seemed to share. They had to, and that was what was on Voltage's mind. He had paced endlessly when the snow had melted away, the same shuddering heart beat knowing more lost soles would be produced and tossed aside like they meant nothing. He would not allow his siblings, his precious brothers and sisters, feel the extent of hte pain he felt, feel the abandonment and lack of parental love he ached from each day. He hated how angry he was at the wolves that began all this, at the ones that continued to bring unloved life into this world, and how much it still affected his four years of life. Spring was not a happy time for the brightly coated wolf, but it brought about another year tacked onto their lives. He had a plan, a plan to bring this season of abandonment and rejection and waste of production into a happier light. Their family was large, but close, and he wanted none to feel any pain. Oh, Voltage had a plan.

He stood before his brother's den, a grin on his lips as he dropped the freshly killed hare and he poked his head inside. "Dear brother, might I have a word?" He called, hoping his brother was here, hoping that he hadn't climbed a mountain for no reason at all. If Glacier was at the base of the volcano, or worse, out on his own, Voltage would have to guilt him relentlessly for the wasted energy (of which Voltage's supply was endless)

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-20-2015, 08:17 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2015, 08:17 PM by Glacier.)

As a general rule, one of the oldest brothers was always around to be there for the younger wolves to protect guide and give general attention and love to. The siblings in their family had two different and very strong loves to look up to, they had the steady, slow, and powerful love of Glacier who was always there for them, if a bit quiter about it. Then they had Voltage, who was a shock of love, a powerful thing that came on strongly before flitting away to another object – through no matter what his focus was on, everyone in the family knew how important they where to Voltage – to both their older brothers, because Glacier and Voltage had always been there for them, for every step of their journey they could count on their support, education and most of all their love.

So, well Voltage was away adventuring, Glacier was in the mountains they had paused at, trusting his brother to do some scouting as he entertained himself. Through, the boy had gone down the moutain a few times in his own, steady methodical method and was never gone for more then a day, and at night he would once again be there as a steady presence outside the den to act as a guard and a heated bed to his sisters who often slept snuggled in his coat.

Today would be a rare occasion when he would be in the cave, it had been a chilly morning and Gale had convinced him to come inside to act as her heated blanket – through he had no doubt it was also because of some misguided attempt to keep him out of the cold as well. Gale was gone by now, and the boy had slept on – so often staying awake on guard that his sleepless nights where catching up on him, not to waken until Voltage's voice sounded from the den's entrance. “Voltage?” he called out, which was also allowance for the boy to come in and speak.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-21-2015, 01:35 AM
Voltage smiled the second he heard his brother's voice. While him and his other siblings got along swimmingly (especially serefina, he had a special spot for her, and it grew by each interaction), him and glacier were like a yin and yang type match. He felt the most at ease with his closest brother, they could easily understand each other. He lifted the hare back into his jaws and moved into the den. He glanced around the den, noting what his sense of smell had already told him, they were alone. He felt just slightly bad that he had interrupted Glacier's nap, but perhaps he could promise to hold down the fort so the soldier could have a good relaxing night. He turned back to his brother and smirked around the hare before tossing it before his nose.

"Happy birthday, brother" He said with a gentle smile, moving to press his forehead into the soft furs of his brother's neck, if he would allow, and nuzzle him so gently. "How does it feel to be another year older?" He said with a grin, moving to lay down at his brother's side. Shifting, he moved to press a shoulder against Glacier's, resting his chin upon his paws. "Another year, another trip over. I hope the young ones settle in just fine..." He whispered, his voice tight with worry as he closed stormy eyes, feeling the tightness along his shoulders slowly relax.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-21-2015, 02:09 AM

Voltage would easily step into the den the family had secured for themselves and he would raise his head to greet his brother with a warm smile. He had missed Voltage well he had been out exploring, through he wouldn't say as much. It was good to know the responsibility of ensuring this family's safety and well-being was shared, even if Voltage could be a little short in attention span – he was certainly always there when they needed him. He would catch the scent of the rabbit before he saw it in his brothers jaws and would raise an eyebrow, he had hunted for him? Glacier would then laugh, as he realized why the treat – they where another year older. The laugh would be accompanied by a sigh as he wondered what this might mean for the family, if there was anyway their parents could consider having yet another litter. Well he would never begrudged more precious lives in their family, he did wonder when enough would be enough, through he loved all his siblings dearly.

Voltage's smaller, electric colored frame would move closer as he nuzzled Glacier's neck. The titanic brute would return the gesture, folding his massive head over his brothers and holding it there for a second. He did indeed contemplate turning it into a friendly wrestle – one where if Glacier could catch Voltage he would be down and done for, but it was the catching of the lightning streak that was Glacier's challenge – but decided against it, clearly Voltage had more he wished to talk about.

Voltage would then settle down beside him, shoulder to shoulder and for a moment they would sit in companionable silence. It was Voltage of course, it was always Voltage, who broke that silence, referring to the trip they had just taken to collect more of their siblings. “They will find more love here then they did there, they will be just fine, brother” he gently reassured, feeling the tension in Voltage's shoulder that pressed against him, leaving out the part where he worried also

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-21-2015, 03:03 AM
He sighed so heavily, closing his eyes tightly, feeling the weight lift and slip from his shoulders. It wasn't often that he allowed the ache he felt to show so clearly, but something about spring always made him feel this way. It was an anniversary of their birth, and the anniversary of their rejection. It was the day their parents deemed them unworthy of their love, the day six young wolves were sent out into the world with nothing but the knowledge that their home, their parents, the love they had known was no more. All they had was each other, and all Voltage knew was that he was as good as orphaned. With another sigh he shifted to look at his brother once more, tilting his head. "They will." He whispered with conviction, lifting his chin again to rest it against the back of his brother's neck, needing his warmth and his comfort.

"We should do something for our family, brother. Some of them must feel the sting has only been a year." But really, it must have been much longer than that. Something within Voltage nagged at him that this....that he should have seen it coming. He should have known they would be abanoned, that he wasn't really loved, but that's all he craved. The streak of lightning needed nothing more than to be loved, and it was his greatest fear to be alone. "We should do something for them..." He whispered as he closed his eyes once more, feeling the warmth of his brother against his side, a gentle wave of relaxation overtook him. It felt like he was swimming, he was floating amongst the pain of his emotions, and Glacier was the wall to keep them at bay. It was so hard for him to overcome the strength of his pain, his emotions, and he could barely think as it crawled along his skin.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-21-2015, 03:32 AM

The two oldest wolves in the family reminisced the hardships of their family and the weight that had come to rest on their shoulders. Oddly enough, Glacier would have it no other way, he couldn't imagine letting another sibling hold this burden, or sharing it with anyone other then Voltage, the pair had been through a lot together, and he trusted his brother, trusted him to care for what mattered to them both the most – their family.

Voltage would lean against him, and he would feel the warmth of his brother press against him. They drew comfort from each other, and big things became small between them. Glacier's mind was going down this path, well Voltage clearly ran to another idea, one that voiced after a moment, and Glacier's icy silver eyes would look across to his brother, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, of course, this was a way that they where different, this was something that was all Voltage. Glacier was there for his family, if they ever wanted to come to him with a problem, but Voltage brought them all together with his brilliant spark. “I think that would be fantastic, we all could do with some love right now” he added, slightly teasing as he nudged his brother – Glacier admitting to anything like needing love was a rarity. “Voltage” he said simply “There isn't anyone I would rather have by my side, then you” but with that he would brush aside the sentimentality and get back to business “Did you have something in mind?”

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-21-2015, 03:48 AM
He huffed just so as he shifted closer to his brother, almost willing himself to melt into that heat and not feel this sadness anymore. It was only Glacier that ever saw this pain so clearly, and it would only ever be him. Voltage would never give this burden to his younger siblings, they each had so much more to deal with, but Glacier...he knew Voltage inside and out and there was no way to hide it, so why even try. His eyelids squeezed tighter as toes clenched the ground for just a moment, body tightening as memories played before his eyelids before another sigh pulled from him and he relaxed just slightly, the memories, the thoughts flitting about his mind, streaking across like lightning he was so aptly named for. It was these strikes of pain that he hated, the sudden shooting of memory and reminder of rejection when he needed his brother the most. Perhaps he was letting it get to him too much, but it was just the way Voltage was. He had to let it play out, like a storm, it had to wash through him before he felt refreshed and alive.

Glacier's voice washed over him and he lifted his head just slightly to pull it back, stormy eyes opening slowly to look at him. Emotion shawn in his eyes like unshed tears, a small smile tugging at his lips, and his only response was a gentle nod of his head and a small touch of his nose to Glace's cheek. Sentiment was fleeting between them, but he revelled in it. When the eldest asked him what he was planning, what was on his mind, his eyes flashed and his saddened smile stretched so fully. "Why, a celebration of course. We would hunt a fair spring meal, host a celebration on the beach and celebrate the youngests coming of age, their joining out family, and each of us facing another year of life...together, and shedding the pain the previous year had thrown upon us." His smile had dimmed just slightly at the last words he spoke, his gaze falling to the dead rabbit upon the floor as he flicked his tail behind him. With a gentle shake of his head he returned to reality, lips tugging once more into a grin. "A party, a celebration, some games...I think it would help us all settle in this new land a little more, and bring us even closer together...because, we're all we have, Glace. There are many of us, but that doesn't mean our bonds aren't precious, something to shouldn't be celebrated."

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-21-2015, 02:35 PM

Glacier could forgive their parents, his slow, steady love had missed a heartbeat against them when all this had gone down, but it was hard for him to take away emotion from something he had once cherished, and that emotion was slower yet to turn to anything like hatred. Voltage however, burned hot and fast and given his all in love to their parents, and in return they had cast him with the rest of them out. If ever his emotion turned to hatred for their parents, it would be for Voltage, who felt this so keenly, so freshly that it stirred the need to protect in Glacier's own chest. Voltage's form would press tighter to him, his little body warm and familiar beside him.

The stormy fire of Voltage's eyes would all be transferred to whatever emotion he was feeling, and as he opened them now to look into Glacier's they where silver and electric with sadness and the burden that their parents had left with them. The emotion was also fueled with passion as he spoke about his great idea, of a party, a feast, a gathering to bring them together as a family with support and fun.

The big brute nodded his head slowly as he thought it all through – through it seemed that Voltage has given this some thought also. No doubt the idea had struck him not long ago and he had come here excited to share it, but his fast moving mind could easily chew through the planning and come with a working idea. It would often be Glacier through who smoothed out the last bit of planning in any scheme his brothers flitting attention brought to them. “I think this will work perfectly, Volt, in fact it will be just what we need right now. We will have to hunt a good distance to bring back enough for everyone to feast.. but yes, lets do it brother” he agreed warmly.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-21-2015, 03:06 PM
Voltage would in no way ever want Glacier to hate in his place. The ice prince's passion was steadfast, and unyielding, it was Voltage's characteristics to be fleeting, to feel every emotion as strongly as they come. Hate and pain and sheer love was something that Voltage felt day in and day out, and he felt so strongly (he believed) so his family wouldn't suffer as much. But reguardless, he felt a little better just sitting here with his brother, discussing a plan that had excitement coursing through his veins. He shifted to lay his chin on his paws then, a gentle smile on his lips as he nodded just slightly (without lifting his head). "They will love it." He whispered with a grin, closing his eyes just slightly and thinking of his family gathered, dancing upon the sand and playing in the grass, eating a feast fit for a noble family (for wasn't that what they were?). It was all they deserved and all they needed, a night to celebrate a new year.

He breathed in slowly, feeling the warm air of the den fill his lungs before slipping out once more, brows shifting just slightly. He tilted his head just a bit to open his eyes a sliver. "Glace..." He whispered so softly, looking up at him with storm covered eyes, shifting to get just a little closer still. "Do you think we might one day know why they had chosen to reject us?" He whispered, glancing at the hare carcass once more. It was this mystery that kept Voltage up the most nights, what caused him the most pain. If he knew why they were thrown out, he could shed the pain and move on with his life. But the less he knew, the more he agonized and the more he felt like he was going in circles. "You know, so our siblings could get a piece of mind...maybe we could possibly interrogate them the next trip back to the island..." He said with a small chuckle at the end, closing his eyes once more. "Glace...tell me something happy. What's the best thing that has happened to you, recently." Perhaps he could revel in his brother's happiness, in his new life here, and forget his circling mind.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-21-2015, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2015, 09:53 PM by Glacier.)

The larger brute's body, had, as they spoke curled somewhat around Voltage, his back legs slightly behind the small boy and Glacier's long, luxurious tail curled protectively, lovingly, about Voltage's body. But that was the way the Titan worked, slowly and surely pulling himself into and around the lives of those he loved. Stead-fast and sure, he was a stable mountain for those that depended on him. Seeing the light come into Voltage's eyes as he spoke made everything worth it, and that was how the excitable lightning streak dragged the steady Glacier into his schemes, the light and energy that coursed through him when he spoke, designed and planned drew Glacier to him like a moth to a flame, and he knew it was hard to deny his brother anything.

The mood in the cave changed, responding to Voltage's rise and falls, and this time it would fall again, Voltage's voice would come out more quite, subdued, as he spoke again of their parents. He asked a question Glacier himself sometimes came back to, and when the oldest boy replied, he spoke from his heart. “I know they have a reason, and I believe that if we ever need to know, we will hear it, but I could never guess as what it might be” he said simply, his voice a sigh.

He was paying close attention to his brother, and would notice his eyes flitting to the hare for the second-third time and with an amused smile he would swipe a paw across the earth, dragging the body closer to his brothers. “Lets share it” he decided, thankful for the gift but also needing to ensure his brother had eaten also – to Glacier's eyes his brothers tiny form seemed too skinny.

His brother would get right to the heart of a matter the icy brute likely would not have brought up himself, asking for something happy or interesting in Glacier's life. Well, no doubt he would get a kick out of knowing about his Little Mouse... “I might indeed, Volt, I ran into a wolf of these lands, called Anais and we became fast friends” he started, which should mean a lot to Voltage – Glacier never did anything 'quickly' especially allowing strangers into his life, after all family was of the highest importance to Glacier. “Through I believe she has been hurt or frightened some time in her life... he paused to control the anger that that stirred in his breast “Anyway, she is an amazing creature and you might meet her someday” he added thoughtfully, and then fell silent, having already spoken a great many words for the thoughtful brute.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-21-2015, 10:54 PM
Voltage felt the gentle heat of his brother surrounding him, felt his love as steadfast as always. He shifted just a tad closer, closing his eyes once more as he rested his chin on his paws, feeling himself grow a little antsy as he stayed still for too long, perhaps it was why he shifted so often, getting closer to Glacier and lifting and lowering his head often. Energy moved like electricity through his veins and he had to continue to move, yet he didn't want to move away from his brother and this affection he felt. It was a sentiment they rarely ever visited. He listened as Glacier's soothing voice fell over him, yet it didn't answer any of his questions. "...why?" He whispered. Never in the year since they had been abandoned had Voltage asked the question exactly. He had always worried for his family, wondered if they would understand, but he never asked why. He never fully vocalized the pain he felt, despite how much his family understood it. "Did we do something, Glace?" He whispered gently, opening his eyes once more. Yet he shook his head again, attempting to shake the negativity from his mind. When the hare was pushed towards him, he laughed and shook his head, carefully pushing it back towards him. "It is your present, brother, I mearly want you to eat." He said with a playful grin. With a small shift of his tail he listened with a careful intrigue as Glacier spoke of his happiness, of his new news. "Ah..." He breathed, a playful smile on his lips as he shifted to push a paw against his brother's shoulder, smirking. "My my, seems like you've certainly settled in here, huh?" He teased, reaching forward to nuzzle into his brother's neck fur, sighing gently. "I'm beyond excited for you, brother...I hope something extraordinary comes out of this.." He breathed into his fur, closing his eyes gently.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-21-2015, 11:16 PM

Glacier knew he hadn't really answered Voltage's question, and an answer bordering on faith would be hard for the energetic being to accept. He knew Voltage still held his doubts, but perhaps even he didn't realize how far it ran – Voltage was always shifting from one emotion to another, so quickly that it did much to hide the more constant pain that the abandonment made him feel. As Voltage's soft, pleading word, Glacier would not have an answer for him, he could not tell him what he did not know. He himself couldn't understand why, and well he also was upset with his parents he couldn't help but trust in them, after all they had been his parents for three years...

Voltage's next question would gain the boy a stern glance from the larger beast, with his head raised he was towering above the wolf who's head still cradled in his own paws, and watched Voltage like this, trying to get a read on what was going on inside his head. “Nothing about this is, or can be taken as, the fault of something that you or any of us did” he finally replied, needing Voltage to shake out any lingering doubts that he could have caused what Glacier believed to be inevitable.

When the attention turned to the hare, Voltage politely refused the offer, and with a shrug the Titan lowered his head and started to eat the offered meal – to do otherwise at that point would be an insult, and besides, Glacier was a big boy and needed a lot of meat in his diet. As he dug in, Voltage would start to tease him – as the giant had only expected his response to be. “Not settled in exactly, I still endeavor to find a fitting land for all of us” he pointed out, after wiping his mouth clean of the food. Voltage would push against him and nuzzle him in brotherly love, Glacier would lower his own head to nuzzle against Voltage, ensuring he was gentle to the quick, but smaller wolf.

He almost choked with Voltage's next words, something extraordinary? Oh, no, he didn't mean to imply... Glacier was a wolf who never did anything rashly, and the thought of making it something more hadn't even started to dawn on him, at the moment he was simply enjoying a beautiful friendship. “Its not like that, Voltage, she is simply a sweet friend” he tried to explain, well, maybe there was nothing simple about the extraordinary creature, but he didn't think of her that way, did he?
"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-22-2015, 12:12 AM
What Voltage felt at that moment felt something akin to guilt. It was silly of him to so strongly that this was in someway his fault. But sometimes he believed that maybe...maybe it was? Perhaps his parents had gotten sick of his inability to hold still, how flighty he was, how much he riled up Sere? Just the small fleeting thought caused a great deal of guilt to flood through him, and yet the comfort Glacier tried to give him made him feel it even clearer. Slowly he nodded his head yet his ears pulled back just so.  "You're right.." He whispered the, letting the matter rest. No one would know about his innermost thoughts on this, not Glacier and not Serefina. He would keep it bottled up untill it flittered through him again as he waited for another strong emotion to strike. He pushed it aside as he focused on his brother, as he ate, as they embraced.

He felt his embrace returned by the Titan wolf, chuckling as he denied anything "extraordinary" about his relationship with this stranger wolf. Voltage could only roll his eyes just so. It was just as Glacier was to go slow into relationships, to feel his way with his mind before putting his heart out there. He wasn't like Voltage or Sere in that way, moving so quickly into new passions and feeling new things. And that is what he adored about his brother. He knew that even if he moved too quickly he always had his steadfast brother there to bring him back to reality, to help him overcome any access emotions, to help him make sense of his life. He smirked a tad as he watched Glacier nearly sputter at the idea. "Brother, shush.." he cooed, tilting his head just so. "Something extraordinary doesn't mean you get her in your bed, nor does it mean your affection goes above that of close friends." He said with a smile. Glacier wasn't the best with these emotions, it seems, where as Voltage was a master. He jumped about so easily that he felt every emotion, every feeling under the sun. "I just hope...she affects you. In some way, and you feel more than you do, and you learn more than you do. It's like a new plane of reality, Glacier..." He whispered with a smile. Secretly it was his longing that he might find a recipient for his buzzing emotions, for his spinning mind and his boundless energy, but that would be a while, yet, he was sure.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-22-2015, 01:01 AM

Still keeping a watchful eye over Voltage, he would take note of the boys mood, of the slight pull his ears gave to his skull, and wondered if he still held guilt over something that was simply not his fault. The older boy sighed, but didn't comment further after Voltage gave his dejected agreement, and let the conversation drop. He was sure Voltage would come around, and if he did not then Glacier would shake some answers from his parents until Voltage's worries could be put at ease. Letting this commitment steel in his mind, his attention was taken away from his energetic brother and focused on his inner thoughts.

When the conversation turned to Anais, he could tell Voltage was enjoying watching him squirm, and let a smile twitch his lips as Voltage told him to hush. His teal cheeks tinted pink as Voltage blatantly talked about taking a girl to bed, even if it was to point out it was 'not' what he meant. Voltage would go on to explain something of his in-depths view of the world, which Glacier already somewhat understood – to Voltage emotions where almost like a high, he seemed to savior each one that flitted his way, and endeavored it seemed to feel them all. “She does effect me, Volt” he admitted softly, his smile was gentle and warm as he thought of Anais. “I like to be around her, she seems alive and full of life..much like a troublesome brother I know” he teased, pretending to cuff his brother on the head.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-22-2015, 03:12 AM


Voltage could nearly cry, they were all growing up so fast! He could almost see Glacier blossoming before his eyes, and it only took four years for that too happen. There was something good about all this, he guessed, if something extraordinary came out of this. If Glacier found his little slice of happiness and managed to be affected greatly by this girl, Voltage assumed he could forgive his parents for throwing them from their home. If it hadn't been for it, none of this would happen. He could see it now, especially now that he was in a sense of peace and positivity. They could all easily settle down here, it seemed, and find their soulmates, their happiness. The young ones would grow steadily here, and they would, somehow, find a place to call their own. Even if it did cost Voltage strikes of pain, of rejection and confusion, he would pay the cost so his family could blossom.

With a grin he nodded his head to his brother, a smirk on his lips. "I knew that one day you'd find someone that could shake your world just a little." He said with a gentle smile, a laugh bubbling up in his chest at Glacier's teasing. He swatted at him with a paw, rolling his eyes. "I'd take offense if it didn't make me so awesome." He said with a laugh, shaking his head and shifting almost to rise before settling back on his belly. "Glacier, would you like to do something fun with me? A hunt, something...something that involves moving?" He said with a laugh, thumping his paws and tail against the ground in a rhythm. It wasn't that he was bored, he adored speaking with Glacier, but he still needed to keep moving. "Maybe scout a land for a home of our own? Take our little pack and settle in a land that does us all good, and not just our little firemaiden and wind goddess."


Voltage Elementas



6 Years
Extra large
01-22-2015, 05:02 PM

No doubt now that Glacier had given away this gleam of knowledge, he would not be able to live it down. He couldn't help but smile at the thought however, and wondered how Anais would respond if Glacier ever brought her back here to meet his family. His family seemed to be growing, with their parent's third litter now amongst them and Voltage and Sere back from adventuring, he felt like the Volcano was crawling with wolves that where a part of him, that he loved and it made this strange land feel a lot more like home – still, there was a lot of them to rain on his parade and poke fun at him and Anais if she ever came here... he would have to find out if her shy nature could handle the attention overload.

“Voltage, I never had to look far for someone to overload my senses – you and Sere have always been right beside me...” he would point out dryly, shaking his head at the younger boys teasing, through in truth Glacier wouldn't change him for the world, they where a perfect pair. When Voltage asked for an activity that required moving, the Titan wasn't surprised – in fact, what surprised him was that Volty had managed to stay still this long in the first place!

“Actually, i've done some scouting for lands and perhaps we could revisit those today? Its been a mission to try and find something that everyone else would at least be happy with” he admitted dryly, thinking of their siblings, all of which had their own perfectly individual opinions on what was right for a living environment.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-23-2015, 03:54 PM


Voltage grinned honestly at his brother, beyond ecstatic that his brother was happy in some way. It was his dream that his brother would find someone to melt his icy restraint, to help him feel beyond happy, something beyond what he and the rest of his siblings could provide. He wanted to meet this girl now, meet the one that seemed to be able to warm his large heart. Voltage’s mind spun, trying to figure out how to get the name of the girl out of his Titan of a brother, and perhaps some sort of location he might find her. He just wanted to meet the girl, to find out just how special she was, and welcome her with open arms. He doubted Glacier would bring her home any time soon, if only because so much Elementas could be detrimental to anyone that didn’t know how to…handle them.

"I do my best." He teased, nudging his shoulder against his brother. He really did, he knew. They were the perfect pair. Glacier managed to neutralize his energy just enough, where as he felt that he sparked some emotion to the Titan’s strong heart. With a delicate smile he shifted to stand because he couldn’t remain to sit, it ached him to sit still, almost as if his muscles protested the lack of use. He felt so much energy coursing through him than normal, and maybe it was because of the heat season. His sisters scents surrounded him, and he was in his prime yet it was forbidden. He needed to keep moving to expend the extra energy of his prime.

He shifted on his paws, more so to keep moving than to fidget. With a laugh he nodded his head quickly, spinning towards the door and turning back to his brother with a large grin. "I think that would be best, big brother. Want to race?" He said with a chipper laugh, bowing down on his legs with his tail swishing through the air.


Voltage Elementas



6 Years
Extra large
02-04-2015, 07:37 PM

It was a miracle that Voltage had managed to remain sitting for as long as he had, indeed it spoke volumes of how thoughts of their parents had weighed on the lightning-struck boy. When he rose to all four paws, Glacier was not in the least surprised, through the tell-tale warmth of his brothers coat still lingered on Glacier's shoulder. The larger boy was slower to react, sighing softly and arching up his back before slowly, but surely, getting to his own paws.

As Voltage shifted on his paws, eager to get out and start, Glacier stood still and patient, his eyes not moving from his brothers form. Next, Voltage would ask him for a race and the blue giant would laugh softly. “Your on, brother” he agreed, he was certain his brother could tear of like hell was on his heels, but once Glacier started moving he was an unstoppable force, gaining in speed as he went and his endurance was a force to be reckoned with. With that, Glacier began, moving in a westward direction out into Alacritis. First, they had to climb down the mountain and the pair it seemed would be taking that at a neck breaking pace.

"Burn Baby Burn"