
Calling All Sexy Babies!



09-11-2014, 05:59 PM

She finally made it to the Orchard, heart racing at the memories and the rush of the sweet fruit around her. Eyes closed as she let it all wash over her, but it was only temporary and a few seconds was all she needed. Her golden paws walked across the unoccupied land, lithe frame walking between the trees. In her mind, she missed old Arcanum, the one run by her sweet sister. A flick of her tail was made before she proceeded to do her main task.
Maija Artenie's golden head rose and a howl emitted from her lips. It was loud, proud, and full of the urgency only a mother could show. She hoped it went far and wide, reaching the ears of her babes so that they would come. She sang for a good two minutes before she lowered her head to its rightful level. Green eyes scanned the surrounding trees as she waited for their beautiful faces to arrive.

"You're gonna hear me roar"



2 Years
09-12-2014, 12:43 PM

Fakira had a hell of a lot of wanderlust - and it was sure to piss Panny off, but he was determined to see more of the continent. He had surely missed quite a bit in his absence, but he was content to stick near wherever the hell home was for the first time in a while. The only problem? Well, his mother moved around a lot and Pandora was even worse. Maybe they all had trouble staying in one place? after a few days of searching, the brute would receive a bit of a blessing in the form of his mother?s howl. The brute would stare a moment, trying to translate the emotion in the call, but when he couldn?t figure it out he shrugged off the worry and kicked into a sprint.

It shouldn?t have surprised him when he was the first to show up. Fakira would pant, his tongue lolling out of his mouth - before he looked over at his mother with a grin. For a while, he had thought that she might hate him, he half resembled his bastard of a father after all? it was still an inkling of a worry in the back of his mind, but common sense dictated that despite everything that had happened, Maija cared about her children.

The black and gold brute would dip his head, his tail wagging slowly behind him. ?E totul ?n regulă , mamă ?? He would ask her if everything was alright, before sitting down in front of her and waiting for the rest of his siblings.



4 Years
09-15-2014, 03:10 AM
How lucky it was that her mother was treading directly upon the ground Freya had taken to wandering. The orchard had been her refuge while her family scattered to the four winds. The trees offered shelter and food on days when she didn?t quite feel like trying to hunt all by herself. The small girl was in the middle of attempting to grab a slightly over ripe apple from a low hanging branch when her mother?s call rang out loud and clear. Golden paws hit the ground once, before she grunted and tried again to grab the fruit within her jaw. She spent some time repeating the action before giving a frustrated sigh and giving up.
The time spent trying to grab the fruit has allowed for her brother to be the first to arrive. Emeralds landed upon the pair and a grin split her expression, tail wagging furiously behind her as she picked up her pace and attempted to bowl her brother over. ?I missed you guys!?

[Image: wrqQfHn.png]


09-15-2014, 02:17 PM

Her mother's call was one she would never ignore. Without missing a beat, she slipped from her temporary den and headed towards the Orchard. In Pandora's mind, it was a good thing she hadn't travelled too far from the old Arcanum land. Maija always enjoyed being there, so it wasn't really a surprise to see her golden form sitting in the middle of the area. A smile appeared on her face when she realized that her mother wasn't alone.
Fakira and Freya were there, both radiant and golden like their mother. Pandora raced towards both of them, temporarily forgetting about Maija's patiently waiting form. She bounded into them, not caring if her fur got messed up. Whimpers of joy and excitement left open lips as she nuzzled Fakira's cheeks and then wrapped herself around Freya. "Kira! Freya!!" She bumped sides with her littermate before walking over to Maija. "Mama!" she cried, happiness evident in her turquoise gaze. Oh, Pandora was so happy for this reunion.



09-17-2014, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2014, 11:16 PM by Maija.)

Her call had reached the three babies that were most active with their lives. Fakira arrived first and Maija's heart swelled. He was so handsome, the perfect combination of her and his father. She greeted him with a soft woof and a tender nuzzle. "I'm fine, my love. How are you?" She knew he probably had stories to tell, but all in due time.
Freya, the golden child, appeared next. She looked as sweet and innocent as ever, something that she was surprised to see in one of her children. Maybe Freya was mostly her dad or the deeply buried niceness within her own core. Either way, Maija was impressed that she could make someone so wonderfully positive and...good. Her baby girl raced to bowl Fakira over and Maija couldn't help but smile and laugh.
Pandora was the last to arrive, something she hadn't expected to happen. When they were in old Arcanum, Pan had always been the first one to appear. Her pride and confidence were all she knew back then, and her ignorance had been obvious. The cobalt perfection of her and Taurig's union raced towards both siblings and covered them with kisses and attention. She then turned towards Maija and greeted her with a happy voice. Maija returned her greeting with a tender nuzzle to her cheek and happiness evident in her own gaze. "My darlings...I am so glad you all have come to see your dear mama."
Maija took a few steps forward and pulled Freya towards her, wrapping her tail around her golden twin for comfort. "I know that we didn't expect to be apart like this after Arcanum was taken, but we are together now and that is what matters." She looked at each child, pride and happiness in her gaze, and she couldn't help but grin. "I am proud of all of you, even if you haven't seen the world a thousand times over. You all come from me and your father...of whom has not been around for awhile now." Her voice changed from happy to tinged with a low level of hurt and anger. How could she not be upset with Taurig being gone for almost a year? "Nevertheless, your bloodlines and genes are wonderful and everything about them will be legendary."

She cleared her throat and thought of the unborn legends living inside of her. Silently, she also wanted to see if Bella and Eon would appear as she talked. She missed all of her children, even if she hadn't seen them as much as she had before. After her throat was cleared, she continued. "I have some news to tell you all, but I don't want to alarm anyone...yet." She gave a beautiful smirk and chuckled. "I want to hear about everything you all have done since we have gone our separate ways." Ears perked with attention as she eagerly waited to hear what her children had to say.

speech here


09-18-2014, 01:09 AM
ooc: pardon me while I get used to his personality and be all super awkward for a second xD

Part of him wondered why he had kept away from his family for such a long time, but as he had begun to look for them he realized that maybe it wasn't just him staying away. They had all seemed to scatter in all directions. None of them had really ever been able to be held down for too long, but he was all too eager to see his siblings and his mother again. After Taurig had disappeared he had gone looking for him, but it soon it became apparent that he wasn't going to be able to find him. With that disappointment on his shoulders he turned his attention back to finding the rest of his family.

He had been searching for a couple of weeks at least when a echo of his mother's voice reached him. His ears perked up with excitement and without a second thought he quickly darted off to find her. His long legs took wide strides, pulling him forward as quickly as he could, but his large bulky form slowed him down just a bit so that by the time he crossed the fair distance that separated them three of his siblings had already appeared and their mother seemed to be winding up her little speech for them. He lumbered to a walk several feet from the small gathering, giving a small bark in greeting as his green gaze traced over all of them happily. As brave and headstrong as he liked to think himself to be, he would still always get that slightly giddy feeling when he saw his family. His tail wagging behind him, he padded over to his mother first to nuzzle his large head into her shoulder before affectionately pressing his nose to Freya's cheek and nudging Fakira's shoulder with his own. He came around to sit beside Pandora and playfully bumped her shoulder with the top of his skull before grinning at her and chuckling.

"I'm so glad to see all of you. What did I miss?"


09-26-2014, 01:03 AM
Her mothers call came like something out of a memory and slowly the young girl would lift her head, frowning as she considered this. She had not seen her mother since the disbanding of Covari, what could she want now? The girl would slowly unfurl her limb, muscles rippling underneath slate and gold pelt as she pulled herself into a standing position. Yes, she should go. She loved her family, that much was for sure and it would be nice to know how everyone was and how they were doing. As well where she could find them when she needed them. Massive paw pads started pulling her at a walk but soon she would break into a long legged jog. The girl was an odd one, beautiful in a sense if seen from a distance thanks to the ease of her movements and her pelt but upon closer inspection one might simply call her plain. She had no curves to speak of, thick pelt and muscular form having destroyed any dream she had had of having those, a rather blind face with wide set ears. In all honesty, aside from her pelt there was nothing overly remarkable about the girl. And if she wanted to continue being honest she really didn't care. In fact she almost preferred this. It left her able to actually speak to men without being treated like an object.

She had grown since last seeing her family, finally reaching her full height and developing a considerable amount of muscle along her thick frame. Muscle she was learning how to use.

By the time she got to the gathering she was the last to arrive, lower jaw unhinged and tongue lolling out over her teeth in an attempt to cool herself down. Summer was not the time for jogs. Blue gaze would slowly sweep the crowd, taking in the faces of her siblings and mother. She took note of each and every detail of all of them from weight changes to overall build changes. Overall she was fairly impressed by what she saw. The girl would walk slowly towards them, head high though her chin was tucked as if to protect her throat, tail drifting behind her at a raised yet still fairly neutral position. She had only briefly caught what her mother had said, news? What news? "Hello?"Her voice matched her, a plain, simple voice. It was a bit lower then most women's voices, not unpleasant to listen to but obviously also not made to be used in a choir. "Not much mom? What have you been up to?" There was something off here? Why was their mother calling them all together? To try and get them all to join another pack? To try and get them to be a family again? Bella wasn't overly interested in the sentimentals. Maybe that was why she stood a bit off, not choosing to sit beside or affectionately greet any of her siblings. She loved them yes but this all seemed? Off...