
A place we've always been



5 Years
01-20-2015, 05:21 PM
All Starling really knew were the plains. In his short lifetime he hadn't really ventured very far, aside from redbud nook but that was for the flowers. He left the invisible borders from time to time in his desire to seek out new plants he had never seen. He didn't quite understand his desire to see new plants, to find new flowers and new colors and new scents but it called for him. But today, today he was circling around the serpant filled plains, looking for any new buds that may appear in the spring. He was too young yet to fully comprehend the spring season and what it did to the world, but he knew that there were new and brighter plants now than there was when the snow was out. He barely spent much time with his siblings after he discovered his love for the natural, and he was attempting to change that. And yet, here he was, his nose to the ground seeking out the new and exciting while he left his den and siblings behind. He felt bad, knowing that the days were going by that he didn't spend time with his brothers and sisters, nor with his parents, but these things called to him. He didn't quite understand their uses, or why he insisted on carting home jaws full of plants of various colors and shapes, but maybe one day he would. Maybe this was his calling, for he certainly didn't seem quite cut out for fighting or even for running, his legs were almost too long to be useful. Maybe he was the lucky one that found out his destiny before he had even learned to speak. Perhaps...perhaps, but reguardless, he still continued to burn path after path into the grass of the plains, hoping to avoid the slithering of the serpants hiding within.

"Burn Baby Burn"


01-20-2015, 10:01 PM
Spring made everything come alive. There was so much color, so many new sites, new sounds. Shrike decided. He liked spring. He like the fact that it wasn't cold! It was warm, and he could run faster and farther! Shrike also could interact with his siblings more, but one that he hadn't interacted with in particularly was Starling. At least not enough! His brother seemed cool. He liked flowers... and Shrike liked them too. He would wag his tail as he made his way through the plains. Today he was on a mission. He was going to find Starling and spend the day with him! Ears would twitch, running around with no real attempt of tracking his brother. No, he'd much rather find him the "fun" way!

So when Shrike finally saw the body of the other boy he would give a short bark, hoping to catch his attention. He would drop to the ground, ignoring the hissing sound by his paws. Trouble, ha, he wouldn't get in any trouble! Okay, so he really wasn't paying attention to the fact that there was a serpent dangerously close to his paw. He was too focused on his lovely brother for that.


Table by:: Eve



5 Years
01-23-2015, 05:14 PM
Ears swivelled as he listened for the hissing of snakes, his paws padding carefully as he breathed in the delicate scents of the flowers that littered the gentle plains, his eyes squinting through the pollen that he disturbed as he daintily moved around the delicate plants. He blinked when he heard a sound, a call, and he lifted his head to look across the grass for the caller. He watched as Shirke leaped into the grass, his blue eyes widening. Shrike seemed rather energetic, and somewhat absent minded. When it came between safety and play Starling believed his brother would choose play. It had his heart pounding in his chest as he jumped in a turn and trotted quickly towards him. The last thing he needed was for Shrike to get bitten by a snake and he had to explain, somehow, to his parents that he had hadn't done anything about it. He barked across the distance, moving quicker in his worry for his brother. "Shrike, careful of the snakes!" It was spring, they seemed much more rampant now. Perhaps it was due to them mating and making more, a concept that went over Starling's head (aside from the fact that there was more of them) "Y-you have to watch out for them! Don't disturb the nest...things!"

"Burn Baby Burn"


01-28-2015, 12:01 AM
Thank goodness someone was actually paying attention. Shrike would blink at his brother's words, taking a lunge forward just as the serpent went to strike him. A miss, thank heavens. That would have been an interesting story to try and explain to the parents indeed. Shrike grinned sheepishly, rushing over to his brother's side with his tail wagging slowly. Heh heh, oops~ The boy would glance back to the creature that was making it's way through the grass, on it's own way once more, before looking back to Starling. "Good save~" Shrike would praise his brother, tail wagging some. The goal had been to find his brother, and now he had found him! So the fun had to begin!

"So uh, what'cha been up to? We haven't had enough time to hang out." He would flash his teeth at his brother in an innocent smile, as if he hadn't almost gotten himself bitten by his careless actions. He had been fine all alone, nope, no danger at all! It was clear he hadn't paid much mind to the lesson of that incident either. One track mind -- focus on Starling, the one he came to see, and nothing else. As long as no one got hurt, who cared if there was a snake nearly stepped on? Who cared what path was took?

"Hear me talk," 'But read my thoughts!'

Table by:: ???



5 Years
01-29-2015, 08:28 AM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2015, 08:28 AM by Starling.)
A breath of relief left his little lungs as his brother leapt out of the way of the snake at his paws. Really, what was he going to do with him? With a half hearted glare he watched his brother, rolling bright blue eyes. "To...too much energy can’t be...a...a good thing" He whispered, smiling only after he got his “scolding” out. With a delicate tilt of his head he stepped passed his brother and turned to push against his rump, if he would let him. "Let’s get you s-somewhere you wont get...bitten" He said quickly, trying to avoid the hissing at his paws. This place was dangerous, it made him wonder why his father had set up the pack to be here. Well, he partially wondered. It was more that he wished they could move somewhere prettier with new flowers! But, a kid can only dream. "One day you’ll get bit and I’ll have to save you!" He said with a bit more confidence then before. As he grew older he was beginning to understand the jobs within the pack, and he believed his infatuation with plants must mean he’d be a herbologist in some way (or, rather, a wolf that heals, in his young mind). With a small sigh he turned his mind away from those thoughts and concentrated on getting his brother somewhere where things didn’t want to eat at his ankles. "Where’s Finch and Sparrow, have you s-seen them?" He would answer Shrike's questions when they were where Starling felt much safer. For now, he just needed to know Shrike would be out of harms way.

"Burn Baby Burn"


02-28-2015, 01:02 AM

Shrike would give a bit of a huff of protest as his brother pushed against his rump, trying to get him to move. He was reluctant, not liking the fact he was being forced to go somewhere, but deciding to calm down and go with the flow since it was his brother he would relax. He would give a sheepish grin, walking along as Starling kept talking. He hadn’t meant to get his brother so riled up, though it was nice to see his brother so confident in his herbal skills. “Well, then I should thank the gods I have a brother who is better with herbs than I am!” He would frown some at his brother’s question. “Welp, Sparrow was napping last I saw, and Finch was hanging with mom. Why you ask? Were you looking for them?” He asked, once more not paying attention to where he was going. At least they were moving away from the “nests”.


Table by:: Eve



5 Years
03-30-2015, 08:11 PM
Starling walked beside his careless brother, taking the initiative to watch out for snake nests for the both of them. He would roll his eyes just slightly as his brother just shrugged it off, but his smile never left his face. WIth Shrike it always seemed like he only cared about fun, but Starling knew he had a good heart. He...was just careless? So the nervous child would make sure no harm came to either of them. When he said that Starling was good with harbs, he quickly looked over, blue eyes wide before he shook his head rather quickly. "O-oh...oh no, I'm not g-good at all. Don't get bit! I wouldn't be a-able to help you...not yet." He said quickly, trying to make sure his brother knew that he had to be careful here.

When he explained where he saw their siblings, and asked why, Starling merely shook his head. "No...I w-wasn't looking for them. I...I was just wondering." He liked to keep tabs on his siblings every so often, especially on nice days like these when the snakes were out, hungry and aggressive. He didn't want harm to come to any of them, at all. Looking back at his brother he offered a small smile, tilting his head just slightly. "I d-don't spend much time with y-you...How have y-you been?" He asked softly, smiling gently to his brother. Sure, he knew the base stuff, but he didn't know the details. He wasn't entirely sure what his brother's plan for their future was, what he wanted to train in. Starling had always known, and everyone around him had known as soon as he did. His future was in herbology, and that's where he would train. But he didn't know about any of his other siblings.