
Welcome home



6 Years
Extra large
01-21-2015, 01:29 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2015, 01:33 AM by Glacier.)

The advantage of staying on the Volcano where they had first entered the land, was its proximity to their old home. He would wonder some way back some days and listen out, his father, well definitely not a loving sort of man, and one that clearly did not want the children to remain for one reason or another had promised that he would warn the oldest boys when he was sending their next children away. Truly, Glacier didn't ever think he would understand what went through his parents minds, that they could so easily send away that which they had brought into this world. Glacier half expected them to soon send off the oldest kids, they would be reaching two years old soon which seemed to be the deadline for their parents ability to handle their presence.

By some stroke of luck, a howl would call out to him as he made a journey towards their old land, and he would know what that signal meant. He howled for Voltage to accompany him, knowing the older brother wanted to be a part of everything that happened to the family. They made the journey to the island, reunited with their youngest siblings and made their way back to the volcano the family currently resided in. All in all, it was actually a fairly painless and quick journey, they didn't even have to see their dreaded parents.

He stopped outside the crevice they had made into a temporary home and realized it just wasn't big enough for their growing family, they would have to organize more options for sleeping arrangements, and he wouldn't feel right unless they where all close by and safe. “Here we are, i'll just see whose home” he said, looking first at Voltage, then at his siblings before lifting his head and howling to see who was around to greet their family in this small reunion.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-21-2015, 01:44 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2015, 01:45 AM by Voltage.)
 Voltage had been rather somber on this trip, as he seemed to be whenever the topic of their parents came up. Silence was odd for the older brother, but he barely spoke a word on their journey, his stormy eyes hard and waiting. He didn't know how his temper would hold up if he managed to see his parents once more, or if he could hold his tongue let alone his teeth from trying to do some damage to the two adults. It felt like old wounds were sliced open, like blood that wouldn't stop trickling. It felt like Voltage was abandoned again and again as each and every sibling was turned away, and vowed, every morning, that he would do what he could to keep each and every one of them from feeling his pain. Perhaps it was because he was very intune with his emotions, the fact that he loved so deeply and so strongly that he felt this way, felt this pain. It wasn't untill his paws made contact with the volcano again that he seemed to almost snap out of it. Light flooded his cloudy eyes once more, a small smile tugging at his lips as he looked around. "Sere and Gale should be here somewhere..." He whispered with a gentle smile, glancing back to the youngest siblings that had been added to their collection of unwanteds...but oh so wanteds. He loved each and every one of them so dearly, and he vowed, once more, that he would give these guys the love and devotion they were rejected on that cursed island.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
01-21-2015, 02:40 AM

The dame was stretched out on warm stone, her fiery bodice soaking it up. She felt so in her element here, the volcano humming softly. The heat fed into her, and her limbs stretched out as a yawn broke free. She was about to take a little rest until Glacier's howl called out of the family. She jumped to her paws in an instant, ember eyes burning like a dull fire. Voltage had gone away with their brother, and she was instantly saddened that she couldn't go with them. While she loved all her siblings with all her heart, she was the closest with her electric price. Grinning she hopped up onto a small cliff that jutted out of the mount, walking along it like a balance beam towards her siblings. Being up high she was able to easily spot her mountainous brother, and the yellow beast she had her eyes on. Bunching her muscles she aimed to jump on the two, until two new faces were seen behind them. She frowned, narrowing her gaze at them. Picking up a red rock she kicked it in the groups direction, a slight breeze rustling her flame and coal coat as she put on a wicked grin. "Coming to my volcano without permission again? What have I told you brutes before? Entry without a sacrifice to the mighty fire goddess will not gain access!" she beamed, winking at the little ones. They were obviously a new litter from their parents, she could tell it by the sadness that surrounded her dear lightening boy.

Serefina picked her way down the side of the mountain, nosing into Volt's left side of his neck and nipping his softly. Tipping her muzzle towards her ear, she pressed words there that were only for his ears. "If you don't cheer up I'm going to have to whip you back into shape," her vocals were teasing, another nip placed at the base of her ear. She moved to her icy brother, raising herself up on her hind legs to try and place a kiss on his forehead, placing her fiery paws on either of his shoulders. "You're safe from being tossed in the volcano this time, brother. But next time you better bring me a treat," she said with another wink. This damn heat season made her eat more than her share of food. Righting herself, she moved back over to Volt and wrapped her body nearly around him. the middle of her back at his face as her top half curved to his right, her rump towards his left. Eyes took in the two young ones, studying them. They seemed to be at least a year old, fully grown. One seemed to be as small as Gale, which made her smile. "Looks like our little Gust isn't the smallest after all."

The girl's eyes narrowed even further when she looked at the two. They were too young to be a new litter... and then it all clicked. Selini and Arcus. It had been a year since she had last seen these two, and they were certainly older now. Her eyes flew open a bit wider, a single paw raising up as she placed it on Voltage's back, tapping it a few times. It was almost like she was trying to grab his attention, but she knew she already had it. She just wasn't sure if she was making this all up or if she was really seeing this for her own eyes. "I didn't think that I would ever see you too again," she said softly, her smile turning into one that was more truthful than tricky. The flame warrior walked towards them, her pelt running along Voltage's as she did so. Looking down at them she grinned, nuzzling each of their cheeks. "Welcome home, you rug-rats," she said, ever teasing.



5 Years
01-21-2015, 04:10 AM

His brother's howl would sound in his ears. After a few silent moments from his seated perch overlooking the rocky terrain, his paws would make an effort to move. Perhaps it was the heat of the mountain that had been bothering him lately. Basking regularly in the sun was an enjoyment that he could not deny, although he knew a certain sibling who preferred heat more than he did. It would have to be the complete look of the landscape that happened to be annoying him. Greenery was something he missed dearly. Surely their home wasn't permanent here?

A gentle bronze gaze would fall upon the members of the family as he slowly arrived at the gathering. There was nothing more he wanted, besides his own forest. More family had arrived to the volcano, including a younger litter. In his mind, kin held the greatest importance. His eyes would wander and find the familiar fiery pelt, belonging to his sister. Always talking and tormenting the little ones, wasn't she?

"Feeling at home, sister?" He chuckled warmly, overwhelmed by the reunion of family. At least their temporary home pleased one Elementas.



4 Years
01-22-2015, 03:18 AM

All the Elementas

334 words

The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.

A part of her wondered if she was crazy, two older males she had never met telling herself and her siblings that they were their older brothers and to follow them? And they had all listened? Still they did bear a resemblance to the siblings she had known in her life time and after having so coldly being pushed from the only home she had known she was eager to believe there was a place out there were they belonged.

They had walked in silence, keeping herself as close to Solaris as possible and occasionally throwing grins in Arcus’ direction. Finally they would arrive at their apparent destination and the vixen looked around with some disinterest. The mountain was quite barren, heat slowly curling down from its peak towards them. Not her ideal spot to spend their time but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

A familiar form would wind on down towards them and a smirk tugged at her lips as she observed her older sister addressing the males that had “collected” them. Pale topaz’s narrowed a she observed her fiery sister’s demeanor, the way she moved around the yellow male. Then Serefina’s words hit her and she didn’t make any effort to hide her annoyance, an ear twitching back.

Still kinder words dropped from the older female’s lips and Selini couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. Still she was going to get back at her sister. Removing herself from her opposite’s side she moved on towards her other brother. Slowly she pushed in towards the yellow and charcoal man, lifting a tail to wave it right in front of his nose. “Well seems you certainly settled in.” She teased, attempting to pull her tail under the older male’s chin. A cheeky grin was shot in the fiery female’s direction.

Silently another of the siblings she recognized moved in towards the congregation. A brief nod was sent his way, before she moved her defiant stare back towards Serefina.

robb stark



8 Years
Athena I
01-22-2015, 03:46 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 04:14 PM by Solaris.)

I think I've lost control

Quietly, Solaris would move along behind the older brother he vaguely remembered. With Selini pressed to his side he felt a little less bothered by it all, but he wasn't one to enjoy change so the whole situation wasn't entirely pleasant for the golden boy.  He would turn his fiery gaze toward Arcus from time to time, trying to read the expression on his brother's face before glancing back toward the older man in front of them. He wasn't entirely sure what to expect and that put him on edge. He liked his routines and his normalcy. This whole 'move', if you wanted to call it such a friendly term, was nothing of the sort.

When they finally arrived he let his gaze jump from one wolf to the next, seeing the yellow and black man first. Again, the sight of him rang distant memories, but he knew it had been so long since he had seen either him or the blue-hued one that had led them here. Then his gaze found his fireball of an older sister who came over to greet them first. Terrae would come next, another familiar face. A year felt like ages in the life of a young wolf such as himself, but he recognized every one of them at least a little and could even begin to put names to faces. Those small feats made some of the tension begin to fall from his shoulders and a small smile tug at his lips. He wanted to move to Selini's side, but she had gone to tease Serefina and Voltage so instead he stood near Arcus, still remaining silent and taking it all in.


please don't hold me back



9 Years
01-23-2015, 10:34 PM

It was all very overwhelming. Arcus had known for a while that his parents would send him and his siblings off when they grew older, but he always wanted to believe they would change their minds. It was a silly thought, given the three were of the third litter, but it was one he hoped for tremendously. Yet now, here they were, following a wolf that claimed to be an older brother. Time to move on with life, he supposed. At least they were there for each other, and he was certain Solaris and Selíni were struggling with this just as much, if not more, than he was. That thought was enforced as he noticed their glances toward him. A small smile would rise up in response to Selíni's grins, but he would fall back to his usual blank expression wick enough. Small nods would be sent toward Solaris at every glance. If nothing else, he wanted to make sure they were reassured he was there for them, that everything was going to be alright.

As they walked up the mountain, Arcus was lost in thought. From what he knew, it was likely he would see siblings he had not seen in a year again. That reunion would be heartwarming, of course, but he felt that it would be hindered by the thought of their parents. Light blue eyes stared onward as they approached and other siblings showed up. Arcus remained still, quiet, standing at his full height and merely observing. He wanted to express how happy he was to see them again, but right now, he was too lost in his own mind. He did not move forward to greet anyone just yet, instead remaining to the side, staying in the background.




6 Years
Extra large
01-26-2015, 02:34 AM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2015, 02:43 AM by Glacier.)

Glacier and Voltage, the oldest of the litter stood together as they introduced the newest refuges of their family to their new home. He grinned at Volty as he mentioned two of their sisters, and it seemed that that mention brought at least one of them to life. He turned at the sounds their sister made, shaking his head subtly in amusement as she spoke. He was sure part of the game was to cheer Voltage up and for that Glacier was grateful, he knew it effected his sibling far more easily then it did himself – to be near their home again. As for their siblings themselves, he was glad to be able to see them again, and concentrated his energy more on ensuring they would be okay then on hate for what had happened to them all.

He lowered his head slightly when Sere when she used his own body to support herself so she could bring her head to his height and kiss him on the forehead. He nuzzled her affectionately back, “I brought young blood, did I not - purely for your entertainment, my Great Burning Goddess” he teased gently, winking at the young ones to allow them to share in the joke – even if he was pretending they where lambs served up for sacrifice. He would give her a gentle kiss beneath her ear before she was off again, her short span of attention taking her away.

Terrae had appeared well he was occupied with his sister and he smiled at his earthen brother, through he said nothing as his eyes moved back to the young ones to see how they where taking everything in. he knew they asked a lot of them, to accept this strange new environment, but hopefully they could see that here they would be surrounded by family that loved and welcomed them unconditionally.
What he would see what half of his sibling (an exaduration) hanging off Voltage, he would allow a warm, encouraged smile to take over his lips, as the Selini began to allow herself to naturally join in with the rest of their family, and he hoped it was the start of them all to allow this place to feel like home.

"Burn Baby Burn"




5 Years
01-28-2015, 01:51 PM

Although Locha's bruised ribs had almost fully healed, somedays the sore wronged came back in full force. The previous night the girl had slept in an awkward position, so it was with a limp she walked today. After rising groggily, Locha sleepily looked around the den. Wondering why it was so empty, she pushed herself up, wincing slightly before making her way outside. Almost immediately, she was met with the howl of her brother, announcing the new arrivals. A smile broke on her face and eagerly she limped towards the sound.

Lots of her siblings were already at the gathering by the time she made it there. A bright smile one her face, she looked at each of her younger siblings one by one. Resting, she made no move to speak, but her tail wagging behind her and her smile spoke all she needed. Her siblings emotions looked a bit mixed, like she had no doubts her own were last year at her turn. Her own thoughts about their parents rolled at the back of her mind, but she suppressed them for now.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
01-29-2015, 07:46 AM
Voltage frowned when he saw his sister (though it was rather fake, his eyes shawn with exuberance and after maybe a second his lips couldn't help their upward twitch). With a feigned look of annoyance he tilted his head to Serefina, listening as she demanded her sacrifice. With a toss of his head he huffed but couldn't help the laughter as she touched him, nosing into her neck. There was no negative feelings he could feel that she wouldn't be able to fix in a heartbeat. With a gentle smile he turned to nuzzle her back, silently letting her know that he would do just that, because she was right there. He remained silent though, and still, something that Voltage would have a very hard time doing if his mind wasn't elsewhere.

The brightest of grins spread across his face when he saw his earthly brother, dipping his head in his direction. Terrae wasn't one Voltage had seen much of. It wasn't that he didn’t try, it was more that Voltage just doesn’t seem to cross paths with him very often. Another of his siblings quickly tore his attention away as yet another of his sisters wrapped around him. He felt her tail slip under his chin, and his eyes grew so wide. Was it just him that his sisters were overly affectionate with? "Heh..heh...selini.." He laughed softly, stepping back just slightly and grinning at her. "Shouldnt you buy me dinner first?" He said with a small laugh, knowing it was just a tease to get a rise out of Serefina. "Now now ladies, aren’t fair maidens supposed to be polite to one another?"

Clearing his throat he looked around, spotting Arcus and Solaris off to the side. With a small smile he shifted his head to the side, hoping itd be a sign for them to introduce themselves to the family and maybe get to know the other siblings some more. Movement caught his attention and he quickly looked up to see his beloved water sister shuffling into the group, sitting off to the side a bit, silent as the rest of the siblings. With the brightest of grins he leapt towards her, moving to circle around her and curl his bright form about his sister gently. "Locha my darling, it is so great to see you!" He said with the brightest of smiles, moving to press kissing along her cheek. He wasn’t quite aware how she had gotten hurt, but he knew she was, so he was cautious around her still, incase his boundless energy somehow hurt her more.

With a small smile he remained where he was, curled about Locha if she would let him. "Since it seems everyone is here, we have to discuss living arrangements. With the newest in our band of misfits, it seems we’ve...exceeded our allotted living space. Glacier, do you have any plans?" He said with an air of professionalism, moving to rest a chin atop his sister’s head.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
02-14-2015, 11:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2015, 11:30 PM by Caeli.)
Astrea had only looked at her older siblings and know that the life that she and her litter mates had lived where forever changed. Parents that seemed to have a dark past pushed there loved offspring away, and she her sister and brothers seemed to have the misfortune to have parents with said past. Not that she was sure they where loved now, even with a dark past shouldn't family stay together?

So when Voltage and Glacier showed up on the day their parents turned to them and kicked them out, she was all willing to turn from the family that did not want her and turn to the ones that did. She moved to the back of the pack, easily missed, just the way she liked it; she was the quite one in their litter, always the last to everything.

And thus she meet her other siblings. She sat at the back, behind the moon and sun, the ever distant stars.

Astrea watched as the fire one and Voltage banter, and then watching as more of the elements arrived. Family that she hardly remembered but yet still loved. She did not come into anyone's line of sight until her sister moved to tease Serefina. Which she took that moment to moved behind Solaris, her starry tail curling close to his back paws. She felt closet to Solaris and Salini and hoped the two felt the same, even though she was the backdrop to their brightness.

She again felt comfortable as the talk took a different turn. A new place to live, even though she was getting used to the idea of living on this volcano. It was close to the stars where she was most comfortable. something the island she was born on just did not give her. Astrea looked up, her ears slightly moving back, thinking about the night sky she looked into the last night at the only home she knew. Her eyes glazed a bit as she relived the wonder of watching the world slowly turn. It seemed like a year ago that she wondered what life would bring. But that was yesterday and this was today, time to move on. Time to make a new life, close to the stars; hopefully.



5 Years
02-15-2015, 11:03 AM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2015, 11:04 AM by Locha.)

Just as she'd rested herself the massive ball of energy that was her brother Voltage came bounding towards her. Somewhat alarmed her eyes widened, but soon it would turn into a smile. She let him play out his escapade, wearing a fake scowl. She pretended to hate it, but truly she loved her brother. When he set his ching on her head, she turned to the side and nudged his muzzle gently.

A new place to live. Ah. Well, she was happy as long as there was a body of water. A lake (or loch), the sea, even a pond. She wasn't picky. However, it wasn't necessary. Whatever made her family happy was good with her. She'd follow them wherever they wanted to go.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
02-20-2015, 11:16 PM
Walk | Talk  | Think  

She was late, uncharacteristically so, but for the odd feelings that had stolen over her it seemed fitting for her to be out of sorts on all fronts. When Glacier and Voltage had left, she had known what they were doing and where they would go, and ultimately what and who they would return with, and she was not sure how she felt about it. Family was the core of her being, those around whom she anchored herself within the chaotic changes in her life, but having it widen to accommodate more than those she had started her journey with made her even more ill at ease. What if they disapproved of the life they now lived compared to life on the island? What if they failed to mesh with the siblings already established here? Her thoughts had taken a surprisingly negative turn, and with doubts and reservations Gale finally came forward to meet them.

What she found was a mixture of all those who made up her now larger family. Her pale, grey-green eyes immediately picked out her littermates, Locha, Serefina, and Terrae, as well as her older brothers, Glacier and Voltage, before she took note of the newest additions as her lavender paws slowed and stopped her beside them all.

And smiled. They had grown considerably from what she remembered a year go, and yet she still knew them instantly. Selini. Arcus. Solaris. Astrea. All the worries that she had been holding about this new bunch, about them finding their places in their family after their time apart, left the second she saw them. It was all replaced with the same feelings of closeness, of family and friendship and love, that she had thought gone because they were apart. Her tail wagged as she looked them over, unable to choose one even to begin greeting them all properly by individual. "Jeez, long time, no see," she said with a casual laugh, though she felt anything but casual and calm. She felt like she could have pulled everyone into a group hug single-handedly and been perfectly content to be squashed by the lot of them.

But there were more important things to attend to, as Voltage - surprisingly - brought it up. Her ears turned and then the rest of her followed to listen as he mentioned to Glacier the topic of outgrowing the mountain and needing new accommodations. He was right. The alcove they had been using so far barely fit the six of them as it was; add on four more and there was no way it was going to work now. Curious now herself, Gale lifted a brow and directed her pale gaze toward Glacier in anticipation of whatever plans he might allude to.